/* annoFormatter -- aggregates, formats and writes output from multiple sources */ #include "annoFormatter.h" struct annoOption *annoFormatterGetOptions(struct annoFormatter *self) /* Return supported options and current settings. Callers can modify and free when done. */ { return annoOptionCloneList(self->options); } void annoFormatterSetOptions(struct annoFormatter *self, struct annoOption *newOptions) /* Free old options and use clone of newOptions. */ { annoOptionFreeList(&(self->options)); self->options = annoOptionCloneList(newOptions); } void annoFormatterFree(struct annoFormatter **pSelf) /* Free self. This should be called at the end of subclass close methods, after * subclass-specific connections are closed and resources are freed. */ { if (pSelf == NULL) return; annoOptionFreeList(&((*pSelf)->options)); freez(pSelf); }