/* pslTransMap - transitive mapping of an alignment another sequence, via a * common alignment */ #include "common.h" #include "pslTransMap.h" #include "psl.h" /* * Notes: * - This code is used with both large and small mapping psls. Large * psls used for doing cross-species mappings and small psl are used for * doing protein to mRNA mappings. This introduces some speed issues. For * chain mapping, a large amount of time is spent in getBlockMapping() * searching for the starting point of a mapping. However an optimization * to find the starting point, such as a binKeeper, could be inefficient * for a large number of small psls. Implementing such an optimzation * would have to be dependent on the type of mapping. The code was made * 16x faster for genome mappings by remembering the current location in * the mapping psl between blocks (iMapBlkPtr arg). This will do for a * while. */ struct block /* coordinates of a block */ { int qStart; /* Query start position. */ int qEnd; /* Query end position. */ int tStart; /* Target start position. */ int tEnd; /* Target end position. */ }; static void pslProtToNA(struct psl *psl) /* convert a protein/NA alignment to a NA/NA alignment */ { int iBlk; psl->qStart *= 3; psl->qEnd *= 3; psl->qSize *= 3; for (iBlk = 0; iBlk < psl->blockCount; iBlk++) { psl->blockSizes[iBlk] *= 3; psl->qStarts[iBlk] *= 3; } } static void pslNAToProt(struct psl *psl) /* undo pslProtToNA */ { int iBlk; psl->qStart /= 3; psl->qEnd /= 3; psl->qSize /= 3; for (iBlk = 0; iBlk < psl->blockCount; iBlk++) { psl->blockSizes[iBlk] /= 3; psl->qStarts[iBlk] /= 3; } } static struct psl* createMappedPsl(struct psl* inPsl, struct psl *mapPsl, int mappedPslMax) /* setup a PSL for the output alignment */ { char strand[3]; assert(pslTStrand(inPsl) == pslQStrand(mapPsl)); /* strand can be taken from both alignments, since common sequence is in same * orientation. */ strand[0] = pslQStrand(inPsl); strand[1] = pslTStrand(mapPsl); strand[2] = '\n'; return pslNew(inPsl->qName, inPsl->qSize, 0, 0, mapPsl->tName, mapPsl->tSize, 0, 0, strand, mappedPslMax, 0); } static struct block blockFromPslBlock(struct psl* psl, int iBlock) /* fill in a block object from a psl block */ { struct block block; block.qStart = psl->qStarts[iBlock]; block.qEnd = psl->qStarts[iBlock] + psl->blockSizes[iBlock]; block.tStart = psl->tStarts[iBlock]; block.tEnd = psl->tStarts[iBlock] + psl->blockSizes[iBlock]; return block; } static void addPslBlock(struct psl* psl, struct block* blk, int* pslMax) /* add a block to a psl */ { unsigned newIBlk = psl->blockCount; assert((blk->qEnd - blk->qStart) == (blk->tEnd - blk->tStart)); if (newIBlk >= *pslMax) pslGrow(psl, pslMax); psl->qStarts[newIBlk] = blk->qStart; psl->tStarts[newIBlk] = blk->tStart; psl->blockSizes[newIBlk] = blk->qEnd - blk->qStart; /* lie about match counts. */ psl->match += psl->blockSizes[newIBlk]; /* count gaps */ if (newIBlk > 0) { if (psl->qStarts[newIBlk] > pslQEnd(psl, newIBlk-1)) { psl->qNumInsert++; psl->qBaseInsert += psl->qStarts[newIBlk] - pslQEnd(psl, newIBlk-1); } if (psl->tStarts[newIBlk] > pslTEnd(psl, newIBlk-1)) { psl->tNumInsert++; psl->tBaseInsert += psl->tStarts[newIBlk] - pslTEnd(psl, newIBlk-1); } } psl->blockCount++; } static void setPslBounds(struct psl* mappedPsl) /* set sequences bounds on mapped PSL */ { int lastBlk = mappedPsl->blockCount-1; /* set start/end of sequences */ mappedPsl->qStart = mappedPsl->qStarts[0]; mappedPsl->qEnd = mappedPsl->qStarts[lastBlk] + mappedPsl->blockSizes[lastBlk]; if (pslQStrand(mappedPsl) == '-') reverseIntRange(&mappedPsl->qStart, &mappedPsl->qEnd, mappedPsl->qSize); mappedPsl->tStart = mappedPsl->tStarts[0]; mappedPsl->tEnd = mappedPsl->tStarts[lastBlk] + mappedPsl->blockSizes[lastBlk]; if (pslTStrand(mappedPsl) == '-') reverseIntRange(&mappedPsl->tStart, &mappedPsl->tEnd, mappedPsl->tSize); } static void adjustOrientation(unsigned opts, struct psl *inPsl, char *inPslOrigStrand, struct psl* mappedPsl) /* adjust strand, possibly reverse complementing, based on * pslTransMapKeepTrans option and input psls. */ { if (!(opts&pslTransMapKeepTrans) || ((inPslOrigStrand[1] == '\0') && (mappedPsl->strand[1] == '\0'))) { /* make untranslated */ if (pslTStrand(mappedPsl) == '-') pslRc(mappedPsl); mappedPsl->strand[1] = '\0'; /* implied target strand */ } } static struct block getBeforeBlockMapping(unsigned mqStart, unsigned mqEnd, struct block* align1Blk) /* map part of an ungapped psl block that occurs before a mapPsl block */ { struct block mappedBlk; /* mRNA start in genomic gap before this block, this will * be an inPsl insert */ unsigned size = (align1Blk->tEnd < mqStart) ? (align1Blk->tEnd - align1Blk->tStart) : (mqStart - align1Blk->tStart); ZeroVar(&mappedBlk); mappedBlk.qStart = align1Blk->qStart; mappedBlk.qEnd = align1Blk->qStart + size; return mappedBlk; } static struct block getOverBlockMapping(unsigned mqStart, unsigned mqEnd, unsigned mtStart, struct block* align1Blk) /* map part of an ungapped psl block that overlapps a mapPsl block. */ { struct block mappedBlk; /* common sequence start contained in this block, this handles aligned * and genomic inserts */ unsigned off = align1Blk->tStart - mqStart; unsigned size = (align1Blk->tEnd > mqEnd) ? (mqEnd - align1Blk->tStart) : (align1Blk->tEnd - align1Blk->tStart); ZeroVar(&mappedBlk); mappedBlk.qStart = align1Blk->qStart; mappedBlk.qEnd = align1Blk->qStart + size; mappedBlk.tStart = mtStart + off; mappedBlk.tEnd = mtStart + off + size; return mappedBlk; } static struct block getBlockMapping(struct psl* inPsl, struct psl *mapPsl, int *iMapBlkPtr, struct block* align1Blk) /* Map part or all of a ungapped psl block to the genome. This returns the * coordinates of the sub-block starting at the beginning of the align1Blk. * If this is a gap, either the target or query coords are zero. This works * in genomic strand space. The search starts at the specified map block, * which is updated to prevent rescanning large psls. */ { int iBlk; struct block mappedBlk; /* search for block or gap containing start of mrna block */ for (iBlk = *iMapBlkPtr; iBlk < mapPsl->blockCount; iBlk++) { unsigned mqStart = mapPsl->qStarts[iBlk]; unsigned mqEnd = mapPsl->qStarts[iBlk]+mapPsl->blockSizes[iBlk]; if (align1Blk->tStart < mqStart) { *iMapBlkPtr = iBlk; return getBeforeBlockMapping(mqStart, mqEnd, align1Blk); } if ((align1Blk->tStart >= mqStart) && (align1Blk->tStart < mqEnd)) { *iMapBlkPtr = iBlk; return getOverBlockMapping(mqStart, mqEnd, mapPsl->tStarts[iBlk], align1Blk); } } /* reached the end of the mRNA->genome alignment, finish off the * rest of the the protein as an insert */ ZeroVar(&mappedBlk); mappedBlk.qStart = align1Blk->qStart; mappedBlk.qEnd = align1Blk->qEnd; *iMapBlkPtr = iBlk; return mappedBlk; } static boolean mapBlock(struct psl *inPsl, struct psl *mapPsl, int *iMapBlkPtr, struct block *align1Blk, struct psl* mappedPsl, int* mappedPslMax) /* Add a PSL block from a ungapped portion of an alignment, mapping it to the * genome. If the started of the inPsl block maps to a part of the mapPsl * that is aligned, it is added as a PSL block, otherwise the gap is skipped. * Block starts are adjusted for next call. Return FALSE if the end of the * alignment is reached. */ { struct block mappedBlk; unsigned size; assert(align1Blk->qStart <= align1Blk->qEnd); assert(align1Blk->tStart <= align1Blk->tEnd); assert((align1Blk->qEnd - align1Blk->qStart) == (align1Blk->tEnd - align1Blk->tStart)); if ((align1Blk->qStart >= align1Blk->qEnd) || (align1Blk->tStart >= align1Blk->tEnd)) return FALSE; /* end of ungapped block. */ /* find block or gap with start coordinates of mrna */ mappedBlk = getBlockMapping(inPsl, mapPsl, iMapBlkPtr, align1Blk); if ((mappedBlk.qEnd != 0) && (mappedBlk.tEnd != 0)) addPslBlock(mappedPsl, &mappedBlk, mappedPslMax); /* advance past block or gap */ size = (mappedBlk.qEnd != 0) ? (mappedBlk.qEnd - mappedBlk.qStart) : (mappedBlk.tEnd - mappedBlk.tStart); align1Blk->qStart += size; align1Blk->tStart += size; return TRUE; } struct psl* pslTransMap(unsigned opts, struct psl *inPsl, struct psl *mapPsl) /* map a psl via a mapping psl, a single psl is returned, or NULL if it * couldn't be mapped. */ { int mappedPslMax = 8; /* allocated space in output psl */ int iMapBlk = 0; char inPslOrigStrand[3]; boolean rcInPsl = (pslTStrand(inPsl) != pslQStrand(mapPsl)); boolean cnv1 = (pslIsProtein(inPsl) && !pslIsProtein(mapPsl)); boolean cnv2 = (pslIsProtein(mapPsl) && !pslIsProtein(inPsl)); int iBlock; struct psl* mappedPsl; /* sanity check size, but allow names to vary to allow ids to have * unique-ifying suffixes. */ if (inPsl->tSize != mapPsl->qSize) errAbort("Error: inPsl %s tSize (%d) != mapPsl %s qSize (%d)", inPsl->tName, inPsl->tSize, mapPsl->qName, mapPsl->qSize); /* convert protein PSLs */ if (cnv1) pslProtToNA(inPsl); if (cnv2) pslProtToNA(mapPsl); /* need to ensure common sequence is in same orientation, save strand for later */ safef(inPslOrigStrand, sizeof(inPslOrigStrand), "%s", inPsl->strand); if (rcInPsl) pslRc(inPsl); mappedPsl = createMappedPsl(inPsl, mapPsl, mappedPslMax); /* Fill in ungapped blocks. */ for (iBlock = 0; iBlock < inPsl->blockCount; iBlock++) { struct block align1Blk = blockFromPslBlock(inPsl, iBlock); while (mapBlock(inPsl, mapPsl, &iMapBlk, &align1Blk, mappedPsl, &mappedPslMax)) continue; } /* finish up psl, or free if no blocks were added */ assert(mappedPsl->blockCount <= mappedPslMax); if (mappedPsl->blockCount == 0) pslFree(&mappedPsl); /* nothing made it */ else { setPslBounds(mappedPsl); adjustOrientation(opts, inPsl, inPslOrigStrand, mappedPsl); } /* restore input */ if (rcInPsl) { pslRc(inPsl); strcpy(inPsl->strand, inPslOrigStrand); } if (cnv1) pslNAToProt(inPsl); if (cnv2) pslNAToProt(mapPsl); return mappedPsl; }