/* spaceSaver - routines that help layout 1-D objects into a * minimum number of tracks so that no two objects overlap * within a single track. * * This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby * granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */ #include "common.h" #include "spaceSaver.h" struct spaceSaver *spaceSaverMaxCellsNew(int winStart, int winEnd, int maxRows, int maxCells) /* Create a new space saver around the given window. */ { struct spaceSaver *ss; float winWidth; AllocVar(ss); ss->winStart = winStart; ss->winEnd = winEnd; ss->maxRows = maxRows; winWidth = winEnd - winStart; ss->cellsInRow = winWidth; while (ss->cellsInRow > maxCells) ss->cellsInRow /= 2; ss->scale = ss->cellsInRow/winWidth; return ss; } struct spaceSaver *spaceSaverNew(int winStart, int winEnd, int maxRows) /* Create a new space saver around the given window. */ { return spaceSaverMaxCellsNew(winStart, winEnd, maxRows, 800); } void spaceSaverFree(struct spaceSaver **pSs) /* Free up a space saver. */ { struct spaceSaver *ss = *pSs; if (ss != NULL) { struct spaceRowTracker *srt; for (srt = ss->rowList; srt != NULL; srt = srt->next) freeMem(srt->used); slFreeList(&ss->rowList); slFreeList(&ss->nodeList); freez(pSs); } } static boolean allClear(bool *b, int count) /* Return TRUE if count bools starting at b are all 0 */ { int i; for (i=0; iisFull) return NULL; if ((start -= ss->winStart) < 0) start = 0; end -= ss->winStart; /* We'll clip this in cell coordinates. */ cellStart = round(start * ss->scale); cellEnd = round(end * ss->scale)+1; if (cellEnd > ss->cellsInRow) cellEnd = ss->cellsInRow; cellWidth = cellEnd - cellStart; /* Find free row. */ for (srt = ss->rowList; srt != NULL; srt = srt->next) { if (allClear(srt->used + cellStart, cellWidth)) { freeSrt = srt; break; } ++rowIx; } /* If no free row make new row. */ if (freeSrt == NULL) { if (ss->rowCount >= ss->maxRows) { /* Abort if too many rows and no overflow allowed. */ if(!allowOverflow) { ss->isFull = TRUE; return NULL; } } else { AllocVar(freeSrt); freeSrt->used = needMem(ss->cellsInRow); slAddTail(&ss->rowList, freeSrt); ++ss->rowCount; } } /* Mark that part of row used (except in overflow case). */ if(freeSrt != NULL) memset(freeSrt->used + cellStart, 1, cellWidth); /* Make a space node. If allowing overflow it will all end up in the last row. */ AllocVar(sn); sn->row = rowIx; sn->val = val; slAddHead(&ss->nodeList, sn); return sn; } struct spaceNode *spaceSaverAdd(struct spaceSaver *ss, int start, int end, void *val) /* Add a new node to space saver. Returns NULL if can't fit * item in. */ { return spaceSaverAddOverflow(ss, start, end, val, FALSE); } void spaceSaverFinish(struct spaceSaver *ss) /* Tell spaceSaver done adding nodes. */ { slReverse(&ss->nodeList); }