# valgrind uppressions for expected memory leaks from kent/src/lib modules. # specify this file to valgrind with something like: # --suppressions=../lib/valgrind.suppress # if you need to create new suppressions, run your program with valgrind using # the --gen-suppressions=yes option. This will interactive prompt you to # and output the suppressions that you must edit and add to this file. # Name the option and delete lower-level calling context entries so that # the last function in the list the the particular library entry point. # # valgrind --tool=memcheck --suppressions=../lib/valgrind.suppress --num-callers=100 --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high --show-reachable=yes yourProg yourArgs ... # { options1 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:defaultAlloc fun:needMem fun:lmInit fun:newHashExt fun:parseOptions fun:optionInit } { options2 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:defaultAlloc fun:needMem fun:newHashExt fun:parseOptions fun:optionInit } { options3 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:defaultAlloc fun:needLargeMem fun:needLargeZeroedMem fun:newBlock fun:lmAlloc fun:hashAddN fun:hashAdd fun:parseAnOption fun:parseOptions fun:optionInit } { options4 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:defaultAlloc fun:needLargeMem fun:needLargeZeroedMem fun:newBlock fun:lmInit fun:newHash fun:parseOptions fun:optionInit } { options5 Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:defaultAlloc fun:needLargeMem fun:needLargeZeroedMem fun:newBlock fun:lmAlloc fun:newHashExt fun:parseOptions fun:optionInit } { sqlUnsignedArray Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:realloc fun:defaultRealloc fun:needLargeMemResize fun:needLargeZeroedMemResize fun:needMoreMem fun:sqlUnsignedStaticArray } { sqlSignedArray Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:realloc fun:defaultRealloc fun:needLargeMemResize fun:needLargeZeroedMemResize fun:needMoreMem fun:sqlSignedStaticArray } { sqlFloatArray Memcheck:Leak fun:malloc fun:realloc fun:defaultRealloc fun:needLargeMemResize fun:needLargeZeroedMemResize fun:needMoreMem fun:sqlFloatStaticArray }