table xAli "An alignment - like psl but includes the sequence itself" ( uint match; "Number of bases that match that aren't repeats" uint misMatch; "Number of bases that don't match" uint repMatch; "Number of bases that match but are part of repeats" uint nCount; "Number of 'N' bases" uint qNumInsert; "Number of inserts in query" int qBaseInsert; "Number of bases inserted in query" uint tNumInsert; "Number of inserts in target" int tBaseInsert; "Number of bases inserted in target" char[2] strand; "+ or - for strand. First character query, second target (optional)" string qName; "Query sequence name" uint qSize; "Query sequence size" uint qStart; "Alignment start position in query" uint qEnd; "Alignment end position in query" string tName; "Target sequence name" uint tSize; "Target sequence size" uint tStart; "Alignment start position in target" uint tEnd; "Alignment end position in target" uint blockCount; "Number of blocks in alignment" uint[blockCount] blockSizes; "Size of each block" uint[blockCount] qStarts; "Start of each block in query." uint[blockCount] tStarts; "Start of each block in target." lstring[blockCount] qSeq; "Query sequence for each block." lstring[blockCount] tSeq; "Target sequence for each block." )