/* chkGlue - help check gluing by displaying where contigs * go against glued and finished versions of same sequence. */ #include "common.h" #include "portable.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "fa.h" #include "patSpace.h" #include "fuzzyFind.h" #include "memgfx.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" #ifdef WIN32 char *oocFile = "e:/biodata/human/htg.ooc"; char *finDir = "e:/biodata/human/testSets/fin"; /* Where to find finished seq. */ char *fullMaskDir = "e:/biodata/human/testSets/fullMask"; char *longMaskDir = "e:/biodata/human/testSets/longMask"; char *shortMaskDir = "e:/biodata/human/testSets/shortMask"; char *unfinDir = "e:/biodata/human/testSets/unfin"; /* Where to find unfinished seq. */ char *gluedDir = "e:/biodata/human/testSets/glued"; /* Where to find glued seq. */ #else char *oocFile = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/h/10.ooc"; char *finDir = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/testSets/chkGlue/fin"; /* Where to find finished seq. */ char *fullMaskDir = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/testSets/chkGlue/finFullMask"; char *longMaskDir = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/testSets/chkGlue/finLongMask"; char *shortMaskDir = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/testSets/chkGlue/finShortMask"; char *unfinDir = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/testSets/chkGlue/unfin"; /* Where to find unfinished seq. */ char *gluedDir = "/projects/compbio/experiments/hg/testSets/chkGlue/glued"; /* Where to find glued seq. */ #endif char finBac[512]; /* File with finished seq. */ char unfinBac[512]; /* File with unfinished seq. */ char gluedBac[512]; /* File with glued seq. */ int trackHeight; int trackWidth; int border = 2; MgFont *font; enum mapType /* There's one of these for each type of area in the graphic display * that the user can click on. */ { mtEnd, mtNone, mtBlock, }; void mapReadString(FILE *f, char **ps) /* Read string from map file. */ { short len; char *s; mustReadOne(f, len); if (len == 0) s = NULL; else { s = needMem(len+1); mustRead(f, s, len); } *ps = s; } void mapWriteString(FILE *f, char *s) /* Write string to map file. */ { short len; if (s == NULL) { len = 0; writeOne(f, len); } else { len = strlen(s); writeOne(f, len); mustWrite(f, s, len); } } void mapWriteBox(FILE *f, bits16 mt, int x, int y, int width, int height, char *bac, bits16 contig, int qStart, int qSize, int tStart, int tSize) /* Write out one hit box. */ { writeOne(f, mt); writeOne(f, x); writeOne(f, y); writeOne(f, width); writeOne(f, height); mapWriteString(f, bac); writeOne(f, contig); writeOne(f, qStart); writeOne(f, qSize); writeOne(f, tStart); writeOne(f, tSize); } void mapReadBox(FILE *f, bits16 *mt, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height, char **bac, bits16 *contig, int *qStart, int *qSize, int *tStart, int *tSize) /* Read in one hit box. */ { mustReadOne(f, *mt); mustReadOne(f, *x); mustReadOne(f, *y); mustReadOne(f, *width); mustReadOne(f, *height); mapReadString(f, bac); mustReadOne(f, *contig); mustReadOne(f, *qStart); mustReadOne(f, *qSize); mustReadOne(f, *tStart); mustReadOne(f, *tSize); } boolean mapScanForHit(FILE *f, int mouseX, int mouseY, bits16 *mt, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height, char **bac, bits16 *contig, int *qStart, int *qSize, int *tStart, int *tSize) /* Scan file for one that hits mouse. Return TRUE if get one. */ { for (;;) { mapReadBox(f, mt, x, y, width, height, bac, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize); if (*mt == mtEnd) return FALSE; if (mouseX >= *x && mouseX < *x + *width && mouseY >= *y && mouseY < *y + *height) { return TRUE; } freez(bac); } } bits32 gluMapSig = 0x60424d96; void mapWriteHead(FILE *f, bits32 width, bits32 height, char *bac, int trim, char *repeatMask) /* Write start of map file. */ { bits32 sig = gluMapSig; writeOne(f, sig); writeOne(f,width); writeOne(f,height); mapWriteString(f, bac); writeOne(f, trim); mapWriteString(f, repeatMask); } void mapReadHead(FILE *f, bits32 *width, bits32 *height, char **bac, int *trim, char **repeatMask) /* Read start of map file and abort if it isn't right. */ { bits32 sig; mustReadOne(f, sig); if (sig != gluMapSig) errAbort("Bad map file"); mustReadOne(f,*width); mustReadOne(f,*height); mapReadString(f, bac); mustReadOne(f, *trim); mapReadString(f, repeatMask); } void freeAllSeq(struct dnaSeq **pList) /* Free all sequences on list. */ { struct dnaSeq *seq, *next; if (*pList != NULL) { for (seq = *pList; seq != NULL; seq = next) { next = seq->next; freeDnaSeq(&seq); } *pList = NULL; } } Color blockColors[8]; struct rgbColor blockRgbColors[8] = { {0,0,0}, {128, 0, 0}, {0, 96, 0}, {0, 0, 150}, {80, 80, 80}, {0, 80, 80}, {100, 0, 100}, {80, 80, 0}, }; void makeBlockColors(struct memGfx *mg) /* Get some defined colors to play with. */ { int i; struct rgbColor *c; for (i=0; ir, c->g, c->b); } } struct aliList /* A list of scored alignments. */ { struct aliList *next; struct ffAli *ali; boolean isRc; int score; }; int cmpAliList(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two aliLists by whatVal. */ { const struct aliList *a = *((struct aliList **)va); const struct aliList *b = *((struct aliList **)vb); return b->score - a->score; } boolean fastFind(DNA *needle, int needleSize, struct patSpace *ps, struct ffAli **retAli, boolean *retRc, int *retScore) /* Do fast alignment. */ { struct patClump *clumpList, *clump; boolean isRc; struct aliList *aliList = NULL, *ali; for (isRc = 0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc) { if (isRc) reverseComplement(needle, needleSize); if ((clumpList = patSpaceFindOne(ps, needle, needleSize)) != NULL) { for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { struct dnaSeq *haySeq = clump->seq; DNA *haystack = haySeq->dna; int start = clump->start; struct ffAli *ffAli = ffFind(needle, needle+needleSize, haystack+start, haystack+start+clump->size, ffCdna); if (ffAli != NULL) { AllocVar(ali); ali->ali = ffAli; ali->score = ffScoreCdna(ffAli); ali->isRc = isRc; slAddHead(&aliList, ali); } } slFreeList(&clumpList); } if (isRc) reverseComplement(needle, needleSize); } if (aliList != NULL) { slSort(&aliList, cmpAliList); *retAli = aliList->ali; aliList->ali = NULL; *retRc = aliList->isRc; *retScore = aliList->score; for (ali = aliList->next; ali != NULL; ali = ali->next) ffFreeAli(&ali->ali); slFreeList(&aliList); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void aliTrack(char *bacAcc, char *wholeName, char *partsName, struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, FILE *mapFile, int trim, char *repeatMask) /* Write out one alignment track. */ { struct dnaSeq *whole, *partList, *part; bits16 contig; int maxBlockSize = 5000; int wholeSize; struct patSpace *ps; DNA *wholeDna; whole = faReadAllDna(wholeName); if (slCount(whole) > 1) warn("%d sequences in %s, only using first", slCount(whole), wholeName); wholeDna = whole->dna; wholeSize = whole->size; ps = makePatSpace(&whole, 1, oocFile, 5, 500); partList = faReadAllDna(partsName); printf("%d contigs in %s\n\n", slCount(partList), partsName); for (part = partList, contig = 0; part != NULL; part = part->next, ++contig) { DNA *dna = part->dna; int dnaSize = part->size; int start, size; int subIx = 0; char numText[12]; Color color = blockColors[contig%ArraySize(blockColors)]; sprintf(numText, "%d", contig+1); for (start = trim; start < dnaSize-trim; start += size) { struct ffAli *left, *right; boolean rc; int score; size = dnaSize - start-trim; if (size > maxBlockSize) size = maxBlockSize; if (!fastFind(dna+start, size, ps, &left, &rc, &score) ) { printf("Contig %d.%d:%d-%d of %d UNALIGNED\n", contig+1, subIx, start, start+size, dnaSize); } else { int x1, x2; int xo, w; double quality; int qStart, qSize, tStart,tSize; char qualityString[40]; right = left; while (right->right != NULL) right = right->right; qStart = left->nStart - dna; qSize = right->nEnd - left->nStart; if (rc) { int rcEnd = right->nEnd - (dna+start) - 1; qStart = reverseOffset(rcEnd, size) + start; } tStart = left->hStart - wholeDna; tSize = right->hEnd - left->hStart; quality = 100.0 * score / qSize; if (quality >= 25.0) sprintf(qualityString, "%4.1f%%", quality); else sprintf(qualityString, "<50%%"); printf("", bacAcc, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize, repeatMask); printf("Contig %d.%d:%d-%d %c of %d aligned %d-%d of %d aliSize %d quality %s\n", contig+1, subIx, qStart, qStart+qSize, (rc ? '-' : '+'), dnaSize, tStart, tStart + tSize, wholeSize, qSize, qualityString); x1 = roundingScale(trackWidth, left->hStart - wholeDna, wholeSize); x2 = roundingScale(trackWidth, right->hEnd - wholeDna, wholeSize); xo = x1+x; w = x2-x1; mapWriteBox(mapFile, mtBlock, xo, y, w, trackHeight, bacAcc, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize); mgDrawBox(mg, xo, y, w, trackHeight, color); mgTextCentered(mg, xo, y, w, trackHeight, MG_WHITE, font, numText); ffFreeAli(&left); } ++subIx; } } freePatSpace(&ps); freeAllSeq(&whole); freeAllSeq(&partList); } void chkGlue(char *bacAcc, char *finBac, char *unfinBac, char *gluedBac, int trim, char *repeatMask) /* Display glued and unglued form of BAC. */ { int trackCount = 1; int pixWidth, pixHeight; int x, y; struct memGfx *mg; struct tempName gifTn, mapTn; FILE *mapFile; printf("See picture at bottom for overview of where contigs align.\n\n"); /* Figure out basic dimensions and allocate picture. */ font = mgSmallFont(); trackWidth = 700; trackHeight = mgFontPixelHeight(font) + 4; pixWidth = trackWidth + 2*border; pixHeight = trackCount * (trackHeight+border) + border; x = y = border; mg = mgNew(pixWidth, pixHeight); mgClearPixels(mg); makeBlockColors(mg); /* Create map file. */ makeTempName(&mapTn, "glu", ".map"); mapFile = mustOpen(mapTn.forCgi, "wb"); mapWriteHead(mapFile, pixWidth, pixHeight, bacAcc, trim, repeatMask); /* Write out tracks onto picture. */ aliTrack(bacAcc, finBac, unfinBac, mg, x, y, mapFile, trim, repeatMask); /* Save pic and tell html file about it. */ makeTempName(&gifTn, "glu", ".gif"); mgSaveGif(mg, gifTn.forCgi); printf("\n", mapTn.forCgi); printf( "

\n", gifTn.forHtml, pixWidth, pixHeight); printf("Click on contig for detailed alignment\n"); /* Write end of map */ mapWriteBox(mapFile, mtNone, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); mapWriteBox(mapFile, mtEnd, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Clean up. */ fclose(mapFile); mgFree(&mg); } void makeFileNames(char *bacAcc, char *repeatMask) /* Combine directory and bac names to make file names. */ { if (sameWord(repeatMask, "none")) sprintf(finBac, "%s/%s.fa", finDir, bacAcc); else if (sameWord(repeatMask, "full")) sprintf(finBac, "%s/%s.fa", fullMaskDir, bacAcc); else if (sameWord(repeatMask, "short")) sprintf(finBac, "%s/%s.fa", shortMaskDir, bacAcc); else if (sameWord(repeatMask, "long")) sprintf(finBac, "%s/%s.fa", longMaskDir, bacAcc); else errAbort("Unknown repeatMask value %s", repeatMask); sprintf(unfinBac, "%s/%s.fa", unfinDir, bacAcc); sprintf(gluedBac, "%s/%s.fa", gluedDir, bacAcc); } void bacTrack(char *bacAcc, int trim, char *repeatMask) /* Do a little bac track display */ { printf("

chkGlue %s

\n", bacAcc); printf("
makeFileNames(bacAcc, repeatMask);

/* Tell browser where to go when they click on image. */
\n\n", cgiDir()); chkGlue(bacAcc, finBac, unfinBac, gluedBac, trim, repeatMask); } void showDetailedMatch(char *bacAcc, int contig, int qStart, int qSize, int tStart, int tSize, char *repeatMask) /* Process a click on active area. */ { struct dnaSeq *queryList, *query, *target; struct ffAli *ali; boolean rc; char needleName[128], hayName[128]; makeFileNames(bacAcc, repeatMask); queryList = faReadAllDna(unfinBac); target = faReadDna(finBac); query = slElementFromIx(queryList, contig); if (!ffFindEitherStrandN(query->dna + qStart, qSize, target->dna + tStart, tSize, ffCdna, &ali, &rc)) { errAbort("Couldn't align %s and %s", unfinBac, finBac); } sprintf(needleName, "%s contig %d %d-%d", bacAcc, contig, qStart, qStart+qSize); sprintf(hayName, "%s finished %d-%d", bacAcc, tStart, tStart+tSize); query->dna[qStart+qSize] = 0; target->dna[tStart+tSize] = 0; ffShowAli(ali, needleName, query->dna + qStart, 0, hayName, target->dna + tStart, 0, rc); } void doMap(char *mapName) /* Interpret click on map. */ { FILE *f = mustOpen(mapName, "rb"); int x, y, width, height; char *mapBac, *mouseBac; char *repeatMask; int mouseX, mouseY; bits16 mt, contig; int trim; int qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize; boolean ok; /* Figure out where clicked from map file. */ mapReadHead(f, &width, &height, &mapBac, &trim, &repeatMask); mouseX = cgiInt("clickMe.x"); mouseY = cgiInt("clickMe.y"); ok = mapScanForHit(f, mouseX, mouseY, &mt, &x, &y, &width, &height, &mouseBac, &contig, &qStart, &qSize, &tStart, &tSize); if (!ok) mt = mtNone; fclose(f); if (mt == mtNone) { bacTrack(mapBac, trim, repeatMask); } else if (mt == mtBlock) { showDetailedMatch(mouseBac, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize, repeatMask); } } void doFuzzyFind() /* Do fuzzy-finder alignment. */ { char *bacAcc = cgiString("bacAcc"); char *repeatMask = cgiString("repeatMask"); int contig = cgiInt("contig"); int qStart = cgiInt("qStart"); int qSize = cgiInt("qSize"); int tStart = cgiInt("tStart"); int tSize = cgiInt("tSize"); showDetailedMatch(bacAcc, contig, qStart, qSize, tStart, tSize, repeatMask); } void doMiddle() /* Write HTML file to stdout. */ { char *mapName; if ((mapName = cgiOptionalString("map")) != NULL) { printf("\n"); doMap(mapName); } else if (cgiVarExists("contig")) { doFuzzyFind(); } else { char *bacAcc = cgiString("bacAcc"); char *repeatMask = cgiString("repeatMask"); int trim = cgiInt("trim"); if (trim < 0) trim = 0; bacTrack(bacAcc, trim, repeatMask); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "test") == 0) { putenv("QUERY_STRING=bacAcc=AC005057"); } htmShell("Check Glue Display", doMiddle, NULL); return 0; }