/* sorterna - This processes the output of editbase.c and displays it in * a more useful form. */ #include "common.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "wormdna.h" #include "fuzzyFind.h" #include "htmshell.h" struct scoredString { struct scoredString *next; double score; char *string; }; struct ernaHit { struct ernaHit *next; char *chrom; int pos; int totalCdna; int commonErr; char from, to; double score; }; struct ernaClump { struct ernaClump *next; struct ernaHit *hits; char *chrom; int start, end; double score; }; struct ernaClump *findClump(struct ernaClump *clumpList, struct ernaHit *hit, int lumpSize) /* Search clump list for a clump into which can add hit. */ { struct ernaClump *clump; for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { if (hit->pos >= clump->start - lumpSize && hit->pos <= clump->end + lumpSize && sameString(hit->chrom, clump->chrom) ) { return clump; } } return NULL; } struct ernaClump *clumpHits(struct ernaHit *hitList) /* Clump the hits together. */ { struct ernaClump *clumpList = NULL, *clump; int lumpSize = 25; struct ernaHit *hit, *nextHit; for (hit = hitList; hit != NULL; hit = nextHit) { nextHit = hit->next; if ((clump = findClump(clumpList, hit, lumpSize)) == NULL) { AllocVar(clump); clump->chrom = hit->chrom; clump->start = clump->end = hit->pos; slAddHead(&clumpList, clump); } else { if (hit->pos < clump->start) clump->start = hit->pos; else if (hit->pos > clump->end) clump->end = hit->pos; } clump->score += hit->score; slAddHead(&clump->hits, hit); } return clumpList; } int cmpScore(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two by score */ { const struct ernaClump *a = *((struct ernaClump **)va); const struct ernaClump *b = *((struct ernaClump **)vb); double dif = b->score - a->score; if (dif < 0) return -1; else if (dif > 0) return +1; else return 0; } struct ernaHit *parseHit(char *line) /* Convert hit from text format to binary. */ { char *words[32]; int wordCount; char *parts[3]; int partCount; char *nucs[2]; int nucCount; struct ernaHit *hit; AllocVar(hit); wordCount = chopLine(line, words); hit->score = atof(words[0]); partCount = chopString(words[1], ":", parts, ArraySize(parts)); hit->chrom = wormOfficialChromName(parts[0]); hit->pos = atoi(parts[1])-1; nucCount = chopString(words[2], "->", nucs, ArraySize(nucs)); hit->from = nucs[0][0]; hit->to = nucs[1][0]; hit->totalCdna = atoi(words[10]); hit->commonErr = atoi(words[7]); return hit; } #define lineSize 70 struct lineAli { struct lineAli *next; char *name; boolean isEmbryo; double score; char line[lineSize+1]; }; int cmpLaScore(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare two by score */ { const struct lineAli *a = *((struct lineAli **)va); const struct lineAli *b = *((struct lineAli **)vb); double dif = b->score - a->score; if (dif < 0) return -1; else if (dif > 0) return +1; else return 0; } int spaceCount(char *s) /* Return true if string is all spaces. */ { int count = 0; char c; while (c = *s++) if (c == ' ') ++count; return count; } struct lineAli *makeLineAli(char *name, struct ffAli *aliList, DNA *hay, DNA *needle, int displayOffset) /* Make up structure showing local alignment in detail. */ { struct lineAli *la = AllocA(struct lineAli); int dispSize = lineSize; DNA *dispStart = hay + displayOffset; DNA *dispEnd = dispStart + dispSize; int displayEndIx = displayOffset + dispSize; struct ffAli *ali; int i; int startIx, endIx; int hToN; DNA *h, *n; DNA nuc; int matchCount = 0; int totalCount = 0; la->name = name; memset(la->line, ' ', dispSize); for (ali = aliList; ali != NULL; ali = ali->right) { if (ali->hStart >= dispEnd || ali->hEnd <= dispStart) continue; startIx = ali->hStart - hay; if (startIx < displayOffset) startIx = displayOffset; endIx = ali->hEnd - hay; if (endIx > displayEndIx) endIx = displayEndIx; hToN = ali->nStart - ali->hStart; for (i=startIx; iline[i-displayOffset] = nuc; ++totalCount; } } la->score = lineSize - spaceCount(la->line); return la; } void showClump(struct ernaClump *clump, FILE *f) /* Show detailed alignment for one clump. */ { int chromStart = clump->start - 1000; int chromEnd = clump->end + 1000; int chromSize; DNA *chromDna; struct wormFeature *cdnaNameList, *cdnaName; struct lineAli *laList = NULL, *la; struct ffAli *ali; struct dnaSeq *cdna; boolean rcCdna; int clumpSize = clump->end - clump->start + 1; int displaySize = lineSize; int displayStart = (clump->start+clump->end)/2 - displaySize/2; int displayEnd = displayStart + displaySize; int displayDnaOffset; DNA *displayDna; struct ernaHit *hit; /* Get genomic dna and list of all cDNAs in area around clump. */ wormClipRangeToChrom(clump->chrom, &chromStart, &chromEnd); chromSize = chromEnd - chromStart; chromDna = wormChromPart(clump->chrom, chromStart, chromSize); cdnaNameList = wormCdnasInRange(clump->chrom, chromStart, chromEnd); /* Figure out 60 bases to display alignment around clump. */ wormClipRangeToChrom(clump->chrom, &displayStart, &displayEnd); displaySize = displayEnd - displayStart; displayDnaOffset = displayStart - chromStart; displayDna = chromDna + displayDnaOffset; /* Make up detailed alignment on each cDNA */ for (cdnaName = cdnaNameList; cdnaName != NULL; cdnaName = cdnaName->next) { struct wormCdnaInfo info; if (!wormCdnaSeq(cdnaName->name, &cdna, &info)) { warn("Couldn't find %s", cdnaName->name); continue; } if (!ffFindEitherStrandN(cdna->dna, cdna->size, chromDna, chromSize, ffCdna, &ali, &rcCdna)) { warn("Couldn't align %s", cdnaName->name); continue; } if (rcCdna) reverseComplement(cdna->dna, cdna->size); la = makeLineAli(cdnaName->name, ali, chromDna, cdna->dna, displayDnaOffset); la->isEmbryo = info.isEmbryonic; slAddHead(&laList, la); freeDnaSeq(&cdna); ffFreeAli(&ali); } /* Display genomic with upper case at hot spots*/ displayDna[displaySize] = 0; for (hit = clump->hits; hit != NULL; hit = hit->next) { int doff = hit->pos - chromStart; chromDna[doff] = toupper(chromDna[doff]); } fprintf(f, "%s Genomic\n", displayDna); /* Display aligned list by sorted score. */ slSort(&laList, cmpLaScore); for (la = laList; la != NULL; la = la->next) { if (spaceCount(la->line) != lineSize) fprintf(f, "%s %s %s\n", la->line, la->name, (la->isEmbryo ? "emb" : " ")); } /* Clean up. */ slFreeList(&cdnaNameList); slFreeList(&laList); freeMem(chromDna); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *inName, *outName; FILE *in, *out; char line[256]; struct ernaHit *list = NULL, *el; struct ernaClump *clumpList, *clump; int clumpCount = 0; if (argc != 3) { errAbort("sorterna - Process raw editRna file into a nice html.\n" "usage: sorterna editrna.raw editrna.html"); } inName = argv[1]; outName = argv[2]; in = mustOpen(inName, "r"); out = mustOpen(outName, "w"); /* Read in whole file. */ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), in)) { el = parseHit(line); if (el->totalCdna >= el->commonErr + 2) slAddHead(&list, el); } fclose(in); printf("Got %d raw elements\n", slCount(list)); clumpList = clumpHits(list); printf("Merged into %d clumps\n", slCount(clumpList)); slSort(&clumpList, cmpScore); htmStart(out, "RNA Editing Candidates"); fprintf(out, "

RNA Editing Candidates

\n"); fprintf(out, "
for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next)
    printf("Analysing clump %d\n", clumpCount);
    fprintf(out, "

"); fprintf(out, "%s:%d-%d ", clump->chrom, clump->start-1000, clump->end+1000, clump->start, clump->end+1, clump->chrom, clump->start, clump->end+1); fprintf(out, " score %f elements %d\n", clump->score, slCount(clump->hits)); showClump(clump, out); } htmEnd(out); return 0; }