/* broadHub - Hub for file broadcast system. */ #include "paraCommon.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "net.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "md5.h" #include "broadData.h" /* command line option specifications */ static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"hubInPort", OPTION_INT}, {"nodeInPort", OPTION_INT}, {"broadIp", OPTION_STRING}, {"verbose", OPTION_INT}, {"test", OPTION_INT}, {NULL, 0} }; char *broadIp = ""; int initTimeOut = 50000; bits32 broadAddr; int verbosity = 2; void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "broadHub - Hub for file broadcast system\n" "usage:\n" " broadHub machine.lst fileName\n" "options:\n" " -hubInPort=N (default %d)\n" " -nodeInPort=N (default %d)\n" " -broadIp - network broadcast address, %s by default.\n" " -verbose=N Level of verbosity, default %d. 0 is silent.\n" , bdHubInPort, bdNodeInPort, broadIp, verbosity ); } void verbage(int level, char *format, ...) /* Print out verbage if the level less than or equal to the * current verbosity leve. */ { if (level <= verbosity) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); vprintf(format, args); va_end(args); } } int hubInPort, nodeInPort; int broadcast(int sd, struct bdMessage *m) /* Send broadcast message. */ { return bdSendTo(sd, m, broadAddr, nodeInPort); } void setReceiveTimeOut(int socket, int timeOut) /* Set timeout value for socket. */ { struct timeval tv; int tvSize = sizeof(tv); int err; tv.tv_sec = timeOut/1000000; tv.tv_usec = timeOut%1000000; err = setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &tv, tvSize); if (err < 0) errAbort("Can't set timeout on socket"); } int openHubInSocket(int port, int timeOut) /* Open up a datagram socket that can accept messages from anywhere, and * that can times out. */ { struct sockaddr_in sai; int sd; ZeroVar(&sai); sai.sin_family = AF_INET; sai.sin_port = htons(port); sai.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sai, sizeof(sai)) < 0) errAbort("Couldn't bind socket"); setReceiveTimeOut(sd, timeOut); return sd; } void setBroadcast(int sd) /* Turn on/off broadcast on socket. */ { int ttl = 1; int on = 1; /* Set socket to enable broadcast. */ if (setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &on, sizeof(on)) != 0) errAbort("Can't set broadcast option on socket %s", strerror(errno)); /* Packets shouldn't live outside of local network. */ if (setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, &ttl, sizeof(ttl)) != 0) errAbort("Can't set ttl option on socket %s", strerror(errno)); } int openBroadcastSocket(int port) /* Open up a datagram socket that can broadcast. */ { int sd; /* Make sure header shortcuts don't trip us up. */ assert(sizeof(struct bdMessage) == bdHeaderSize + bdMaxDataSize); /* Open datagram socket to broadcast . */ sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sd < 0) errAbort("Can't open broadcast socket %s", strerror(sd)); setBroadcast(sd); return sd; } long microTime() /* Return time in microseconds. */ { static boolean initted = FALSE; static int origSec; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (!initted) { initted = TRUE; origSec = tv.tv_sec; } return (tv.tv_sec - origSec)*1000000 + tv.tv_usec; } struct machine /* Keep track of one machine. */ { char *name; /* Machine name. */ bits32 ip; /* IP Address. */ int blockErrCount; /* Number of block errors. */ int timeOutCount; /* Number of time outs. */ int timeOutTime; /* Time out time. */ boolean isDead; /* Set if machine looks dead. */ boolean didOpen; /* Did open ok. */ boolean didClose; /* Did close ok. */ boolean gotCleanStatus; /* Did status ok. */ }; struct dlList *getMachines(char *fileName) /* Get machine list from file and connect to it. */ { char *row[1], *name; struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); struct machine *machine; struct dlList *list = newDlList(); struct hostent *hostent; struct hash *uniqHash = newHash(0); /* Make sure IP addresses are unique. */ char ascIp[24]; /* Ip address as ascii. */ while (lineFileRow(lf, row)) { name = row[0]; AllocVar(machine); machine->name = cloneString(name); if (isdigit(name[0]) && countChars(name, '.') == 3 && strlen(name) < 16) { /* If it's a dotted quad extract the ip address * without involving DNS. */ machine->ip = ntohl(inet_addr(name)); } else { /* Go ping the DNS. This could take a while... */ hostent = gethostbyname(name); if (hostent == NULL) { warn("Couldn't find host %s. h_errno %d", name, h_errno); continue; } memcpy(&machine->ip, hostent->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(bits32)); } sprintf(ascIp, "%x", machine->ip); if (hashLookup(uniqHash, ascIp)) errAbort("Duplicated IP address %s line %d of %s", name, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); hashAdd(uniqHash, ascIp, NULL); dlAddValTail(list, machine); } hashFree(&uniqHash); return list; } struct machine *findMachine(struct dlList *machineList, bits32 ip) /* Find machine of given IP address on list. */ { struct dlNode *mNode; struct machine *machine; for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = mNode->next) { machine = mNode->val; if (machine->ip == ip) return machine; } return NULL; } struct machine *nextLivingMachine(struct dlList *machineList, struct dlList *deadList) /* Return next machine on list that is not dead, rotating list in process * and weeding out dead machines. Returns NULL if nothing alive. */ { struct dlNode *mNode; struct machine *machine; while ((mNode = dlPopHead(machineList)) != NULL) { machine = mNode->val; if (machine->isDead) dlAddTail(deadList, mNode); else { dlAddTail(machineList, mNode); return machine; } } return NULL; } void trackTimeOuts(int err, struct machine *machine, int *pTimeOutCount) /* Adjust time outs downwards on success and upwards on error. * Update time out count if need be on machine. */ { if (err < 0) { machine->timeOutCount += 1; *pTimeOutCount += 1; } } void receiveAndIgnore(int inSd, struct bdMessage *m, int count) /* Throw count packets into the bit bucket, stopping as soon as * the socket is empty. */ { int i, err; bits32 ip; for (i=0; idata + 3 * sizeof(bits32); int readSize; int firstCheckMessage, rescueCount = 0; int sectionIx, subIx, subBlockIx, blockIx, blockCount, subBlockCount = 0; int err; FILE *f; boolean allDone; int statBlocks = 0, statResent = 0; int totalTimeOuts = 0; struct md5_context ctx; unsigned char md5sum[16]; long t1,t2, openTime =0, closeTime = 0, sendTime = 0, primaryTime = 0, checkTime = 0; /* Open up file. */ f = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); // if (fd < 0) if (f == NULL) errnoAbort("Can't open %s", fileName); /* Tell nodes things are coming twice by broadcast and then one at a time. */ t1 = microTime(); bdMakeFileOpenMessage(m, 0, ++messageIx, fileId, fileName); err = broadcast(outSd, m); err = broadcast(outSd, m); for (tryIx = 0; tryIx < maxTry; ++tryIx) { for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = mNode->next) { machine = mNode->val; if (!machine->didOpen && !machine->isDead) { int err; bdMakeFileOpenMessage(m, machine->ip, ++messageIx, fileId, fileName); err = bdSendTo(outSd, m, machine->ip, nodeInPort); if ((err = bdReceive(inSd, m, &ip)) >= 0) { if (m->id >= firstOpenMessage) { machine = findMachine(machineList, ip); if (machine != NULL) { signed32 err; bdParseAckMessage(m, &err); if (err < 0) { verbage(1, "%s: %s %s\n", machine->name, fileName, strerror(err)); machine->isDead = TRUE; } else { machine->didOpen = TRUE; } } else { verbage(1, "Couldn't find machine %x\n", ip); } } } trackTimeOuts(err, machine, &totalTimeOuts); } } } /* Mark as dead machines that did not open successfully. */ for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = nextNode) { nextNode = mNode->next; machine = mNode->val; if (machine->didOpen && !machine->isDead) { } else { verbage(1, "%s could not open file\n", machine->name); machine->isDead = TRUE; dlRemove(mNode); dlAddTail(deadList, mNode); } } openTime = microTime() - t1; if (dlCount(machineList) <= 0) { warn("All machines seem to be dead\n"); } else { /* Do each section. */ t1 = microTime(); allDone = FALSE; for (sectionIx = 0; !allDone; ++sectionIx) { int subStart = 0; /* Seek to section start (error recovery might have moved us) */ off_t offset = bdBlockOffset(sectionIx, 0); blockCount = 0; // if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) if (fseek(f, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) errnoAbort("Couldn't seek in %s", fileName); /* Do primary broadcast for section. */ verbage(2, "Section %d\n", sectionIx); md5_starts(&ctx); t2 = microTime(); for (subIx=0,subStart=0; subIx < bdSubSectionCount && !allDone; ++subIx, subStart += bdSubSectionSize) { subBlockCount = 0; blockIx = subStart; for (subBlockIx = 0; subBlockIx < bdSubSectionSize; ++subBlockIx, ++blockIx) { machine = nextLivingMachine(machineList, deadList); if (machine == NULL) errAbort("All machines seem to be dead now."); // readSize = netReadAll(fd, fileDataArea, bdBlockSize); readSize = fread(fileDataArea, 1, bdBlockSize, f); ++statBlocks; if (readSize < 0) errAbort("Read error on host %s, file %s", machine->name, fileName); md5_update(&ctx, (uint8 *)fileDataArea, readSize); bdMakeBlockMessage(m, machine->ip, ++messageIx, fileId, sectionIx, blockIx, readSize, fileDataArea); broadcast(outSd, m); ++subBlockCount; ++blockCount; if (readSize < bdBlockSize) { allDone = TRUE; verbage(1, "all done with %s!\n", fileName); break; } } blockIx = subStart; receiveAndIgnore(inSd, m, subBlockCount); } /* Give nodes heads up so they can start computing md5 and stuff. */ bdMakeSectionDoneMessage(m, 0, ++messageIx, fileId, sectionIx, blockCount); broadcast(outSd, m); md5_finish(&ctx, md5sum); primaryTime += microTime() - t2; /* Check nodes one at a time for this section. */ firstCheckMessage = messageIx + 1; t2 = microTime(); for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = mNode->next) { machine = mNode->val; machine->gotCleanStatus = FALSE; } for (tryIx = 0; tryIx < maxBroadTry; ++tryIx) { for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = mNode->next) { machine = mNode->val; if (!machine->gotCleanStatus) { boolean gotReply = FALSE; bdMakeSectionQueryMessage(m, machine->ip, ++messageIx, fileId, sectionIx, blockCount, md5sum); bdSendTo(outSd, m, machine->ip, nodeInPort); /* Try to find reply to us, skipping any previous messages. */ for (;;) { if ((err = bdReceive(inSd, m, &ip)) < 0) { verbage(2, " %s timed out checking\n", machine->name); trackTimeOuts(err, machine, &totalTimeOuts); break; } if (m->type == bdmMissingBlocks && m->machine == machine->ip && m->id >= firstCheckMessage) { if (m->id != messageIx) { ++rescueCount; verbage(2, " rescued a missingBlockMessage on %s\n", machine->name); } gotReply = TRUE; break; } } if (gotReply) { bits32 fileId, missingCount, *missingList; bdParseMissingBlocksMessage(m, &fileId, &missingCount, &missingList); if (missingCount == 0) machine->gotCleanStatus = TRUE; else { int i, ackPending = 0; struct bdMessage *m2; /* Need 2nd message, still using first. */ char *dataArea2; AllocVar(m2); dataArea2 = m2->data + 3 * sizeof(bits32); verbage(2, "%d missing blocks from %s\n", missingCount, machine->name); for (i=0; i= bdSubSectionSize) { receiveAndIgnore(inSd, m2, ackPending); ackPending = 0; } trackTimeOuts(err, machine, &totalTimeOuts); ++statResent; } receiveAndIgnore(inSd, m2, ackPending); freez(&m2); } } } } } /* Mark nodes that did not come through clean as dead. */ for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = nextNode) { nextNode = mNode->next; machine = mNode->val; if (machine->gotCleanStatus) { } else { verbage(1, "%s is unclean\n", machine->name); machine->isDead = TRUE; dlRemove(mNode); dlAddTail(deadList, mNode); } } checkTime += microTime() - t2; } sendTime = microTime() - t1; /* Go through each node closing files. */ t1 = microTime(); firstCloseMessage = messageIx + 1; for (tryIx = 0; tryIx < maxTry; ++tryIx) { for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = mNode->next) { machine = mNode->val; if (!machine->didClose && !machine->isDead) { boolean gotReply = FALSE; bdMakeFileCloseMessage(m, machine->ip, ++messageIx, fileId, fileName); bdSendTo(outSd, m, machine->ip, nodeInPort); /* Get message, skipping over non-closing ones. */ for (;;) { if (bdReceive(inSd, m, &ip) < 0) break; if (m->id >= firstCloseMessage) { gotReply = TRUE; break; } } if (gotReply) { machine = findMachine(machineList, ip); if (machine != NULL) { signed32 err; bdParseAckMessage(m, &err); if (err < 0) { verbage(1, "%s: %s %s", machine->name, fileName, strerror(err)); machine->isDead = TRUE; } else { machine->didClose = TRUE; } } } } } } /* Mark as dead machines that did not close successfully. */ for (mNode = machineList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = nextNode) { nextNode = mNode->next; machine = mNode->val; if (machine->didClose && !machine->isDead) { } else { verbage(1, "%s is dead on close\n", machine->name); machine->isDead = TRUE; dlRemove(mNode); dlAddTail(deadList, mNode); } } closeTime = microTime() - t1; verbage(1, "%d blocks, %d (%4.2f%%) resent, %d time outs\n", statBlocks, statResent, 100.0 * statResent/statBlocks, totalTimeOuts); verbage(1, "openTime %ld, sendTime %ld, closeTime %ld\n", openTime/1000, sendTime/1000, closeTime/1000); verbage(1, "\tprimaryTime %ld, checkTime %ld\n", primaryTime/1000, checkTime/1000); verbage(1, "\trescued %d\n", rescueCount); } } void busyWait(int micros) /* Tight loop that does nothing. */ { long destTime = microTime() + micros; while (microTime() < destTime) ; } void test2(char *machineFile, char *transferFile) /* do a little testing. */ { int i; int timeCount = 100000; long t1,t2; int inSd, outSd, err = 0; int messageIx = 0; struct bdMessage *m = NULL; struct dlList *machineList = getMachines(machineFile); struct dlList *deadList = newDlList(); struct machine *machine; int *bTimes, *rTimes, *fTimes; int errCount = 0; char buf[1444]; int readSize = sizeof(buf); int blockCount = 0; FILE *f = mustOpen(transferFile, "rb"); inSd = openHubInSocket(hubInPort, 500000); outSd = openBroadcastSocket(nodeInPort); AllocArray(bTimes, timeCount); AllocArray(rTimes, timeCount); AllocArray(fTimes, timeCount); AllocVar(m); machine = nextLivingMachine(machineList, deadList); for (i=0; idata, 1, sizeof(buf), f); t2 = microTime(); fTimes[i] = t2-t1; if (readSize > 0) { machine = nextLivingMachine(machineList, deadList); bdInitMessage(m, machine->ip, ++messageIx, bdmPing, sizeof(buf)); t1 = microTime(); broadcast(outSd, m); t2 = microTime(); bTimes[i] = t2-t1; t1 = t2; // err = bdReceive(inSd, m, &ip); t2 = microTime(); rTimes[i] = t2-t1; if (err < 0) ++errCount; ++blockCount; } if (readSize < sizeof(buf)) { uglyf("read size %d\n", readSize); break; } } #ifdef SOON for (i=0; iip, ++messageIx, bdmPing, 1000); broadcast(outSd, m); } for (i=0; i<64; ++i) { err = bdReceive(inSd, m, &ip); if (err < 0) ++errCount; } } uglyf("ErrCount %d\n", errCount); uglyf("bdBlockSize %d, bdSectionBytes %d\n", bdBlockSize, bdSectionBytes); bdInitMessage(m, 0, -1, bdmQuit, 0); /* Send quit for the moment. */ broadcast(outSd, m); broadcast(outSd, m); } int broadHub(char *machineFile, char *transferFile) /* broadHub - Hub for file broadcast system. */ { int inSd, outSd; int err = 0; struct dlList *machineList = getMachines(machineFile); struct dlList *deadList = newDlList(); struct dlNode *mNode; struct machine *machine; struct bdMessage *m = NULL; inSd = openHubInSocket(hubInPort, 100000); outSd = openBroadcastSocket(nodeInPort); verbage(1, "Got %d machines. inSd %d, outSd %d\n", dlCount(machineList), inSd, outSd); AllocVar(m); sendFile(machineList, deadList, m, inSd, outSd, transferFile); printf("Successfully copied to %d machines\n", dlCount(machineList)); if (dlCount(deadList) != 0) { warn("Problems on %d machines:", dlCount(deadList)); for (mNode = deadList->head; !dlEnd(mNode); mNode = mNode->next) { machine = mNode->val; warn("%s", machine->name); } err = -1; } bdInitMessage(m, 0, -1, bdmQuit, 0); /* Send quit for the moment. */ broadcast(outSd, m); broadcast(outSd, m); close(outSd); close(inSd); return err; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { int err = 0; optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); nodeInPort = optionInt("nodeInPort", bdNodeInPort); hubInPort = optionInt("hubInPort", bdHubInPort); broadIp = optionVal("broadIp", broadIp); broadAddr = ntohl(inet_addr(broadIp)); verbosity = optionInt("verbose", verbosity); if (argc != 3) usage(); if (optionExists("test")) test(argv[1], argv[2]); else err = broadHub(argv[1], argv[2]); return err; }