# NOTE: jobResult.{c,h} were modified to support bookmark for para.results # struct jobResult *jobResultLoadAll(char *fileName, off_t *resultBookMark) table jobResult "Info about the result of one job from parasol" ( int status; "Job status - wait() return format. 0 is good." string host; "Machine job ran on." string jobId; "Job queuing system job ID" string exe; "Job executable file (no path)" int usrTicks; "'User' CPU time in ticks." int sysTicks; "'System' CPU time in ticks." uint submitTime; "Job submission time in seconds since 1/1/1970" uint startTime; "Job start time in seconds since 1/1/1970" uint endTime; "Job end time in seconds since 1/1/1970" string user; "User who ran job" string errFile; "Location of stderr file on host" )