/* scanIntrons.c */ #include "common.h" #include "dnautil.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "wormdna.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" #define hisSize 15 /* Histogram size. */ static int preHis[hisSize][4]; static int startHis[hisSize][4]; static int endHis[hisSize][4]; static int postHis[hisSize][4]; void addToHis(DNA *dna, int his[hisSize][4]) { int i; int val; for (i=0; i= 0) his[i][val] += 1; } } void addIntronToHistogram(DNA *pre, DNA *start, DNA *end, DNA *post) { addToHis(pre-hisSize, preHis); addToHis(start, startHis); addToHis(end-hisSize, endHis); addToHis(post, postHis); } int sum4(int *a) { return a[0]+a[1]+a[2]+a[3]; } void printLineOfHis(int his[hisSize][4], DNA base) { int baseVal = ntVal[(int)base]; int i; long millis; printf("%c ", base); for (i=0; i= 10) printf("%3ld%% ", (millis+5)/10); else printf("%ld.%ld%% ", millis/10, millis%10); } printf("
\n"); } void printHis(int his[hisSize][4]) { printf("

"); printLineOfHis(his, 'a'); printLineOfHis(his, 'c'); printLineOfHis(his, 'g'); printLineOfHis(his, 't'); printf("

"); } void printAllHistograms() { htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of 5' Ends of Exons:"); printHis(preHis); htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of Intron Starts:"); printHis(startHis); htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of Intron Ends:"); printHis(endHis); htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of 3' Ends of Exons:"); printHis(postHis); } void printLineOfProbs(int his[hisSize][4], DNA base) { int baseVal = ntVal[(int)base]; int i; double ratio; printf("%c[] = { ", base); for (i=0; i"); printLineOfProbs(his, 'a'); printLineOfProbs(his, 'c'); printLineOfProbs(his, 'g'); printLineOfProbs(his, 't'); printf("

"); } void printAllProbs() /* Print histogram in probability format. */ { puts("
htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of 5' Ends of Exons:");
htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of Intron Starts:");
htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of Intron Ends:");
htmlParagraph("Frequency Counts of 3' Ends of Exons:");

boolean patMatch(DNA *queryString, DNA *targetString, int querySize)
/* Does as match with bs except for the N's in as? */
DNA q, t, lastQ;
int i;

lastQ = 0;
for (i=0; iname, b->name);

int cmpCounts(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare two slNames. */
const struct nameOff *a = *((struct nameOff **)va);
const struct nameOff *b = *((struct nameOff **)vb);
int dif = b->cdnaCount - a->cdnaCount;
if (dif != 0)
    return dif;
return strcmp(a->name, b->name);

struct nameOff *scanIntronFile(char *preIntronQ, char *startIntronQ, 
    char *endIntronQ, char *postIntronQ, boolean invert)
char intronFileName[600];
FILE *f;
char lineBuf[4*1024];
char *words[4*128];
int wordCount;
int lineCount = 0;
int preLenQ = strlen(preIntronQ);
int startLenQ = strlen(startIntronQ);
int endLenQ = strlen(endIntronQ);
int postLenQ = strlen(postIntronQ);
char *preIntronF, *startIntronF, *endIntronF, *postIntronF;
int preLenF, startLenF, endLenF, postLenF;
int preIx = 6, startIx = 7, endIx =8, postIx = 9;
struct nameOff *list = NULL, *el;
boolean addIt;
int i;

if (preLenQ > 25 || postLenQ > 25 || startLenQ > 40 || endLenQ > 40)
    errAbort("Can only handle queries up to 25 bases on either side of the intron "
             "and 40 bases inside the intron.");
sprintf(intronFileName, "%s%s", wormCdnaDir(), "introns.txt");
f = mustOpen(intronFileName, "r");
while (fgets(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf), f) != NULL)
    wordCount = chopByWhite(lineBuf, words, ArraySize(words));
    if (wordCount == ArraySize(words))
        warn("May have truncated end of line %d of %s",
            lineCount, intronFileName);
    if (wordCount == 0)
    if (wordCount < 11)
        errAbort("Unexpected short line %d of %s", lineCount, intronFileName);
    preIntronF = words[preIx];
    startIntronF = words[startIx];
    endIntronF = words[endIx];
    postIntronF = words[postIx];
    preLenF = strlen(preIntronF);
    startLenF = strlen(startIntronF);
    endLenF = strlen(endIntronF);
    postLenF = strlen(postIntronF);
    addIt = FALSE;
    if (   (  preLenQ == 0 || patMatch(preIntronQ, preIntronF+preLenF-preLenQ+countSpecial(preIntronQ), preLenQ))
        && (startLenQ == 0 || patMatch(startIntronQ, startIntronF, startLenQ))
        && (  endLenQ == 0 || patMatch(endIntronQ, endIntronF+endLenF-endLenQ+countSpecial(endIntronQ), endLenQ))
        && ( postLenQ == 0 || patMatch(postIntronQ, postIntronF, postLenQ)) )
        addIt = TRUE;
    if (invert)
        addIt = !addIt;
    if (addIt)
        addIntronToHistogram(preIntronF+preLenF, startIntronF, endIntronF+endLenF, postIntronF);
        el->chrom = cloneString(words[1]);
        el->name = cloneString(words[5]);
        el->start = atoi(words[2]);
        el->end = atoi(words[3]);        
        el->cdnaCount = atoi(words[0]);
        memcpy(el->startI, startIntronF, 2);
        memcpy(el->endI, endIntronF + endLenF - 2, 2);
        assert(wordCount == el->cdnaCount + 10);
        for (i=10; icdnaNames, name);
        assert(slCount(el->cdnaNames) == el->cdnaCount);
        slAddHead(&list, el);
slSort(&list, cmpCounts);
return list;

void showMatches(struct nameOff *matches)
int nameWidth = 13;

printf("  ORF       cDNA intron   supporting\n");
printf("  name     count  ends    cDNA\n");
for (;matches != NULL; matches = matches->next)
    struct slName *name;
    printf("%s ", 
            matches->chrom, matches->start-1000, matches->end+1000, matches->name, matches->start, matches->end, matches->name);
    printf("%s", spaces(nameWidth - strlen(matches->name) ) );
    printf("%2d %s...%s", matches->cdnaCount, matches->startI, matches->endI);
    for (name = matches->cdnaNames; name != NULL; name = name->next)
        printf(" %s", name->name);
\n"); } void doMiddle() { char *preIntron, *startIntron, *endIntron, *postIntron; int maxCount; struct nameOff *matchList; boolean invert = cgiVarExists("Invert"); preIntron = cgiString("preIntron"); startIntron = cgiString("startIntron"); endIntron = cgiString("endIntron"); postIntron = cgiString("postIntron"); /* Just for debugging cut search short if matches special magic */ maxCount = atoi(preIntron); if (maxCount <= 0) maxCount = 0x7ffffff; eraseWhiteSpace(preIntron); eraseWhiteSpace(startIntron); eraseWhiteSpace(endIntron); eraseWhiteSpace(postIntron); tolowers(preIntron); tolowers(startIntron); tolowers(endIntron); tolowers(postIntron); matchList = scanIntronFile(preIntron, startIntron, endIntron, postIntron, invert); if (matchList == NULL) errAbort("Sorry, no matches to %s%s %s %s %s", (invert ? "inverted " : ""), preIntron, startIntron, endIntron, postIntron); printf("

%d introns matching %s%s(%s %s)%s. ", slCount(matchList), (invert ? "inverted " : ""), preIntron, startIntron, endIntron, postIntron); printf("Shortcut to frequency counts.

"); htmlHorizontalLine(); showMatches(matchList); htmlHorizontalLine(); printf("
"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { dnaUtilOpen(); /* If run from the command line with the right number of arguments, * set up QUERY_STRING so we can pretend we're being run by web server * instead. */ if (argc == 5) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "QUERY_STRING=preIntron=%s&startIntron=%s&endIntron=%s&postIntron=%s", argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); putenv(buf); } htmShell("ScanIntron Output", doMiddle, "QUERY"); return 0; }