package julDate; # rcsid "$Id:,v 1.1 2007/01/19 00:42:24 hiram Exp $"; require Exporter; @ISA = ('Exporter'); @EXPORT = qw(CalDate JulDate FormatCalDate); ############################################################################## # CalDate - pass in a pointer to a UTInstant # which has its julian decimal date set. This routine # will calculate and set all the other elements of the # hash. As a convenience, it will also return the year, # an integer. # sub CalDate() { my ($date) = @_; # pointer to the UTInstant # These locals are all integers except for $frac my ($jd, $ka, $kb, $kc, $kd, $ke, $ialp, $frac); # Thus, to be safer, we will use int() around all calculations $jd = int($date->{'J_DATE'} + 0.5); # integer julian date $frac = $date->{'J_DATE'} + 0.5 - $jd + 1.0e-10; # fraction of day $ka = int($jd); if ( $jd >= 2299161 ) { $ialp = int(( $jd - 1867216.25 ) / ( 36524.25 )); $ka = int($jd + 1 + $ialp - ( $ialp >> 2 )); } $kb = int($ka + 1524); $kc = int(( $kb - 122.1 ) / 365.25); $kd = int($kc * 365.25); $ke = int(( $kb - $kd ) / 30.6001); $date->{'DAY'} = $kb - $kd - int( $ke * 30.6001 ); if ( $ke > 13 ) { $date->{'MONTH'} = int($ke - 13); } else { $date->{'MONTH'} = int($ke - 1); } if ( ($date->{'MONTH'} == 2) && ($date->{'DAY'} > 28) ) { $date->{'DAY'} = 29; } if ( ($date->{'MONTH'} == 2) && ($date->{'DAY'} == 29) && ($ke == 3) ){ $date->{'YEAR'} = int($kc - 4716); } elsif ( $date->{'MONTH'} > 2 ) { $date->{'YEAR'} = int($kc - 4716); } else { $date->{'YEAR'} = int($kc - 4715); } $date->{'D_HOUR'} = $frac * 24.0; # d_hour includes min, sec as fraction $date->{'HOUR'} = int($date->{'D_HOUR'}); # integer hour $date->{'D_MINUTE'} = # d_minute includes sec as fraction ( $date->{'D_HOUR'} - $date->{'HOUR'} ) * 60.0; $date->{'MINUTE'} = int($date->{'D_MINUTE'}); # integer minute $date->{'SECOND'} = # float second, int() it if you want ( $date->{'D_MINUTE'} - $date->{'MINUTE'} ) * 60.0; $date->{'WEEKDAY'} = int(($jd + 1) % 7); # day of week if ( $date->{'YEAR'} == (($date->{'YEAR'} >> 2) << 2) ) { $date->{'DAY_OF_YEAR'} = int( ( 275 * $date->{'MONTH'} ) / 9) - int(($date->{'MONTH'} + 9) / 12) + $date->{'DAY'} - 30; } else { $date->{'DAY_OF_YEAR'} = int( ( 275 * $date->{'MONTH'}) / 9) - ((($date->{'MONTH'} + 9) / 12) << 1) + $date->{'DAY'} - 30; } return( $date->{'YEAR'} ); } # end of int CalDate( date ) ############################################################################ # # JulDate - computes the julian decimal date from # the gregorian (or Julian) calendar date. # for astronomical purposes, The Gregorian calendar reform occurred # on 15 Oct. 1582. This is 05 Oct 1582 by the julian calendar. # # Single argument input: pointer to a hash that is a UTInstant # The elements that must be set are: # YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND # (if they have not been set, they appear as zero here) # # Output result will be the setting of the UTInstant elements: # J_DATE, D_HOUR, D_MINUTE, WEEKDAY, DAY_OF_YEAR # and for convenience, the J_DATE value will be returned. # # Reference: Astronomial formulae for calculators, meeus, p 23 # from fortran program by F. Espenak - April 1982 Page 276, # 50 Year canon of solar eclipses: 1986-2035 # sub JulDate() { my ($date) = @_; # pointer to the UTInstant # These locals are all integers except for $frac and $gyr my ($iy0, $im0, $ia, $ib, $jd, $frac, $gyr); # Thus, to be safer, we will use int() around all calculations # for the integers # the fraction of a day $frac = ($date->{'HOUR'}/ 24.0) + ($date->{'MINUTE'} / 1440.0) + ($date->{'SECOND'} / 86400.0); # convert the cal date to format YYYY.MMDDdd $gyr = $date->{'YEAR'} + (0.01 * $date->{'MONTH'}) + (0.0001 * $date->{'DAY'}) + (0.0001 * $frac) + 1.0e-9; # conversion factors if ( $date->{'MONTH'} <= 2 ) { $iy0 = int($date->{'YEAR'} - 1); $im0 = int($date->{'MONTH'} + 12); } else { $iy0 = int($date->{'YEAR'}); $im0 = int($date->{'MONTH'}); } $ia = int($iy0 / 100); $ib = int(2 - $ia + ($ia >> 2)); # calculate julian date if ( $date->{'YEAR'} <= 0 ) { $jd = int( (365.25 * $iy0) - 0.75 ) + int( (30.6001 * ($im0 + 1) ) ) + int( $date->{'DAY'} + 1720994 ); } else { $jd = int(365.25 * $iy0) + int( 30.6001 * ($im0 + 1) ) + int( $date->{'DAY'} + 1720994 ); } if ( $gyr >= 1582.1015 ) { # on or after 15 October 1582 $jd += $ib; } $date->{'J_DATE'} = $jd + $frac + 0.5; $jd = int( $date->{'J_DATE'} + 0.5 ); $date->{'WEEKDAY'} = int( ($jd + 1) % 7 ); return( $date->{'J_DATE'} ); } # end of JulDate( ############################################################################ # FormatCalDate - pass in a pointer to a UTInstant # Will format and return a string in standard format: # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS sub FormatCalDate() { my ($t) = @_; # pointer to the UTInstant return( sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $t->{'YEAR'}, $t->{'MONTH'}, $t->{'DAY'}, $t->{'HOUR'}, $t->{'MINUTE'}, int($t->{'SECOND'} + 0.5)); } 1; =head1 NAME CalDate - Calculate calendar date from Julian date JulDate - Calculate Julian date from calendar date FormatCalDate - Return string in ISO 8601 format: YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss =head1 SYNOPSIS use CalDate; my %Date; $Date{'J_DATE'} = 2452589.105822; my $U=\%Date; # $U is a pointer to %Date &CalDate($U); printf "%s\n", &FormatCalDate($U); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time); $Date{'YEAR'} = $year + 1900; $Date{'MONTH'} = $mon + 1; $Date{'DAY'} = $mday; $Date{'HOUR'} = $hour; $Date{'MINUTE'} = $min; $Date{'SECOND'} = $sec; &JulDate($U); printf "%s = JD: %.6f\n", &FormatCalDate($U), $Date{'J_DATE'}; =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut ########################################################################### # # The fundamental structure is a UTInstant # Its elements will be the keys in a hash and they are: # # J_DATE float range (0 to the limit of perl installation) # J_DATE is the Julian decimal date # YEAR integer range dependent upon machine implementation of perl # -4712 lower limit to upper limit size of integer # MONTH integer range (1..12) # DAY integer range (1..31) # HOUR integer range (0..23) # MINUTE integer range (0..61) # SECOND float range (0..60) use int() if you want to consider it an int # D_HOUR float range (0..23.999...) includes min and second as fraction # D_MINUTE float range (0..60.9999) includes second as fraction # WEEKDAY integer range (0..6) # DAY_OF_YEAR integer range (1..366) #