INTRODUCTION: Where is this bigWig and bigBed system useful ? Your wiggle data or bed track files are too large to load as custom tracks in the normal custom track submission system. This system will convert your very large file into a much larger file which can be used without transferring it to the genome browser. Place this special file on your WEB server or FTP server and supply a URL to it for your custom track submission. Rather than trying to transfer the entire file, only small parts of it will transfer as you view the track in the genome browser. The small parts transferred will accumulate at UCSC as a cache for later reuse without any additional transfer. ======================================================================== BIGWIG - BigWig files store continuous data that is displayed as a graph in the Genome Browser, much as wig files do. BigWig files in fact are created initially from wig files, using the program wigToBigWig. The resulting bigWig files are in an indexed binary format. The main advantage of the BigWig files is that only the portions of the files needed to display a particular region are transfered to UCSC, so for large data sets BigWig is considerably faster than straight wig. The steps for creating a bigWig track are: 1) Download wigToBigWig from the directory of binary utilities: 2) Use the fetchChromSizes script from this same directory to fetch the chrom.sizes file for the UCSC database you are working with. 3) Create wig format files following the definitions in: 4) Run the command line wigToBigWig input.wig.gz chrom.sizes if your input.wig.gz file has 'track' and 'browser' lines: zcat input.wig.gz | egrep -v "^track|^browser" \ wigToBigWig stdin chrom.sizes make sure you do not have more than one track of data in your input file. 5) Move the output bigWig file to a http, https, or ftp site. 6) Create a custom track with just the track line. This will look something like: track type=bigWig name="My Big Wig" description="A Graph of Cool Data from My Lab" bigDataUrl= (track lines are single lines, no line breaks are allowed) 7) Paste this custom track line into the text box in the custom track management page: ======================================================================== BIGBED - BigBed files store annotation items that can either be simple, or a linked collection of exons, much as bed files do. BigBed files in fact are created initially from bed files, using the program bedToBigBed. The resulting bigBed files are in an indexed binary format. The main advantage of the bigBed files is that only the portions of the files needed to display a particular region are transfered to UCSC, so for large data sets bigBed is considerably faster than straight bed. The steps for creating a bigBed track are: 1) Download bedToBigBed from the directory of binary utilities: 2) Use the fetchChromSizes script from this same directory to fetch the chrom.sizes file for the UCSC database you are working with. 3) Create bed format files following the definitions in: 4) Run the command line bedToBigBed input.bed.gz chrom.sizes if your input.bed.gz file has 'track' and 'browser' lines: zcat input.bed.gz | egrep -v "^track|^browser" \ bedToBigBed stdin chrom.sizes make sure you do not have more than one track of data in your input file. 5) Move the output bigBed file to a http, https, or ftp site. 6) Create a custom track with just the track line. This will look something like: track type=bigBed name="My Big Bed" description="Cool Genome Annotations from My Lab" bigDataUrl= (track lines are single lines, no line breaks are allowed) 7) Paste this custom track line into the text box in the custom track management page: BigBeds also can store extra columns past the predefined bed columns. In this case you should include a .as (AutoSQL) format file describing the fields. See for information on AutoSQL ======================================================================== $Id: bigBedWigs.txt,v 1.4 2009/08/12 21:20:26 galt Exp $ ========================================================================