/* hitreport.c - Summarize hit count data. */ #include "common.h" #include #include "hash.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" boolean readWhence = FALSE; /* Include where user came from? */ char *fileName; /* Name of file hit data stored in. */ char title[256]; /* .html title. */ struct user /* One of these gets made for each "user" (actually for * each IP address. */ { struct user *next; /* Link to next user on list. */ char *ip; /* Something like cse.ucsc.edu. */ char *whence; /* http address we came from. */ time_t lastTime; /* Time of hits in seconds since 1970s */ int lastDay; /* Day of last hit (since 1970s) */ int lastHour; /* Hour of last hit (since 1970s) */ int hits; /* Total number of hits from user. */ int days; /* # of distinct days user has hit page */ int hours; /* # of distinct hours user has hit page */ }; int hitCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Number of hits of two users for sorting purposes. */ { const struct user *a = *((struct user **)va); const struct user *b = *((struct user **)vb); int dif = b->hits - a->hits; if (dif == 0) dif = b->lastTime - a->lastTime; return dif; } int timeCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare last time of hit of two users for sorting purposes. */ { const struct user *a = *((struct user **)va); const struct user *b = *((struct user **)vb); return b->lastTime - a->lastTime; } void readStringz(FILE *f, char *s, int sLen) /* Read in a zero terminated string from file into a * character array of given size. */ { mustGetLine(f, s, sLen); } void printList(struct user *userList, int topCount) /* Print user list. */ { int i; struct user *user; printf("IP Address #Days #Hours #Hits %s Last-Hit \n", (readWhence ? " Referrer " : "")); printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%s\n", (readWhence ? "-------------------------------------------------" : "")); for (user = userList, i=0; user != NULL && i < topCount; user = user->next, i++) { printf("%-41s %5d %6d %5d", user->ip, user->days, user->hours, user->hits); if (readWhence) printf(" %-40s ", user->whence); printf(" %s", ctime(&user->lastTime)); } } void doMiddle() /* Write middle part of .html. (Everything between and ) */ { FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "rb"); long count; time_t time; char ipNameBuf[80]; char whenceNameBuf[256]; long i; struct hashEl *hel; struct hash *hash; struct hash *whenceHash; struct user *user = NULL; int day, hour; struct user *userList = NULL; int topCount; hash = newHash(14); whenceHash = newHash(14); mustReadOne(f,count); for (i=0; iip = hel->name; } if (readWhence) { struct hashEl *wHel; readStringz(f, whenceNameBuf, sizeof(whenceNameBuf)); if ((wHel = hashLookup(whenceHash, whenceNameBuf)) == NULL) { wHel = hashAdd(whenceHash, whenceNameBuf, NULL); } user->whence = wHel->name; } user = hel->val; user->lastTime = time; user->hits += 1; hour = time / (60*60); if (hour != user->lastHour) { user->lastHour = hour; user->hours += 1; } day = hour/24; if (day != user->lastDay) { user->lastDay = day; user->days += 1; } } slReverse(userList); printf("


", title); printf("
printf("Total hits: %ld\n", count); 
topCount = slCount(userList);
printf("Total IP addresses %d\n\n", topCount);
if (topCount > 100)
    topCount = 100;

slSort(&userList, timeCmp);
printf("Most recent %d users:\n\n", topCount);
printList(userList, topCount);

slSort(&userList, hitCmp);
printf("\n\nTop %d users:\n\n", topCount);
printList(userList, topCount);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
fileName = cgiString("file");
readWhence = cgiBoolean("whence");
sprintf(title, "Hit statistics in %s", fileName);
htmShell(title, doMiddle, "QUERY");
return 0;