/* dynAlign.c - align using dynamic programming */ #include "common.h" #include "cheapcgi.h" #include "htmshell.h" boolean isOnWeb; struct aliCell /* This is a single cell in a single state of the matrix. */ { struct aliCell *parent; int score; }; struct aliState /* This corresponds to a hidden markov state. Each one of * these has a two dimensional array[targetSize+1][querySize+1] * of cells. */ { struct aliCell *cells; struct aliCell *endCells; int stateIx; char *name; char emitLetter; }; struct aliMatrix /* The alignment matrix - has an array of states. */ { char *query; char *target; int querySize; int targetSize; int qDim; int tDim; int stateCount; int stateSize; int stateByteSize; struct aliState *states; struct aliCell *allCells; }; void initAliMatrix(struct aliMatrix *am, int stateCount, char *query, char *target) /* Allocate all memory required for an aliMatrix. Set up dimensions. */ { int i; struct aliCell *allCells; int allCellSize; zeroBytes(am, sizeof(*am)); am->query = query; am->target = target; am->querySize = strlen(query); am->targetSize = strlen(target); am->qDim = am->querySize + 1; am->tDim = am->targetSize + 1; am->stateCount = stateCount; am->stateSize = am->qDim * am->tDim; am->stateByteSize = am->stateSize * sizeof(struct aliCell); am->states = needMem(stateCount * sizeof(struct aliState)); allCellSize = stateCount * am->stateByteSize; am->allCells = allCells = needLargeMem(allCellSize); memset(allCells, 0, allCellSize); for (i=0; istates[i].cells = allCells; allCells += am->stateSize; am->states[i].endCells = allCells; am->states[i].stateIx = i; } } void cleanupAliMatrix(struct aliMatrix *am) /* Free up memory required for an aliMatrix and make sure * nobody reuses it. */ { freeMem(am->states); freeMem(am->allCells); zeroBytes(am, sizeof(*am)); } struct aliState *nameState(struct aliMatrix *am, int stateIx, char *name, char emitLetter) /* Give a name to a state and return a pointer to it. */ { struct aliState *state; assert(stateIx < am->stateCount); state = &am->states[stateIx]; state->name = name; state->emitLetter = emitLetter; return state; } void findMatrixIx(struct aliMatrix *am, struct aliCell *cell, int *retStateIx, int *retTix, int *retQix) /* Given a cell in matrix return state, query, and target index. */ { int cellIx = cell - am->allCells; *retStateIx = cellIx/am->stateSize; cellIx %= am->stateSize; *retTix = cellIx / am->qDim; *retQix = cellIx % am->qDim; } struct aliCell *bestCellInState(struct aliMatrix *am, struct aliState *state) /* Return highest scoring cell in a particular state. */ { struct aliCell *bestCell = NULL, *cell; int bestScore = -0x7fffffff, score; struct aliCell *endCells = state->endCells; for (cell = state->cells + am->qDim; cell < endCells; cell += 1) { if ((score = cell->score) > bestScore) { bestScore = score; bestCell = cell; } } return bestCell; } struct aliPair /* Each position in alignment gets one of these. */ { struct aliPair *next; int queryIx; int targetIx; UBYTE hiddenIx; /* If I code one of these with more than 255 states shoot me! */ char querySym; char targetSym; char hiddenSym; }; struct aliPair *traceBack(struct aliMatrix *am, struct aliCell *end) /* Create list of alignment pair by tracing back through matrix from end * state back to a start.*/ { struct aliPair *pairList = NULL, *pair; struct aliCell *cell, *parent = end; int parentSix, parentTix, parentQix; int sIx, tIx, qIx; findMatrixIx(am, parent, &parentSix, &parentTix, &parentQix); for (;;) { cell = parent; sIx = parentSix; tIx = parentTix; qIx = parentQix; if ((parent = cell->parent) == NULL) break; findMatrixIx(am, parent, &parentSix, &parentTix, &parentQix); AllocVar(pair); pair->hiddenIx = (UBYTE)sIx; pair->hiddenSym = am->states[parentSix].emitLetter; if (parentQix == qIx - 1 && parentTix == tIx - 1 ) { pair->queryIx = qIx-1; pair->querySym = am->query[qIx-1]; pair->targetIx = tIx - 1; pair->targetSym = am->target[tIx-1]; } else if (parentQix == qIx) /* && parentTix == tIx-1 */ { pair->queryIx = -1; pair->querySym = '-'; pair->targetIx = tIx-1; pair->targetSym = am->target[tIx-1]; } else /* parentTix == tIx && parentQix == qIx-1 */ { pair->queryIx = qIx-1; pair->querySym = am->query[qIx-1]; pair->targetIx = -1; pair->targetSym = '-'; } slAddHead(&pairList, pair); } return pairList; } void printTrace(struct aliMatrix *am, struct aliPair *pairList, FILE *f) /* Print out trace to file. */ { struct aliPair *pair; #define lineLen 50 char asyms[lineLen+1]; char qsyms[lineLen+1]; char tsyms[lineLen+1]; char hsyms[lineLen+1]; int lineIx = 0; if ((pair = pairList) == NULL) fprintf(f, "Empty pair list"); /* Print out up to 25 bp of initial non-matching parts. */ { int qStart = pair->queryIx; int tStart = pair->targetIx; int i; for (i= -25; i < 0; ++i) { int qIx = qStart + i; int tIx = tStart + i; qsyms[lineIx] = (qIx >= 0 ? am->query[qIx] : ' '); tsyms[lineIx] = (tIx >= 0 ? am->target[tIx] : ' ' ); asyms[lineIx] = hsyms[lineIx] = ' '; if (qIx >= 0 || tIx >= 0) ++lineIx; } } /* Print out matching parts */ for (pair = pairList; pair != NULL; pair = pair->next) { qsyms[lineIx] = pair->querySym; tsyms[lineIx] = pair->targetSym; asyms[lineIx] = (pair->querySym == pair->targetSym ? '|' : ' '); hsyms[lineIx] = pair->hiddenSym; if (++lineIx == lineLen) { qsyms[lineIx] = asyms[lineIx] = tsyms[lineIx] = hsyms[lineIx] = 0; fprintf(f, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", qsyms, asyms, tsyms, hsyms); lineIx = 0; } } /* Print out last bit - first get last pair. */ for (pair = pairList; pair->next != NULL; pair = pair->next) ; { int qIx, tIx, i; int residue = lineLen - lineIx; for (i=1; i<=residue; i++) { if ((qIx = pair->queryIx+i) >= am->querySize) qsyms[lineIx] = ' '; else qsyms[lineIx] = am->query[qIx]; if ((tIx = pair->targetIx+i) >= am->targetSize) tsyms[lineIx] = ' '; else tsyms[lineIx] = am->target[tIx]; asyms[lineIx] = ' '; hsyms[lineIx] = ' '; ++lineIx; assert(lineIx <= lineLen); } } /* Print out anything not printed out yet. */ if (lineIx != 0) { qsyms[lineIx] = asyms[lineIx] = tsyms[lineIx] = hsyms[lineIx] = 0; fprintf(f, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", qsyms, asyms, tsyms, hsyms); lineIx = 0; } #undef lineLen } /* Our three matrices. */ enum matIx { hiFiIx = 0, loFiIx, qSlipIx, tSlipIx, c1Ix, c2Ix, c3Ix, }; #define smallGapCost (8*1024) #define largeGapOpenCost (12*1024) #define largeGapExtensionCost (256) #define matchBonus (1024) #define mismatchCost (2048) void dynAlign(char *query, char *target, int blowSome[256][256], FILE *f) /* Do dynamic programming to make alignment between query and target, and print it to stdout. * At the moment this algorithm is symmetrical - it doesn't matter which sequence is query * and which is target. */ { struct aliMatrix a; struct aliState *hf, *lf, *iq, *it, *c1, *c2, *c3; struct aliState *iq; struct aliState *it; int qIx, tIx, diag, diagMax, diagDif, qStart, tStart; int newCellOffset; int score, tempScore, blowScore; struct aliCell *cell, *newCell, *parent, *end; struct aliPair *pairList; /* Initialize 7 state matrix. */ initAliMatrix(&a, 7, query, target); hf = nameState(&a, hiFiIx, "highFi", 'H'); lf = nameState(&a, loFoIx, "lowFi", 'L'); iq = nameState(&a, qSlipIx, "qSlip", 'Q'); it = nameState(&a, tSlipIx, "tSlip", 'T'); c1 = nameState(&a, c1Ix, "frame1", '1'); c2 = nameState(&a, c2Ix, "frame2", '2'); c3 = nameState(&a, c3Ix, "frame3", '3'); diagMax = a.querySize + a.targetSize + 1; for (diag = 2; diag < diagMax; ++diag) { diagDif = diag - a.querySize; if (diagDif > 0) { qStart = a.querySize; tStart = diagDif; } else { qStart = diag-1; tStart = 1; } for (qIx = qStart, tIx = tStart; qIx >= 0 && tIx < a.tDim; --qIx, ++tIx) { newCellOffset = tIx*a.qDim + qIx; assert(qIx > 0 && tIx > 0) { /* Figure the cost or bonus for pairing target and query residue here. */ blowScore = blowSome[a.query[qIx-1]][a.target[tIx-1]]; /* Update match space. */ { newCell = hf->cells + newCellOffset; /* Initially set things to go as if query and target match at this position. */ parent = cell = newCell - a.qDim - 1; score = cell->score + blowScore; /* Look what happens if insert a small gap in query. */ cell = newCell - a.qDim; tempScore = cell->score - smallGapCost; if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; parent = cell; } /* Look what happens if insert a small gap in target. */ cell = newCell-1; tempScore = cell->score - smallGapCost; if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; parent = cell; } /* Look what happens if insert a large gap in query. */ cell = iq->cells + newCellOffset - a.qDim; tempScore = cell->score - largeGapOpenCost; if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; parent = cell; } /* Look what happens if insert a large gap in target. */ cell = it->cells + newCellOffset - 1; tempScore = cell->score - largeGapOpenCost; if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; parent = cell; } /* If can't raise positive score start over. */ if (score <= 0) { parent = NULL; score = 0; } newCell->parent = parent; newCell->score = score; } /* Update query slip space. */ { /* See if we can go back into match space. */ newCell = iq->cells + newCellOffset; cell = parent = hf->cells + newCellOffset - a.qDim - 1; score = parent->score + blowScore; /* Figure out cost of continued business in query slip space. */ cell = newCell - a.qDim; tempScore = cell->score - largeGapExtensionCost; if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; parent = cell; } /* If can't raise positive score start over. */ if (score <= 0) { parent = NULL; score = 0; } newCell->parent = parent; newCell->score = score; } /* Update target slip space. */ { /* See if we can go back into match space. */ newCell = it->cells + newCellOffset; cell = parent = hf->cells + newCellOffset - a.qDim - 1; score = parent->score + blowScore; /* Figure out cost of continued business in target slip space. */ cell = newCell - 1; tempScore = cell->score - largeGapExtensionCost; if (tempScore > score) { score = tempScore; parent = cell; } /* If can't raise positive score start over. */ if (score <= 0) { parent = NULL; score = 0; } newCell->parent = parent; newCell->score = score; } } } } end = bestCellInState(&a, hf); pairList = traceBack(&a, end); printTrace(&a, pairList, stdout); slFreeList(&pairList); cleanupAliMatrix(&a); } static int blowSome[256][256]; /* If this were proteins it'd be the Blosum matrix. */ void dustData(char *in,char *out) /* Clean up data by getting rid non-alphabet stuff. */ { char c; while ((c = *in++) != 0) if (isalpha(c)) *out++ = toupper(c); *out++ = 0; } void doMiddle() { char *query = cgiString("query"); char *target = cgiString("target"); dustData(query, query); dustData(target, target); printf("
dynAlign(query, target, blowSome, stdout);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *query, *target;
int i,j;

for (i = 0; i<256; ++i)
    for (j=0; j<256; ++j)
        blowSome[i][j] = -mismatchCost;
for (i=0; i<256; ++i)
    blowSome[i][i] = matchBonus;

if ((isOnWeb = cgiIsOnWeb()) == TRUE)
    htmShell("DynaAlign Results", doMiddle, NULL);
    if (argc != 3)
        errAbort("dynAlign - used dynamic programming to find alignment between two strings\n"
                 "    dynAlign string1 string2");
    query = argv[1];
    target = argv[2];
    dynAlign(query, target, blowSome, stdout);
return 0;