This is ../../info/ede, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from ede.texi. This file describes EDE, the Emacs Development Environment. Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom." INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * ede: (ede). Project management for Emacs END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File: ede, Node: Top, Next: EDE Project Concepts, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) EDE *** EDE is the Emacs Development Environment: an Emacs extension that simplifies building and debugging programs in Emacs. It attempts to emulate a typical IDE (Integrated Development Environment). EDE can manage or create your makefiles and other building environment duties, allowing you to concentrate on writing code rather than support files. It aims to make it much easier for new programmers to learn and adopt GNU ways of doing things. This file describes EDE, the Emacs Development Environment. Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom." * Menu: * EDE Project Concepts:: EDE Project Concepts * EDE Mode:: Turning on EDE mode. * Creating a project:: Creating a project. * Modifying your project:: Adding and removing files and targets. * Building and Debugging:: Initiating a build or debug session. * Miscellaneous commands:: Other project related commands. * Simple projects:: Projects not managed by EDE. * Extending EDE:: Programming and extending EDE.  File: ede, Node: EDE Project Concepts, Next: EDE Mode, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 EDE Project Concepts ********************** EDE is a generic interface for managing projects. It specifies a single set of menus and keybindings, while supporting multiple ways to express a project via a build system. In the subsequent chapters, we will describe the different project types (*note Creating a project::), as well as the commands to build and debug projects (*note Building and Debugging::). In EDE, a project hierarchy matches a directory hierarchy. The project's topmost directory is called the "project root", and its subdirectories are "subprojects". Each project can contain multiple "targets". A target, at the simplest level, is a named collection of files within a project. A target can specify two different types of information: 1. A collection of files to be added to a distribution (e.g., a tarball that you intend to distribute to others). 2. A collection of files that can be built into something else (e.g., a program or compiled documentation). Lastly, EDE provides a way for other tools to easily learn file associations. For example, a program might need to restrict some sort of search to files in a single target, or to discover the location of documentation or interface files. EDE can provide this information.  File: ede, Node: EDE Mode, Next: Creating a project, Prev: EDE Project Concepts, Up: Top 2 EDE Mode ********** EDE is implemented as a minor mode, which augments other modes such as C mode, and Texinfo mode. You can enable EDE for all buffers by running the command `global-ede-mode', or by putting this in your init file: (global-ede-mode t) Activating EDE adds a menu named `Development' to the menu bar. This menu provides several menu items for high-level EDE commands. These menu items, and their corresponding keybindings, are independent of the type of project you are actually working on.  File: ede, Node: Creating a project, Next: Modifying your project, Prev: EDE Mode, Up: Top 3 Creating a project ******************** To create a new project, first visit a file that you want to include in that project. If you have a hierarchy of directories, first visit a file in the topmost directory. From this buffer, type `M-x ede-new', or click on the `Create Project' item in the `Development' menu. The `ede-new' command prompts for the type of project you would like to create. Each project type has its own benefits or language specific enhancements. EDE supports four different project types: `Make', `Automake', `direct Automake', and `Simple'. * For the `Make' project type, EDE creates a "project file", called `Project.ede', in each project directory. Information about the project is stored in this file. This project autogenerates a `Makefile'. * For the `Automake' project type, EDE creates a `Project.ede' project file similar to a `Make' project. Unlike a `Make' project, this project autogenerates a `' file. EDE handles the Automake bootstrapping routines, which import and maintain a `' script and other required files. * For the `direct Automake' project type, EDE reads directly from the Automake files. You cannot create direct Automake projects with the `ede-new' command. Instead, when you visit a project with existing Automake files, EDE automatically detects them. * The `Simple' project type provides light-weight constructs for identifying a project root and looking up files. If you already have a non-EDE project infrastructure, you can use a `Simple' project to provide other Emacs packages, such as Semantic, with some information about the project. *Note Simple projects::. A subproject is merely a project in a subdirectory of another project. You can create a subproject by using the `ede-new' command (or the `Create Project' menu item), while visiting a buffer in a subdirectory of the project root. This new project is automatically added to the parent project, and will be automatically loaded when EDE reads the parent project. When using a project command that involves a makefile, EDE uses the top-most project's makefile as a starting place for the build. How the toplevel project handles subprojects in the build process is dependent on that project's type.  File: ede, Node: Modifying your project, Next: Building and Debugging, Prev: Creating a project, Up: Top 4 Modifying your project ************************ In this chapter, we describe the generic features for manipulating projects, including the targets and files within them. Subsequent chapters, which describe specific project types, will provide more detailed information about exactly what these features do. * Menu: * Add/Remove target:: * Add/Remove files:: * Customize Features:: * EDE Project Features::  File: ede, Node: Add/Remove target, Next: Add/Remove files, Prev: Modifying your project, Up: Modifying your project 4.1 Add/Remove target ===================== To create a new target, type `C-c . t' (`ede-new-target') or use the `Add Target' menu item in the `Project Options' submenu. This prompts for a target name, and adds the current buffer to that target. The `ede-new-target' command also prompts for a "target type". Each target type has its own build process and class of files that it will accept. To remove a target from the project, type `M-x ede-delete-target', or use the `Remove Target' menu item in the `Project Options' submenu.  File: ede, Node: Add/Remove files, Next: Customize Features, Prev: Add/Remove target, Up: Modifying your project 4.2 Add/Remove files ==================== To add the current file to an existing target, type `C-c . a' (`ede-add-file'), or use the `Add File' menu item in the `Target Options' submenu. You can add a file to more than one target; this is OK. To remove the current file from a target, type `C-c . d' (`ede-remove-file'), or or use the `Remove File' menu item in the `Target Options' submenu. If the file belongs to multiple targets, this command prompts for each target it could be removed from. While working in a project, if you visit a file that is not part of an existing target, EDE automatically prompts for a target. If you do not wish to add the file to any target, you can choose `none'. You can customize this behavior with the variable `ede-auto-add-method'.  File: ede, Node: Customize Features, Next: EDE Project Features, Prev: Add/Remove files, Up: Modifying your project 4.3 Customize Features ====================== A project, and its targets, are objects using the `EIEIO' object system. *Note Top: (eieio)Top. These objects have data fields containing important information related to your work. If the high-level functions aren't enough, you can tweak all user-customizable fields at any time by running the command `customize-project' or `customize-target'. This loads the current project or target into a customization buffer, where you can tweak individual slots. This is usually necessary for complex projects. Some project modes do not have a project file, but directly read a Makefile or other existing file. Instead of directly editing the object, you can edit the file by typine `C-c . e' (`ede-edit-file-target'). You should "rescan" the project afterwards (*note Miscellaneous commands::).  File: ede, Node: EDE Project Features, Prev: Customize Features, Up: Modifying your project 4.4 EDE Project Features ======================== This section details user facing features of an EDE `Make' style project. An `Automake' project has similar options (but a direct Automake project does not). To modify any of the specific features mentioned here, you need to customize the project or target with `customize-project' or `customize-target'. When you are customizing, you are directly manipulating slot values in EIEIO objects. *Note Extending EDE::, if you are interested in additional details. * Menu: * Changing Compilers and Flags:: * Configurations::  File: ede, Node: Changing Compilers and Flags, Next: Configurations, Prev: EDE Project Features, Up: EDE Project Features 4.4.1 Changing Compilers and Flags ---------------------------------- Targets that build stuff need compilers. To change compilers, you need to customize the desired target. In the `[Make]' section, you can choose a new compiler or linker from the list. If a linker you need is not available, you will need to create a new one. *Note Compiler and Linker objects::. If an existing compiler or linker is close, but you need to modify some flag set such as adding an include path you will need to add a configuration variable. To start, you should create the basic setup, and construct a makefile with `ede-proj-regenerate'. Look in the `Makefile' to see what commands are inserted. Once you have determined the variable you need to modify, you can add a configuration for it. *Note Configurations::.  File: ede, Node: Configurations, Prev: Changing Compilers and Flags, Up: EDE Project Features 4.4.2 Configurations -------------------- Configurations specify different ways to build a project. For example, you may configure a project to be in "debug" mode, or perhaps in "release" mode. The project, and each target type all have a slot named `configuration-variables'. To add new variables to a configuration find this slot in the custom buffer, and insert a new configuration. Name it either "debug" or "release", then insert some number of name/value pairs to it. You can have any number of valid configurations too. To add a new configuration, customize your project. Work in the `[Settings]' block for "configurations". Add a new named configuration here. To switch between different active configurations, modify the "configuration default" slot.  File: ede, Node: Building and Debugging, Next: Miscellaneous commands, Prev: Modifying your project, Up: Top 5 Building and Debugging ************************ EDE provides the following "project-aware" compilation and debugging commands: `C-c . c' Compile the current target (`ede-compile-target'). `C-c . C' Compile the entire project (`ede-compile-project'). `c-c . D' Debug the current target (`ede-debug-target'). `M-x ede-make-dist' Build a distribution file for your project. These commands are also available from the `Development' menu.  File: ede, Node: Miscellaneous commands, Next: Simple projects, Prev: Building and Debugging, Up: Top 6 Miscellaneous commands ************************ If you opt to go in and edit EDE project files directly--for instance, by using `C-c . e' (*note Customize Features::)--you must then "rescan" the project files to update the internal data structures. To rescan the current project, type `C-c . g' (`ede-rescan-toplevel'). EDE can help you find files in your project, via the command `C-c . f' (`ede-find-file'). This prompts for a file name; you need not specify the directory. EDE then tries to visit a file with that name somewhere in your project. EDE can use external tools to help with file finding. To do this, customize `ede-locate-setup-options'. -- Variable: ede-locate-setup-options List of locate objects to try out by default. Listed in order of preference. If the first item cannot be used in a particular project, then the next one is tried. It is always assumed that "ede-locate-base" is at end of the list. EDE also provides a project display mode for the speedbar (*note Speedbar: (emacs)Speedbar.). This allows you to view your source files as they are structured in your project: as a hierarchical tree, grouped according to target. To activate the speedbar in this mode, type `C-c . s' (`ede-speedbar').  File: ede, Node: Simple projects, Next: Extending EDE, Prev: Miscellaneous commands, Up: Top 6.1 Simple Projects =================== There is a wide array of Simple projects. The root for simple projects is the class `ede-simple-project'. This handles the infrastructure of storing a .ede file if needed. The class `ede-simple-project' is designed to be subclassed. Then key EDE methods can be overridden to provide a quick wrapper over any project. A second project type is `ede-cpp-root'. This project type is designed to be created for a directory hierarchy full of C/C++ code. It can be configured with minimal lisp knowledge to do header file lookup for Semantic, improving code completion performance. * Menu: * ede-cpp-root:: This project marks the root of a C/C++ code project. * ede-simple subclassing:: Create your own simple project. * ede-emacs:: A project for working with Emacs. * ede-linux:: A project for working with Linux kernels. * Custom Locate:: Customizing how to locate files in a simple project  File: ede, Node: ede-cpp-root, Next: ede-simple subclassing, Up: Simple projects 6.1.1 ede-cpp-root ------------------ The `ede-cpp-root' project type allows you to create a single object with no save-file in your `.emacs' file. It allows EDE to provide the Semantic package with the ability to find header files quickly. The `ede-cpp-root' class knows a few things about C++ projects, such as the prevalence of "include" directories, and typical file-layout stuff. If this isn't sufficient, you can subclass `ede-cpp-root-project' and add your own tweaks in just a few lines. See the end of this file for an example. In the most basic case, add this to your `.emacs' file, modifying appropriate bits as needed. (ede-cpp-root-project "SOMENAME" :file "/dir/to/some/file") Replace SOMENAME with whatever name you want, and the filename to an actual file at the root of your project. It might be a Makefile, a README file. Whatever. It doesn't matter. It's just a key to hang the rest of EDE off of. The most likely reason to create this project, is to speed up searching for includes files, or to simplify bootstrapping Semantic's ability to find files without much user interaction. In conjunction with Semantic completion, having a short include path is key. You can override the default include path and system include path like this: (ede-cpp-root-project "NAME" :file "FILENAME" :include-path '( "/include" "../include" "/c/include" ) :system-include-path '( "/usr/include/c++/3.2.2/" ) :spp-table '( ("MOOSE" . "") ("CONST" . "const") ) ) In this case each item in the include path list is searched. If the directory starts with "/", then that expands to the project root directory. If a directory does not start with "/", then it is relative to the default-directory of the current buffer when the file name is expanded. The include path only affects C/C++ header files. Use the slot `:header-match-regexp' to change it. The `:system-include-path' allows you to specify full directory names to include directories where system header files can be found. These will be applied to files in this project only. The `:spp-table' provides a list of project specific #define style macros that are unique to this project, passed in to the compiler on the command line, or are in special headers. See the `semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-map' for more on how to format this entry. If there is a single file in your project, you can instead set the `:spp-files' to a list of file names relative to the root of your project. Specifying this is like setting the variable `semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-file' in semantic. If you want to override the file-finding tool with your own function you can do this: (ede-cpp-root-project "NAME" :file "FILENAME" :locate-fcn 'MYFCN) Where MYFCN is a symbol for a function. The locate function can be used in place of `ede-expand-filename' so you can quickly customize your custom target to use specialized local routines instead of the default EDE routines. The function symbol must take two arguments: NAME The name of the file to find. DIR The directory root for this cpp-root project. If the cpp-root project style is right for you, but you want a dynamic loader, instead of hard-coding path name values in your `.emacs', you can do that too, but you will need to write some lisp code. To do that, you need to add an entry to the `ede-project-class-files' list, and also provide two functions to teach EDE how to load your project pattern It would look like this: (defun MY-FILE-FOR-DIR (&optional dir) "Return a full file name to the project file stored in DIR." ) (defun MY-ROOT-FCN () "Return the root fcn for `default-directory'" ;; You might be able to use `ede-cpp-root-project-root' ;; and not write this at all. ) (defun MY-LOAD (dir) "Load a project of type `cpp-root' for the directory DIR. Return nil if there isn't one." ;; Use your preferred constructin method here. (ede-cpp-root-project "NAME" :file (expand-file-name "FILE" dir) :locate-fcn 'MYFCN) ) (add-to-list 'ede-project-class-files (ede-project-autoload "cpp-root" :name "CPP ROOT" :file 'ede-cpp-root :proj-file 'MY-FILE-FOR-DIR :proj-root 'MY-ROOT-FCN :load-type 'MY-LOAD :class-sym 'ede-cpp-root) t) This example only creates an auto-loader, and does not create a new kind of project. *Note ede-cpp-root-project::, for details about the class that defines the `ede-cpp-root' project type.  File: ede, Node: ede-simple subclassing, Next: ede-emacs, Prev: ede-cpp-root, Up: Simple projects 6.1.2 ede-simple Subclassing ---------------------------- todo - Write some doc. In the meantime look in the commentary of ede-simple.el  File: ede, Node: ede-emacs, Next: ede-linux, Prev: ede-simple subclassing, Up: Simple projects 6.1.3 ede-emacs --------------- The `ede-emacs' project automatically identifies an Emacs source tree, and enables EDE project mode for it. It pre-populates the C Preprocessor symbol map for correct parsing, and has an optimized include file identification function.  File: ede, Node: ede-linux, Next: Custom Locate, Prev: ede-emacs, Up: Simple projects 6.1.4 ede-linux --------------- The `ede-linux' project will automatically identify a Linux Kernel source tree, and enable EDE project mode for it. It pre-populates the C Preprocessor symbol map for reasonable parsing, and has an optimized include file identification function.  File: ede, Node: Custom Locate, Prev: ede-linux, Up: Simple projects 6.1.5 Custom Locate ------------------- The various simple project styles all have one major drawback, which is that the files in the project are not completely known to EDE. When the EDE API is used to try and file files by some reference name in the project, then that could fail. @TODO - Add ID Utils and CScope examples EDE can therefore use some external locate commands, such as the unix "locate" command, or "GNU Global". Configuration of the tool you want to use such as `locate', or `global' will need to be done without the aid of EDE. Once configured, however, EDE can use it. To enable one of these tools, set the variable `ede-locate-setup-options' with the names of different locate objects. *note Miscellaneous commands::. Configure this in your `.emacs' before loading in CEDET or EDE. If you want to add support for GNU Global, your configuration would look like this: (setq ede-locate-setup-options '(ede-locate-global ede-locate-base)) That way, when a search needs to be done, it will first try using GLOBAL. If global is not available for that directory, then it will revert to the base locate object. The base object always fails to find a file. You can add your own locate tool but subclassing from `ede-locate-base'. The subclass should also implement two methods. See the code in `ede-locate.el' for GNU Global as a simple example.  File: ede, Node: Extending EDE, Prev: Simple projects, Up: Top 7 Extending EDE *************** This chapter is intended for users who want to write new parts or fix bugs in EDE. A knowledge of Emacs Lisp, and some EIEIO(CLOS) is required. EDE uses EIEIO, the CLOS package for Emacs, to define two object superclasses, specifically the PROJECT and TARGET. All commands in EDE are usually meant to address the current project, or current target. All specific projects in EDE derive subclasses of the EDE superclasses. In this way, specific behaviors such as how a project is saved, or how a target is compiled can be customized by a project author in detail. EDE communicates to these project objects via an API using methods. The commands you use in EDE mode are high-level functional wrappers over these methods. *Note (eieio)Top::. For details on using EIEIO to extending classes, and writing methods. If you intend to extend EDE, it is most likely that a new target type is needed in one of the existing project types. The rest of this chapter will discuss extending the `ede-project' class, and it's targets. See `project-am.el' for basic details on adding targets to it. For the `ede-project' type, the core target class is called `ede-proj-target'. Inheriting from this will give you everything you need to start, including adding your sources into the makefile. If you also need additional rules in the makefile, you will want to inherit from `ede-proj-target-makefile' instead. You may want to also add new fields to track important information. If you are building currently unsupported code into a program or shared library, it is unlikely you need a new target at all. Instead you would need to create a new compiler or linker object that compiles source code of the desired type. *note Compiler and Linker objects::. Once your new class exists, you will want to fill in some basic methods. See the `ede-skel.el' file for examples of these. The files `ede-proj-info.el' and `ede-proj-elisp.el' are two interesting examples. * Menu: * User interface methods:: Methods associated with keybindings * Base project methods:: The most basic methods on EDE objects. * Sourcecode objects:: Defining new sourcecode classes. * Compiler and Linker objects:: Defining new compilers and linkers. * Project:: Details of project classes. * Targets:: Details of target classes. * Sourcecode:: Details of source code classes. * Compilers:: Details of compiler classes.  File: ede, Node: User interface methods, Next: Base project methods, Up: Extending EDE 7.1 User interface methods ========================== These methods are core behaviors associated with user commands. If you do not implement a method, there is a reasonable default that may do what you need. `project-add-file' Add a file to your project. Override this if you want to put new sources into different fields depending on extension, or other details. `project-remove-file' Reverse of project-add-file. `project-compile-target' Override this if you want to do something special when the user "compiles" this target. `project-debug-target' What to do when a user wants to debug your target. `project-update-version' Easily update the version number of your project. `project-edit-file-target' Edit the file the project's information is stored in. `project-new-target' Create a new target in a project. `project-delete-target' Delete a target from a project. `project-make-dist' Make a distribution (tar archive) of the project. `project-rescan' Rescan a project file, changing the data in the existing objects.  File: ede, Node: Base project methods, Next: Sourcecode objects, Prev: User interface methods, Up: Extending EDE 7.2 Base project methods ======================== These methods are important for querying base information from project and target types: `ede-name' Return a string that is the name of this target. `ede-target-name' Return a string that is the name of the target used by a Make system. `ede-description' A brief description of the project or target. This is currently used by the `ede-speedbar' interface. `ede-want-file-p' Return non-nil if a target will accept a given file. It is generally unecessary to override this. See the section on source code. `ede-buffer-mine' Return non-nil if a buffer belongs to this target. Used during association when a file is loaded. It is generally unecessary to override this unless you keep auxiliary files. These methods are used by the semantic package extensions *Note (semantic)Top::. `ede-buffer-header-file' Return a header file belonging to a given buffer. Prototypes are place there when appropriate `ede-buffer-documentation-files' Return the documentation file information about this file would be stored in. `ede-documentation' List all documentation a project or target is responsible for.  File: ede, Node: Sourcecode objects, Next: Compiler and Linker objects, Prev: Base project methods, Up: Extending EDE 7.3 Sourcecode objects ====================== EDE projects track source file / target associates via source code objects. The definitions for this is in `ede-source.el'. A source code object contains methods that know how to identify a file as being of that class, (ie, a C file ends with `.c'). Some targets can handle many different types of sources which must all be compiled together. For example, a mixed C and C++ program would have instantiations of both sourcecode types. When a target needs to know if it will accept a source file, it references its list of source code objects. These objects then make that decision. Source code objects are stored in the target objects as a list of symbols, where the symbol's value is the object. This enables the project save file mechanism to work. Here is an example for an instantiation of an Emacs Lisp source code object: (defvar ede-source-emacs (ede-sourcecode "ede-emacs-source" :name "Emacs Lisp" :sourcepattern "\\.el$" :garbagepattern '("*.elc")) "Emacs Lisp source code definition.") If you want to recycle parts of an existing sourcecode object, you can clone the original, and then just tweak the parts that are different. For example: (defvar ede-source-emacs-autoload (clone ede-source-emacs "ede-source-emacs-autoload" :name "Emacs Lisp Autoload" :sourcepattern "-loaddefs\\.el") "Emacs Lisp autoload source code.") In this case, the garbage pattern is the same. *Note Sourcecode::.  File: ede, Node: Compiler and Linker objects, Next: Project, Prev: Sourcecode objects, Up: Extending EDE 7.4 Compiler and Linker objects =============================== In order for a target to create a `Makefile', it must know how to compile the sources into the program or desired data file, and possibly link them together. A compiler object instantiation is used to associate a given target with a given source code type. Some targets can handle many types of sources, and thus has many compilers available to it. Some targets may have multiple compilers for a given type of source code. EDE will examine the actual source files in a target, cross reference that against the compiler list to come up with the final set of compilers that will be inserted into the Makefile. Compiler instantiations must also insert variables specifying the compiler it plans to use, in addition to creating Automake settings for `' when appropriate. Compiler objects are stored in the target objects as a list of symbols, where the symbols value is the object. This enables the project output mechanism to work more efficiently. Targets will also have a special "compiler" slot which lets a user explicitly choose the compiler they want to use. Here is an example for texinfo: (defvar ede-makeinfo-compiler (ede-compiler "ede-makeinfo-compiler" :name "makeinfo" :variables '(("MAKEINFO" . "makeinfo")) :commands '("makeinfo -o $ $<") :autoconf '(("AC_CHECK_PROG" . "MAKEINFO, makeinfo")) :sourcetype '(ede-makeinfo-source) ) "Compile texinfo files into info files.") *Note Compilers::. When creating compiler instantiations, it may be useful to `clone' an existing compiler variable. Cloning allows you to only modify parts of the original, while keeping the rest of the same. Modification of the original will result in the clone also being changed for shared value slots. The second important object is the linker class. The linker is similar to the compiler, except several compilers might be used to create some object files, and only one linker is used to link those objects together. See `ede-proj-obj.el' for examples of the combination.  File: ede, Node: Project, Next: Targets, Prev: Compiler and Linker objects, Up: Extending EDE 7.5 Project =========== * Menu: * ede-project-placeholder :: * ede-project :: * ede-cpp-root-project :: * ede-simple-project :: * ede-simple-base-project :: * ede-proj-project :: * project-am-makefile :: * ede-step-project ::  File: ede, Node: ede-project-placeholder, Next: ede-project, Up: Project 7.5.1 ede-project-placeholder ----------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `ede-project-placeholder' Children: *Note ede-project::. Slots: `:name' Type: `string' Default Value: `"Untitled"' The name used when generating distribution files. `:version' Type: `string' Default Value: `"1.0"' The version number used when distributing files. `:directory' Type: `string' Directory this project is associated with. `:file' Type: `string' File name where this project is stored. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-project-inode :AFTER proj Get the inode of the directory project PROJ is in. -- Method: ede-project-root :AFTER this If a project knows it's root, return it here. Allows for one-project-object-for-a-tree type systems. -- Method: ede-find-subproject-for-directory :AFTER proj dir Find a subproject of PROJ that corresponds to DIR. -- Method: ede-project-root-directory :AFTER this &optional file If a project knows it's root, return it here. Allows for one-project-object-for-a-tree type systems. Optional FILE is the file to test. It is ignored in preference of the anchor file for the project. -- Method: ede-project-force-load :AFTER this Make sure the placeholder THIS is replaced with the real thing. Return the new object created in its place. -- Method: project-interactive-select-target :AFTER this prompt Make sure placeholder THIS is replaced with the real thing, and pass through. -- Method: project-add-file :AFTER this file Make sure placeholder THIS is replaced with the real thing, and pass through.  File: ede, Node: ede-project, Next: ede-cpp-root-project, Prev: ede-project-placeholder, Up: Project 7.5.2 ede-project ----------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `ede-project' Children: *Note ede-cpp-root-project::, ede-emacs-project, ede-linux-project, ede-maven-project, *Note ede-simple-project::, *Note ede-simple-base-project::, *Note ede-proj-project::, *Note project-am-makefile::, *Note ede-step-project::. Slots: `:targets' Type: `list' List of top level targets in this project. `:tool-cache' Type: `list' List of tool cache configurations in this project. This allows any tool to create, manage, and persist project-specific settings. `:web-site-url' Type: `string' URL to this projects web site. This is a URL to be sent to a web site for documentation. `:web-site-directory ' A directory where web pages can be found by Emacs. For remote locations use a path compatible with ange-ftp or EFS. You can also use TRAMP for use with rcp & scp. `:web-site-file ' A file which contains the home page for this project. This file can be relative to slot `web-site-directory'. This can be a local file, use ange-ftp, EFS, or TRAMP. `:ftp-site' Type: `string' FTP site where this project's distribution can be found. This FTP site should be in Emacs form, as needed by `ange-ftp', but can also be of a form used by TRAMP for use with scp, or rcp. `:ftp-upload-site' Type: `string' FTP Site to upload new distributions to. This FTP site should be in Emacs form as needed by `ange-ftp'. If this slot is `nil', then use `ftp-site' instead. `:configurations' Type: `list' Default Value: `("debug" "release")' List of available configuration types. Individual target/project types can form associations between a configuration, and target specific elements such as build variables. `:configuration-default ' Default Value: `"debug"' The default configuration. `:local-variables ' Default Value: `nil' Project local variables Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-preprocessor-map :AFTER this Get the pre-processor map for project THIS. -- Method: ede-subproject-relative-path :AFTER proj &optional parent-in Get a path name for PROJ which is relative to the parent project. If PARENT is specified, then be relative to the PARENT project. Specifying PARENT is useful for sub-sub projects relative to the root project. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-description :AFTER obj Provide a speedbar description for OBJ. -- Method: ede-map-any-target-p :AFTER this proc For project THIS, map PROC to all targets and return if any non-nil. Return the first non-`nil' value returned by PROC. -- Method: ede-map-subprojects :AFTER this proc For object THIS, execute PROC on all direct subprojects. This function does not apply PROC to sub-sub projects. See also "ede-map-all-subprojects". -- Method: ede-convert-path :AFTER this path Convert path in a standard way for a given project. Default to making it project relative. Argument THIS is the project to convert PATH to. -- Method: ede-name :AFTER this Return a short-name for THIS project file. Do this by extracting the lowest directory name. -- Method: ede-set-project-variables :AFTER project &optional buffer Set variables local to PROJECT in BUFFER. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-derive-line-path :AFTER obj &optional depth Return the path to OBJ. Optional DEPTH is the depth we start at. -- Method: ede-map-all-subprojects :AFTER this allproc For object THIS, execute PROC on THIS and all subprojects. This function also applies PROC to sub-sub projects. See also "ede-map-subprojects". -- Method: project-update-version :AFTER ot The `:version' of the project OT has been updated. Handle saving, or other detail. -- Method: ede-buffer-header-file :AFTER this buffer Return `nil', projects don't have header files. -- Method: ede-buffer-documentation-files :AFTER this buffer Return all documentation in project THIS based on BUFFER. -- Method: ede-map-targets :AFTER this proc For object THIS, execute PROC on all targets. -- Method: ede-buffer-mine :AFTER this buffer Return non-`nil' if object THIS lays claim to the file in BUFFER. -- Method: ede-object-keybindings :BEFORE this Retrieves the slot `keybindings' from an object of class `ede-project' -- Method: ede-description :AFTER this Return a description suitable for the minibuffer about THIS. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-object-children :AFTER this Return the list of speedbar display children for THIS. -- Method: project-make-dist :AFTER this Build a distribution for the project based on THIS project. -- Method: ede-system-include-path :AFTER this Get the system include path used by project THIS. -- Method: project-new-target-custom :AFTER proj Create a new target. It is up to the project PROJ to get the name. -- Method: ede-subproject-p :AFTER proj Return non-`nil' if PROJ is a sub project. -- Method: ede-expand-filename :AFTER this filename &optional force Return a fully qualified file name based on project THIS. FILENAME should be just a filename which occurs in a directory controlled by this project. Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it doesn't exist. -- Method: ede-menu-items-build :AFTER obj &optional current Return a list of menu items for building project OBJ. If optional argument CURRENT is non-`nil', return sub-menu code. -- Method: ede-update-version-in-source :AFTER this version Change occurrences of a version string in sources. In project THIS, cycle over all targets to give them a chance to set their sources to VERSION. -- Method: project-new-target :AFTER proj &rest args Create a new target. It is up to the project PROJ to get the name. -- Method: project-compile-project :AFTER obj &optional command Compile the entire current project OBJ. Argument COMMAND is the command to use when compiling. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-object-buttonname :AFTER object Return a string to use as a speedbar button for OBJECT. -- Method: ede-map-project-buffers :AFTER this proc For THIS, execute PROC on all buffers belonging to THIS. -- Method: ede-expand-filename-impl :AFTER this filename &optional force Return a fully qualified file name based on project THIS. FILENAME should be just a filename which occurs in a directory controlled by this project. Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it doesn't exist. -- Method: eieio-done-customizing :AFTER proj Call this when a user finishes customizing PROJ. -- Method: ede-html-documentation :AFTER this Return a list of HTML files provided by project THIS. -- Method: ede-documentation :AFTER this Return a list of files that provides documentation. Documentation is not for object THIS, but is provided by THIS for other files in the project. -- Method: project-interactive-select-target :AFTER this prompt Interactively query for a target that exists in project THIS. Argument PROMPT is the prompt to use when querying the user for a target. -- Method: ede-target-in-project-p :AFTER proj target Is PROJ the parent of TARGET? If TARGET belongs to a subproject, return that project file. -- Method: ede-find-target :AFTER proj buffer Fetch the target in PROJ belonging to BUFFER or nil. -- Method: ede-add-subproject :AFTER proj-a proj-b Add into PROJ-A, the subproject PROJ-B. -- Method: ede-commit-project :AFTER proj Commit any change to PROJ to its file. -- Method: project-dist-files :AFTER this Return a list of files that constitutes a distribution of THIS project. -- Method: ede-object-menu :BEFORE this Retrieves the slot `menu' from an object of class `ede-project' -- Method: ede-commit-local-variables :AFTER proj Commit change to local variables in PROJ.  File: ede, Node: ede-cpp-root-project, Next: ede-simple-project, Prev: ede-project, Up: Project 7.5.3 ede-cpp-root-project -------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `*Note ede-project::.' `ede-cpp-root-project' No children This class implements the `ede-cpp-root' project type. *Note ede-cpp-root::, for information about using this project type. Slots: `:include-path' Type: `list' Default Value: `(quote ("/include" "../include/"))' The default locate function expands filenames within a project. If a header file (.h, .hh, etc) name is expanded, and the `:locate-fcn' slot is `nil', then the include path is checked first, and other directories are ignored. For very large projects, this optimization can save a lot of time. Directory names in the path can be relative to the current buffer's `default-directory' (not starting with a /). Directories that are relative to the project's root should start with a /, such as "/include", meaning the directory `include' off the project root directory. `:system-include-path' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' The system include path for files in this project. C files initialized in an ede-cpp-root-project have their semantic system include path set to this value. If this is `nil', then the semantic path is not modified. `:spp-table' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' C Preprocessor macros for your files. Preprocessor symbols will be used while parsing your files. These macros might be passed in through the command line compiler, or are critical symbols derived from header files. Providing header files macro values through this slot improves accuracy and performance. Use `:spp-files' to use these files directly. `:spp-files' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' C header file with Preprocessor macros for your files. The PreProcessor symbols appearing in these files will be used while parsing files in this project. See `semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-map' for more on how this works. `:header-match-regexp' Type: `string' Default Value: `"\\.\\(h\\(h\\|xx\\|pp\\|\\+\\+\\)?\\|H\\)$\\|\\<\\w+$"' Regexp used to identify C/C++ header files. `:locate-fcn' Type: `(or null function)' Default Value: `nil' The locate function can be used in place of "ede-expand-filename" so you can quickly customize your custom target to use specialized local routines instead of the EDE routines. The function symbol must take two arguments: NAME - The name of the file to find. DIR - The directory root for this cpp-root project. It should return the fully qualified file name passed in from NAME. If that file does not exist, it should return nil. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: initialize-instance :AFTER this &rest fields Make sure the `:file' is fully expanded. -- Method: ede-preprocessor-map :AFTER this Get the pre-processor map for project THIS. -- Method: ede-cpp-root-header-file-p :AFTER proj name Non `nil' if in PROJ the filename NAME is a header. -- Method: ede-system-include-path :AFTER this Get the system include path used by project THIS. -- Method: ede-expand-filename-impl :AFTER proj name Within this project PROJ, find the file NAME. This knows details about or source tree.  File: ede, Node: ede-simple-project, Next: ede-simple-base-project, Prev: ede-cpp-root-project, Up: Project 7.5.4 ede-simple-project ------------------------ Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `*Note ede-project::.' `ede-simple-project' No children Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-commit-project :AFTER proj Commit any change to PROJ to its file.  File: ede, Node: ede-simple-base-project, Next: ede-proj-project, Prev: ede-simple-project, Up: Project 7.5.5 ede-simple-base-project ----------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `*Note ede-project::.' `ede-simple-base-project' No children EDE Simple project base class. This one project could control a tree of subdirectories.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-project, Next: project-am-makefile, Prev: ede-simple-base-project, Up: Project 7.5.6 ede-proj-project ---------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `*Note ede-project::.' `ede-proj-project' No children Slots: `:makefile-type' Type: `symbol' Default Value: `Makefile' The type of Makefile to generate. Can be one of `'Makefile', ', or ' If this value is NOT `'Makefile', then that overrides the `:makefile' slot in targets. `:variables' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Variables to set in this Makefile. `:configuration-variables' Type: `list' Default Value: `("debug" (("DEBUG" . "1")))' Makefile variables to use in different configurations. These variables are used in the makefile when a configuration becomes active. `:inference-rules ' Default Value: `nil' Inference rules to add to the makefile. `:include-file ' Default Value: `nil' Additional files to include. These files can contain additional rules, variables, and customizations. `:automatic-dependencies' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `t' Non-`nil' to do implement automatic dependencies in the Makefile. `:metasubproject' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `nil' Non-`nil' if this is a metasubproject. Usually, a subproject is determined by a parent project. If multiple top level projects are grouped into a large project not maintained by EDE, then you need to set this to non-nil. The only effect is that the `dist' rule will then avoid making a tar file. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-create :AFTER this mfilename Create a Makefile for all Makefile targets in THIS. MFILENAME is the makefile to generate. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Insert rules needed by THIS target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-tags :AFTER this targets Insert into the current location rules to make recursive TAGS files. Argument THIS is the project to create tags for. Argument TARGETS are the targets we should depend on for TAGS. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this Insert variables needed by target THIS. -- Method: project-make-dist :AFTER this Build a distribution for the project based on THIS target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-rules :AFTER this Insert distribution rules for THIS in a Makefile, such as CLEAN and DIST. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-dependencies :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should depend on. Argument THIS is the project that should insert stuff. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-subproj-rules :AFTER this Insert a rule for the project THIS which should be a subproject. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-create-maybe :AFTER this mfilename Create a Makefile for all Makefile targets in THIS if needed. MFILENAME is the makefile to generate. -- Method: ede-proj-configure-test-required-file :AFTER this file For project THIS, test that the file FILE exists, or create it. -- Method: ede-proj-setup-buildenvironment :AFTER this &optional force Setup the build environment for project THIS. Handles the Makefile, or a combination. Optional argument FORCE will force items to be regenerated. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-garbage-patterns :AFTER this Return a list of patterns that are considered garbage to THIS. These are removed with make clean. -- Method: ede-proj-configure-synchronize :AFTER this Synchronize what we know about project THIS into -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables-new :AFTER this Insert variables needed by target THIS. NOTE: Not yet in use! This is part of an SRecode conversion of EDE that is in progress. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-configuration-variables :AFTER this configuration Return a list of configuration variables from THIS. Use CONFIGURATION as the current configuration to query. -- Method: eieio-done-customizing :AFTER proj Call this when a user finishes customizing this object. Argument PROJ is the project to save. -- Method: ede-proj-configure-recreate :AFTER this Delete project THISes configure script and start over. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-user-rules :AFTER this Insert user specified rules needed by THIS target. This is different from "ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules" in that this function won't create the building rules which are auto created with automake. -- Method: ede-proj-dist-makefile :AFTER this Return the name of the Makefile with the DIST target in it for THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-configure-file :AFTER this The script used by project THIS. -- Method: ede-commit-project :AFTER proj Commit any change to PROJ to its file. -- Method: project-dist-files :AFTER this Return a list of files that constitutes a distribution of THIS project. -- Method: ede-commit-local-variables :AFTER proj Commit change to local variables in PROJ.  File: ede, Node: project-am-makefile, Next: ede-step-project, Prev: ede-proj-project, Up: Project 7.5.7 project-am-makefile ------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `*Note ede-project::.' `project-am-makefile' No children Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: project-am-subtree :AFTER ampf subdir Return the sub project in AMPF specified by SUBDIR. -- Method: project-targets-for-file :AFTER proj Return a list of targets the project PROJ. -- Method: project-new-target :AFTER proj &optional name type Create a new target named NAME. Argument TYPE is the type of target to insert. This is a string matching something in `project-am-type-alist' or type class symbol. Despite the fact that this is a method, it depends on the current buffer being in order to provide a smart default target type.  File: ede, Node: ede-step-project, Prev: project-am-makefile, Up: Project 7.5.8 ede-step-project ---------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-project-placeholder::.' `*Note ede-project::.' `ede-step-project' No children Slots: `:init-variables' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Variables to set in this Makefile, at top of file. `:additional-variables' Type: `(or null list)' Default Value: `nil' Arbitrary variables needed from this project. It is safe to leave this blank. `:additional-rules' Type: `(or null list)' Default Value: `nil' Arbitrary rules and dependencies needed to make this target. It is safe to leave this blank. `:installation-domain' Type: `symbol' Default Value: `user' Installation domain specification. The variable GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DOMAIN is set at this value. `:preamble' Type: `(or null list)' Default Value: `(quote ("GNUmakefile.preamble"))' The auxiliary makefile for additional variables. Included just before the specific target files. `:postamble' Type: `(or null list)' Default Value: `(quote ("GNUmakefile.postamble"))' The auxiliary makefile for additional rules. Included just after the specific target files. `:metasubproject' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `nil' Non-`nil' if this is a metasubproject. Usually, a subproject is determined by a parent project. If multiple top level projects are grouped into a large project not maintained by EDE, then you need to set this to non-nil. The only effect is that the `dist' rule will then avoid making a tar file. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-create :AFTER this mfilename Create a GNUmakefile for all Makefile targets in THIS. MFILENAME is the makefile to generate. -- Method: project-make-dist :AFTER this Build a distribution for the project based on THIS target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-create-maybe :AFTER this mfilename Create a Makefile for all Makefile targets in THIS if needed. MFILENAME is the makefile to generate. -- Method: ede-proj-setup-buildenvironment :AFTER this &optional force Setup the build environment for project THIS. Handles the Makefile, or a combination. Optional argument FORCE will force items to be regenerated. -- Method: eieio-done-customizing :AFTER proj Call this when a user finishes customizing this object. Argument PROJ is the project to save. -- Method: ede-proj-dist-makefile :AFTER this Return the name of the Makefile with the DIST target in it for THIS. -- Method: ede-commit-project :AFTER proj Commit any change to PROJ to its file. -- Method: project-dist-files :AFTER this Return a list of files that constitutes a distribution of THIS project. -- Method: ede-commit-local-variables :AFTER proj Commit change to local variables in PROJ.  File: ede, Node: Targets, Next: Sourcecode, Prev: Project, Up: Extending EDE 7.6 Targets =========== * Menu: * ede-target :: * ede-proj-target :: * ede-proj-target-makefile :: * semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar :: * ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode :: * ede-proj-target-makefile-archive :: * ede-proj-target-makefile-program :: * ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object :: * ede-proj-target-elisp :: * ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads :: * ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous :: * ede-proj-target-makefile-info :: * ede-proj-target-scheme :: * project-am-target :: * project-am-objectcode :: * project-am-program :: * project-am-header-noinst :: * project-am-header-inst :: * project-am-lisp :: * project-am-texinfo :: * project-am-man ::  File: ede, Node: ede-target, Next: ede-proj-target, Up: Targets 7.6.1 ede-target ---------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `ede-target' Children: ede-cpp-root-target, ede-emacs-target-c, ede-emacs-target-el, ede-emacs-target-misc, ede-linux-target-c, ede-linux-target-misc, ede-maven-target-java, ede-maven-target-c, ede-maven-target-misc, ede-simple-target, *Note ede-proj-target::, *Note project-am-target::. Slots: `:name' Type: `string' Name of this target. `:path' Type: `string' The path to the sources of this target. Relative to the path of the project it belongs to. `:source' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Source files in this target. `:versionsource' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Source files with a version string in them. These files are checked for a version string whenever the EDE version of the master project is changed. When strings are found, the version previously there is updated. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-preprocessor-map :AFTER this Get the pre-processor map for project THIS. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-description :AFTER obj Provide a speedbar description for OBJ. -- Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj &optional command Compile the current target OBJ. Argument COMMAND is the command to use for compiling the target. -- Method: project-debug-target :AFTER obj Run the current project target OBJ in a debugger. -- Method: ede-convert-path :AFTER this path Convert path in a standard way for a given project. Default to making it project relative. Argument THIS is the project to convert PATH to. -- Method: ede-name :AFTER this Return the name of THIS targt. -- Method: ede-target-buffer-in-sourcelist :AFTER this buffer source Return non-`nil' if object THIS is in BUFFER to a SOURCE list. Handles complex path issues. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-derive-line-path :AFTER obj &optional depth Return the path to OBJ. Optional DEPTH is the depth we start at. -- Method: ede-buffer-header-file :AFTER this buffer There are no default header files in EDE. Do a quick check to see if there is a Header tag in this buffer. -- Method: project-remove-file :AFTER ot fnnd Remove the current buffer from project target OT. Argument FNND is an argument. -- Method: ede-buffer-documentation-files :AFTER this buffer Check for some documentation files for THIS. Also do a quick check to see if there is a Documentation tag in this BUFFER. -- Method: ede-map-target-buffers :AFTER this proc For THIS, execute PROC on all buffers belonging to THIS. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-child-description :AFTER obj Provide a speedbar description for a plain-child of OBJ. A plain child is a child element which is not an EIEIO object. -- Method: ede-object-keybindings :BEFORE this Retrieves the slot `keybindings' from an object of class `ede-target' -- Method: ede-description :AFTER this Return a description suitable for the minibuffer about THIS. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-object-children :AFTER this Return the list of speedbar display children for THIS. -- Method: ede-system-include-path :AFTER this Get the system include path used by project THIS. -- Method: ede-object-sourcecode :BEFORE this Retrieves the slot `sourcetype' from an object of class `ede-target' -- Method: ede-expand-filename :AFTER this filename &optional force Return a fully qualified file name based on target THIS. FILENAME should be a filename which occurs in a directory in which THIS works. Optional argument FORCE forces the default filename to be provided even if it doesn't exist. -- Method: ede-menu-items-build :AFTER obj &optional current Return a list of menu items for building target OBJ. If optional argument CURRENT is non-`nil', return sub-menu code. -- Method: ede-want-file-p :AFTER this file Return non-`nil' if THIS target wants FILE. -- Method: ede-update-version-in-source :AFTER this version In sources for THIS, change version numbers to VERSION. -- Method: project-delete-target :AFTER ot Delete the current target OT from it's parent project. -- Method: ede-target-sourcecode :AFTER this Return the sourcecode objects which THIS permits. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-child-make-tag-lines :AFTER this depth Create a speedbar tag line for a child of THIS. It has depth DEPTH. -- Method: eieio-speedbar-object-buttonname :AFTER object Return a string to use as a speedbar button for OBJECT. -- Method: eieio-done-customizing :AFTER target Call this when a user finishes customizing TARGET. -- Method: project-edit-file-target :AFTER ot Edit the target OT associated w/ this file. -- Method: ede-documentation :AFTER this Return a list of files that provides documentation. Documentation is not for object THIS, but is provided by THIS for other files in the project. -- Method: ede-want-file-source-p :AFTER this file Return non-`nil' if THIS target wants FILE. -- Method: ede-want-file-auxiliary-p :AFTER this file Return non-`nil' if THIS target wants FILE. -- Method: project-add-file :AFTER ot file Add the current buffer into project project target OT. Argument FILE is the file to add. -- Method: ede-target-name :AFTER this Return the name of THIS target, suitable for make or debug style commands. -- Method: ede-object-menu :BEFORE this Retrieves the slot `menu' from an object of class `ede-target'  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile, Prev: ede-target, Up: Targets 7.6.2 ede-proj-target --------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `ede-proj-target' Children: *Note ede-proj-target-makefile::, ede-proj-target-aux, *Note ede-proj-target-scheme::. Slots: `:name' Type: `string' Name of this target. `:path' Type: `string' The path to the sources of this target. Relative to the path of the project it belongs to. `:auxsource' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Auxiliary source files included in this target. Each of these is considered equivalent to a source file, but it is not distributed, and each should have a corresponding rule to build it. `:compiler' Type: `(or null symbol)' Default Value: `nil' The compiler to be used to compile this object. This should be a symbol, which contains the object defining the compiler. This enables save/restore to do so by name, permitting the sharing of these compiler resources, and global customization thereof. `:linker' Type: `(or null symbol)' Default Value: `nil' The linker to be used to link compiled sources for this object. This should be a symbol, which contains the object defining the linker. This enables save/restore to do so by name, permitting the sharing of these linker resources, and global customization thereof. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj &optional command Compile the current target OBJ. Argument COMMAND is the command to use for compiling the target. -- Method: project-debug-target :AFTER obj Run the current project target OBJ in a debugger. -- Method: ede-proj-configure-add-missing :AFTER this Query if any files needed by THIS provided by automake are missing. Results in -add-missing being passed to automake. -- Method: ede-proj-flush-autoconf :AFTER this Flush the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. By flushing, remove any cruft that may be in the file. Subsequent calls to "ede-proj-tweak-autoconf" can restore items removed by flush. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Insert rules needed by THIS target. -- Method: project-remove-file :AFTER target file For TARGET, remove FILE. FILE must be massaged by "ede-convert-path". -- Method: ede-proj-configure-create-missing :AFTER this Add any missing files for THIS by creating them. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource Insert variables needed by target THIS. Optional argument MORESOURCE is a list of additional sources to add to the sources variable. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-automake-post-variables :AFTER this Insert variables needed by target THIS in after SOURCES. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-dependencies :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should depend on. Argument THIS is the target that should insert stuff. -- Method: ede-proj-linkers :AFTER obj List of linkers being used by OBJ. If the `linker' slot is empty, concoct one on a first match found basis for any given type from the `availablelinkers' slot. Otherwise, return the `linker' slot. Converts all symbols into the objects to be used. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-garbage-patterns :AFTER this Return a list of patterns that are considered garbage to THIS. These are removed with make clean. -- Method: ede-proj-tweak-autoconf :AFTER this Tweak the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-compilers :AFTER obj List of compilers being used by OBJ. If the `compiler' slot is empty, concoct one on a first match found basis for any given type from the `availablecompilers' slot. Otherwise, return the `compiler' slot. Converts all symbols into the objects to be used. -- Method: project-delete-target :AFTER this Delete the current target THIS from it's parent project. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-target-name :AFTER this Return the name of the main target for THIS target. -- Method: eieio-done-customizing :AFTER target Call this when a user finishes customizing this object. Argument TARGET is the project we are completing customization on. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-user-rules :AFTER this Insert user specified rules needed by THIS target. -- Method: project-add-file :AFTER this file Add to target THIS the current buffer represented as FILE. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-automake-pre-variables :AFTER this Insert variables needed by target THIS in before SOURCES. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-filepatterns :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should depend on. Argument THIS is the target that should insert stuff. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-dependency-files :AFTER this Return a list of source files to convert to dependencies. Argument THIS is the target to get sources from. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-source-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource Insert the source variables needed by THIS. Optional argument MORESOURCE is a list of additional sources to add to the sources variable.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile, Next: semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar, Prev: ede-proj-target, Up: Targets 7.6.3 ede-proj-target-makefile ------------------------------ Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile' Children: *Note semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar::, *Note ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode::, *Note ede-proj-target-elisp::, *Note ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous::, *Note ede-proj-target-makefile-info::. Slots: `:makefile' Type: `string' Default Value: `"Makefile"' File name of generated Makefile. `:partofall' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `t' Non `nil' means the rule created is part of the all target. Setting this to `nil' creates the rule to build this item, but does not include it in the ALL`all:' rule. `:configuration-variables' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Makefile variables appended to use in different configurations. These variables are used in the makefile when a configuration becomes active. Target variables are always renamed such as foo_CFLAGS, then included into commands where the variable would usually appear. `:rules' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Arbitrary rules and dependencies needed to make this target. It is safe to leave this blank. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-dependencies :AFTER this Return a string representing the dependencies for THIS. Some compilers only use the first element in the dependencies, others have a list of intermediates (object files), and others don't care. This allows customization of how these elements appear. -- Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj &optional command Compile the current target program OBJ. Optional argument COMMAND is the s the alternate command to use. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Insert rules needed by THIS target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource Insert variables needed by target THIS. Optional argument MORESOURCE is a list of additional sources to add to the sources variable. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-commands :AFTER this Insert the commands needed by target THIS. For targets, insert the commands needed by the chosen compiler. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-configuration-variables :AFTER this configuration Return a list of configuration variables from THIS. Use CONFIGURATION as the current configuration to query.  File: ede, Node: semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile, Up: Targets 7.6.4 semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar -------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar' No children Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj Compile all sources in a Lisp target OBJ. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Insert rules needed by THIS target. -- Method: ede-buffer-mine :AFTER this buffer Return `t' if object THIS lays claim to the file in BUFFER. Lays claim to all -by.el, and -wy.el files. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-dependencies :AFTER this Insert dist dependencies, or intermediate targets. This makes sure that all grammar lisp files are created before the dist runs, so they are always up to date. Argument THIS is the target that should insert stuff.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile-archive, Prev: semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar, Up: Targets 7.6.5 ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode ----------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode' Children: *Note ede-proj-target-makefile-archive::, *Note ede-proj-target-makefile-program::. Slots: `:configuration-variables' Type: `list' Default Value: `("debug" ("CFLAGS" . "-g") ("LDFLAGS" . "-g"))' *Note ede-proj-target-makefile::. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-buffer-header-file :AFTER this buffer There are no default header files. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource Insert variables needed by target THIS. Optional argument MORESOURCE is not used. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-dependency-files :AFTER this Return a list of source files to convert to dependencies. Argument THIS is the target to get sources from.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-archive, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile-program, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode, Up: Targets 7.6.6 ede-proj-target-makefile-archive -------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile-archive' No children Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Create the make rule needed to create an archive for THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-source-variables :PRIMARY this Insert bin_PROGRAMS variables needed by target THIS. We aren't acutally inserting SOURCE details, but this is used by the generator, so use it to add this important bin program.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-program, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile-archive, Up: Targets 7.6.7 ede-proj-target-makefile-program -------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile-program' Children: *Note ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object::. Slots: `:ldlibs' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Libraries, such as "m" or "Xt" which this program depends on. The linker flag "-l" is automatically prepended. Do not include a "lib" prefix, or a ".so" suffix. Note: Currently only used for Automake projects. `:ldflags' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Additional flags to add when linking this target. Use ldlibs to add addition libraries. Use this to specify specific options to the linker. Note: Not currently used. This bug needs to be fixed. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: project-debug-target :AFTER obj Debug a program target OBJ. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Insert rules needed by THIS target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-automake-post-variables :AFTER this Insert bin_PROGRAMS variables needed by target THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-automake-pre-variables :AFTER this Insert bin_PROGRAMS variables needed by target THIS.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object, Next: ede-proj-target-elisp, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile-program, Up: Targets 7.6.8 ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object -------------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile-program::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object' No children Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-configure-add-missing :AFTER this Query if any files needed by THIS provided by automake are missing. Results in -add-missing being passed to automake. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-automake-post-variables :AFTER this Insert bin_PROGRAMS variables needed by target THIS. We need to override -program which has an LDADD element. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-target-name :AFTER this Return the name of the main target for THIS target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-automake-pre-variables :AFTER this Insert bin_PROGRAMS variables needed by target THIS. We aren't acutally inserting SOURCE details, but this is used by the generator, so use it to add this important bin program.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-elisp, Next: ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object, Up: Targets 7.6.9 ede-proj-target-elisp --------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `ede-proj-target-elisp' Children: *Note ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads::. Slots: `:aux-packages' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Additional packages needed. There should only be one toplevel package per auxiliary tool needed. These packages location is found, and added to the compile time load path. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj Compile all sources in a Lisp target OBJ. Bonus: Return a cons cell: (COMPILED . UPTODATE). -- Method: ede-proj-flush-autoconf :AFTER this Flush the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. -- Method: ede-buffer-mine :AFTER this buffer Return `t' if object THIS lays claim to the file in BUFFER. Lays claim to all .elc files that match .el files in this target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-tweak-autoconf :AFTER this Tweak the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. -- Method: ede-update-version-in-source :AFTER this version In a Lisp file, updated a version string for THIS to VERSION. There are standards in Elisp files specifying how the version string is found, such as a `-version' variable, or the standard header.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous, Prev: ede-proj-target-elisp, Up: Targets 7.6.10 ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads -------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-elisp::.' `ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads' No children Slots: `:aux-packages' Type: `list' Default Value: `("cedet-autogen")' *Note ede-proj-target-elisp::. `:autoload-file' Type: `string' Default Value: `"loaddefs.el"' The file that autoload definitions are placed in. There should be one load defs file for a given package. The load defs are created for all Emacs Lisp sources that exist in the directory of the created target. `:autoload-dirs' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' The directories to scan for autoload definitions. If `nil' defaults to the current directory. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-dependencies :AFTER this Return a string representing the dependencies for THIS. Always return an empty string for an autoloads generator. -- Method: project-compile-target :AFTER obj Create or update the autoload target. -- Method: ede-proj-flush-autoconf :AFTER this Flush the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. -- Method: ede-buffer-mine :AFTER this buffer Return `t' if object THIS lays claim to the file in BUFFER. Lays claim to all .elc files that match .el files in this target. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-dependencies :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should depend on. Emacs Lisp autoload files ship the generated .el files. Argument THIS is the target which needs to insert an info file. -- Method: ede-proj-tweak-autoconf :AFTER this Tweak the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. -- Method: ede-update-version-in-source :AFTER this version In a Lisp file, updated a version string for THIS to VERSION. There are standards in Elisp files specifying how the version string is found, such as a `-version' variable, or the standard header. -- Method: ede-proj-compilers :AFTER obj List of compilers being used by OBJ. If the `compiler' slot is empty, get the car of the compilers list. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-filepatterns :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should distribute. Emacs Lisp autoload files ship the generated .el files. Argument THIS is the target which needs to insert an info file. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-source-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource Insert the source variables needed by THIS. Optional argument MORESOURCE is a list of additional sources to add to the sources variable.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous, Next: ede-proj-target-makefile-info, Prev: ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads, Up: Targets 7.6.11 ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous -------------------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous' No children Slots: `:submakefile' Type: `string' Default Value: `""' Miscellaneous sources which have a specialized makefile. The sub-makefile is used to build this target. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Create the make rule needed to create an archive for THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-dependency-files :AFTER this Return a list of files which THIS target depends on.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-info, Next: ede-proj-target-scheme, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous, Up: Targets 7.6.12 ede-proj-target-makefile-info ------------------------------------ Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target-makefile::.' `ede-proj-target-makefile-info' No children Slots: `:mainmenu' Type: `string' Default Value: `""' The main menu resides in this file. All other sources should be included independently. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: ede-proj-configure-add-missing :AFTER this Query if any files needed by THIS provided by automake are missing. Results in -add-missing being passed to automake. -- Method: object-write :AFTER this Before committing any change to THIS, make sure the mainmenu is first. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-sourcevar :AFTER this Return the variable name for THIS's sources. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-dependencies :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should depend on. Texinfo files want to insert generated `.info' files. Argument THIS is the target which needs to insert an info file. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-target-name :AFTER this Return the name of the main target for THIS target. -- Method: ede-documentation :AFTER this Return a list of files that provides documentation. Documentation is not for object THIS, but is provided by THIS for other files in the project. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-dist-filepatterns :AFTER this Insert any symbols that the DIST rule should depend on. Texinfo files want to insert generated `.info' files. Argument THIS is the target which needs to insert an info file. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-source-variables :AFTER this &optional moresource Insert the source variables needed by THIS info target. Optional argument MORESOURCE is a list of additional sources to add to the sources variable. Does the usual for Makefile mode, but splits source into two variables when working in Automake mode.  File: ede, Node: ede-proj-target-scheme, Next: project-am-target, Prev: ede-proj-target-makefile-info, Up: Targets 7.6.13 ede-proj-target-scheme ----------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note ede-proj-target::.' `ede-proj-target-scheme' No children Slots: `:interpreter' Type: `string' Default Value: `"guile"' The preferred interpreter for this code. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: ede-proj-tweak-autoconf :AFTER this Tweak the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS.  File: ede, Node: project-am-target, Next: project-am-objectcode, Prev: ede-proj-target-scheme, Up: Targets 7.6.14 project-am-target ------------------------ Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `project-am-target' Children: *Note project-am-objectcode::, project-am-header, *Note project-am-lisp::, *Note project-am-texinfo::, *Note project-am-man::. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-compile-target-command :AFTER this Default target to use when compiling a given target. -- Method: project-make-dist :AFTER this Run the current project in the debugger. -- Method: project-edit-file-target :AFTER obj Edit the target associated w/ this file.  File: ede, Node: project-am-objectcode, Next: project-am-program, Prev: project-am-target, Up: Targets 7.6.15 project-am-objectcode ---------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `project-am-objectcode' Children: *Note project-am-program::, project-am-lib. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-am-macro :AFTER this Return the default macro to 'edit' for this object type. -- Method: project-debug-target :AFTER obj Run the current project target in a debugger. -- Method: project-compile-target-command :AFTER this Default target to use when compiling an object code target. -- Method: ede-buffer-header-file :AFTER this buffer There are no default header files.  File: ede, Node: project-am-program, Next: project-am-header-noinst, Prev: project-am-objectcode, Up: Targets 7.6.16 project-am-program ------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `*Note project-am-objectcode::.' `project-am-program' No children Slots: `:ldadd ' Default Value: `nil' Additional LD args.  File: ede, Node: project-am-header-noinst, Next: project-am-header-inst, Prev: project-am-program, Up: Targets 7.6.17 project-am-header-noinst ------------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `project-am-header.' `project-am-header-noinst' No children Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-am-macro :AFTER this Return the default macro to 'edit' for this object.  File: ede, Node: project-am-header-inst, Next: project-am-lisp, Prev: project-am-header-noinst, Up: Targets 7.6.18 project-am-header-inst ----------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `project-am-header.' `project-am-header-inst' No children Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-am-macro :AFTER this Return the default macro to 'edit' for this object.  File: ede, Node: project-am-lisp, Next: project-am-texinfo, Prev: project-am-header-inst, Up: Targets 7.6.19 project-am-lisp ---------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `project-am-lisp' No children Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-am-macro :AFTER this Return the default macro to 'edit' for this object.  File: ede, Node: project-am-texinfo, Next: project-am-man, Prev: project-am-lisp, Up: Targets 7.6.20 project-am-texinfo ------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `project-am-texinfo' No children Slots: `:include ' Default Value: `nil' Additional texinfo included in this one. Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-am-macro :AFTER this Return the default macro to 'edit' for this object type. -- Method: project-compile-target-command :AFTER this Default target t- use when compling a texinfo file. -- Method: ede-documentation :AFTER this Return a list of files that provides documentation. Documentation is not for object THIS, but is provided by THIS for other files in the project.  File: ede, Node: project-am-man, Prev: project-am-texinfo, Up: Targets 7.6.21 project-am-man --------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-speedbar' `eieio-speedbar-directory-button' `*Note ede-target::.' `*Note project-am-target::.' `project-am-man' No children Specialized Methods ............................ -- Method: project-am-macro :AFTER this Return the default macro to 'edit' for this object type.  File: ede, Node: Sourcecode, Next: Compilers, Prev: Targets, Up: Extending EDE 7.7 Sourcecode ============== The source code type is an object designed to associated files with targets. * Menu: * ede-sourcecode ::  File: ede, Node: ede-sourcecode, Up: Sourcecode 7.7.1 ede-sourcecode -------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-instance-inheritor' `ede-sourcecode' No children Slots: `:parent-instance' Type: `eieio-instance-inheritor-child' The parent of this instance. If a slot of this class is reference, and is unbound, then the parent is checked for a value. `:name' Type: `string' The name of this type of source code. Such as "C" or "Emacs Lisp" `:sourcepattern' Type: `string' Default Value: `".*"' Emacs regex matching sourcecode this target accepts. `:auxsourcepattern' Type: `(or null string)' Default Value: `nil' Emacs regex matching auxiliary source code this target accepts. Aux source are source code files needed for compilation, which are not comiled themselves. `:enable-subdirectories' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `nil' Non `nil' if this sourcecode type uses subdirectores. If sourcecode always lives near the target creating it, this should be nil. If sourcecode can, or typically lives in a subdirectory of the owning target, set this to t. `:garbagepattern' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Shell file regex matching files considered as garbage. This is a list of items added to an `rm' command when executing a `clean' type directive. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-want-any-files-p :AFTER this filenames Return non-`nil' if THIS will accept any files in FILENAMES. -- Method: ede-want-any-source-files-p :AFTER this filenames Return non-`nil' if THIS will accept any source files in FILENAMES. -- Method: ede-want-any-auxiliary-files-p :AFTER this filenames Return non-`nil' if THIS will accept any aux files in FILENAMES. -- Method: ede-buffer-header-file :AFTER this filename Return a list of file names of header files for THIS with FILENAME. Used to guess header files, but uses the auxsource regular expression. -- Method: ede-want-file-p :AFTER this filename Return non-`nil' if sourcecode definition THIS will take FILENAME. -- Method: ede-want-file-source-p :AFTER this filename Return non-`nil' if THIS will take FILENAME as an auxiliary . -- Method: ede-want-file-auxiliary-p :AFTER this filename Return non-`nil' if THIS will take FILENAME as an auxiliary .  File: ede, Node: Compilers, Prev: Sourcecode, Up: Extending EDE 7.8 Compilers ============= The compiler object is designed to associate source code with compilers. The target then references the compilers it can use. When the makefile is created, this object type knows how to create compile commands. * Menu: * ede-compilation-program :: * ede-compiler :: * ede-object-compiler :: * ede-linker ::  File: ede, Node: ede-compilation-program, Next: ede-compiler, Up: Compilers 7.8.1 ede-compilation-program ----------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-instance-inheritor' `ede-compilation-program' Children: *Note ede-compiler::, *Note ede-linker::. Slots: `:parent-instance' Type: `eieio-instance-inheritor-child' The parent of this instance. If a slot of this class is reference, and is unbound, then the parent is checked for a value. `:name' Type: `string' Name of this type of compiler. `:variables' Type: `list' Variables needed in the Makefile for this compiler. An assoc list where each element is (VARNAME . VALUE) where VARNAME is a string, and VALUE is either a string, or a list of strings. For example, GCC would define CC=gcc, and emacs would define EMACS=emacs. `:sourcetype' Type: `list' A list of `ede-sourcecode' *Note ede-sourcecode::. objects this class will handle. This is used to match target objects with the compilers and linkers they can use, and which files this object is interested in. `:rules' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Auxiliary rules needed for this compiler to run. For example, yacc/lex files need additional chain rules, or inferences. `:commands' Type: `list' The commands used to execute this compiler. The object which uses this compiler will place these commands after it's rule definition. `:autoconf' Type: `list' Default Value: `nil' Autoconf function to call if this type of compiler is used. When a project is in Automake mode, this defines the autoconf function to call to initialize automake to use this compiler. For example, there may be multiple C compilers, but they all probably use the same autoconf form. `:objectextention' Type: `string' A string which is the extention used for object files. For example, C code uses .o on unix, and Emacs Lisp uses .elc. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-flush-autoconf :AFTER this Flush the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-rules :AFTER this Insert rules needed for THIS compiler object. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this Insert variables needed by the compiler THIS. -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-commands :AFTER this Insert the commands needed to use compiler THIS. The object creating makefile rules must call this method for the compiler it decides to use after inserting in the rule. -- Method: ede-object-sourcecode :AFTER this Retrieves the slot `sourcetype' from an object of class `ede-compilation-program' -- Method: ede-proj-tweak-autoconf :AFTER this Tweak the configure file (current buffer) to accomodate THIS.  File: ede, Node: ede-compiler, Next: ede-object-compiler, Prev: ede-compilation-program, Up: Compilers 7.8.2 ede-compiler ------------------ Inheritance Tree: `eieio-instance-inheritor' `*Note ede-compilation-program::.' `ede-compiler' Children: *Note ede-object-compiler::, semantic-ede-grammar-compiler-class. Create a new object with name NAME of class type ede-compiler Slots: `:parent-instance' Type: `eieio-instance-inheritor-child' The parent of this instance. If a slot of this class is reference, and is unbound, then the parent is checked for a value. `:name' Type: `string' Name of this type of compiler. `:variables' Type: `list' Variables needed in the Makefile for this compiler. An assoc list where each element is (VARNAME . VALUE) where VARNAME is a string, and VALUE is either a string, or a list of strings. For example, GCC would define CC=gcc, and emacs would define EMACS=emacs. `:sourcetype' Type: `list' A list of `ede-sourcecode' *Note ede-sourcecode::. objects this class will handle. This is used to match target objects with the compilers and linkers they can use, and which files this object is interested in. `:commands' Type: `list' The commands used to execute this compiler. The object which uses this compiler will place these commands after it's rule definition. `:objectextention' Type: `string' A string which is the extention used for object files. For example, C code uses .o on unix, and Emacs Lisp uses .elc. `:makedepends' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `nil' Non-`nil' if this compiler can make dependencies. `:uselinker' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `nil' Non-`nil' if this compiler creates code that can be linked. This requires that the containing target also define a list of available linkers that can be used. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-object-variables :AFTER this targetname sourcefiles Insert an OBJ variable to specify object code to be generated for THIS. The name of the target is TARGETNAME as a string. SOURCEFILES is the list of files to be objectified. Not all compilers do this. -- Method: ede-compiler-intermediate-objects-p :AFTER this Return non-`nil' if THIS has intermediate object files. If this compiler creates code that can be linked together, then the object files created by the compiler are considered intermediate. -- Method: ede-compiler-intermediate-object-variable :AFTER this targetname Return a string based on THIS representing a make object variable. TARGETNAME is the name of the target that these objects belong to.  File: ede, Node: ede-object-compiler, Next: ede-linker, Prev: ede-compiler, Up: Compilers 7.8.3 ede-object-compiler ------------------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-instance-inheritor' `*Note ede-compilation-program::.' `*Note ede-compiler::.' `ede-object-compiler' No children Slots: `:uselinker' Type: `boolean' Default Value: `t' *Note ede-compiler::. `:dependencyvar' Type: `list' A variable dedicated to dependency generation. Specialized Methods ........................... -- Method: ede-proj-makefile-insert-variables :AFTER this Insert variables needed by the compiler THIS.  File: ede, Node: ede-linker, Prev: ede-object-compiler, Up: Compilers 7.8.4 ede-linker ---------------- Inheritance Tree: `eieio-instance-inheritor' `*Note ede-compilation-program::.' `ede-linker' No children Create a new object with name NAME of class type ede-linker Slots: `:name' Type: `string' Name of this type of compiler. `:variables' Type: `list' Variables needed in the Makefile for this compiler. An assoc list where each element is (VARNAME . VALUE) where VARNAME is a string, and VALUE is either a string, or a list of strings. For example, GCC would define CC=gcc, and emacs would define EMACS=emacs. `:sourcetype' Type: `list' A list of `ede-sourcecode' *Note ede-sourcecode::. objects this class will handle. This is used to match target objects with the compilers and linkers they can use, and which files this object is interested in. `:commands' Type: `list' The commands used to execute this compiler. The object which uses this compiler will place these commands after it's rule definition. `:objectextention' Type: `string' A string which is the extention used for object files. For example, C code uses .o on unix, and Emacs Lisp uses .elc.  Tag Table: Node: Top1003 Node: EDE Project Concepts2850 Node: EDE Mode4221 Node: Creating a project4838 Node: Modifying your project7295 Node: Add/Remove target7820 Node: Add/Remove files8486 Node: Customize Features9393 Node: EDE Project Features10365 Node: Changing Compilers and Flags11046 Node: Configurations11993 Node: Building and Debugging12872 Node: Miscellaneous commands13454 Ref: ede-locate-setup-options14271 Node: Simple projects14835 Node: ede-cpp-root15892 Node: ede-simple subclassing20750 Node: ede-emacs20998 Node: ede-linux21373 Node: Custom Locate21750 Node: Extending EDE23224 Node: User interface methods25831 Node: Base project methods27026 Node: Sourcecode objects28388 Node: Compiler and Linker objects30086 Node: Project32360 Node: ede-project-placeholder32703 Node: ede-project34686 Node: ede-cpp-root-project43647 Node: ede-simple-project47600 Node: ede-simple-base-project48177 Node: ede-proj-project48711 Node: project-am-makefile54376 Node: ede-step-project55448 Node: Targets58834 Node: ede-target59641 Node: ede-proj-target65707 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile71674 Node: semantic-ede-proj-target-grammar74784 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-objectcode76168 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-archive77721 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-program78834 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-shared-object80725 Node: ede-proj-target-elisp82415 Node: ede-proj-target-elisp-autoloads84321 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-miscelaneous87692 Node: ede-proj-target-makefile-info88892 Node: ede-proj-target-scheme91311 Node: project-am-target92072 Node: project-am-objectcode93068 Node: project-am-program94086 Node: project-am-header-noinst94679 Node: project-am-header-inst95341 Node: project-am-lisp95994 Node: project-am-texinfo96564 Node: project-am-man97577 Node: Sourcecode98117 Node: ede-sourcecode98342 Node: Compilers100971 Node: ede-compilation-program101386 Node: ede-compiler104580 Node: ede-object-compiler107710 Node: ede-linker108460  End Tag Table