This is ../../info/eieio, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from eieio.texi. This manual documents EIEIO, an object framework for Emacs Lisp. Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom." INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * eieio: (eieio). Objects for Emacs END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File: eieio, Node: Top, Next: Quick Start, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) EIEIO ***** EIEIO ("Enhanced Implementation of Emacs Interpreted Objects") is a CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) compatibility layer for Emacs Lisp. It provides a framework for writing object-oriented applications in Emacs. This manual documents EIEIO, an object framework for Emacs Lisp. Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom." * Menu: * Quick Start:: Quick start for EIEIO. * Introduction:: Why use EIEIO? Basic overview, samples list. * Building Classes:: How to write new class structures. * Making New Objects:: How to construct new objects. * Accessing Slots:: How to access a slot. * Writing Methods:: How to write a method. * Predicates:: Class-p, Object-p, etc-p. * Association Lists:: List of objects as association lists. * Customizing:: Customizing objects. * Introspection:: Looking inside a class. * Base Classes:: Additional classes you can inherit from. * Browsing:: Browsing your class lists. * Class Values:: Displaying information about a class or object. * Default Superclass:: The root superclasses. * Signals:: When you make errors * Naming Conventions:: Name your objects in an Emacs friendly way. * CLOS compatibility:: What are the differences? * Wish List:: Things about EIEIO that could be improved. * Function Index::  File: eieio, Node: Quick Start, Next: Introduction, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 Quick Start ************* EIEIO provides an Object Oriented layer for Emacs Lisp. You can use EIEIO to create classes, methods for those classes, and instances of classes. Here is a simple example of a class named `record', containing three slots named `name', `birthday', and `phone': (defclass record () ; No superclasses ((name :initarg :name :initform "" :type string :custom string :documentation "The name of a person.") (birthday :initarg :birthday :initform "Jan 1, 1970" :custom string :type string :documentation "The person's birthday.") (phone :initarg :phone :initform "" :documentation "Phone number.")) "A single record for tracking people I know.") Each class can have methods, which are defined like this: (defmethod call-record ((rec record) &optional scriptname) "Dial the phone for the record REC. Execute the program SCRIPTNAME to dial the phone." (message "Dialing the phone for %s" (oref rec name)) (shell-command (concat (or scriptname "") " " (oref rec phone)))) In this example, the first argument to `call-record' is a list, of the form (VARNAME CLASSNAME). VARNAME is the name of the variable used for the first argument; CLASSNAME is the name of the class that is expected as the first argument for this method. EIEIO dispatches methods based on the type of the first argument. You can have multiple methods with the same name for different classes of object. When the `call-record' method is called, the first argument is examined to determine the class of that argument, and the method matching the input type is then executed. Once the behavior of a class is defined, you can create a new object of type `record'. Objects are created by calling the constructor. The constructor is a function with the same name as your class which returns a new instance of that class. Here is an example: (setq rec (record "Eric" :name "Eric" :birthday "June" :phone "555-5555")) The first argument is the name given to this instance. Each instance is given a name, so different instances can be easily distinguished when debugging. It can be a bit repetitive to also have a :name slot. To avoid doing this, it is sometimes handy to use the base class `eieio-named'. *Note eieio-named::. Calling methods on an object is a lot like calling any function. The first argument should be an object of a class which has had this method defined for it. In this example it would look like this: (call-record rec) or (call-record rec "my-call-script") In these examples, EIEIO automatically examines the class of `rec', and ensures that the method defined above is called. If `rec' is some other class lacking a `call-record' method, or some other data type, Emacs signals a `no-method-definition' error. *note Signals::.  File: eieio, Node: Introduction, Next: Building Classes, Prev: Quick Start, Up: Top 2 Introduction ************** Due to restrictions in the Emacs Lisp language, CLOS cannot be completely supported, and a few functions have been added in place of setf. EIEIO supports the following features: 1. A structured framework for the creation of basic classes with attributes and methods using singular inheritance similar to CLOS. 2. Type checking, and slot unbinding. 3. Method definitions similar to CLOS. 4. Simple and complex class browsers. 5. Edebug support for methods. 6. Imenu updates. 7. Byte compilation support of methods. 8. Help system extensions for classes and methods. 9. Automatic texinfo documentation generator. 10. Several base classes for interesting tasks. 11. Simple test suite. 12. Public and private classifications for slots (extensions to CLOS) 13. Customization support in a class (extension to CLOS) Here are some CLOS features that EIEIO presently lacks: Complete `defclass' tag support All CLOS tags are currently supported, but the following are not currently implemented correctly: `:metaclass' There is only one base superclass for all EIEIO classes, which is the `eieio-default-superclass'. `:default-initargs' Each slot has an `:initarg' tag, so this is not really necessary. Mock object initializers Each class contains a mock object used for fast initialization of instantiated objects. Using functions with side effects on object slot values can potentially cause modifications in the mock object. EIEIO should use a deep copy but currently does not. `:around' method tag This CLOS method tag is non-functional.  File: eieio, Node: Building Classes, Next: Making New Objects, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top 3 Building Classes ****************** A "class" is a definition for organizing data and methods together. An EIEIO class has structures similar to the classes found in other object-oriented (OO) languages. To create a new class, use the `defclass' macro: -- Macro: defclass class-name superclass-list slot-list &rest options-and-doc Create a new class named CLASS-NAME. The class is represented by a self-referential symbol with the name CLASS-NAME. EIEIO stores the structure of the class as a symbol property of CLASS-NAME (*note Symbol Components: (elisp)Symbol Components.). The CLASS-NAME symbol's variable documentation string is a modified version of the doc string found in OPTIONS-AND-DOC. Each time a method is defined, the symbol's documentation string is updated to include the methods documentation as well. The parent classes for CLASS-NAME is SUPERCLASS-LIST. Each element of SUPERCLASS-LIST must be a class. These classes are the parents of the class being created. Every slot that appears in each parent class is replicated in the new class. If two parents share the same slot name, the parent which appears in the SUPERCLASS-LIST first sets the tags for that slot. If the new class has a slot with the same name as the parent, the new slot overrides the parent's slot. Whenever defclass is used to create a new class, two predicates are created for it, named `CLASS-NAME-p' and `CLASS-NAME-child-p': -- Function: CLASS-NAME-p object Return `t' if OBJECT is of the class CLASS-NAME. -- Function: CLASS-NAME-child-p object Return `t' if OBJECT is of the class CLASS-NAME, or is of a subclass of CLASS-NAME. -- Variable: eieio-error-unsupported-class-tags If non-nil, `defclass' signals an error if a tag in a slot specifier is unsupported. This option is here to support programs written with older versions of EIEIO, which did not produce such errors. * Menu: * Inheritance:: How to specify parents classes * Slot Options:: How to specify features of a slot. * Class Options:: How to specify features for this class.  File: eieio, Node: Inheritance, Next: Slot Options, Up: Building Classes 3.1 Inheritance =============== "Inheritance" is a basic feature of an object-oriented language. In EIEIO, a defined class specifies the super classes from which it inherits by using the second argument to `defclass'. Here is an example: (defclass my-baseclass () ((slot-A :initarg :slot-A) (slot-B :initarg :slot-B)) "My Baseclass.") To subclass from `my-baseclass', we specify it in the superclass list: (defclass my-subclass (my-baseclass) ((specific-slot-A :initarg specific-slot-A) ) "My subclass of my-baseclass") Instances of `my-subclass' will inherit `slot-A' and `slot-B', in addition to having `specific-slot-A' from the declaration of `my-subclass'. EIEIO also supports multiple inheritance. Suppose we define a second baseclass, perhaps an "interface" class, like this: (defclass my-interface () ((interface-slot :initarg :interface-slot)) "An interface to special behavior." :abstract t) The interface class defines a special `interface-slot', and also specifies itself as abstract. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. It is not required to make interfaces abstract, but it is a good programming practice. We can now modify our definition of `my-subclass' to use this interface class, together with our original base class: (defclass my-subclass (my-baseclass my-interface) ((specific-slot-A :initarg specific-slot-A) ) "My subclass of my-baseclass") With this, `my-subclass' also has `interface-slot'. If `my-baseclass' and `my-interface' had slots with the same name, then the superclass showing up in the list first defines the slot attributes. Inheritance in EIEIO is more than just combining different slots. It is also important in method invocation. *note Methods::. If a method is called on an instance of `my-subclass', and that method only has an implementation on `my-baseclass', or perhaps `my-interface', then the implementation for the baseclass is called. If there is a method implementation for `my-subclass', and another in `my-baseclass', the implementation for `my-subclass' can call up to the superclass as well.  File: eieio, Node: Slot Options, Next: Class Options, Prev: Inheritance, Up: Building Classes 3.2 Slot Options ================ The SLOT-LIST argument to `defclass' is a list of elements where each element defines one slot. Each slot is a list of the form (SLOT-NAME :TAG1 ATTRIB-VALUE1 :TAG2 ATTRIB-VALUE2 :TAGN ATTRIB-VALUEN) where SLOT-NAME is a symbol that will be used to refer to the slot. :TAG is a symbol that describes a feature to be set on the slot. ATTRIB-VALUE is a lisp expression that will be used for :TAG. Valid tags are: `:initarg' A symbol that can be used in the argument list of the constructor to specify a value for the new instance being created. A good symbol to use for initarg is one that starts with a colon `:'. The slot specified like this: (myslot :initarg :myslot) could then be initialized to the number 1 like this: (myobject "name" :myslot 1) *Note Making New Objects::. `:initform' A expression used as the default value for this slot. If `:initform' is left out, that slot defaults to being unbound. It is an error to reference an unbound slot, so if you need slots to always be in a bound state, you should always use an `:initform' specifier. Use `slot-boundp' to test if a slot is unbound (*note Predicates::). Use `slot-makeunbound' to set a slot to being unbound after giving it a value (*note Accessing Slots::). The value passed to initform is automatically quoted. Thus, :initform (1 2 3) appears as the specified list in the default object. A symbol that is a function like this: :initform + will set the initial value as that symbol. A function that is a lambda expression, like this: :initform (lambda () some-variablename) will be evaluated at instantiation time to the value of `some-variablename'. Lastly, using the function `lambda-default' instead of `lambda' will let you specify a lambda expression to use as the value, without evaluation, thus: :initform (lambda-default () some-variablename) will not be evaluated at instantiation time, and the value in this slot will instead be `(lambda () some-variablename)'. After a class has been created with `defclass', you can change that default value with `oset-default'. *note Accessing Slots::. `:type' An unquoted type specifier used to validate data set into this slot. *Note (cl)Type Predicates::. Here are some examples: `symbol' A symbol. `number' A number type `my-class-name' An object of your class type. `(or null symbol)' A symbol, or nil. `function' A function symbol, or a `lambda-default' expression. `:allocation' Either :class or :instance (defaults to :instance) used to specify how data is stored. Slots stored per instance have unique values for each object. Slots stored per class have shared values for each object. If one object changes a :class allocated slot, then all objects for that class gain the new value. `:documentation' Documentation detailing the use of this slot. This documentation is exposed when the user describes a class, and during customization of an object. `:accessor' Name of a generic function which can be used to fetch the value of this slot. You can call this function later on your object and retrieve the value of the slot. This options is in the CLOS spec, but is not fully compliant in EIEIO. `:writer' Name of a generic function which will write this slot. This options is in the CLOS spec, but is not fully compliant in EIEIO. `:reader' Name of a generic function which will read this slot. This options is in the CLOS spec, but is not fully compliant in EIEIO. `:custom' A custom :type specifier used when editing an object of this type. See documentation for `defcustom' for details. This specifier is equivalent to the :type spec of a `defcustom' call. This options is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec. `:label' When customizing an object, the value of :label will be used instead of the slot name. This enables better descriptions of the data than would usually be afforded. This options is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec. `:group' Similar to `defcustom''s :group command, this organizes different slots in an object into groups. When customizing an object, only the slots belonging to a specific group need be worked with, simplifying the size of the display. This options is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec. `:printer' This routine takes a symbol which is a function name. The function should accept one argument. The argument is the value from the slot to be printed. The function in `object-write' will write the slot value out to a printable form on `standard-output'. The output format MUST be something that could in turn be interpreted with `read' such that the object can be brought back in from the output stream. Thus, if you wanted to output a symbol, you would need to quote the symbol. If you wanted to run a function on load, you can output the code to do the construction of the value. `:protection' When using a slot referencing function such as `slot-value', and the value behind SLOT is private or protected, then the current scope of operation must be within a method of the calling object. Valid values are: `:public' Access this slot from any scope. `:protected' Access this slot only from methods of the same class or a child class. `:private' Access this slot only from methods of the same class. This options is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec.  File: eieio, Node: Class Options, Prev: Slot Options, Up: Building Classes 3.3 Class Options ================= In the OPTIONS-AND-DOC arguments to `defclass', the following class options may be specified: `:documentation' A documentation string for this class. If an Emacs-style documentation string is also provided, then this option is ignored. An Emacs-style documentation string is not prefixed by the `:documentation' tag, and appears after the list of slots, and before the options. `:allow-nil-initform' If this option is non-nil, and the `:initform' is `nil', but the `:type' is specifies something such as `string' then allow this to pass. The default is to have this option be off. This is implemented as an alternative to unbound slots. This options is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec. `:abstract' A class which is `:abstract' cannot be instantiated, and instead is used to define an interface which subclasses should implement. This option is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec. `:custom-groups' This is a list of groups that can be customized within this class. This slot is auto-generated when a class is created and need not be specified. It can be retrieved with the `class-option' command, however, to see what groups are available. This option is specific to Emacs, and is not in the CLOS spec. `:method-invocation-order' This controls the order in which method resolution occurs for `:primary' methods in cases of multiple inheritance. The order affects which method is called first in a tree, and if `call-next-method' is used, it controls the order in which the stack of methods are run. Valid values are: `:breadth-first' Search for methods in the class hierarchy in breadth first order. This is the default. `:depth-first' Search for methods in the class hierarchy in a depth first order. `:metaclass' Unsupported CLOS option. Enables the use of a different base class other than `standard-class'. `:default-initargs' Unsupported CLOS option. Specifies a list of initargs to be used when creating new objects. As far as I can tell, this duplicates the function of `:initform'. *Note CLOS compatibility::, for more details on CLOS tags versus EIEIO-specific tags.  File: eieio, Node: Making New Objects, Next: Accessing Slots, Prev: Building Classes, Up: Top 4 Making New Objects ******************** Suppose we have a simple class is defined, such as: (defclass record () ( ) "Doc String") It is now possible to create objects of that class type. Calling `defclass' has defined two new functions. One is the constructor RECORD, and the other is the predicate, RECORD-P. -- Function: record object-name &rest slots This creates and returns a new object. This object is not assigned to anything, and will be garbage collected if not saved. This object will be given the string name OBJECT-NAME. There can be multiple objects of the same name, but the name slot provides a handy way to keep track of your objects. SLOTS is just all the slots you wish to preset. Any slot set as such _will not_ get its default value, and any side effects from a slot's `:initform' that may be a function will not occur. An example pair would appear simply as `:value 1'. Of course you can do any valid Lispy thing you want with it, such as `:value (if (boundp 'special-symbol) special-symbol nil)' Example of creating an object from a class: (record "test" :value 3 :reference nil) To create an object from a class symbol, use `make-instance'. -- Function: make-instance class &rest initargs Make a new instance of CLASS based on INITARGS. CLASS is a class symbol. For example: (make-instance 'foo) INITARGS is a property list with keywords based on the `:initarg' for each slot. For example: (make-instance `'foo' `:slot1' value1 `:slotN' valueN) Compatibility note: If the first element of INITARGS is a string, it is used as the name of the class. In EIEIO, the class' constructor requires a name for use when printing. "make-instance" in CLOS doesn't use names the way Emacs does, so the class is used as the name slot instead when INITARGS doesn't start with a string.  File: eieio, Node: Accessing Slots, Next: Writing Methods, Prev: Making New Objects, Up: Top 5 Accessing Slots ***************** There are several ways to access slot values in an object. The naming and argument-order conventions are similar to those used for referencing vectors (*note Vectors: (elisp)Vectors.). -- Macro: oset object slot value This macro sets the value behind SLOT to VALUE in OBJECT. It returns VALUE. -- Macro: oset-default class slot value This macro sets the `:initform' for SLOT in CLASS to VALUE. This allows the user to set both public and private defaults after the class has been constructed, and provides a way to configure the default behavior of packages built with classes (the same way `setq-default' does for buffer-local variables). For example, if a user wanted all `data-objects' (*note Building Classes::) to inform a special object of his own devising when they changed, this can be arranged by simply executing this bit of code: (oset-default data-object reference (list my-special-object)) -- Macro: oref obj slot Retrieve the value stored in OBJ in the slot named by SLOT. Slot is the name of the slot when created by "defclass" or the label created by the `:initarg' tag. -- Macro: oref-default obj slot Gets the default value of OBJ (maybe a class) for SLOT. The default value is the value installed in a class with the `:initform' tag. SLOT can be the slot name, or the tag specified by the `:initarg' tag in the "defclass" call. The following accessors are defined by CLOS to reference or modify slot values, and use the previously mentioned set/ref routines. -- Function: slot-value object slot This function retrieves the value of SLOT from OBJECT. Unlike `oref', the symbol for SLOT must be quoted. -- Function: set-slot-value object slot value This is not a CLOS function, but is meant to mirror `slot-value' if you don't want to use the cl package's `setf' function. This function sets the value of SLOT from OBJECT. Unlike `oset', the symbol for SLOT must be quoted. -- Function: slot-makeunbound object slot This function unbinds SLOT in OBJECT. Referencing an unbound slot can signal an error. -- Function: object-add-to-list object slot item &optional append In OBJECT's SLOT, add ITEM to the list of elements. Optional argument APPEND indicates we need to append to the list. If ITEM already exists in the list in SLOT, then it is not added. Comparison is done with "equal" through the "member" function call. If SLOT is unbound, bind it to the list containing ITEM. -- Function: object-remove-from-list object slot item In OBJECT's SLOT, remove occurrences of ITEM. Deletion is done with "delete", which deletes by side effect and comparisons are done with "equal". If SLOT is unbound, do nothing. -- Function: with-slots spec-list object &rest body Bind SPEC-LIST lexically to slot values in OBJECT, and execute BODY. This establishes a lexical environment for referring to the slots in the instance named by the given slot-names as though they were variables. Within such a context the value of the slot can be specified by using its slot name, as if it were a lexically bound variable. Both setf and setq can be used to set the value of the slot. SPEC-LIST is of a form similar to "let". For example: ((VAR1 SLOT1) SLOT2 SLOTN (VARN+1 SLOTN+1)) Where each VAR is the local variable given to the associated SLOT. A slot specified without a variable name is given a variable name of the same name as the slot. (defclass myclass () (x :initarg 1)) (setq mc (make-instance 'myclass)) (with-slots (x) mc x) => 1 (with-slots ((something x)) mc something) => 1  File: eieio, Node: Writing Methods, Next: Predicates, Prev: Accessing Slots, Up: Top 6 Writing Methods ***************** Writing a method in EIEIO is similar to writing a function. The differences are that there are some extra options and there can be multiple definitions under the same function symbol. Where a method defines an implementation for a particular data type, a "generic method" accepts any argument, but contains no code. It is used to provide the dispatching to the defined methods. A generic method has no body, and is merely a symbol upon which methods are attached. It also provides the base documentation for what methods with that name do. * Menu: * Generics:: * Methods:: * Static Methods::  File: eieio, Node: Generics, Next: Methods, Up: Writing Methods 6.1 Generics ============ Each EIEIO method has one corresponding generic. This generic provides a function binding and the base documentation for the method symbol (*note Symbol Components: (elisp)Symbol Components.). -- Macro: defgeneric method arglist [doc-string] This macro turns the (unquoted) symbol METHOD into a function. ARGLIST is the default list of arguments to use (not implemented yet). DOC-STRING is the documentation used for this symbol. A generic function acts as a placeholder for methods. There is no need to call `defgeneric' yourself, as `defmethod' will call it if necessary. Currently the argument list is unused. `defgeneric' signals an error if you attempt to turn an existing Emacs Lisp function into a generic function. You can also create a generic method with `defmethod' (*note Methods::). When a method is created and there is no generic method in place with that name, then a new generic will be created, and the new method will use it. In CLOS, a generic call also be used to provide an argument list and dispatch precedence for all the arguments. In EIEIO, dispatching only occurs for the first argument, so the ARGLIST is not used.  File: eieio, Node: Methods, Next: Static Methods, Prev: Generics, Up: Writing Methods 6.2 Methods =========== A method is a function that is executed if the first argument passed to it matches the method's class. Different EIEIO classes may share the same method names. Methods are created with the `defmethod' macro, which is similar to `defun'. -- Macro: defmethod method [:before | :primary | :after | :static ] arglist [doc-string] forms METHOD is the name of the function to create. `:before' and `:after' specify execution order (i.e., when this form is called). If neither of these symbols are present, the default priority is used (before `:after' and after `:before'); this default priority is represented in CLOS as `:primary'. Note: The `:BEFORE', `:PRIMARY', `:AFTER', and `:STATIC' method tags were in all capital letters in previous versions of EIEIO. ARGLIST is the list of arguments to this method. The first argument in this list--and _only_ the first argument--may have a type specifier (see the example below). If no type specifier is supplied, the method applies to any object. DOC-STRING is the documentation attached to the implementation. All method doc-strings are incorporated into the generic method's function documentation. FORMS is the body of the function. In the following example, we create a method `mymethod' for the `classname' class: (defmethod mymethod ((obj classname) secondarg) "Doc string" ) This method only executes if the OBJ argument passed to it is an EIEIO object of class `classname'. A method with no type specifier is a "default method". If a given class has no implementation, then the default method is called when that method is used on a given object of that class. Only one default method per execution specifier (`:before', `:primary', or `:after') is allowed. If two `defmethod's appear with ARGLISTs lacking a type specifier, and having the same execution specifier, then the first implementation is replaced. When a method is called on an object, but there is no method specified for that object, but there is a method specified for object's parent class, the parent class' method is called. If there is a method defined for both, only the child's method is called. A child method may call a parent's method using `call-next-method', described below. If multiple methods and default methods are defined for the same method and class, they are executed in this order: 1. method :before 2. default :before 3. method :primary 4. default :primary 5. method :after 6. default :after If no methods exist, Emacs signals a `no-method-definition' error. *Note Signals::. -- Function: call-next-method &rest replacement-args This function calls the superclass method from a subclass method. This is the "next method" specified in the current method list. If REPLACEMENT-ARGS is non-`nil', then use them instead of `eieio-generic-call-arglst'. At the top level, the generic argument list is passed in. Use `next-method-p' to find out if there is a next method to call. -- Function: next-method-p Non-`nil' if there is a next method. Returns a list of lambda expressions which is the `next-method' order. At present, EIEIO does not implement all the features of CLOS: 1. There is currently no `:around' tag. 2. CLOS allows multiple sets of type-cast arguments, but EIEIO only allows the first argument to be cast.  File: eieio, Node: Static Methods, Prev: Methods, Up: Writing Methods 6.3 Static Methods ================== Static methods do not depend on an object instance, but instead operate on an object's class. You can create a static method by using the `:static' key with `defmethod'. Do not treat the first argument of a `:static' method as an object unless you test it first. Use the functions `oref-default' or `oset-default' which will work on a class, or on the class of an object. A Class' `constructor' method is defined as a `:static' method. Note: The `:static' keyword is unique to EIEIO.  File: eieio, Node: Predicates, Next: Association Lists, Prev: Writing Methods, Up: Top 7 Predicates and Utilities ************************** Now that we know how to create classes, access slots, and define methods, it might be useful to verify that everything is doing ok. To help with this a plethora of predicates have been created. -- Function: find-class symbol &optional errorp Return the class that SYMBOL represents. If there is no class, `nil' is returned if ERRORP is `nil'. If ERRORP is non-`nil', `wrong-argument-type' is signaled. -- Function: class-p class Return `t' if CLASS is a valid class vector. CLASS is a symbol. -- Function: slot-exists-p object-or-class slot Non-`nil' if OBJECT-OR-CLASS has SLOT. -- Function: slot-boundp object slot Non-`nil' if OBJECT's SLOT is bound. Setting a slot's value makes it bound. Calling "slot-makeunbound" will make a slot unbound. OBJECT can be an instance or a class. -- Function: class-name class Return a string of the form `#' which should look similar to other Lisp objects like buffers and processes. Printing a class results only in a symbol. -- Function: class-option class option Return the value in CLASS of a given OPTION. For example: (class-option eieio-default-superclass :documentation) Will fetch the documentation string for `eieio-default-superclass'. -- Function: class-constructor class Return a symbol used as a constructor for CLASS. The constructor is a function used to create new instances of CLASS. This function provides a way to make an object of a class without knowing what it is. This is not a part of CLOS. -- Function: object-name obj Return a string of the form `#' for OBJ. This should look like Lisp symbols from other parts of Emacs such as buffers and processes, and is shorter and cleaner than printing the object's vector. It is more useful to use `object-print' to get and object's print form, as this allows the object to add extra display information into the symbol. -- Function: object-class obj Returns the class symbol from OBJ. -- Function: class-of obj CLOS symbol which does the same thing as `object-class' -- Function: object-class-fast obj Same as `object-class' except this is a macro, and no type-checking is performed. -- Function: object-class-name obj Returns the symbol of OBJ's class. -- Function: class-parents class Returns the direct parents class of CLASS. Returns `nil' if it is a superclass. -- Function: class-parents-fast class Just like `class-parent' except it is a macro and no type checking is performed. -- Function: class-parent class Deprecated function which returns the first parent of CLASS. -- Function: class-children class Return the list of classes inheriting from CLASS. -- Function: class-children-fast class Just like `class-children', but with no checks. -- Function: same-class-p obj class Returns `t' if OBJ's class is the same as CLASS. -- Function: same-class-fast-p obj class Same as `same-class-p' except this is a macro and no type checking is performed. -- Function: object-of-class-p obj class Returns `t' if OBJ inherits anything from CLASS. This is different from `same-class-p' because it checks for inheritance. -- Function: child-of-class-p child class Returns `t' if CHILD is a subclass of CLASS. -- Function: generic-p method-symbol Returns `t' if `method-symbol' is a generic function, as opposed to a regular Emacs Lisp function.  File: eieio, Node: Association Lists, Next: Customizing, Prev: Predicates, Up: Top 8 Association Lists ******************* Lisp offers the concept of association lists, with primitives such as `assoc' used to access them. The following functions can be used to manage association lists of EIEIO objects: -- Function: object-assoc key slot list Return an object if KEY is "equal" to SLOT's value of an object in LIST. LIST is a list of objects whose slots are searched. Objects in LIST do not need to have a slot named SLOT, nor does SLOT need to be bound. If these errors occur, those objects will be ignored. -- Function: object-assoc-list slot list Return an association list generated by extracting SLOT from all objects in LIST. For each element of LIST the `car' is the value of SLOT, and the `cdr' is the object it was extracted from. This is useful for generating completion tables. -- Function: eieio-build-class-alist &optional base-class Returns an alist of all currently defined classes. This alist is suitable for completion lists used by interactive functions to select a class. The optional argument BASE-CLASS allows the programmer to select only a subset of classes which includes BASE-CLASS and all its subclasses.  File: eieio, Node: Customizing, Next: Introspection, Prev: Association Lists, Up: Top 9 Customizing Objects ********************* EIEIO supports the Custom facility through two new widget types. If a variable is declared as type `object', then full editing of slots via the widgets is made possible. This should be used carefully, however, because modified objects are cloned, so if there are other references to these objects, they will no longer be linked together. If you want in place editing of objects, use the following methods: -- Function: eieio-customize-object object Create a custom buffer and insert a widget for editing OBJECT. At the end, an `Apply' and `Reset' button are available. This will edit the object "in place" so references to it are also changed. There is no effort to prevent multiple edits of a singular object, so care must be taken by the user of this function. -- Function: eieio-custom-widget-insert object flags This method inserts an edit object into the current buffer in place. It is implemented as `(widget-create 'object-edit :value object)'. This method is provided as a locale for adding tracking, or specializing the widget insert procedure for any object. To define a slot with an object in it, use the `object' tag. This widget type will be automatically converted to `object-edit' if you do in place editing of you object. If you want to have additional actions taken when a user clicks on the `Apply' button, then overload the method `eieio-done-customizing'. This method does nothing by default, but that may change in the future. This would be the best way to make your objects persistent when using in-place editing. 9.1 Widget extention ==================== When widgets are being created, one new widget extention has been added, called the `:slotofchoices'. When this occurs in a widget definition, all elements after it are removed, and the slot is specifies is queried and converted into a series of constants. (choice (const :tag "None" nil) :slotofchoices morestuff) and if the slot `morestuff' contains `(sym1 sym2 sym3)', the above example is converted into: (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (const sym1) (const sym2) (const sym3)) This is useful when a given item needs to be selected from a list of items defined in this second slot.  File: eieio, Node: Introspection, Next: Base Classes, Prev: Customizing, Up: Top 10 Introspection **************** Introspection permits a programmer to peek at the contents of a class without any previous knowledge of that class. While EIEIO implements objects on top of vectors, and thus everything is technically visible, some functions have been provided. None of these functions are a part of CLOS. -- Function: object-slots obj Return the list of public slots for OBJ. -- Function: class-slot-initarg class slot For the given CLASS return the :initarg associated with SLOT. Not all slots have initargs, so the return value can be nil.  File: eieio, Node: Base Classes, Next: Browsing, Prev: Introspection, Up: Top 11 Base Classes *************** All defined classes, if created with no specified parent class, inherit from a special class called `eieio-default-superclass'. *Note Default Superclass::. Often, it is more convenient to inherit from one of the other base classes provided by EIEIO, which have useful pre-defined properties. (Since EIEIO supports multiple inheritance, you can even inherit from more than one of these classes at once.) * Menu: * eieio-instance-inheritor:: Enable value inheritance between instances. * eieio-instance-tracker:: Enable self tracking instances. * eieio-singleton:: Only one instance of a given class. * eieio-persistent:: Enable persistence for a class. * eieio-named:: Use the object name as a :name slot. * eieio-speedbar:: Enable speedbar support in your objects.  File: eieio, Node: eieio-instance-inheritor, Next: eieio-instance-tracker, Up: Base Classes 11.1 `eieio-instance-inheritor' =============================== This class is defined in the package `eieio-base'. Instance inheritance is a mechanism whereby the value of a slot in object instance can reference the parent instance. If the parent's slot value is changed, then the child instance is also changed. If the child's slot is set, then the parent's slot is not modified. -- Class: eieio-instance-inheritor parent-instance A class whose instances are enabled with instance inheritance. The PARENT-INSTANCE slot indicates the instance which is considered the parent of the current instance. Default is `nil'. To use this class, inherit from it with your own class. To make a new instance that inherits from and existing instance of your class, use the `clone' method with additional parameters to specify local values. The `eieio-instance-inheritor' class works by causing cloned objects to have all slots unbound. This class' `slot-unbound' method will cause references to unbound slots to be redirected to the parent instance. If the parent slot is also unbound, then `slot-unbound' will signal an error named `slot-unbound'.  File: eieio, Node: eieio-instance-tracker, Next: eieio-singleton, Prev: eieio-instance-inheritor, Up: Base Classes 11.2 `eieio-instance-tracker' ============================= This class is defined in the package `eieio-base'. Sometimes it is useful to keep a master list of all instances of a given class. The class `eieio-instance-tracker' performs this task. -- Class: eieio-instance-tracker tracker-symbol Enable instance tracking for this class. The slot TRACKER-SYMBOL should be initialized in inheritors of this class to a symbol created with `defvar'. This symbol will serve as the variable used as a master list of all objects of the given class. -- Method on eieio-instance-tracker: initialize-instance obj slot This method is defined as an `:after' method. It adds new instances to the master list. Do not overload this method unless you use `call-next-method.' -- Method on eieio-instance-tracker: delete-instance obj Remove OBJ from the master list of instances of this class. This may let the garbage collector nab this instance. -- eieio-instance-tracker-find: key slot list-symbol This convenience function lets you find instances. KEY is the value to search for. SLOT is the slot to compare KEY against. The function `equal' is used for comparison. The parameter LIST-SYMBOL is the variable symbol which contains the list of objects to be searched.  File: eieio, Node: eieio-singleton, Next: eieio-persistent, Prev: eieio-instance-tracker, Up: Base Classes 11.3 `eieio-singleton' ====================== This class is defined in the package `eieio-base'. -- Class: eieio-singleton Inheriting from the singleton class will guarantee that there will only ever be one instance of this class. Multiple calls to `make-instance' will always return the same object.  File: eieio, Node: eieio-persistent, Next: eieio-named, Prev: eieio-singleton, Up: Base Classes 11.4 `eieio-persistent' ======================= This class is defined in the package `eieio-base'. If you want an object, or set of objects to be persistent, meaning the slot values are important to keep saved between sessions, then you will want your top level object to inherit from `eieio-persistent'. To make sure your persistent object can be moved, make sure all file names stored to disk are made relative with `eieio-persistent-path-relative'. -- Class: eieio-persistent file file-header-line Enables persistence for instances of this class. Slot FILE with initarg `:file' is the file name in which this object will be saved. Class allocated slot FILE-HEADER-LINE is used with method `object-write' as a header comment. All objects can write themselves to a file, but persistent objects have several additional methods that aid in maintaining them. -- Method on eieio-persistent: eieio-persistent-save obj &optional file Write the object OBJ to its file. If optional argument FILE is specified, use that file name instead. -- Method on eieio-persistent: eieio-persistent-path-relative obj file Return a file name derived from FILE which is relative to the stored location of OBJ. This method should be used to convert file names so that they are relative to the save file, making any system of files movable from one location to another. -- Method on eieio-persistent: object-write obj &optional comment Like `object-write' for `standard-object', but will derive a header line comment from the class allocated slot if one is not provided. -- Function: eieio-persistent-read filename Read FILENAME which contains an `eieio-persistent' object previously written with `eieio-persistent-save'.  File: eieio, Node: eieio-named, Next: eieio-speedbar, Prev: eieio-persistent, Up: Base Classes 11.5 `eieio-named' ================== This class is defined in the package `eieio-base'. -- Class: eieio-named Object with a name. Name storage already occurs in an object. This object provides get/set access to it.  File: eieio, Node: eieio-speedbar, Prev: eieio-named, Up: Base Classes 11.6 `eieio-speedbar' ===================== This class is in package `eieio-speedbar'. If a series of class instances map to a tree structure, it is possible to cause your classes to be displayable in Speedbar. *Note Top: (speedbar)Top. Inheriting from these classes will enable a speedbar major display mode with a minimum of effort. -- Class: eieio-speedbar buttontype buttonface Enables base speedbar display for a class. The slot BUTTONTYPE is any of the symbols allowed by the function `speedbar-make-tag-line' for the EXP-BUTTON-TYPE argument *Note Extending: (speedbar)Extending. The slot BUTTONFACE is the face to use for the text of the string displayed in speedbar. The slots BUTTONTYPE and BUTTONFACE are class allocated slots, and do not take up space in your instances. -- Class: eieio-speedbar-directory-button buttontype buttonface This class inherits from `eieio-speedbar' and initializes BUTTONTYPE and BUTTONFACE to appear as directory level lines. -- Class: eieio-speedbar-file-button buttontype buttonface This class inherits from `eieio-speedbar' and initializes BUTTONTYPE and BUTTONFACE to appear as file level lines. To use these classes, inherit from one of them in you class. You can use multiple inheritance with them safely. To customize your class for speedbar display, override the default values for BUTTONTYPE and BUTTONFACE to get the desired effects. Useful methods to define for your new class include: -- Method on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar-derive-line-path obj depth Return a string representing a directory associated with an instance of OBJ. DEPTH can be used to indice how many levels of indentation have been opened by the user where OBJ is shown. -- Method on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar-description obj Return a string description of OBJ. This is shown in the minibuffer or tooltip when the mouse hovers over this instance in speedbar. -- Method on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar-child-description obj Return a string representing a description of a child node of OBJ when that child is not an object. It is often useful to just use item info helper functions such as `speedbar-item-info-file-helper'. -- Method on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar-object-buttonname obj Return a string which is the text displayed in speedbar for OBJ. -- Method on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar-object-children obj Return a list of children of OBJ. -- Method on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar-child-make-tag-lines obj depth This method inserts a list of speedbar tag lines for OBJ to represent its children. Implement this method for your class if your children are not objects themselves. You still need to implement `eieio-speedbar-object-children'. In this method, use techniques specified in the Speedbar manual. *Note Extending: (speedbar)Extending. Some other functions you will need to learn to use are: -- eieio-speedbar-create: make-map key-map menu name toplevelfn Register your object display mode with speedbar. MAKE-MAP is a function which initialized you keymap. KEY-MAP is a symbol you keymap is installed into. MENU is an easy menu vector representing menu items specific to your object display. NAME is a short string to use as a name identifying you mode. TOPLEVELFN is a function called which must return a list of objects representing those in the instance system you wish to browse in speedbar. Read the Extending chapter in the speedbar manual for more information on how speedbar modes work *Note Extending: (speedbar)Extending.  File: eieio, Node: Browsing, Next: Class Values, Prev: Base Classes, Up: Top 12 Browsing class trees *********************** The command `M-x eieio-browse' displays a buffer listing all the currently loaded classes in Emacs. The classes are listed in an indented tree structure, starting from `eieio-default-superclass' (*note Default Superclass::). With a prefix argument, this command prompts for a class name; it then lists only that class and its subclasses. Here is a sample tree from our current example: eieio-default-superclass +--data-object +--data-object-symbol Note: new classes are consed into the inheritance lists, so the tree comes out upside-down.  File: eieio, Node: Class Values, Next: Default Superclass, Prev: Browsing, Up: Top 13 Class Values *************** Details about any class or object can be retrieved using the function `eieio-describe-class'. Interactively, type in the name of a class. In a program, pass it a string with the name of a class, a class symbol, or an object. The resulting buffer will display all slot names. Additionally, all methods defined to have functionality on this class are displayed.  File: eieio, Node: Default Superclass, Next: Signals, Prev: Class Values, Up: Top 14 Default Superclass ********************* All defined classes, if created with no specified parent class, will inherit from a special class stored in `eieio-default-superclass'. This superclass is quite simple, but with it, certain default methods or attributes can be added to all objects. In CLOS, this would be named `STANDARD-CLASS', and that symbol is an alias to `eieio-default-superclass'. Currently, the default superclass is defined as follows: (defclass eieio-default-superclass nil nil "Default parent class for classes with no specified parent class. Its slots are automatically adopted by classes with no specified parents. This class is not stored in the `parent' slot of a class vector." :abstract t) The default superclass implements several methods providing a default behavior for all objects created by EIEIO. * Menu: * Initialization:: How objects are initialized * Basic Methods:: Clone, print, and write * Signal Handling:: Methods for managing signals.  File: eieio, Node: Initialization, Next: Basic Methods, Up: Default Superclass 14.1 Initialization =================== When creating an object of any type, you can use its constructor, or `make-instance'. This, in turns calls the method `initialize-instance', which then calls the method `shared-initialize'. These methods are all implemented on the default superclass so you do not need to write them yourself, unless you need to override one of their behaviors. Users should not need to call `initialize-instance' or `shared-initialize', as these are used by `make-instance' to initialize the object. They are instead provided so that users can augment these behaviors. -- Function: initialize-instance obj &rest slots Initialize OBJ. Sets slots of OBJ with SLOTS which is a list of name/value pairs. These are actually just passed to `shared-initialize'. -- Function: shared-initialize obj &rest slots Sets slots of OBJ with SLOTS which is a list of name/value pairs. This is called from the default `constructor'.  File: eieio, Node: Basic Methods, Next: Signal Handling, Prev: Initialization, Up: Default Superclass 14.2 Basic Methods ================== Additional useful methods defined on the base subclass are: -- Function: clone obj &rest params Make a copy of OBJ, and then apply PARAMS. PARAMS is a parameter list of the same form as INITIALIZE-INSTANCE which are applied to change the object. When overloading "clone", be sure to call "call-next-method" first and modify the returned object. -- Function: object-print this &rest strings Pretty printer for object THIS. Call function "object-name" with STRINGS. The default method for printing object THIS is to use the function "object-name". It is sometimes useful to put a summary of the object into the default # string when using eieio browsing tools. Implement this function and specify STRINGS in a call to "call-next-method" to provide additional summary information. When passing in extra strings from child classes, always remember to prepend a space. (defclass data-object () (value) "Object containing one data slot.") (defmethod object-print ((this data-object) &optional strings) "Return a string with a summary of the data object as part of the name." (apply 'call-next-method this (cons (format " value: %s" (render this)) strings))) Here is what some output could look like: (object-print test-object) => # -- Function: object-write obj &optional comment Write OBJ onto a stream in a readable fashion. The resulting output will be Lisp code which can be used with `read' and `eval' to recover the object. Only slots with `:initarg's are written to the stream.  File: eieio, Node: Signal Handling, Prev: Basic Methods, Up: Default Superclass 14.3 Signal Handling ==================== The default superclass defines methods for managing error conditions. These methods all throw a signal for a particular error condition. By implementing one of these methods for a class, you can change the behavior that occurs during one of these error cases, or even ignore the error by providing some behavior. -- Function: slot-missing object slot-name operation &optional new-value Method invoked when an attempt to access a slot in OBJECT fails. SLOT-NAME is the name of the failed slot, OPERATION is the type of access that was requested, and optional NEW-VALUE is the value that was desired to be set. This method is called from `oref', `oset', and other functions which directly reference slots in EIEIO objects. The default method signals an error of type `invalid-slot-name'. *Note Signals::. You may override this behavior, but it is not expected to return in the current implementation. This function takes arguments in a different order than in CLOS. -- Function: slot-unbound object class slot-name fn Slot unbound is invoked during an attempt to reference an unbound slot. OBJECT is the instance of the object being reference. CLASS is the class of OBJECT, and SLOT-NAME is the offending slot. This function throws the signal `unbound-slot'. You can overload this function and return the value to use in place of the unbound value. Argument FN is the function signaling this error. Use "slot-boundp" to determine if a slot is bound or not. In CLOS, the argument list is (CLASS OBJECT SLOT-NAME), but EIEIO can only dispatch on the first argument, so the first two are swapped. -- Function: no-applicable-method object method &rest args Called if there are no implementations for OBJECT in METHOD. OBJECT is the object which has no method implementation. ARGS are the arguments that were passed to METHOD. Implement this for a class to block this signal. The return value becomes the return value of the original method call. -- Function: no-next-method object &rest args Called from "call-next-method" when no additional methods are available. OBJECT is othe object being called on "call-next-method". ARGS are the arguments it is called by. This method signals "no-next-method" by default. Override this method to not throw an error, and its return value becomes the return value of "call-next-method".  File: eieio, Node: Signals, Next: Naming Conventions, Prev: Default Superclass, Up: Top 15 Signals ********** There are new condition names (signals) that can be caught when using EIEIO. -- Signal: invalid-slot-name obj-or-class slot This signal is called when an attempt to reference a slot in an OBJ-OR-CLASS is made, and the SLOT is not defined for it. -- Signal: no-method-definition method arguments This signal is called when METHOD is called, with ARGUMENTS and nothing is resolved. This occurs when METHOD has been defined, but the arguments make it impossible for EIEIO to determine which method body to run. To prevent this signal from occurring in your class, implement the method `no-applicable-method' for your class. This method is called when to throw this signal, so implementing this for your class allows you block the signal, and perform some work. -- Signal: no-next-method class arguments This signal is called if the function `call-next-method' is called and there is no next method to be called. Overload the method `no-next-method' to protect against this signal. -- Signal: invalid-slot-type slot spec value This signal is called when an attempt to set SLOT is made, and VALUE doesn't match the specified type SPEC. In EIEIO, this is also used if a slot specifier has an invalid value during a `defclass'. -- Signal: unbound-slot object class slot This signal is called when an attempt to reference SLOT in OBJECT is made, and that instance is currently unbound.  File: eieio, Node: Naming Conventions, Next: CLOS compatibility, Prev: Signals, Up: Top 16 Naming Conventions ********************* *Note Tips and Conventions: (elisp)Tips, for a description of Emacs Lisp programming conventions. These conventions help ensure that Emacs packages work nicely one another, so an EIEIO-based program should follow them. Here are some conventions that apply specifically to EIEIO-based programs: * Come up with a package prefix that is relatively short. Prefix all classes, and methods with your prefix. This is a standard convention for functions and variables in Emacs. * Do not prefix method names with the class name. All methods in EIEIO are "virtual", and are dynamically dispatched. Anyone can override your methods at any time. Your methods should be prefixed with your package name. * Do not prefix slots in your class. The slots are always locally scoped to your class, and need no prefixing. * If your library inherits from other libraries of classes, you must "require" that library with the `require' command.  File: eieio, Node: CLOS compatibility, Next: Wish List, Prev: Naming Conventions, Up: Top 17 CLOS compatibility ********************* Currently, the following functions should behave almost as expected from CLOS. `defclass' All slot keywords are available but not all work correctly. Slot keyword differences are: :reader, and :writer tags Create methods that signal errors instead of creating an unqualified method. You can still create new ones to do its business. :accessor This should create an unqualified method to access a slot, but instead pre-builds a method that gets the slot's value. :type Specifier uses the `typep' function from the `cl' package. *Note (cl)Type Predicates::. It therefore has the same issues as that package. Extensions include the ability to provide object names. Defclass also supports class options, but does not currently use values of `:metaclass', and `:default-initargs'. `make-instance' Make instance works as expected, however it just uses the EIEIO instance creator automatically generated when a new class is created. *Note Making New Objects::. `defgeneric' Creates the desired symbol, and accepts all of the expected arguments except `:around'. `defmethod' Calls defgeneric, and accepts most of the expected arguments. Only the first argument to the created method may have a type specifier. To type cast against a class, the class must exist before defmethod is called. In addition, the `:around' tag is not supported. `call-next-method' Inside a method, calls the next available method up the inheritance tree for the given object. This is different than that found in CLOS because in EIEIO this function accepts replacement arguments. This permits subclasses to modify arguments as they are passed up the tree. If no arguments are given, the expected CLOS behavior is used. `setf' If the common-lisp subsystem is loaded, the setf parameters are also loaded so the form `(setf (slot-value object slot) t)' should work. CLOS supports the `describe' command, but EIEIO only provides `eieio-describe-class', and `eieio-describe-generic'. These functions are adviced into `describe-variable', and `describe-function'. When creating a new class (*note Building Classes::) there are several new keywords supported by EIEIO. In EIEIO tags are in lower case, not mixed case.  File: eieio, Node: Wish List, Next: Function Index, Prev: CLOS compatibility, Up: Top 18 Wish List ************ EIEIO is an incomplete implementation of CLOS. Finding ways to improve the compatibility would help make CLOS style programs run better in Emacs. Some important compatibility features that would be good to add are: 1. `:around' method key. 2. Method dispatch for built-in types. 3. Method dispatch for multiple argument typing. 4. Improve integration with the `cl' package. There are also improvements to be made to allow EIEIO to operate better in the Emacs environment. 1. Allow subclasing of Emacs built-in types, such as faces, markers, and buffers. 2. Allow method overloading of method-like functions in Emacs.  File: eieio, Node: Function Index, Prev: Wish List, Up: Top Function Index ************** [index] * Menu: * call-next-method: Methods. (line 80) * child-of-class-p: Predicates. (line 94) * class-children: Predicates. (line 77) * class-children-fast: Predicates. (line 80) * class-constructor: Predicates. (line 39) * class-name: Predicates. (line 27) * CLASS-NAME-child-p: Building Classes. (line 41) * CLASS-NAME-p: Building Classes. (line 38) * class-of: Predicates. (line 56) * class-option: Predicates. (line 32) * class-p: Predicates. (line 16) * class-parent: Predicates. (line 74) * class-parents: Predicates. (line 66) * class-parents-fast: Predicates. (line 70) * class-slot-initarg: Introspection. (line 16) * clone: Basic Methods. (line 9) * defclass: Building Classes. (line 14) * defgeneric: Generics. (line 11) * defmethod: Methods. (line 15) * delete-instance on eieio-instance-tracker: eieio-instance-tracker. (line 23) * eieio-build-class-alist: Association Lists. (line 24) * eieio-custom-widget-insert: Customizing. (line 22) * eieio-customize-object: Customizing. (line 15) * eieio-persistent-path-relative on eieio-persistent: eieio-persistent. (line 30) * eieio-persistent-read: eieio-persistent. (line 41) * eieio-persistent-save on eieio-persistent: eieio-persistent. (line 26) * eieio-speedbar-child-description on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar. (line 48) * eieio-speedbar-child-make-tag-lines on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar. (line 61) * eieio-speedbar-derive-line-path on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar. (line 38) * eieio-speedbar-description on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar. (line 43) * eieio-speedbar-object-buttonname on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar. (line 54) * eieio-speedbar-object-children on eieio-speedbar: eieio-speedbar. (line 57) * find-class: Predicates. (line 11) * generic-p: Predicates. (line 97) * initialize-instance: Initialization. (line 20) * initialize-instance on eieio-instance-tracker: eieio-instance-tracker. (line 18) * invalid-slot-name: Signals. (line 10) * invalid-slot-type: Signals. (line 32) * key: eieio-instance-tracker. (line 27) * make-instance: Making New Objects. (line 38) * make-map: eieio-speedbar. (line 72) * next-method-p: Methods. (line 90) * no-applicable-method: Signal Handling. (line 45) * no-method-definition: Signals. (line 14) * no-next-method <1>: Signals. (line 25) * no-next-method: Signal Handling. (line 53) * object-add-to-list: Accessing Slots. (line 57) * object-assoc: Association Lists. (line 11) * object-assoc-list: Association Lists. (line 18) * object-class: Predicates. (line 53) * object-class-fast: Predicates. (line 59) * object-class-name: Predicates. (line 63) * object-name: Predicates. (line 45) * object-of-class-p: Predicates. (line 90) * object-print: Basic Methods. (line 15) * object-remove-from-list: Accessing Slots. (line 64) * object-slots: Introspection. (line 13) * object-write: Basic Methods. (line 41) * object-write on eieio-persistent: eieio-persistent. (line 36) * oref: Accessing Slots. (line 29) * oref-default: Accessing Slots. (line 34) * oset: Accessing Slots. (line 11) * oset-default: Accessing Slots. (line 15) * record: Making New Objects. (line 17) * same-class-fast-p: Predicates. (line 86) * same-class-p: Predicates. (line 83) * set-slot-value: Accessing Slots. (line 47) * shared-initialize: Initialization. (line 25) * slot-boundp: Predicates. (line 22) * slot-exists-p: Predicates. (line 19) * slot-makeunbound: Accessing Slots. (line 53) * slot-missing: Signal Handling. (line 15) * slot-unbound: Signal Handling. (line 32) * slot-value: Accessing Slots. (line 43) * unbound-slot: Signals. (line 39) * with-slots: Accessing Slots. (line 69)  Tag Table: Node: Top975 Node: Quick Start3126 Node: Introduction6297 Node: Building Classes8090 Node: Inheritance10384 Node: Slot Options12675 Node: Class Options18761 Node: Making New Objects21202 Ref: make-instance22625 Node: Accessing Slots23297 Ref: oref24432 Ref: oref-default24642 Ref: slot-value25065 Ref: set-slot-value25230 Ref: object-add-to-list25687 Ref: object-remove-from-list26079 Ref: with-slots26328 Node: Writing Methods27314 Node: Generics28046 Node: Methods29362 Ref: call-next-method32204 Ref: next-method-p32609 Node: Static Methods32953 Node: Predicates33567 Ref: find-class33961 Ref: class-p34167 Ref: slot-exists-p34287 Ref: slot-boundp34370 Node: Association Lists37293 Ref: object-assoc37648 Node: Customizing38617 Node: Introspection41067 Node: Base Classes41739 Node: eieio-instance-inheritor42690 Node: eieio-instance-tracker43961 Node: eieio-singleton45426 Node: eieio-persistent45861 Node: eieio-named47765 Node: eieio-speedbar48098 Node: Browsing51927 Node: Class Values52639 Node: Default Superclass53129 Node: Initialization54262 Node: Basic Methods55330 Ref: clone55576 Ref: object-print55894 Node: Signal Handling57221 Ref: slot-missing57752 Ref: slot-unbound58443 Ref: no-applicable-method59135 Ref: no-next-method59500 Node: Signals59868 Node: Naming Conventions61480 Node: CLOS compatibility62602 Node: Wish List65174 Node: Function Index65944  End Tag Table