This is ../../info/emacs, produced by makeinfo version 4.11 from emacs.texi. This is the Sixteenth edition of the `GNU Emacs Manual', updated for Emacs version 23.2. Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being "The GNU Manifesto," "Distribution" and "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE," with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual. Buying copies from the FSF supports it in developing GNU and promoting software freedom." INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Emacs: (emacs). The extensible self-documenting text editor. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File: emacs, Node: Glossary, Next: Key Index, Prev: Intro, Up: Top Glossary ******** Abbrev An abbrev is a text string which expands into a different text string when present in the buffer. For example, you might define a few letters as an abbrev for a long phrase that you want to insert frequently. *Note Abbrevs::. Aborting Aborting means getting out of a recursive edit (q.v.). The commands `C-]' and `M-x top-level' are used for this. *Note Quitting::. Alt Alt is the name of a modifier bit that a keyboard input character may have. To make a character Alt, type it while holding down the key. Such characters are given names that start with `Alt-' (usually written `A-' for short). (Note that many terminals have a key labeled that is really a key.) *Note Alt: User Input. Argument See `numeric argument.' ASCII character An ASCII character is either an ASCII control character or an ASCII printing character. *Note User Input::. ASCII control character An ASCII control character is the Control version of an upper-case letter, or the Control version of one of the characters `@[\]^_?'. ASCII printing character ASCII printing characters include letters, digits, space, and these punctuation characters: `!@#$%^& *()_-+=|\~` {}[]:;"' <>,.?/'. Auto Fill Mode Auto Fill mode is a minor mode (q.v.) in which text that you insert is automatically broken into lines of a given maximum width. *Note Filling::. Auto Saving Auto saving is the practice of periodically saving the contents of an Emacs buffer in a specially-named file, so that the information will be preserved if the buffer is lost due to a system error or user error. *Note Auto Save::. Autoloading Emacs can automatically load Lisp libraries when a Lisp program requests a function from those libraries. This is called `autoloading.' *Note Lisp Libraries::. Backtrace A backtrace is a trace of a series of function calls showing how a program arrived at a certain point. It is used mainly for finding and correcting bugs (q.v.). Emacs can display a backtrace when it signals an error or when you type `C-g' (see `quitting'). *Note Checklist::. Backup File A backup file records the contents that a file had before the current editing session. Emacs makes backup files automatically to help you track down or cancel changes you later regret making. *Note Backup::. Balancing Parentheses Emacs can balance parentheses (or other matching delimiters) either manually or automatically. You do manual balancing with the commands to move over parenthetical groupings (*note Moving by Parens::). Automatic balancing works by blinking or highlighting the delimiter that matches the one you just inserted (*note Matching Parens: Matching.). Balanced Expressions A balanced expression is a syntactically recognizable expression, such as a symbol, number, string constant, block, or parenthesized expression in C. *Note Balanced Expressions: Expressions. Balloon Help See `tooltips.' Base Buffer A base buffer is a buffer whose text is shared by an indirect buffer (q.v.). Bind To bind a key sequence means to give it a binding (q.v.). *Note Rebinding::. Binding A key sequence gets its meaning in Emacs by having a binding, which is a command (q.v.), a Lisp function that is run when you type that sequence. *Note Binding: Commands. Customization often involves rebinding a character to a different command function. The bindings of all key sequences are recorded in the keymaps (q.v.). *Note Keymaps::. Blank Lines Blank lines are lines that contain only whitespace. Emacs has several commands for operating on the blank lines in the buffer. Bookmark Bookmarks are akin to registers (q.v.) in that they record positions in buffers to which you can return later. Unlike registers, bookmarks persist between Emacs sessions. Border A border is a thin space along the edge of the frame, used just for spacing, not for displaying anything. An Emacs frame has an ordinary external border, outside of everything including the menu bar, plus an internal border that surrounds the text windows, their scroll bars and fringes, and separates them from the menu bar and tool bar. You can customize both borders with options and resources (*note Borders X::). Borders are not the same as fringes (q.v.). Buffer The buffer is the basic editing unit; one buffer corresponds to one text being edited. You can have several buffers, but at any time you are editing only one, the `current buffer,' though several can be visible when you are using multiple windows or frames (q.v.). Most buffers are visiting (q.v.) some file. *Note Buffers::. Buffer Selection History Emacs keeps a buffer selection history which records how recently each Emacs buffer has been selected. This is used for choosing a buffer to select. *Note Buffers::. Bug A bug is an incorrect or unreasonable behavior of a program, or inaccurate or confusing documentation. Emacs developers treat bug reports, both in Emacs code and its documentation, very seriously and ask you to report any bugs you find. *Note Bugs::. Button Down Event A button down event is the kind of input event (q.v.) generated right away when you press down on a mouse button. *Note Mouse Buttons::. By Default See `default.' Byte Compilation See `compilation.' `C-' `C-' in the name of a character is an abbreviation for Control. *Note C-: User Input. `C-M-' `C-M-' in the name of a character is an abbreviation for Control-Meta. If your terminal lacks a real key, you type a Control-Meta character by typing and then typing the corresponding Control character. *Note C-M-: User Input. Case Conversion Case conversion means changing text from upper case to lower case or vice versa. *Note Case::, for the commands for case conversion. Character Characters form the contents of an Emacs buffer. Also, key sequences (q.v.) are usually made up of characters (though they may include other input events as well). *Note User Input::. Character Set Emacs supports a number of character sets, each of which represents a particular alphabet or script. *Note International::. Character Terminal See `text-only terminal.' Click Event A click event is the kind of input event (q.v.) generated when you press a mouse button and release it without moving the mouse. *Note Mouse Buttons::. Clipboard A clipboard is a buffer provided by the window system for transferring text between applications. On the X Window system, the clipboard is provided in addition to the primary selection (q.v.); on MS-Windows and Mac, the clipboard is used _instead_ of the primary selection. *Note Clipboard::. Coding System A coding system is an encoding for representing text characters in a file or in a stream of information. Emacs has the ability to convert text to or from a variety of coding systems when reading or writing it. *Note Coding Systems::. Command A command is a Lisp function specially defined to be able to serve as a key binding in Emacs. When you type a key sequence (q.v.), its binding (q.v.) is looked up in the relevant keymaps (q.v.) to find the command to run. *Note Commands::. Command History See `minibuffer history.' Command Name A command name is the name of a Lisp symbol which is a command (*note Commands::). You can invoke any command by its name using `M-x' (*note M-x: M-x.). Comment A comment is text in a program which is intended only for humans reading the program, and which is specially marked so that it will be ignored when the program is loaded or compiled. Emacs offers special commands for creating, aligning and killing comments. *Note Comments::. Common Lisp Common Lisp is a dialect of Lisp (q.v.) much larger and more powerful than Emacs Lisp. Emacs provides a subset of Common Lisp in the CL package. *Note Common Lisp: (cl)Top. Compilation Compilation is the process of creating an executable program from source code. Emacs has commands for compiling files of Emacs Lisp code (*note Byte Compilation: (elisp)Byte Compilation.) and programs in C and other languages (*note Compilation::). Complete Key A complete key is a key sequence which fully specifies one action to be performed by Emacs. For example, `X' and `C-f' and `C-x m' are complete keys. Complete keys derive their meanings from being bound (q.v.) to commands (q.v.). Thus, `X' is conventionally bound to a command to insert `X' in the buffer; `C-x m' is conventionally bound to a command to begin composing a mail message. *Note Keys::. Completion Completion is what Emacs does when it automatically expands an abbreviation for a name into the entire name. Completion is done for minibuffer (q.v.) arguments when the set of possible valid inputs is known; for example, on command names, buffer names, and file names. Completion usually occurs when , or is typed. *Note Completion::. Continuation Line When a line of text is longer than the width of the window, it normally (but see `Truncation') takes up more than one screen line when displayed. We say that the text line is continued, and all screen lines used for it after the first are called continuation lines. *Note Continuation Lines::. A related Emacs feature is `filling' (q.v.). Control Character A control character is a character that you type by holding down the key. Some control characters also have their own keys, so that you can type them without using . For example, , , and are all control characters. *Note User Input::. Copyleft A copyleft is a notice giving the public legal permission to redistribute and modify a program or other work of art, but requiring modified versions to carry similar permission. Copyright is normally used to keep users divided and helpless; with copyleft we turn that around to empower users and encourage them to cooperate. The particular form of copyleft used by the GNU project is called the GNU General Public License. *Note Copying::. The or "control" key is what you hold down in order to enter a control character (q.v.). See also ``C-'.' Current Buffer The current buffer in Emacs is the Emacs buffer on which most editing commands operate. You can select any Emacs buffer as the current one. *Note Buffers::. Current Line The current line is the line that point is on (*note Point::). Current Paragraph The current paragraph is the paragraph that point is in. If point is between two paragraphs, the current paragraph is the one that follows point. *Note Paragraphs::. Current Defun The current defun is the defun (q.v.) that point is in. If point is between defuns, the current defun is the one that follows point. *Note Defuns::. Cursor The cursor is the rectangle on the screen which indicates the position (called point; q.v.) at which insertion and deletion takes place. The cursor is on or under the character that follows point. Often people speak of `the cursor' when, strictly speaking, they mean `point.' *Note Cursor: Point. Customization Customization is making minor changes in the way Emacs works, to reflect your preferences or needs. It is often done by setting variables (*note Variables::) or faces (*note Face Customization::), or by rebinding key sequences (*note Keymaps::). Cut and Paste See `killing' and `yanking.' Daemon A daemon is a standard term for a system-level process that runs in the background. Daemons are often started when the system first starts up. When Emacs runs in daemon-mode, it runs in the background and does not open a display. You can then connect to it with the `emacsclient' program. *Note Emacs Server::. Default Argument The default for an argument is the value that will be assumed if you do not specify one. When the minibuffer is used to read an argument, the default argument is used if you just type . *Note Minibuffer::. Default A default is the value that is used for a certain purpose if and when you do not specify a value to use. Default Directory When you specify a file name that does not start with `/' or `~', it is interpreted relative to the current buffer's default directory. (On MS-Windows and MS-DOS, file names which start with a drive letter `X:' are treated as absolute, not relative.) *Note Default Directory: Minibuffer File. Defun A defun is a major definition at the top level in a program. The name `defun' comes from Lisp, where most such definitions use the construct `defun'. *Note Defuns::. is a character that runs the command to delete one character of text before the cursor. It is typically either the key or the key, whichever one is easy to type. *Note DEL: Erasing. Deletion Deletion means erasing text without copying it into the kill ring (q.v.). The alternative is killing (q.v.). *Note Deletion: Killing. Deletion of Files Deleting a file means erasing it from the file system. (Note that some systems use the concept of a "trash can", or "recycle bin", to allow you to "undelete" files.) *Note Misc File Ops: Misc File Ops. Deletion of Messages Deleting a message (in Rmail, and other mail clients) means flagging it to be eliminated from your mail file. Until you expunge (q.v.) the Rmail file, you can still undelete the messages you have deleted. *Note Rmail Deletion::. Deletion of Windows Deleting a window means eliminating it from the screen. Other windows expand to use up the space. The text that was in the window is not lost, and you can create a new window with the same dimensions as the old if you wish. *Note Windows::. Directory File directories are named collections in the file system, within which you can place individual files or subdirectories. They are sometimes referred to as "folders." *Note Directories::. Dired Dired is the Emacs facility that displays the contents of a file directory and allows you to "edit the directory," performing operations on the files in the directory. *Note Dired::. Disabled Command A disabled command is one that you may not run without special confirmation. The usual reason for disabling a command is that it is confusing for beginning users. *Note Disabling::. Down Event Short for `button down event' (q.v.). Drag Event A drag event is the kind of input event (q.v.) generated when you press a mouse button, move the mouse, and then release the button. *Note Mouse Buttons::. Dribble File A dribble file is a file into which Emacs writes all the characters that you type on the keyboard. Dribble files can be used to make a record for debugging Emacs bugs. Emacs does not make a dribble file unless you tell it to. *Note Bugs::. Echo Area The echo area is the bottom line of the screen, used for echoing the arguments to commands, for asking questions, and showing brief messages (including error messages). The messages are stored in the buffer `*Messages*' so you can review them later. *Note Echo Area::. Echoing Echoing is acknowledging the receipt of input events by displaying them (in the echo area). Emacs never echoes single-character key sequences; longer key sequences echo only if you pause while typing them. Electric We say that a character is electric if it is normally self-inserting (q.v.), but the current major mode (q.v.) redefines it to do something else as well. For example, some programming language major modes define particular delimiter characters to reindent the line, or insert one or more newlines in addition to self-insertion. End Of Line End of line is a character or a sequence of characters that indicate the end of a text line. On GNU and Unix systems, this is a newline (q.v.), but other systems have other conventions. *Note end-of-line: Coding Systems. Emacs can recognize several end-of-line conventions in files and convert between them. Environment Variable An environment variable is one of a collection of variables stored by the operating system, each one having a name and a value. Emacs can access environment variables set by its parent shell, and it can set variables in the environment it passes to programs it invokes. *Note Environment::. EOL See `end of line.' Error An error occurs when an Emacs command cannot execute in the current circumstances. When an error occurs, execution of the command stops (unless the command has been programmed to do otherwise) and Emacs reports the error by displaying an error message (q.v.). Error Message An error message is output displayed by Emacs when you ask it to do something impossible (such as, killing text forward when point is at the end of the buffer), or when a command malfunctions in some way. Such messages appear in the echo area, accompanied by a beep. is a character used as a prefix for typing Meta characters on keyboards lacking a key. Unlike the key (which, like the key, is held down while another character is typed), you press the key as you would press a letter key, and it applies to the next character you type. Expression See `balanced expression.' Expunging Expunging an Rmail, Gnus newsgroup, or Dired buffer is an operation that truly discards the messages or files you have previously flagged for deletion. Face A face is a style of displaying characters. It specifies attributes such as font family and size, foreground and background colors, underline and strike-through, background stipple, etc. Emacs provides features to associate specific faces with portions of buffer text, in order to display that text as specified by the face attributes. *Note Faces::. File Locking Emacs uses file locking to notice when two different users start to edit one file at the same time. *Note Interlocking::. File Name A file name is a name that refers to a file. File names may be relative or absolute; the meaning of a relative file name depends on the current directory, but an absolute file name refers to the same file regardless of which directory is current. On GNU and Unix systems, an absolute file name starts with a slash (the root directory) or with `~/' or `~USER/' (a home directory). On MS-Windows/MS-DOS, an absolute file name can also start with a drive letter and a colon, e.g. `D:'. Some people use the term "pathname" for file names, but we do not; we use the word "path" only in the term "search path" (q.v.). File-Name Component A file-name component names a file directly within a particular directory. On GNU and Unix systems, a file name is a sequence of file-name components, separated by slashes. For example, `foo/bar' is a file name containing two components, `foo' and `bar'; it refers to the file named `bar' in the directory named `foo' in the current directory. MS-DOS/MS-Windows file names can also use backslashes to separate components, as in `foo\bar'. Fill Prefix The fill prefix is a string that should be expected at the beginning of each line when filling is done. It is not regarded as part of the text to be filled. *Note Filling::. Filling Filling text means adjusting the position of line-breaks to shift text between consecutive lines, so that all the lines are approximately the same length. *Note Filling::. Some other editors call this feature `line wrapping.' Font Lock Font Lock is a mode that highlights parts of buffer text in different faces, according to the syntax. For example, all comments (q.v.) might be colored red. *Note Font Lock::. Fontset A fontset is a named collection of fonts. A fontset specification lists character sets and which font to use to display each of them. Fontsets make it easy to change several fonts at once by specifying the name of a fontset, rather than changing each font separately. *Note Fontsets::. Formatted Text Formatted text is text that displays with formatting information while you edit. Formatting information includes fonts, colors, and specified margins. *Note Formatted Text::. Formfeed Character See `page.' Frame A frame is a rectangular cluster of Emacs windows. Emacs starts out with one frame, but you can create more. You can subdivide each frame into Emacs windows (q.v.). When you are using a window system (q.v.), more than one frame can be visible at the same time. *Note Frames::. Some other editors use the term "window" for this, but in Emacs a window means something else. Free Software Free software is software that gives you the freedom to share, study and modify it. Emacs is free software, part of the GNU project (q.v.), and distributed under a copyleft (q.v.) license called the GNU General Public License. *Note Copying::. Free Software Foundation The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a charitable foundation dedicated to promoting the development of free software (q.v.). For more information, see the FSF website ( Fringe On a graphical display (q.v.), there's a narrow portion of the frame (q.v.) between the text area and the window's border. These `fringes' are used to display symbols that provide information about the buffer text (*note Fringes::). Emacs displays the fringe using a special face (q.v.) called `fringe'. *Note fringe: Faces. FSF See `Free Software Foundation.' FTP FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. This is one standard method for retrieving remote files (q.v.). Function Key A function key is a key on the keyboard that sends input but does not correspond to any character. *Note Function Keys::. Global Global means "independent of the current environment; in effect throughout Emacs." It is the opposite of local (q.v.). Particular examples of the use of `global' appear below. Global Abbrev A global definition of an abbrev (q.v.) is effective in all major modes that do not have local (q.v.) definitions for the same abbrev. *Note Abbrevs::. Global Keymap The global keymap (q.v.) contains key bindings that are in effect everywhere, except when overridden by local key bindings in a major mode's local keymap (q.v.). *Note Keymaps::. Global Mark Ring The global mark ring records the series of buffers you have recently set a mark (q.v.) in. In many cases you can use this to backtrack through buffers you have been editing, or in which you have found tags (see `tags table'). *Note Global Mark Ring::. Global Substitution Global substitution means replacing each occurrence of one string by another string throughout a large amount of text. *Note Replace::. Global Variable The global value of a variable (q.v.) takes effect in all buffers that do not have their own local (q.v.) values for the variable. *Note Variables::. GNU GNU is a recursive acronym for GNU's Not Unix, and it refers to a Unix-compatible operating system which is free software (q.v.). *Note Manifesto::. GNU is normally used with Linux as the kernel since Linux works better than the GNU kernel. For more information, see the GNU website ( Graphic Character Graphic characters are those assigned pictorial images rather than just names. All the non-Meta (q.v.) characters except for the Control (q.v.) characters are graphic characters. These include letters, digits, punctuation, and spaces; they do not include or . In Emacs, typing a graphic character inserts that character (in ordinary editing modes). *Note Inserting Text::. Graphical Display A graphical display is one that can display images and multiple fonts. Usually it also has a window system (q.v.). Highlighting Highlighting text means displaying it with a different foreground and/or background color to make it stand out from the rest of the text in the buffer. Emacs uses highlighting in several ways. It highlights the region whenever it is active (*note Mark::). Incremental search also highlights matches (*note Incremental Search::). See also `font lock.' Hardcopy Hardcopy means printed output. Emacs has various commands for printing the contents of Emacs buffers. *Note Printing::. is the Emacs name for `C-h' or . You can type at any time to ask what options you have, or to ask what any command does. *Note Help::. Help Echo Help echo is a short message displayed in the echo area (q.v.) when the mouse pointer is located on portions of display that require some explanations. Emacs displays help echo for menu items, parts of the mode line, tool-bar buttons, etc. On graphics displays, the messages can be displayed as tooltips (q.v.). *Note Tooltips::. Home Directory Your home directory contains your personal files. On a multi-user GNU or Unix system, each user has his or her own home directory. When you start a new login session, your home directory is the default directory in which to start. A standard shorthand for your home directory is `~'. Similarly, `~USER' represents the home directory of some other user. Hook A hook is a list of functions to be called on specific occasions, such as saving a buffer in a file, major mode activation, etc. By customizing the various hooks, you can modify Emacs's behavior without changing any of its code. *Note Hooks::. Hyper Hyper is the name of a modifier bit that a keyboard input character may have. To make a character Hyper, type it while holding down the key. Such characters are given names that start with `Hyper-' (usually written `H-' for short). *Note User Input::. Iff "Iff" means "if and only if." This terminology comes from mathematics. Try to avoid using this term in documentation, since many are unfamiliar with it and mistake it for a typo. Inbox An inbox is a file in which mail is delivered by the operating system. Rmail transfers mail from inboxes to Rmail files (q.v.) in which the mail is then stored permanently or until explicitly deleted. *Note Rmail Inbox::. Incremental Search Emacs provides an incremental search facility, whereby Emacs begins searching for a string as soon as you type the first character. As you type more characters, it refines the search. *Note Incremental Search::. Indentation Indentation means blank space at the beginning of a line. Most programming languages have conventions for using indentation to illuminate the structure of the program, and Emacs has special commands to adjust indentation. *Note Indentation::. Indirect Buffer An indirect buffer is a buffer that shares the text of another buffer, called its base buffer (q.v.). *Note Indirect Buffers::. Info Info is the hypertext format used by the GNU project for writing documentation. Input Event An input event represents, within Emacs, one action taken by the user on the terminal. Input events include typing characters, typing function keys, pressing or releasing mouse buttons, and switching between Emacs frames. *Note User Input::. Input Method An input method is a system for entering non-ASCII text characters by typing sequences of ASCII characters (q.v.). *Note Input Methods::. Insertion Insertion means adding text into the buffer, either from the keyboard or from some other place in Emacs. Interlocking Interlocking is a feature for warning when you start to alter a file that someone else is already editing. *Note Interlocking: Interlocking. Isearch See `incremental search.' Justification Justification means adding extra spaces within lines of text in order to adjust the position of the text edges. *Note Format Justification::. Key Binding See `binding.' Keyboard Macro Keyboard macros are a way of defining new Emacs commands from sequences of existing ones, with no need to write a Lisp program. You can use a macro to record a sequence of commands, then play them back as many times as you like. *Note Keyboard Macros::. Keyboard Shortcut A keyboard shortcut is a key sequence (q.v.) which invokes a command. What some programs call "assigning a keyboard shortcut," Emacs calls "binding a key sequence." See `binding.' Key Sequence A key sequence (key, for short) is a sequence of input events (q.v.) that are meaningful as a single unit. If the key sequence is enough to specify one action, it is a complete key (q.v.); if it is not enough, it is a prefix key (q.v.). *Note Keys::. Keymap The keymap is the data structure that records the bindings (q.v.) of key sequences to the commands that they run. For example, the global keymap binds the character `C-n' to the command function `next-line'. *Note Keymaps::. Keyboard Translation Table The keyboard translation table is an array that translates the character codes that come from the terminal into the character codes that make up key sequences. Kill Ring The kill ring is where all text you have killed recently is saved. You can reinsert any of the killed text still in the ring; this is called yanking (q.v.). *Note Yanking::. Killing Killing means erasing text and saving it on the kill ring so it can be yanked (q.v.) later. Some other systems call this "cutting." Most Emacs commands that erase text perform killing, as opposed to deletion (q.v.). *Note Killing::. Killing a Job Killing a job (such as, an invocation of Emacs) means making it cease to exist. Any data within it, if not saved in a file, is lost. *Note Exiting::. Language Environment Your choice of language environment specifies defaults for the input method (q.v.) and coding system (q.v.). *Note Language Environments::. These defaults are relevant if you edit non-ASCII text (*note International::). Line Wrapping See `filling.' Lisp Lisp is a programming language. Most of Emacs is written in a dialect of Lisp, called Emacs Lisp, which is extended with special features that make it especially suitable for text editing tasks. List A list is, approximately, a text string beginning with an open parenthesis and ending with the matching close parenthesis. In C mode and other non-Lisp modes, groupings surrounded by other kinds of matched delimiters appropriate to the language, such as braces, are also considered lists. Emacs has special commands for many operations on lists. *Note Moving by Parens::. Local Local means "in effect only in a particular context"; the relevant kind of context is a particular function execution, a particular buffer, or a particular major mode. It is the opposite of `global' (q.v.). Specific uses of `local' in Emacs terminology appear below. Local Abbrev A local abbrev definition is effective only if a particular major mode is selected. In that major mode, it overrides any global definition for the same abbrev. *Note Abbrevs::. Local Keymap A local keymap is used in a particular major mode; the key bindings (q.v.) in the current local keymap override global bindings of the same key sequences. *Note Keymaps::. Local Variable A local value of a variable (q.v.) applies to only one buffer. *Note Locals::. `M-' `M-' in the name of a character is an abbreviation for , one of the modifier keys that can accompany any character. *Note M-: User Input. `M-C-' `M-C-' in the name of a character is an abbreviation for Control-Meta; it means the same thing as ``C-M-'' (q.v.). `M-x' `M-x' is the key sequence that is used to call an Emacs command by name. This is how you run commands that are not bound to key sequences. *Note M-x: M-x. Mail Mail means messages sent from one user to another through the computer system, to be read at the recipient's convenience. Emacs has commands for composing and sending mail, and for reading and editing the mail you have received. *Note Sending Mail::. *Note Rmail::, for one way to read mail with Emacs. Mail Composition Method A mail composition method is a program runnable within Emacs for editing and sending a mail message. Emacs lets you select from several alternative mail composition methods. *Note Mail Methods::. Major Mode The Emacs major modes are a mutually exclusive set of options, each of which configures Emacs for editing a certain sort of text. Ideally, each programming language has its own major mode. *Note Major Modes::. Margin The space between the usable part of a window (including the fringe) and the window edge. Mark The mark points to a position in the text. It specifies one end of the region (q.v.), point being the other end. Many commands operate on all the text from point to the mark. Each buffer has its own mark. *Note Mark::. Mark Ring The mark ring is used to hold several recent previous locations of the mark, just in case you want to move back to them. Each buffer has its own mark ring; in addition, there is a single global mark ring (q.v.). *Note Mark Ring::. Menu Bar The menu bar is a line at the top of an Emacs frame. It contains words you can click on with the mouse to bring up menus, or you can use a keyboard interface to navigate it. *Note Menu Bars::. Message See `mail.' Meta Meta is the name of a modifier bit which you can use in a command character. To enter a meta character, you hold down the key while typing the character. We refer to such characters with names that start with `Meta-' (usually written `M-' for short). For example, `M-<' is typed by holding down and at the same time typing `<' (which itself is done, on most terminals, by holding down and typing `,'). *Note Meta: User Input. On some terminals, the key is actually labeled or . Meta Character A Meta character is one whose character code includes the Meta bit. Minibuffer The minibuffer is the window that appears when necessary inside the echo area (q.v.), used for reading arguments to commands. *Note Minibuffer::. Minibuffer History The minibuffer history records the text you have specified in the past for minibuffer arguments, so you can conveniently use the same text again. *Note Minibuffer History::. Minor Mode A minor mode is an optional feature of Emacs which can be switched on or off independently of all other features. Each minor mode has a command to turn it on or off. Some minor modes are global (q.v.), and some are local (q.v.). *Note Minor Modes::. Minor Mode Keymap A minor mode keymap is a keymap that belongs to a minor mode and is active when that mode is enabled. Minor mode keymaps take precedence over the buffer's local keymap, just as the local keymap takes precedence over the global keymap. *Note Keymaps::. Mode Line The mode line is the line at the bottom of each window (q.v.), giving status information on the buffer displayed in that window. *Note Mode Line::. Modified Buffer A buffer (q.v.) is modified if its text has been changed since the last time the buffer was saved (or since it was created, if it has never been saved). *Note Saving::. Moving Text Moving text means erasing it from one place and inserting it in another. The usual way to move text is by killing (q.v.) it and then yanking (q.v.) it. *Note Killing::. MULE MULE refers to the Emacs features for editing multilingual non-ASCII text using multibyte characters (q.v.). *Note International::. Multibyte Character A multibyte character is a character that takes up several bytes in a buffer. Emacs uses multibyte characters to represent non-ASCII text, since the number of non-ASCII characters is much more than 256. *Note International Characters: International Chars. Named Mark A named mark is a register (q.v.) in its role of recording a location in text so that you can move point to that location. *Note Registers::. Narrowing Narrowing means creating a restriction (q.v.) that limits editing in the current buffer to only a part of the text. Text outside that part is inaccessible for editing (or viewing) until the boundaries are widened again, but it is still there, and saving the file saves it all. *Note Narrowing::. Newline Control-J characters in the buffer terminate lines of text and are therefore also called newlines. See `End of Line.' `nil' `nil' is a value usually interpreted as a logical "false." Its opposite is `t', interpreted as "true." Numeric Argument A numeric argument is a number, specified before a command, to change the effect of the command. Often the numeric argument serves as a repeat count. *Note Arguments::. Overwrite Mode Overwrite mode is a minor mode. When it is enabled, ordinary text characters replace the existing text after point rather than pushing it to the right. *Note Minor Modes::. Page A page is a unit of text, delimited by formfeed characters (ASCII control-L, code 014) coming at the beginning of a line. Some Emacs commands are provided for moving over and operating on pages. *Note Pages::. Paragraph Paragraphs are the medium-size unit of human-language text. There are special Emacs commands for moving over and operating on paragraphs. *Note Paragraphs::. Parsing We say that certain Emacs commands parse words or expressions in the text being edited. Really, all they know how to do is find the other end of a word or expression. *Note Syntax::. Point Point is the place in the buffer at which insertion and deletion occur. Point is considered to be between two characters, not at one character. The terminal's cursor (q.v.) indicates the location of point. *Note Point::. Prefix Argument See `numeric argument.' Prefix Key A prefix key is a key sequence (q.v.) whose sole function is to introduce a set of longer key sequences. `C-x' is an example of prefix key; any two-character sequence starting with `C-x' is therefore a legitimate key sequence. *Note Keys::. Primary Rmail File Your primary Rmail file is the file named `RMAIL' in your home directory. That's where Rmail stores your incoming mail, unless you specify a different file name. *Note Rmail::. Primary Selection The primary selection is one particular X selection (q.v.); it is the selection that most X applications use for transferring text to and from other applications. The Emacs kill commands set the primary selection and the yank command uses the primary selection when appropriate. *Note Killing::. Prompt A prompt is text used to ask you for input. Displaying a prompt is called prompting. Emacs prompts always appear in the echo area (q.v.). One kind of prompting happens when the minibuffer is used to read an argument (*note Minibuffer::); the echoing that happens when you pause in the middle of typing a multi-character key sequence is also a kind of prompting (*note Echo Area::). Query-Replace Query-replace is an interactive string replacement feature provided by Emacs. *Note Query Replace::. Quitting Quitting means canceling a partially typed command or a running command, using `C-g' (or `C-' on MS-DOS). *Note Quitting::. Quoting Quoting means depriving a character of its usual special significance. The most common kind of quoting in Emacs is with `C-q'. What constitutes special significance depends on the context and on convention. For example, an "ordinary" character as an Emacs command inserts itself; so in this context, a special character is any character that does not normally insert itself (such as , for example), and quoting it makes it insert itself as if it were not special. Not all contexts allow quoting. *Note Quoting: Inserting Text. Quoting File Names Quoting a file name turns off the special significance of constructs such as `$', `~' and `:'. *Note Quoted File Names::. Read-Only Buffer A read-only buffer is one whose text you are not allowed to change. Normally Emacs makes buffers read-only when they contain text which has a special significance to Emacs; for example, Dired buffers. Visiting a file that is write-protected also makes a read-only buffer. *Note Buffers::. Rectangle A rectangle consists of the text in a given range of columns on a given range of lines. Normally you specify a rectangle by putting point at one corner and putting the mark at the diagonally opposite corner. *Note Rectangles::. Recursive Editing Level A recursive editing level is a state in which part of the execution of a command involves asking you to edit some text. This text may or may not be the same as the text to which the command was applied. The mode line indicates recursive editing levels with square brackets (`[' and `]'). *Note Recursive Edit::. Redisplay Redisplay is the process of correcting the image on the screen to correspond to changes that have been made in the text being edited. *Note Redisplay: Screen. Regexp See `regular expression.' Region The region is the text between point (q.v.) and the mark (q.v.). Many commands operate on the text of the region. *Note Region: Mark. Register Registers are named slots in which text, buffer positions, or rectangles can be saved for later use. *Note Registers::. A related Emacs feature is `bookmarks' (q.v.). Regular Expression A regular expression is a pattern that can match various text strings; for example, `a[0-9]+' matches `a' followed by one or more digits. *Note Regexps::. Remote File A remote file is a file that is stored on a system other than your own. Emacs can access files on other computers provided that they are connected to the same network as your machine, and (obviously) that you have a supported method to gain access to those files. *Note Remote Files::. Repeat Count See `numeric argument.' Replacement See `global substitution.' Restriction A buffer's restriction is the amount of text, at the beginning or the end of the buffer, that is temporarily inaccessible. Giving a buffer a nonzero amount of restriction is called narrowing (q.v.); removing a restriction is called widening (q.v.). *Note Narrowing::. is a character that in Emacs runs the command to insert a newline into the text. It is also used to terminate most arguments read in the minibuffer (q.v.). *Note Return: User Input. Reverting Reverting means returning to the original state. Emacs lets you revert a buffer by re-reading its file from disk. *Note Reverting::. Rmail File An Rmail file is a file containing text in the format used by Rmail for storing mail. *Note Rmail::. Saving Saving a buffer means copying its text into the file that was visited (q.v.) in that buffer. This is the way text in files actually gets changed by your Emacs editing. *Note Saving::. Scroll Bar A scroll bar is a tall thin hollow box that appears at the side of a window. You can use mouse commands in the scroll bar to scroll the window. The scroll bar feature is supported only under windowing systems. *Note Scroll Bars::. Scrolling Scrolling means shifting the text in the Emacs window so as to see a different part of the buffer. *Note Scrolling::. Searching Searching means moving point to the next occurrence of a specified string or the next match for a specified regular expression. *Note Search::. Search Path A search path is a list of directory names, to be used for searching for files for certain purposes. For example, the variable `load-path' holds a search path for finding Lisp library files. *Note Lisp Libraries::. Secondary Selection The secondary selection is one particular X selection (q.v.); some X applications can use it for transferring text to and from other applications. Emacs has special mouse commands for transferring text using the secondary selection. *Note Secondary Selection::. Selected Frame The selected frame is the one your input currently operates on. *Note Frames::. Selected Window The selected window is the one your input currently operates on. *Note Basic Window::. Selecting a Buffer Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q.v.) buffer. *Note Select Buffer::. Selection Windowing systems allow an application program to specify selections whose values are text. A program can also read the selections that other programs have set up. This is the principal way of transferring text between window applications. Emacs has commands to work with the primary (q.v.) selection and the secondary (q.v.) selection, and also with the clipboard (q.v.). Self-Documentation Self-documentation is the feature of Emacs that can tell you what any command does, or give you a list of all commands related to a topic you specify. You ask for self-documentation with the help character, `C-h'. *Note Help::. Self-Inserting Character A character is self-inserting if typing that character inserts that character in the buffer. Ordinary printing and whitespace characters are self-inserting in Emacs, except in certain special major modes. Sentences Emacs has commands for moving by or killing by sentences. *Note Sentences::. Sexp A sexp (short for "s-expression") is the basic syntactic unit of Lisp in its textual form: either a list, or Lisp atom. Sexps are also the balanced expressions (q.v.) of the Lisp language; this is why the commands for editing balanced expressions have `sexp' in their name. *Note Sexps: Expressions. Simultaneous Editing Simultaneous editing means two users modifying the same file at once. Simultaneous editing, if not detected, can cause one user to lose his or her work. Emacs detects all cases of simultaneous editing, and warns one of the users to investigate. *Note Interlocking: Interlocking. is the space character, which you enter by pressing the space bar. Speedbar The speedbar is a special tall frame that provides fast access to Emacs buffers, functions within those buffers, Info nodes, and other interesting parts of text within Emacs. *Note Speedbar::. Spell Checking Spell checking means checking correctness of the written form of each one of the words in a text. Emacs can use various external spelling-checker programs to check the spelling of parts of a buffer via a convenient user interface. *Note Spelling::. String A string is a kind of Lisp data object which contains a sequence of characters. Many Emacs variables are intended to have strings as values. The Lisp syntax for a string consists of the characters in the string with a `"' before and another `"' after. A `"' that is part of the string must be written as `\"' and a `\' that is part of the string must be written as `\\'. All other characters, including newline, can be included just by writing them inside the string; however, backslash sequences as in C, such as `\n' for newline or `\241' using an octal character code, are allowed as well. String Substitution See `global substitution.' Syntax Highlighting See `font lock.' Syntax Table The syntax table tells Emacs which characters are part of a word, which characters balance each other like parentheses, etc. *Note Syntax::. Super Super is the name of a modifier bit that a keyboard input character may have. To make a character Super, type it while holding down the key. Such characters are given names that start with `Super-' (usually written `s-' for short). *Note User Input::. Suspending Suspending Emacs means stopping it temporarily and returning control to its parent process, which is usually a shell. Unlike killing a job (q.v.), you can later resume the suspended Emacs job without losing your buffers, unsaved edits, undo history, etc. *Note Exiting::. is the tab character. In Emacs it is typically used for indentation or completion. Tags Table A tags table is a file that serves as an index to the function definitions in one or more other files. *Note Tags::. Termscript File A termscript file contains a record of all characters sent by Emacs to the terminal. It is used for tracking down bugs in Emacs redisplay. Emacs does not make a termscript file unless you tell it to. *Note Bugs::. Text `Text' has two meanings (*note Text::): * Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, executable programs, and the like. The basic contents of an Emacs buffer (aside from the text properties, q.v.) are always text in this sense. * Data consisting of written human language (as opposed to programs), or following the stylistic conventions of human language. Text-only Terminal A text-only terminal is a display that is limited to displaying text in character units. Such a terminal cannot control individual pixels it displays. Emacs supports a subset of display features on text-only terminals. Text Properties Text properties are annotations recorded for particular characters in the buffer. Images in the buffer are recorded as text properties; they also specify formatting information. *Note Editing Format Info::. Tool Bar The tool bar is a line (sometimes multiple lines) of icons at the top of an Emacs frame. Clicking on one of these icons executes a command. You can think of this as a graphical relative of the menu bar (q.v.). *Note Tool Bars::. Tooltips Tooltips are small windows displaying a help echo (q.v.) text, which explains parts of the display, lists useful options available via mouse clicks, etc. *Note Tooltips::. Top Level Top level is the normal state of Emacs, in which you are editing the text of the file you have visited. You are at top level whenever you are not in a recursive editing level (q.v.) or the minibuffer (q.v.), and not in the middle of a command. You can get back to top level by aborting (q.v.) and quitting (q.v.). *Note Quitting::. Transposition Transposing two units of text means putting each one into the place formerly occupied by the other. There are Emacs commands to transpose two adjacent characters, words, balanced expressions (q.v.) or lines (*note Transpose::). Truncation Truncating text lines in the display means leaving out any text on a line that does not fit within the right margin of the window displaying it. See also `continuation line.' *Note Truncation: Continuation Lines. TTY See `text-only terminal.' Undoing Undoing means making your previous editing go in reverse, bringing back the text that existed earlier in the editing session. *Note Undo::. Unix Unix is a class of multi-user computer operating systems with a long history. There are several implementations today. The GNU project (q.v.) aims to develop a complete Unix-like operating system that is free software (q.v.). User Option A user option is a face (q.v.) or a variable (q.v.) that exists so that you can customize Emacs by setting it to a new value. *Note Easy Customization::. Variable A variable is an object in Lisp that can store an arbitrary value. Emacs uses some variables for internal purposes, and has others (known as `user options'; q.v.) just so that you can set their values to control the behavior of Emacs. The variables used in Emacs that you are likely to be interested in are listed in the Variables Index in this manual (*note Variable Index::). *Note Variables::, for information on variables. Version Control Version control systems keep track of multiple versions of a source file. They provide a more powerful alternative to keeping backup files (q.v.). *Note Version Control::. Visiting Visiting a file means loading its contents into a buffer (q.v.) where they can be edited. *Note Visiting::. Whitespace Whitespace is any run of consecutive formatting characters (space, tab, newline, and backspace). Widening Widening is removing any restriction (q.v.) on the current buffer; it is the opposite of narrowing (q.v.). *Note Narrowing::. Window Emacs divides a frame (q.v.) into one or more windows, each of which can display the contents of one buffer (q.v.) at any time. *Note Screen::, for basic information on how Emacs uses the screen. *Note Windows::, for commands to control the use of windows. Some other editors use the term "window" for what we call a `frame' (q.v.) in Emacs. Window System A window system is software that operates on a graphical display (q.v.), to subdivide the screen so that multiple applications can have their] own windows at the same time. All modern operating systems include a window system. Word Abbrev See `abbrev.' Word Search Word search is searching for a sequence of words, considering the punctuation between them as insignificant. *Note Word Search::. WYSIWYG WYSIWYG stands for "What you see is what you get." Emacs generally provides WYSIWYG editing for files of characters; in Enriched mode (*note Formatted Text::), it provides WYSIWYG editing for files that include text formatting information. Yanking Yanking means reinserting text previously killed (q.v.). It can be used to undo a mistaken kill, or for copying or moving text. Some other systems call this "pasting." *Note Yanking::.  File: emacs, Node: Acknowledgments, Next: Screen, Prev: Concept Index, Up: Top Acknowledgments *************** Many people have contributed code included in the Free Software Foundation's distribution of GNU Emacs. To show our appreciation for their public spirit, we list here in alphabetical order those who have written substantial portions. Others too numerous to mention have reported and fixed bugs, and added features to many parts of Emacs. We thank them for their generosity as well. This list is intended to mention every contributor of a major package or feature we currently distribute; if you know of someone we have omitted, please report that as a manual bug. More comprehensive information is available in the `ChangeLog' files, summarized in the file `etc/AUTHORS' in the distribution. * Per Abrahamsen wrote the customization facilities, as well as `double.el', for typing accented characters not normally available from the keyboard; `xt-mouse.el', which allows mouse commands through Xterm; `gnus-cus.el', which implements customization commands for Gnus; `gnus-cite.el', a citation-parsing facility for news articles); `gnus-score.el', scoring for Gnus; `cpp.el', which hides or highlights parts of C programs according to preprocessor conditionals; and the widget library files `wid-browse.el', `wid-edit.el', `widget.el'. He also co-wrote `gnus-soup.el'. * Tomas Abrahamsson wrote `artist.el', a package for producing ASCII art with a mouse or with keyboard keys. * Jay K. Adams wrote `jka-compr.el' and `jka-cmpr-hook.el', providing automatic decompression and recompression for compressed files. * Michael Albinus wrote `dbus.el', a package that implements the D-Bus message bus protocol; `zeroconf.el', a mode for browsing Avahi services; and `xesam.el', a Xesam-based search engine interface. He and Kai Grossjohann wrote the Tramp package, which provides transparent remote file editing using rcp, ssh, ftp, and other network protocols. He and Daniel Pittman wrote `tramp-cache.el'. * Ralf Angeli wrote `scroll-lock.el', a minor mode which keeps the point vertically fixed by scrolling the window when moving up and down in the buffer. * Joe Arceneaux wrote the original text property implementation, and implemented support for X11. * Miles Bader wrote `image-file.el', support code for visiting image files; `minibuf-eldef.el', a minor mode that hides the minibuffer default value when appropriate; `rfn-eshadow.el', shadowing of `read-file-name' input; `mb-depth.el', display of minibuffer depth; `button.el', the library that implements clickable buttons; `face-remap.el', a package for changing the default face in individual buffers; and `macroexp.el' for macro-expansion. * David Bakhash wrote `strokes.el', a mode for controlling Emacs by moving the mouse in particular patterns. * Eli Barzilay wrote `calculator.el', a desktop calculator for Emacs. * Steven L. Baur wrote `footnote.el' which lets you include footnotes in email messages; and `gnus-audio.el' and `earcon.el', which provide sound effects for Gnus. He also wrote `gnus-setup.el'. * Alexander L. Belikoff, Sergey Berezin, Sacha Chua, David Edmondson, Noah Friedman, Andreas Fuchs, Mario Lang, Ben Mesander, Lawrence Mitchell, Gergely Nagy, Michael Olson, Per Persson, Jorgen Schaefer, Alex Schroeder, and Tom Tromey wrote ERC, an advanced Internet Relay Chat client (for more information, see the file `CREDITS' in the ERC distribution). * Scott Bender, Michael Brouwer, Christophe de Dinechin, Carl Edman, Christian Limpach and Adrian Robert developed and maintained the NeXTstep port of Emacs. * Anna M. Bigatti wrote `cal-html.el', which produces HTML calendars. * Ray Blaak and Simon South wrote `delphi.el', a mode for editing Delphi (Object Pascal) source code. * Martin Blais, Stefan Merten, and David Goodger wrote `rst.el', a mode for editing reStructuredText documents. * Jim Blandy wrote Emacs 19's input system, brought its configuration and build process up to the GNU coding standards, and contributed to the frame support and multi-face support. Jim also wrote `tvi970.el', terminal support for the TeleVideo 970 terminals; and co-wrote `wyse50.el' (q.v.). * Per Bothner wrote `term.el', a terminal emulator in an Emacs buffer. * Terrence M. Brannon wrote `landmark.el', a neural-network robot that learns landmarks. * Frank Bresz wrote `diff.el', a program to display `diff' output. * Peter Breton implemented `dirtrack.el', a library for tracking directory changes in shell buffers; `filecache.el', which records which directories your files are in; `locate.el', which interfaces to the `locate' command; `find-lisp.el', an Emacs Lisp emulation of the `find' program; `net-utils.el'; and the "generic mode" feature. * Emmanuel Briot wrote `xml.el', an XML parser for Emacs; and `ada-prj.el', editing of Ada mode project files, as well as co-authoring `ada-mode.el' and `ada-xref.el'. * Kevin Broadey wrote `foldout.el', providing folding extensions to Emacs's outline modes. * David M. Brown wrote `array.el', for editing arrays and other tabular data. * W/lodek Bzyl and Ryszard Kubiak wrote `ogonek.el', a package for changing the encoding of Polish characters. * Bill Carpenter provided `feedmail.el', a package for massaging outgoing mail messages and sending them through various popular mailers. * Per Cederqvist and Inge Wallin wrote `ewoc.el', an Emacs widget for manipulating object collections. Per Cederqvist, Inge Wallin, and Thomas Bellman wrote `avl-tree.el', for balanced binary trees. * Hans Chalupsky wrote `advice.el', an overloading mechanism for Emacs Lisp functions; and `trace.el', a tracing facility for Emacs Lisp. * Chris Chase, Carsten Dominik, and J. D. Smith wrote IDLWAVE mode, for editing IDL and WAVE CL. * Bob Chassell wrote `texnfo-upd.el', `texinfo.el', and `makeinfo.el', modes and utilities for working with Texinfo files; and `page-ext.el', commands for extended page handling. * Jihyun Cho wrote `hanja-util.el' and `hangul.el', utilities for Korean Hanja. * Andrew Choi and Yamamoto Mitsuharu wrote the Carbon support, used prior to Emacs 23 for Mac OS. * Chong Yidong was the Emacs co-maintainer for Emacs 23. He made many improvements to the Emacs display engine; and, together with Kai Grossjohann and Alex Schroeder, wrote `longlines.el', a minor mode for wrapping long lines. * James Clark wrote SGML mode, a mode for editing SGML documents; and nXML mode, a mode for editing XML documents. He also contributed to Emacs's dumping procedures. * Mike Clarkson wrote `edt.el', an emulation of DEC's EDT editor. * Glynn Clements provided `gamegrid.el' and a couple of games that use it, Snake and Tetris. * Andrew Cohen wrote `spam-wash.el', to decode and clean email before it is analysed for spam. * Georges Brun-Cottan and Stefan Monnier wrote `easy-mmode.el', a package for easy definition of major and minor modes. * Andrew Csillag wrote M4 mode (`m4-mode.el'). * Doug Cutting and Jamie Zawinski wrote `disass.el', a disassembler for compiled Emacs Lisp code. * Mathias Dahl wrote `image-dired.el', a package for viewing image files as "thumbnails." * Vivek Dasmohapatra wrote `htmlfontify.el', to convert a buffer or source tree to HTML. * Michael DeCorte wrote `emacs.csh', a C-shell script that starts a new Emacs job, or restarts a paused Emacs if one exists. * Gary Delp wrote `mailpost.el', an interface between RMAIL and the `/usr/uci/post' mailer. * Matthieu Devin wrote `delsel.el', a package to make newly-typed text replace the current selection. * Eric Ding wrote `goto-addr.el', * Jan Dja"rv added support for the GTK+ toolkit and X drag-and-drop. * Carsten Dominik wrote RefTeX, a package for setting up labels and cross-references in LaTeX documents; and co-wrote IDLWAVE mode (q.v.). He was the main author of Org mode, for maintaining notes, todo lists, and project planning. Thomas Baumann, Lennart Borgman, Baoqiu Cui, Daniel German, Bastien Guerry, Tassilo Horn, Philip Jackson, Tokuya Kameshima, Ross Patterson, Sebastian Rose, Eric Schulte, Andy Stewart, David O'Toole, John Wiegley, and Piotr Zielinski also wrote various Org mode components. * Scott Draves wrote `tq.el', help functions for maintaining transaction queues between Emacs and its subprocesses. * Benjamin Drieu wrote `pong.el', an implementation of the classical pong game. * Viktor Dukhovni wrote support for dumping under SunOS version 4. * John Eaton and Kurt Hornik wrote Octave mode. * Rolf Ebert co-wrote Ada mode. * Stephen Eglen wrote `mspools.el', which tells you which Procmail folders have mail waiting in them; and `iswitchb.el', a feature for incremental reading and completion of buffer names. * Torbjo"rn Einarsson wrote `f90.el', a mode for Fortran 90 files. * Tsugutomo Enami co-wrote the support for international character sets. * David Engster wrote `mairix.el' and `nnmairix.el', an interface to the Mairix indexing tool. * Hans Henrik Eriksen wrote `simula.el', a mode for editing SIMULA 87 code. * Michael Ernst wrote `reposition.el', a command for recentering a function's source code and preceding comment on the screen. * Ata Etemadi wrote `cdl.el', functions for working with Common Data Language source code. * Frederick Farnbach implemented `morse.el', which converts text to Morse code. * Oscar Figueiredo wrote EUDC, the Emacs Unified Directory Client, which is an interface to directory servers via LDAP, CCSO PH/QI, or BBDB; and `ldap.el', the LDAP client interface. * Fred Fish wrote the support for dumping COFF executable files. * Karl Fogel wrote `bookmark.el', which implements named placeholders; `mail-hist.el', a history mechanism for outgoing mail messages; and `saveplace.el', for preserving point's location in files between editing sessions. * Gary Foster wrote `crisp.el', the emulation for CRiSP and Brief editors; and `scroll-all.el', a mode for scrolling several buffers together. * Noah Friedman wrote `rlogin.el', an interface to Rlogin, `type-break.el', which reminds you to take periodic breaks from typing, and `eldoc-mode', a mode to show the defined parameters or the doc string for the Lisp function near point. * Shigeru Fukaya wrote a testsuite for the byte-compiler. * Keith Gabryelski wrote `hexl.el', a mode for editing binary files. * Kevin Gallagher rewrote and enhanced the EDT emulation, and wrote `flow-ctrl.el', a package for coping with unsuppressible XON/XOFF flow control. * Kevin Gallo added multiple-frame support for Windows NT and wrote `w32-win.el', support functions for the MS-Windows window system. * Juan Leo'n Lahoz Garci'a wrote `wdired.el', a package for performing file operations by directly editing Dired buffers. * Howard Gayle wrote much of the C and Lisp code for display tables and case tables. He also wrote `rot13.el', a command to display the plain-text form of a buffer encoded with the Caesar cipher; `vt100-led.el', a package for controlling the LEDs on VT100-compatible terminals; and much of the support for ISO-8859 European character sets (which includes `iso-ascii.el', `iso-insert.el', `iso-swed.el', `iso-syntax.el', `iso-transl.el', and `swedish.el'). * Stephen Gildea made the Emacs quick reference card, and made many contributions for `time-stamp.el', a package for maintaining last-change time stamps in files. * Julien Gilles wrote `gnus-ml.el', a mailing list minor mode for Gnus. * David Gillespie wrote the Common Lisp compatibility packages; `Calc', an advanced calculator and mathematical tool, since maintained and developed by Jay Belanger; `complete.el', a partial completion mechanism; and `edmacro.el', a package for editing keyboard macros. * Bob Glickstein wrote `sregex.el', a facility for writing regexps using a Lisp-like syntax. * Boris Goldowsky wrote `avoid.el', a package to keep the mouse cursor out of the way of the text cursor; `shadowfile.el', a package for keeping identical copies of files in more than one place; `format.el', a package for reading and writing files in various formats; `enriched.el', a package for saving text properties in files; `facemenu.el', a package for specifying faces; and `descr-text.el', describing text and character properties. * Michelangelo Grigni wrote `ffap.el' which visits a file, taking the file name from the buffer. * Odd Gripenstam wrote `dcl-mode.el' for editing DCL command files. * Michael Gschwind wrote `iso-cvt.el', a package to convert between the ISO 8859-1 character set and the notations for non-ASCII characters used by TeX and net tradition. * Bastien Guerry wrote `gnus-bookmark.el', bookmark support for Gnus; as well as contributing to Org mode (q.v.). * Henry Guillaume wrote `find-file.el', a package to visit files related to the currently visited file. * Doug Gwyn wrote the portable `alloca' implementation. * Ken'ichi Handa implemented most of the support for international character sets, and wrote most of the Emacs 23 font handling code. He also wrote `composite.el', which provides a minor mode that composes characters automatically when they are displayed; `isearch-x.el', a facility for searching non-ASCII text; and `ps-bdf.el', a BDF font support for printing non-ASCII text on a PostScript printer. Together with Naoto Takahashi, he wrote `quail.el', an input facility for typing non-ASCII text from an ASCII keyboard. * Jesper Harder wrote `yenc.el', for decoding yenc encoded messages. * K. Shane Hartman wrote `chistory.el' and `echistory.el', packages for browsing command history lists; `electric.el' and `helper.el', which provide an alternative command loop and appropriate help facilities; `emacsbug.el', a package for reporting Emacs bugs; `picture.el', a mode for editing ASCII pictures; and `view.el', a package for perusing files and buffers without editing them. * John Heidemann wrote `mouse-copy.el' and `mouse-drag.el', which provide alternative mouse-based editing and scrolling features. * Jon K Hellan wrote `utf7.el', support for mail-safe transformation format of Unicode. * Markus Heritsch co-wrote Ada mode. * Karl Heuer wrote the original blessmail script, implemented the `intangible' text property, and rearranged the structure of the `Lisp_Object' type to allow for more data bits. * Manabu Higashida ported Emacs to MS-DOS. * Anders Holst wrote `hippie-exp.el', a versatile completion and expansion package. * Tassilo Horn wrote DocView mode, allowing viewing of PDF, PostScript and DVI documents. * Tom Houlder wrote `mantemp.el', which generates manual C++ template instantiations. * Joakim Hove wrote `html2text.el', a html to plain text converter. * Denis Howe wrote `browse-url.el', a package for invoking a WWW browser to display a URL. * Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen did a major redesign of the Gnus news-reader and wrote many of its parts. Several of these are now general components of Emacs: `dns.el' for Domain Name Service lookups; `format-spec.el' for formatting arbitrary format strings; `netrc.el' for parsing of `.netrc' files; and `time-date.el' for general date and time handling. Components of Gnus have also been written by: Nagy Andras, David Blacka, Scott Byer, Kevin Greiner, Kai Grossjohann, Joe Hildebrand, Paul Jarc, Sascha Lu"decke, David Moore, Jim Radford, Benjamin Rutt, Raymond Scholz, Thomas Steffen, Reiner Steib, Didier Verna, Ilja Weis, Katsumi Yamaoka, Teodor Zlatanov, and others (*note Contributors: (gnus)Contributors.). * Andrew Innes contributed extensively to the MS-Windows support. * Seiichiro Inoue improved Emacs's XIM support. * Philip Jackson wrote `find-cmd.el', to build a `find' command-line. * Ulf Jasper wrote `icalendar.el', a package for converting Emacs diary entries to and from the iCalendar format; `newsticker.el', an RSS and Atom based Newsticker; and `bubbles.el', a puzzle game. * Kyle Jones wrote `life.el', a package to play Conway's "life" game. * Terry Jones wrote `shadow.el', a package for finding potential load-path problems when some Lisp file "shadows" another. * Simon Josefsson wrote `dns-mode.el', an editing mode for Domain Name System master files; `dig.el', a Domain Name System interface; `flow-fill.el', a package for interpreting RFC2646 formatted text in messages; `fringe.el', a package for customizing the fringe; `imap.el', an Emacs Lisp library for talking to IMAP servers; `password-cache.el', a password reader; `nnimap.el', the IMAP back-end for Gnus; `url-imap.el' for the URL library; `rfc2104.el', a hashed message authentication facility; the Gnus S/MIME and Sieve components; and `tls.el' and `starttls.el' for the Transport Layer Security protocol. * Arne J/orgensen wrote `latexenc.el', a package to automatically guess the correct coding system in LaTeX files. * Alexandre Julliard wrote `vc-git.el', support for the Git version control system. * Tomoji Kagatani implemented `smtpmail.el', used for sending out mail with SMTP. * Ivan Kanis wrote `vc-hg.el', support for the Mercurial version control system. * Henry Kautz wrote `bib-mode.el', a mode for maintaining bibliography databases compatible with `refer' (the `troff' version) and `lookbib', and `refbib.el', a package to convert those databases to the format used by the LaTeX text formatting package. * Taichi Kawabata added support for Devanagari script and the Indian languages, and wrote `ucs-normalize.el' for Unicode normalization. * Taro Kawagishi implented the MD4 Message Digest Algorithm in Lisp; and wrote `ntlm.el' and `sasl-ntlm.el' for NT LanManager authentication support. * Howard Kaye wrote `sort.el', commands to sort text in Emacs buffers. * Michael Kifer wrote `ediff', an interactive interface to the `diff', `patch', and `merge' programs; and Viper, the newest emulation for VI. * Richard King wrote the first version of `userlock.el' and `filelock.c', which provide simple support for multiple users editing the same file. He also wrote the initial version of `uniquify.el', a facility to make buffer names unique by adding parts of the file's name to the buffer name. * Peter Kleiweg wrote `ps-mode.el', a mode for editing PostScript files and running a PostScript interpreter interactively from within Emacs. * Shuhei Kobayashi wrote `hex-util.el', for operating on hexadecimal strings; support for HMAC (Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication); and a Lisp implementation of the SHA1 Secure Hash Algorithm. * Pavel Kobyakov wrote `flymake.el', a minor mode for performing on-the-fly syntax checking. * David M. Koppelman wrote `hi-lock.el', a minor mode for interactive automatic highlighting of parts of the buffer text. * Koseki Yoshinori wrote `iimage.el', a minor mode for displaying inline images. * Robert Krawitz wrote the original `xmenu.c', part of Emacs's pop-up menu support. * Sebastian Kremer wrote `dired-mode', with contributions by Lawrence R. Dodd. He also wrote `ls-lisp.el', a Lisp emulation of the `ls' command for platforms which don't have `ls' as a standard program. * Ken Stevens wrote `ispell.el', a spell-checker interface. * David Ka*gedal wrote `tempo.el', providing support for easy insertion of boilerplate text and other common constructions. * Daniel LaLiberte wrote `edebug.el', a source-level debugger for Emacs Lisp; `cl-specs.el', specifications to help `edebug' debug code written using David Gillespie's Common Lisp support; `cust-print.el', a customizable package for printing lisp objects; and `isearch.el', Emacs's incremental search minor mode. He also co-wrote `hideif.el' (q.v.). * Karl Landstrom and Daniel Colascione wrote `js.el', a mode for editing JavaScript. * Vinicius Jose Latorre wrote the Emacs printing facilities, as well as `ps-print' (with Jim Thompson, Jacques Duthen, and Kenichi Handa), a package for pretty-printing Emacs buffers to PostScript printers; `delim-col.el', a package to arrange text into columns; `ebnf2ps.el', a package that translates EBNF grammar to a syntactic chart that can be printed to a PostScript printer; and `whitespace.el', a package that detects and cleans up excess whitespace in a file. The previous version of `whitespace.el', used prior to Emacs 23, was written by Rajesh Vaidheeswarran. * Frederic Lepied wrote `expand.el', which uses the abbrev mechanism for inserting programming constructs. * Peter Liljenberg wrote `elint.el', a Lint-style code checker for Emacs Lisp programs. * Lars Lindberg wrote `msb.el', which provides more flexible menus for buffer selection; co-wrote `imenu.el' (q.v.); and rewrote `dabbrev.el', originally written by Don Morrison. * Anders Lindgren wrote `autorevert.el', a package for automatically reverting files visited by Emacs that were changed on disk; `cwarn.el', a package to highlight suspicious C and C++ constructs; and `follow.el', a minor mode to synchronize windows that show the same buffer. * Thomas Link wrote `filesets.el', a package for handling sets of files. * Juri Linkov wrote `misearch.el', extending isearch to multi-buffer searches; the code in `files-x.el' for handling file- and directory-local variables; and the `info-finder' feature that creates a virtual Info manual of package keywords. * Ka'roly Lo''rentey wrote the "multi-terminal" code, which allows Emacs to run on graphical and text-only terminals simultaneously. * Martin Lorentzon wrote `vc-annotate.el', support for version control annotation. * Dave Love wrote much of the code dealing with Unicode support and Latin-N unification. He added support for many coding systems, including the various UTF-7 and UTF-16 coding systems. He also wrote `autoarg-mode', a global minor mode whereby digit keys supply prefix arguments; `autoarg-kp-mode', which redefines the keypad numeric keys to digit arguments; `autoconf.el', a mode for editing Autoconf files; `cfengine.el', a mode for editing Cfengine files; `elide-head.el', a package for eliding boilerplate text from file headers; `hl-line.el', a minor mode for highlighting the line in the current window on which point is; `cap-words.el', a minor mode for motion in "CapitalizedWordIdentifiers"; `latin1-disp.el', a package that lets you display ISO 8859 characters on Latin-1 terminals by setting up appropriate display tables; `python.el', a major mode for the Python programming language; `refill.el', a mode for automatic paragraph refilling, akin to typical word processors; `smiley.el', a facility for displaying smiley faces; `sym-comp.el', a library for performing mode-dependent symbol completion; `benchmark.el' for timing code execution; and `tool-bar.el', a mode to control the display of the Emacs tool bar. With Riccardo Murri he wrote `vc-bzr.el', support for the Bazaar version control system. * Eric Ludlam wrote the Speedbar package; `checkdoc.el', for checking doc strings in Emacs Lisp programs; `dframe.el', providing dedicated frame support modes; `ezimage.el', a generalized way to place images over text; `chart.el' for drawing bar charts etc; and the EIEIO (Enhanced Implementation of Emacs Interpreted Objects) package. He was also the main author of the CEDET (Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools) package. Portions were also written by Jan Moringen, David Ponce, and Joakim Verona. * Alan Mackenzie wrote the integrated AWK support in CC Mode, and maintained CC Mode from Emacs 22 onwards. * Christopher J. Madsen wrote `decipher.el', a package for cracking simple substitution ciphers. * Neil M. Mager wrote `appt.el', functions to notify users of their appointments. It finds appointments recorded in the diary files used by the `calendar' package. * Ken Manheimer wrote `allout.el', a mode for manipulating and formatting outlines, and `icomplete.el', which provides incremental completion feedback in the minibuffer. * Bill Mann wrote `perl-mode.el', a mode for editing Perl code. * Brian Marick and Daniel LaLiberte wrote `hideif.el', support for hiding selected code within C `#ifdef' clauses. * Simon Marshall wrote `regexp-opt.el', which generates a regular expression from a list of strings; and the fast-lock and lazy-lock font-lock support modes. He also extended `comint.el' and `shell.el', originally written by Olin Shivers. * Bengt Martensson, Dirk Herrmann, Marc Shapiro, Mike Newton, Aaron Larson, and Stefan Schoef, wrote `bibtex.el', a mode for editing BibTeX bibliography files. * Charlie Martin wrote `autoinsert.el', which provides automatic mode-sensitive insertion of text into new files. * Yukihiro Matsumoto and Nobuyoshi Nakada wrote Ruby-mode. * Thomas May wrote `blackbox.el', a version of the traditional blackbox game. * Roland McGrath wrote `compile.el' (since updated by Daniel Pfeiffer), a package for running compilations in a buffer, and then visiting the locations reported in error messages; `etags.el', a package for jumping to function definitions and searching or replacing in all the files mentioned in a `TAGS' file; `find-dired.el', for using `dired' commands on output from the `find' program, with Sebastian Kremer; `grep.el' for running the `grep' command; `map-ynp.el', a general purpose boolean question-asker; `autoload.el', providing semi-automatic maintenance of autoload files. * Michael McNamara and Wilson Snyder wrote Verilog mode. * David Megginson wrote `derived.el', which allows one to define new major modes by inheriting key bindings and commands from existing major modes. * Will Mengarini wrote `repeat.el', a command to repeat the preceding command with its arguments. * Richard Mlynarik wrote `cl-indent.el', a package for indenting Common Lisp code; `ebuff-menu.el', an "electric" browser for buffer listings; `ehelp.el', bindings for browsing help screens; `rfc822.el', a parser for E-mail addresses in the RFC-822 format, used in mail messages and news articles; `terminal.el', a terminal emulator for Emacs subprocesses; and `yow.el', an essential utility. * Gerd Moellmann was the Emacs maintainer from the beginning of Emacs 21 development until the release of 21.1. He wrote the new display engine used from Emacs 21 onwards, and the asynchronous timers facility. He also wrote `ebrowse', the C++ browser; `jit-lock.el', the Just-In-Time font-lock support mode; `tooltip.el', a package for displaying tooltips; `authors.el', a package for maintaining the `AUTHORS' file; and `rx.el', a regular expression constructor. * Stefan Monnier was the Emacs co-maintainer for Emacs 23. He added support for Arch and Subversion to VC, re-wrote much of the Emacs server to use the built-in networking primitives, and re-wrote the abbrev and minibuffer completion code for Emacs 23. He also wrote `PCL-CVS', a directory-level front end to the CVS version control system; `reveal.el', a minor mode for automatically revealing invisible text; `smerge-mode.el', a minor mode for resolving `diff3' conflicts; `diff-mode.el', a mode for viewing and editing context diffs; `css-mode.el' for Cascading Style Sheets; `bibtex-style.el' for BibTeX Style files; and `mpc.el', a client for the "Music Player Daemon". * Morioka Tomohiko wrote several packages for MIME support in Gnus and elsewhere. * Takahashi Naoto co-wrote `quail.el' (q.v.), and wrote `robin.el', another input method. * Sen Nagata wrote `crm.el', a package for reading multiple strings with completion, and `rfc2368.el', support for `mailto:' URLs. * Erik Naggum wrote the time-conversion functions. He also wrote `disp-table.el', a package for dealing with display tables; `mailheader.el', a package for parsing email headers; and `parse-time.el', a package for parsing time strings. * Thomas Neumann and Eric Raymond wrote `make-mode.el', a mode for editing makefiles. * Thien-Thi Nguyen and Dan Nicolaescu wrote `hideshow.el', a minor mode for selectively displaying blocks of text. * Dan Nicolaescu added support for running Emacs as a daemon. He also wrote `romanian.el', support for editing Romanian text; `iris-ansi.el', support for running Emacs on SGI's `xwsh' and `winterm' terminal emulators; and `vc-dir.el', displaying the status of version-controlled directories. * Jurgen Nickelsen wrote `ws-mode.el', providing WordStar emulation. * Hrvoje Niksic wrote `savehist.el', for saving the minibuffer history between Emacs sessions. * Jeff Norden wrote `kermit.el', a package to help the Kermit dialup communications program run comfortably in an Emacs shell buffer. * Andrew Norman wrote `ange-ftp.el', providing transparent FTP support. * Edward O'Connor wrote `json.el', a file for parsing and generating JSON files. * Kentaro Ohkouchi created the Emacs icons used beginning with Emacs 23. * Alexandre Oliva wrote `gnus-mlspl.el', a group params-based mail splitting mechanism. * Takaaki Ota wrote `table.el', a package for creating and editing embedded text-based tables. * Pieter E. J. Pareit wrote `mixal-mode.el', an editing mode for the MIX assembly language. * David Pearson wrote `quickurl.el', a simple method of inserting a URL into the current buffer based on text at point; `5x5.el', a game to fill all squares on the field. * Jeff Peck wrote `sun.el', key bindings for sunterm keys. * Damon Anton Permezel wrote `hanoi.el', an animated demonstration of the "Towers of Hanoi" puzzle. * William M. Perry wrote `mailcap.el' (with Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen), a MIME media types configuration facility; `mwheel.el', a package for supporting mouse wheels; co-wrote (with Dave Love) `socks.el', a Socks v5 client; and developed the URL package. * Per Persson wrote `gnus-vm.el', the VM interface for Gnus. * Jens Petersen wrote `find-func.el', which makes it easy to find the source code for an Emacs Lisp function or variable. * Daniel Pfeiffer wrote `conf-mode.el', a mode for editing configuration files; `copyright.el', a package for updating copyright notices in files; `executable.el', a package for executing interpreter scripts; `sh-script.el', a mode for editing shell scripts; `skeleton.el', implementing a concise language for writing statement skeletons; and `two-column.el', a minor mode for simultaneous two-column editing. Daniel also rewrote `apropos.el' (originally written by Joe Wells), for finding commands, functions, and variables matching a regular expression; and, together with Jim Blandy, co-authored `wyse50.el', support for Wyse 50 terminals. He also co-wrote `compile.el' (q.v.) and `ada-stmt.el'. * Richard L. Pieri wrote `pop3.el', a Post Office Protocol (RFC 1460) interface for Emacs. * Fred Pierresteguy and Paul Reilly made Emacs work with X Toolkit widgets. * Franc,ois Pinard, Greg McGary, and Bruno Haible wrote `po.el', support for PO translation files. * Christian Plaunt wrote `soundex.el', an implementation of the Soundex algorithm for comparing English words by their pronunciation. * David Ponce wrote `recentf.el', a package that puts a menu of recently visited files in the Emacs menu bar; `ruler-mode.el', a minor mode for displaying a ruler in the header line; and `tree-widget.el', a package to display hierarchical data structures. * Francesco A. Potorti wrote `cmacexp.el', providing a command which runs the C preprocessor on a region of a file and displays the results. He also expanded and redesigned the `etags' program. * Michael D. Prange and Steven A. Wood wrote `fortran.el', a mode for editing Fortran code. * Ashwin Ram wrote `refer.el', commands to look up references in bibliography files by keyword. * Eric S. Raymond wrote `vc.el', an interface to the RCS and SCCS source code version control systems, with Paul Eggert; `gud.el', a package for running source-level debuggers like GDB and SDB in Emacs; `asm-mode.el', a mode for editing assembly language code; `AT386.el', terminal support package for IBM's AT keyboards; `cookie1.el', support for "fortune-cookie" programs like `yow.el' and `spook.el'; `finder.el', a package for finding Emacs Lisp packages by keyword and topic; `keyswap.el', code to swap the and keys; `loadhist.el', functions for loading and unloading Emacs features; `lisp-mnt.el', functions for working with the special headers used in Emacs Lisp library files; and code to set and make use of the `load-history' lisp variable, which records the source file from which each lisp function loaded into Emacs came. * Edward M. Reingold wrote the extensive calendar and diary support, with contributions from Stewart Clamen (`cal-mayan.el'), Nachum Dershowitz (`cal-hebrew.el'), Paul Eggert (`cal-dst.el'), Steve Fisk (`cal-tex.el'), Michael Kifer (`cal-x.el'), Lara Rios (`cal-menu.el'), and Denis B. Roegel (`solar.el'). Andy Oram contributed to its documentation. Reingold also contributed to `tex-mode.el', a mode for editing TeX files, as did William F. Schelter, Dick King, Stephen Gildea, Michael Prange, and Jacob Gore. * David Reitter wrote `mailclient.el' which can send mail via the system's designated mail client. * Alex Rezinsky wrote `which-func.el', a mode that shows the name of the current function in the mode line. * Rob Riepel wrote `tpu-edt.el' and its associated files, providing an emulation of the VMS TPU text editor emulating the VMS EDT editor, and `vt-control.el', providing some control functions for the DEC VT line of terminals. * Nick Roberts wrote `t-mouse.el', for mouse support in text terminals; and `gdb-ui.el', a graphical user interface to GDB. Together with Dmitry Dzhus, he wrote `gdb-mi.el', the successor to `gdb-ui.el'. * Danny Roozendaal implemented `handwrite.el', which converts text into "handwriting." * Markus Rost wrote `cus-test.el', a testing framework for customize. * Guillermo J. Rozas wrote `scheme.el', a mode for editing Scheme and DSSSL code, and `fakemail.c', an interface to the System V mailer. * Ivar Rummelhoff wrote `winner.el', which records recent window configurations so you can move back to them. * Jason Rumney ported the Emacs 21 display engine to MS-Windows, and has contributed extensively to the MS-Windows port of Emacs. * Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote Emacs 19's floating-point support (including `float-sup.el' and `floatfns.c'), and `sup-mouse.el', support for the Supdup mouse on lisp machines. * Kevin Ryde wrote `info-xref.el', a library for checking references in Info files. * James B. Salem and Brewster Kahle wrote `completion.el', providing dynamic word completion. * Masahiko Sato wrote `vip.el', an emulation of the VI editor. * Holger Schauer wrote `fortune.el', a package for using fortune in message signatures. * William Schelter wrote `telnet.el', support for `telnet' sessions within Emacs. * Ralph Schleicher wrote `battery.el', a package for displaying laptop computer battery status, and `info-look.el', a package for looking up Info documentation for symbols in the buffer. * Michael Schmidt and Tom Perrine wrote `modula2.el', a mode for editing Modula-2 code, based on work by Mick Jordan and Peter Robinson. * Ronald S. Schnell wrote `dunnet.el', a text adventure game. * Philippe Schnoebelen wrote `gomoku.el', a Go Moku game played against Emacs; and `mpuz.el', a multiplication puzzle. * Rainer Schoepf contributed to Alpha and OSF1 support. * Jan Schormann wrote `solitaire.el', an implementation of the Solitaire game. * Alex Schroeder wrote `ansi-color.el', a package for translating ANSI color escape sequences to Emacs faces; `sql.el', a package for interactively running an SQL interpreter in an Emacs buffer; `cus-theme.el', an interface for custom themes; `master.el', a package for making a buffer `master' over another; and `spam-stat.el', for statistical detection of junk email. He also wrote parts of the IRC client ERC (q.v.). * Randal Schwartz wrote `pp.el', a pretty-printer for lisp objects. * Oliver Seidel wrote `todo-mode.el', a package for maintaining `TODO' list files. * Manuel Serrano wrote the Flyspell package, which does spell checking as you type. * Hovav Shacham wrote `windmove.el', a set of commands for selecting windows based on their geometrical position on the frame. * Stanislav Shalunov wrote `uce.el', for responding to unsolicited commercial email. * Richard Sharman wrote `hilit-chg.el', which uses colors to show recent editing changes. * Olin Shivers wrote `comint.el', a library for modes running interactive command-line-oriented subprocesses, and `shell.el', for running inferior shells (both since extended by Simon Marshall); `cmuscheme.el', for running inferior Scheme processes; `inf-lisp.el', for running inferior Lisp process. * Espen Skoglund wrote `pascal.el', a mode for editing Pascal code. * Rick Sladkey wrote `backquote.el', a lisp macro for creating mostly-constant data. * Lynn Slater wrote `help-macro.el', a macro for writing interactive help for key bindings. * Chris Smith wrote `icon.el', a mode for editing Icon code. * David Smith wrote `ielm.el', a mode for interacting with the Emacs Lisp interpreter as a subprocess. * Paul D. Smith wrote `snmp-mode.el'. * William Sommerfeld wrote `scribe.el', a mode for editing Scribe files, and `server.el', a package allowing programs to send files to an extant Emacs job to be edited. * Andre Spiegel made many contributions to the Emacs Version Control package, and in particular made it support multiple back ends. * Michael Staats wrote `pc-select.el', which rebinds keys for selecting regions to follow many other systems. * Richard Stallman invented Emacs. He is the original author of GNU Emacs, and has been Emacs maintainer over several non-contiguous periods. In addition to much of the "core" Emacs code, he has written `easymenu.el', a facility for defining Emacs menus; `image-mode.el', support for visiting image files; `menu-bar.el', the Emacs menu bar support code; `paren.el', a package to make matching parentheses stand out in color; and also co-authored portions of CC mode. * Sam Steingold wrote `gulp.el', a facility for asking package maintainers for updated versions of their packages via e-mail, and `midnight.el', a package for running a command every midnight. * Ake Stenhoff and Lars Lindberg wrote `imenu.el', a framework for browsing indices made from buffer contents. * Peter Stephenson wrote `vcursor.el', which implements a "virtual cursor" that you can move with the keyboard and use for copying text. * Ken Stevens wrote the initial version of `ispell.el' and maintains that package since Ispell 3.1 release. * Kim F. Storm made many improvements to the Emacs display engine, process support, and networking support. He also wrote `bindat.el', a package for encoding and decoding binary data; CUA mode, which allows Emacs to emulate the standard CUA key bindings; `ido.el', a package for selecting buffers and files quickly; `keypad.el' for simplified keypad bindings; and `kmacro.el', the keyboard macro facility. * Martin Stjernholm co-authored CC Mode, a major editing mode for C, C++, Objective-C, Java, Pike, CORBA IDL, and AWK code. * Steve Strassman did not write `spook.el', and even if he did, he really didn't mean for you to use it in an anarchistic way. * Olaf Sylvester wrote `bs.el', a package for manipulating Emacs buffers. * Tibor S (Help mode): Help Mode. (line 42) * = (Dired): Comparison in Dired. (line 11) * > (Calendar mode): Scroll Calendar. (line 28) * > (Dired): Subdirectory Motion. (line 35) * > (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 90) * ^ (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 45) * a (Calendar mode): Holidays. (line 50) * A (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 119) * a (Rmail): Rmail Labels. (line 34) * AltGr (MS-Windows): Windows Keyboard. (line 105) * B (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 114) * b (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit. (line 102) * b (Rmail): Rmail Basics. (line 35) * BS (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Keyboard. (line 6) * C (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 34) * c (Rmail): Rmail Reply. (line 106) * C-/: Undo. (line 21) * C- C-: Persistent Mark. (line 54) * C-: File Name Cache. (line 6) * C-@: Setting Mark. (line 28) * C-\: Select Input Method. (line 28) * C-]: Quitting. (line 70) * C-_: Undo. (line 21) * C-_ (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 120) * C-a: Moving Point. (line 16) * C-a (Calendar mode): Move to Beginning or End. (line 11) * C-b: Moving Point. (line 16) * C-b (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * C-BREAK (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Keyboard. (line 12) * C-c ' (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c , : Semantic. (line 36) * C-c , J: Semantic. (line 32) * C-c , j: Semantic. (line 28) * C-c , l: Semantic. (line 44) * C-c . (C mode): Custom C Indent. (line 26) * C-c . (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c . (Shell mode): Shell Ring. (line 21) * C-c / (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c / (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 52) * C-c 8 (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 57) * C-c ; (Fortran mode): Fortran Comments. (line 80) * C-c < (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 80) * C-c < (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c (C Mode): Hungry Delete. (line 14) * C-c (C Mode): Hungry Delete. (line 20) * C-c > (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 85) * C-c > (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c ? (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 48) * C-c @ (Outline minor mode): Outline Mode. (line 30) * C-c @ C-h: Hideshow. (line 16) * C-c @ C-l: Hideshow. (line 16) * C-c @ C-M-h: Hideshow. (line 16) * C-c @ C-M-s: Hideshow. (line 16) * C-c @ C-r: Hideshow. (line 16) * C-c @ C-s: Hideshow. (line 16) * C-c [ (Enriched mode): Format Indentation. (line 52) * C-c \ (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c ] (Enriched mode): Format Indentation. (line 52) * C-c ^ (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c ` (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 6) * C-c C- (C Mode): Hungry Delete. (line 14) * C-c C- (C Mode): Hungry Delete. (line 20) * C-c C-\ (C mode): Other C Commands. (line 57) * C-c C-\ (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 78) * C-c C-a (C mode): Electric C. (line 29) * C-c C-a (F90 mode): Fortran Motion. (line 31) * C-c C-a (Message mode): Mail Misc. (line 6) * C-c C-a (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 80) * C-c C-a (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 27) * C-c C-a (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 43) * C-c C-b (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 43) * C-c C-b (Outline mode): Outline Motion. (line 36) * C-c C-b (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 48) * C-c C-b (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 36) * C-c C-b (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 111) * C-c C-b (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 46) * C-c C-c (C mode): Multi-Line Comments. (line 14) * C-c C-c (Edit Abbrevs): Editing Abbrevs. (line 42) * C-c C-c (Edit Tab Stops): Tab Stops. (line 10) * C-c C-c (Message mode): Mail Sending. (line 16) * C-c C-c (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 58) * C-c C-c (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 68) * C-c C-c (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 148) * C-c C-d (C Mode): Hungry Delete. (line 20) * C-c C-d (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands. (line 30) * C-c C-d (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 68) * C-c C-d (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 63) * C-c C-d (Picture mode): Basic Picture. (line 43) * C-c C-d (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 42) * C-c C-e (C mode): Other C Commands. (line 45) * C-c C-e (F90 mode): Fortran Motion. (line 23) * C-c C-e (LaTeX mode): LaTeX Editing. (line 28) * C-c C-e (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 58) * C-c C-e (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 101) * C-c C-f (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 97) * C-c C-f (Outline mode): Outline Motion. (line 36) * C-c C-f (Picture mode): Insert in Picture. (line 48) * C-c C-f (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 31) * C-c C-f (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 105) * C-c C-f (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 109) * C-c C-f C-b (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-f C-c (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-f C-f (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-f C-r (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-f C-s (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-f C-t (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-f C-w (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 38) * C-c C-i (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 52) * C-c C-i (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 76) * C-c C-j (Term mode): Term Mode. (line 13) * C-c C-k (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 70) * C-c C-k (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture. (line 27) * C-c C-k (Term mode): Term Mode. (line 16) * C-c C-k (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 77) * C-c C-l (C mode): Electric C. (line 19) * C-c C-l (Calendar mode): General Calendar. (line 27) * C-c C-l (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 35) * C-c C-l (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 70) * C-c C-l (Shell mode): Shell Ring. (line 24) * C-c C-l (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 77) * C-c C-n (C mode): Motion in C. (line 35) * C-c C-n (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion. (line 13) * C-c C-n (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 47) * C-c C-n (Outline mode): Outline Motion. (line 29) * C-c C-n (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 83) * C-c C-n (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 11) * C-c C-n (Shell mode): Shell History Copying. (line 9) * C-c C-o (LaTeX mode): LaTeX Editing. (line 17) * C-c C-o (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 92) * C-c C-o (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 83) * C-c C-p (C mode): Motion in C. (line 30) * C-c C-p (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion. (line 17) * C-c C-p (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 56) * C-c C-p (Outline mode): Outline Motion. (line 29) * C-c C-p (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 83) * C-c C-p (Shell mode): Shell History Copying. (line 6) * C-c C-p (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 46) * C-c C-q (C mode): C Indent. (line 9) * C-c C-q (Message mode): Citing Mail. (line 24) * C-c C-q (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 88) * C-c C-q (Term mode): Paging in Term. (line 9) * C-c C-q (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 46) * C-c C-r (Fortran mode): Fortran Columns. (line 33) * C-c C-r (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 62) * C-c C-r (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 96) * C-c C-r (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 87) * C-c C-s (C mode): Other C Commands. (line 76) * C-c C-s (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 41) * C-c C-s (Message mode): Mail Sending. (line 16) * C-c C-s (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 63) * C-c C-s (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 89) * C-c C-t (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 74) * C-c C-t (Outline mode): Outline Visibility. (line 80) * C-c C-t (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 15) * C-c C-u (C mode): Motion in C. (line 20) * C-c C-u (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 90) * C-c C-u (Outline mode): Outline Motion. (line 36) * C-c C-u (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 60) * C-c C-v (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 62) * C-c C-v (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 46) * C-c C-w (Fortran mode): Fortran Columns. (line 52) * C-c C-w (Message mode): Mail Signature. (line 20) * C-c C-w (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture. (line 27) * C-c C-w (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 65) * C-c C-x: Foldout. (line 39) * C-c C-x (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture. (line 38) * C-c C-x (Shell mode): Shell Ring. (line 18) * C-c C-y (Message mode): Citing Mail. (line 13) * C-c C-y (Picture mode): Rectangles in Picture. (line 38) * C-c C-z: Foldout. (line 16) * C-c C-z (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 73) * C-c RET (Shell mode): Shell History Copying. (line 12) * C-c TAB (Picture mode): Tabs in Picture. (line 25) * C-c TAB (SGML mode): HTML Mode. (line 66) * C-c TAB (TeX mode): TeX Print. (line 138) * C-c { (TeX mode): TeX Editing. (line 51) * C-c } (TeX mode): TeX Editing. (line 51) * C-d (Rmail): Rmail Deletion. (line 29) * C-d (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 37) * C-Down-Mouse-1: Buffer Menus. (line 16) * C-e: Moving Point. (line 16) * C-e (Calendar mode): Move to Beginning or End. (line 12) * C-f: Moving Point. (line 16) * C-f (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * C-g: Quitting. (line 32) * C-g (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Keyboard. (line 12) * C-h: Help. (line 6) * C-h .: Help Echo. (line 14) * C-h a: Apropos. (line 31) * C-h b: Misc Help. (line 42) * C-h C: Coding Systems. (line 42) * C-h c: Key Help. (line 6) * C-h C-\: Select Input Method. (line 14) * C-h C-c: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-d: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-e: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-f: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-h: Help. (line 13) * C-h C-m: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-n: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-o: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-p: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-t: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h C-w: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h d: Apropos. (line 81) * C-h e: Misc Help. (line 33) * C-h F: Name Help. (line 55) * C-h f: Name Help. (line 6) * C-h g: Help Files. (line 13) * C-h h: International Chars. (line 18) * C-h I: Select Input Method. (line 14) * C-h i: Misc Help. (line 6) * C-h K: Key Help. (line 16) * C-h k: Key Help. (line 12) * C-h L: Language Environments. (line 76) * C-h l: Misc Help. (line 28) * C-h m: Misc Help. (line 37) * C-h p: Library Keywords. (line 6) * C-h s: Syntax. (line 18) * C-h S <1>: Info Lookup. (line 6) * C-h S: Misc Help. (line 22) * C-h t: Basic. (line 6) * C-h v: Name Help. (line 40) * C-h w: Key Help. (line 25) * C-j: Basic Indent. (line 30) * C-j (and major modes): Major Modes. (line 6) * C-j (Lisp Interaction mode): Lisp Interaction. (line 10) * C-j (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Keyboard. (line 31) * C-j (TeX mode): TeX Editing. (line 58) * C-k: Killing by Lines. (line 12) * C-k (Gnus): Summary of Gnus. (line 40) * C-l: Scrolling. (line 40) * C-M-%: Query Replace. (line 24) * C-M-.: Find Tag. (line 76) * C-M-/: Dynamic Abbrevs. (line 12) * C-M-: Expressions. (line 68) * C-M-@: Expressions. (line 68) * C-M-\: Indentation Commands. (line 37) * C-M-a: Moving by Defuns. (line 19) * C-M-b: Expressions. (line 37) * C-M-c: Recursive Edit. (line 12) * C-M-d: Moving by Parens. (line 42) * C-M-d (Dired): Subdirectory Motion. (line 26) * C-M-e: Moving by Defuns. (line 19) * C-M-f: Expressions. (line 37) * C-M-f (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 62) * C-M-h: Moving by Defuns. (line 19) * C-M-h (C mode): Moving by Defuns. (line 32) * C-M-j: Multi-Line Comments. (line 6) * C-M-j (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands. (line 25) * C-M-k: Expressions. (line 54) * C-M-l: Scrolling. (line 117) * C-M-l (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 41) * C-M-l (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 96) * C-M-n: Moving by Parens. (line 31) * C-M-n (Dired): Subdirectory Motion. (line 15) * C-M-n (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion. (line 36) * C-M-n (Rmail): Rmail Labels. (line 43) * C-M-o: Indentation Commands. (line 17) * C-M-p: Moving by Parens. (line 31) * C-M-p (Dired): Subdirectory Motion. (line 19) * C-M-p (Fortran mode): Fortran Motion. (line 44) * C-M-p (Rmail): Rmail Labels. (line 43) * C-M-q: Multi-line Indent. (line 26) * C-M-q (C mode): C Indent. (line 13) * C-M-q (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands. (line 21) * C-M-r: Regexp Search. (line 19) * C-M-r (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 45) * C-M-s: Regexp Search. (line 19) * C-M-s (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 58) * C-M-t: Expressions. (line 58) * C-M-t (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 52) * C-M-u: Moving by Parens. (line 35) * C-M-u (Dired): Subdirectory Motion. (line 23) * C-M-v: Other Window. (line 34) * C-M-w: Appending Kills. (line 38) * C-M-x (Emacs-Lisp mode): Lisp Eval. (line 44) * C-M-x (Lisp mode): External Lisp. (line 31) * C-Mouse-1: Menu Mouse Clicks. (line 10) * C-Mouse-2: Menu Mouse Clicks. (line 16) * C-mouse-2 (mode line): Mode Line Mouse. (line 31) * C-Mouse-2 (scroll bar) <1>: Mode Line Mouse. (line 34) * C-Mouse-2 (scroll bar): Split Window. (line 32) * C-Mouse-3: Menu Mouse Clicks. (line 20) * C-Mouse-3 (when menu bar is disabled): Menu Bars. (line 13) * C-n: Moving Point. (line 16) * C-n (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * C-n (Dired): Dired Navigation. (line 6) * C-n (Gnus Group mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * C-n (Gnus Summary mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * C-o: Blank Lines. (line 16) * C-o (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 27) * C-o (Occur mode): Other Repeating Search. (line 32) * C-o (Rmail): Rmail Output. (line 20) * C-p: Moving Point. (line 16) * C-p (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * C-p (Dired): Dired Navigation. (line 6) * C-p (Gnus Group mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * C-p (Gnus Summary mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * C-q: Inserting Text. (line 26) * C-r: Basic Isearch. (line 48) * C-s: Basic Isearch. (line 12) * C-S-backspace: Killing by Lines. (line 35) * C-S-Mouse-3 (FFAP): FFAP. (line 68) * C-SPC: Setting Mark. (line 28) * C-SPC C-SPC: Mark Ring. (line 18) * C-t: Transpose. (line 18) * C-t d (Image-Dired): Image-Dired. (line 10) * C-u: Arguments. (line 41) * C-u C-/: Undo. (line 52) * C-u C-c C-w (Fortran mode): Fortran Columns. (line 57) * C-u C-SPC: Mark Ring. (line 27) * C-u C-x C-x: Persistent Mark. (line 60) * C-u C-x v =: Old Revisions. (line 41) * C-u M-;: Comment Commands. (line 59) * C-u TAB: Multi-line Indent. (line 39) * C-v: Scrolling. (line 81) * C-v (Calendar mode): Scroll Calendar. (line 34) * C-w: Other Kill Commands. (line 6) * C-x #: Invoking emacsclient. (line 31) * C-x $: Selective Display. (line 6) * C-x (: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 87) * C-x ): Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 87) * C-x +: Change Window. (line 70) * C-x -: Change Window. (line 65) * C-x .: Fill Prefix. (line 27) * C-x 0: Change Window. (line 35) * C-x 1: Change Window. (line 46) * C-x 2: Split Window. (line 17) * C-x 3: Split Window. (line 23) * C-x 4: Pop Up Window. (line 6) * C-x 4 .: Find Tag. (line 56) * C-x 4 0: Change Window. (line 43) * C-x 4 a: Change Log Commands. (line 6) * C-x 4 b: Select Buffer. (line 66) * C-x 4 b (Iswitchb mode): Iswitchb. (line 6) * C-x 4 c: Indirect Buffers. (line 19) * C-x 4 C-o (Iswitchb mode): Iswitchb. (line 6) * C-x 4 d: Dired Enter. (line 29) * C-x 4 f: Visiting. (line 153) * C-x 4 f (FFAP): FFAP. (line 40) * C-x 4 m: Sending Mail. (line 27) * C-x 5: Creating Frames. (line 6) * C-x 5 .: Find Tag. (line 56) * C-x 5 0: Frame Commands. (line 13) * C-x 5 1: Frame Commands. (line 22) * C-x 5 2: Creating Frames. (line 18) * C-x 5 b: Select Buffer. (line 74) * C-x 5 b (Iswitchb mode): Iswitchb. (line 6) * C-x 5 d: Dired Enter. (line 29) * C-x 5 f: Visiting. (line 161) * C-x 5 f (FFAP): FFAP. (line 50) * C-x 5 m: Sending Mail. (line 27) * C-x 5 o: Frame Commands. (line 17) * C-x 5 r: Creating Frames. (line 43) * C-x 6 1: Two-Column. (line 60) * C-x 6 2: Two-Column. (line 12) * C-x 6 b: Two-Column. (line 35) * C-x 6 d: Two-Column. (line 65) * C-x 6 RET: Two-Column. (line 55) * C-x 6 s: Two-Column. (line 22) * C-x 8: Unibyte Mode. (line 67) * C-x 8 RET: Inserting Text. (line 59) * C-x ;: Options for Comments. (line 6) * C-x <: Horizontal Scrolling. (line 39) * C-x : Select Buffer. (line 60) * C-x F: File Name Coding. (line 13) * C-x : Select Buffer. (line 60) * C-x = <1>: International Chars. (line 35) * C-x =: Position Info. (line 54) * C-x >: Horizontal Scrolling. (line 39) * C-x [: Pages. (line 28) * C-x [ (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * C-x ]: Pages. (line 28) * C-x ] (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * C-x ^: Change Window. (line 51) * C-x `: Compilation Mode. (line 56) * C-x a g: Defining Abbrevs. (line 31) * C-x a i g: Defining Abbrevs. (line 49) * C-x a i l: Defining Abbrevs. (line 49) * C-x a l: Defining Abbrevs. (line 43) * C-x b: Select Buffer. (line 28) * C-x b (Iswitchb mode): Iswitchb. (line 6) * C-x C-+: Temporary Face Changes. (line 8) * C-x C--: Temporary Face Changes. (line 8) * C-x C-0: Temporary Face Changes. (line 8) * C-x C-: Global Mark Ring. (line 11) * C-x C-=: Temporary Face Changes. (line 8) * C-x C-a (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 28) * C-x C-a C-j (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 104) * C-x C-a C-w (GUD): Watch Expressions. (line 6) * C-x C-b: List Buffers. (line 9) * C-x C-c: Exiting. (line 13) * C-x C-d: Directories. (line 26) * C-x C-e: Lisp Eval. (line 58) * C-x C-f: Visiting. (line 52) * C-x C-f (FFAP): FFAP. (line 23) * C-x C-k b: Save Keyboard Macro. (line 28) * C-x C-k C-a: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 65) * C-x C-k C-c: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 57) * C-x C-k C-e: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 16) * C-x C-k C-f: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 71) * C-x C-k C-i: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 31) * C-x C-k C-k: Keyboard Macro Ring. (line 33) * C-x C-k C-n: Keyboard Macro Ring. (line 43) * C-x C-k C-p: Keyboard Macro Ring. (line 43) * C-x C-k e: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 22) * C-x C-k l: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 27) * C-x C-k n: Save Keyboard Macro. (line 17) * C-x C-k r: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 82) * C-x C-k RET: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 16) * C-x C-k SPC: Keyboard Macro Step-Edit. (line 6) * C-x C-l: Case. (line 47) * C-x C-n: Moving Point. (line 104) * C-x C-o: Blank Lines. (line 16) * C-x C-p: Pages. (line 34) * C-x C-q: Misc Buffer. (line 18) * C-x C-r: Visiting. (line 149) * C-x C-r (FFAP): FFAP. (line 27) * C-x C-s: Save Commands. (line 26) * C-x C-t: Transpose. (line 31) * C-x C-u: Case. (line 47) * C-x C-v: Visiting. (line 123) * C-x C-v (FFAP): FFAP. (line 30) * C-x C-w: Save Commands. (line 99) * C-x C-x: Setting Mark. (line 38) * C-x C-z: External Lisp. (line 12) * C-x d: Dired Enter. (line 6) * C-x d (FFAP): FFAP. (line 33) * C-x DEL: Sentences. (line 40) * C-x e: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 87) * C-x ESC ESC: Repetition. (line 20) * C-x f: Fill Commands. (line 51) * C-x h: Marking Objects. (line 38) * C-x i: Misc File Ops. (line 22) * C-x k: Kill Buffer. (line 21) * C-x l: Pages. (line 49) * C-x m: Sending Mail. (line 6) * C-x n d: Narrowing. (line 41) * C-x n n: Narrowing. (line 36) * C-x n p: Narrowing. (line 41) * C-x n w: Narrowing. (line 46) * C-x o: Other Window. (line 20) * C-x q: Keyboard Macro Query. (line 14) * C-x r +: RegNumbers. (line 14) * C-x r b: Bookmarks. (line 27) * C-x r c: Rectangles. (line 91) * C-x r d: Rectangles. (line 61) * C-x r f: RegConfig. (line 6) * C-x r i: RegText. (line 38) * C-x r j: RegPos. (line 19) * C-x r k: Rectangles. (line 61) * C-x r l: Bookmarks. (line 34) * C-x r m: Bookmarks. (line 27) * C-x r n: RegNumbers. (line 11) * C-x r o: Rectangles. (line 91) * C-x r r: RegRect. (line 10) * C-x r s: RegText. (line 23) * C-x r SPC: RegPos. (line 14) * C-x r t: Rectangles. (line 103) * C-x r w: RegConfig. (line 6) * C-x r y: Rectangles. (line 75) * C-x RET: International Chars. (line 32) * C-x RET c: Text Coding. (line 36) * C-x RET C-\: Select Input Method. (line 22) * C-x RET f: Text Coding. (line 23) * C-x RET k: Terminal Coding. (line 27) * C-x RET p: Communication Coding. (line 44) * C-x RET r: Text Coding. (line 67) * C-x RET t: Terminal Coding. (line 12) * C-x RET X: Communication Coding. (line 24) * C-x RET x: Communication Coding. (line 24) * C-x s: Save Commands. (line 42) * C-x SPC: Commands of GUD. (line 26) * C-x TAB: Indentation Commands. (line 37) * C-x TAB (Enriched mode): Format Indentation. (line 15) * C-x u: Undo. (line 21) * C-x v =: Old Revisions. (line 35) * C-x v a: Change Logs and VC. (line 11) * C-x v b: Local Version Control. (line 74) * C-x v c: VC Undo. (line 25) * C-x v d: VC Directory Mode. (line 6) * C-x v g: Old Revisions. (line 81) * C-x v h: Version Headers. (line 29) * C-x v i: Registering. (line 6) * C-x v l: VC Change Log. (line 13) * C-x v m: Merging. (line 16) * C-x v r: Making Revision Tags. (line 13) * C-x v s: Making Revision Tags. (line 9) * C-x v u: VC Undo. (line 14) * C-x v v: Basic VC Editing. (line 23) * C-x v ~: Old Revisions. (line 28) * C-x w b: Highlight Interactively. (line 54) * C-x w h: Highlight Interactively. (line 25) * C-x w i: Highlight Interactively. (line 65) * C-x w l: Highlight Interactively. (line 50) * C-x w r: Highlight Interactively. (line 38) * C-x z: Repeating. (line 12) * C-x }: Change Window. (line 51) * C-y: Kill Ring. (line 15) * C-z: Exiting. (line 48) * C-z (X windows): Frame Commands. (line 9) * d (Calendar mode): Displaying the Diary. (line 36) * D (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 48) * d (Dired): Dired Deletion. (line 22) * D (GDB breakpoints buffer): Breakpoints Buffer. (line 19) * D (GDB speedbar): Watch Expressions. (line 25) * d (Rmail): Rmail Deletion. (line 29) * DEL (and major modes): Major Modes. (line 6) * DEL (Dired): Dired Deletion. (line 28) * DEL (Gnus): Summary of Gnus. (line 66) * DEL (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Keyboard. (line 6) * DEL (programming modes): Program Modes. (line 33) * DEL (Rmail): Rmail Scrolling. (line 23) * DOWN: Moving Point. (line 16) * e (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 18) * e (Rmail): Rmail Editing. (line 15) * ESC ESC ESC: Quitting. (line 78) * f (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 12) * f (Rmail): Rmail Reply. (line 75) * F1: Help. (line 6) * F10: Menu Bar. (line 10) * F10 (MS-Windows): Windows Keyboard. (line 17) * F2 1: Two-Column. (line 60) * F2 2: Two-Column. (line 12) * F2 b: Two-Column. (line 35) * F2 d: Two-Column. (line 65) * F2 RET: Two-Column. (line 55) * F2 s: Two-Column. (line 22) * F3: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 25) * F4: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 25) * g (Dired): Dired Updating. (line 29) * G (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 81) * g (Rmail): Rmail Files. (line 54) * g CHAR (Calendar mode): From Other Calendar. (line 10) * g D (Calendar mode): Specified Dates. (line 29) * g d (Calendar mode): Specified Dates. (line 24) * g m (Calendar mode): Mayan Calendar. (line 42) * g w (Calendar mode): Specified Dates. (line 29) * h (Calendar mode): Holidays. (line 33) * H (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 64) * h (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 36) * Help: Help. (line 6) * i (Dired): Subdirectories in Dired. (line 18) * i (Rmail): Rmail Files. (line 25) * i a (Calendar mode): Special Diary Entries. (line 29) * i b (Calendar mode): Special Diary Entries. (line 54) * i c (Calendar mode): Special Diary Entries. (line 59) * i d (Calendar mode): Adding to Diary. (line 27) * i m (Calendar mode): Adding to Diary. (line 32) * i w (Calendar mode): Adding to Diary. (line 32) * i y (Calendar mode): Adding to Diary. (line 32) * INSERT: Minor Modes. (line 65) * j (Dired): Dired Navigation. (line 16) * j (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 90) * k (Dired): Dired Updating. (line 51) * k (Rmail): Rmail Labels. (line 34) * l (Dired): Dired Updating. (line 34) * L (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 110) * l (Gnus Group mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 29) * L (Gnus Group mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 25) * l (Rmail): Rmail Make Summary. (line 41) * LEFT: Moving Point. (line 16) * m (Calendar mode): Displaying the Diary. (line 51) * M (Calendar mode): Lunar Phases. (line 19) * M (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 76) * m (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 17) * m (Rmail): Rmail Reply. (line 100) * M-!: Single Shell. (line 6) * M-$: Spelling. (line 49) * M-$ (Dired): Hiding Subdirectories. (line 15) * M-%: Query Replace. (line 14) * M-% (Incremental search): Special Isearch. (line 36) * M-': Expanding Abbrevs. (line 32) * M-*: Find Tag. (line 67) * M-,: Tags Search. (line 31) * M--: Arguments. (line 15) * M-- M-c: Fixing Case. (line 15) * M-- M-l: Fixing Case. (line 15) * M-- M-u: Fixing Case. (line 15) * M-.: Find Tag. (line 35) * M-/: Dynamic Abbrevs. (line 12) * M-1: Arguments. (line 15) * M-;: Comment Commands. (line 27) * M-<: Moving Point. (line 16) * M-< (Calendar mode): Move to Beginning or End. (line 21) * M-: Lisp Eval. (line 38) * M-=: Position Info. (line 50) * M-= (Calendar mode): Counting Days. (line 10) * M-= (Dired): Comparison in Dired. (line 18) * M->: Moving Point. (line 16) * M-> (Calendar mode): Move to Beginning or End. (line 24) * M-? (Nroff mode): Nroff Mode. (line 14) * M-? (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 32) * M-@: Words. (line 61) * M-\: Deletion. (line 35) * M-^: Indentation Commands. (line 24) * M-^ (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands. (line 30) * M-`: Menu Bar. (line 10) * M-a: Sentences. (line 22) * M-a (C mode): Motion in C. (line 40) * M-a (Calendar mode): Move to Beginning or End. (line 15) * M-b: Words. (line 32) * M-c: Case. (line 24) * M-d: Words. (line 41) * M-DEL: Words. (line 50) * M-DEL (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 54) * M-Drag-Mouse-1: Secondary Selection. (line 11) * M-e: Sentences. (line 22) * M-e (C mode): Motion in C. (line 49) * M-e (Calendar mode): Move to Beginning or End. (line 18) * M-f: Words. (line 32) * M-g M-n: Compilation Mode. (line 56) * M-g n: Compilation Mode. (line 56) * M-h: Paragraphs. (line 36) * M-i <1>: Tab Stops. (line 6) * M-i: Indentation. (line 72) * M-j: Multi-Line Comments. (line 6) * M-j b (Enriched mode): Format Justification. (line 48) * M-j c (Enriched mode): Format Justification. (line 51) * M-j l (Enriched mode): Format Justification. (line 44) * M-j r (Enriched mode): Format Justification. (line 45) * M-j u (Enriched mode): Format Justification. (line 55) * M-k: Sentences. (line 33) * M-l: Case. (line 24) * M-m: Indentation Commands. (line 6) * M-m (Rmail): Rmail Reply. (line 64) * M-Mouse-1: Secondary Selection. (line 22) * M-Mouse-2: Secondary Selection. (line 33) * M-Mouse-3: Secondary Selection. (line 26) * M-n (minibuffer history): Minibuffer History. (line 29) * M-n (Nroff mode): Nroff Mode. (line 14) * M-n (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 55) * M-n (Shell mode): Shell Ring. (line 10) * M-o b (Enriched mode): Format Faces. (line 18) * M-o d (Enriched mode): Format Faces. (line 15) * M-o i (Enriched mode): Format Faces. (line 22) * M-o l (Enriched mode): Format Faces. (line 26) * M-o M-s (Text mode): Fill Commands. (line 46) * M-o o (Enriched mode): Format Faces. (line 34) * M-o u (Enriched mode): Format Faces. (line 30) * M-p (minibuffer history): Minibuffer History. (line 29) * M-p (Nroff mode): Nroff Mode. (line 14) * M-p (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 55) * M-p (Shell mode): Shell Ring. (line 6) * M-q: Fill Commands. (line 21) * M-q (C mode): Other C Commands. (line 39) * M-q (Fortran mode): ForIndent Commands. (line 35) * M-r: Moving Point. (line 16) * M-r (minibuffer history): Minibuffer History. (line 51) * M-r (Shell mode): Shell Ring. (line 14) * M-S (Enriched mode): Format Justification. (line 51) * M-s (Gnus Summary mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 90) * M-s (minibuffer history): Minibuffer History. (line 51) * M-s (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 68) * M-s o: Other Repeating Search. (line 43) * M-s w: Word Search. (line 26) * M-SPC: Deletion. (line 35) * M-t: Transpose. (line 31) * M-TAB: Symbol Completion. (line 10) * M-TAB (customization buffer): Changing a Variable. (line 49) * M-TAB (Incremental search): Special Isearch. (line 40) * M-TAB (Picture mode): Tabs in Picture. (line 6) * M-TAB (Text mode): Text Mode. (line 36) * M-TAB, (MS-Windows): Windows Keyboard. (line 45) * M-u: Case. (line 24) * M-v: Scrolling. (line 81) * M-v (Calendar mode): Scroll Calendar. (line 34) * M-w: Other Kill Commands. (line 39) * M-x: M-x. (line 17) * M-y: Earlier Kills. (line 6) * M-z: Other Kill Commands. (line 49) * M-{: Paragraphs. (line 6) * M-{ (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * M-{ (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 72) * M-|: Single Shell. (line 35) * M-}: Paragraphs. (line 6) * M-} (Calendar mode): Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * M-} (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 67) * M-~: Save Commands. (line 78) * Mouse-1: Mouse Commands. (line 6) * Mouse-1 (mode line): Mode Line Mouse. (line 16) * Mouse-1 (scroll bar): Mode Line Mouse. (line 34) * Mouse-1 (selection): Mouse References. (line 6) * Mouse-2: Mouse Commands. (line 6) * Mouse-2 (GDB breakpoints buffer): Breakpoints Buffer. (line 26) * Mouse-2 (mode line): Mode Line Mouse. (line 23) * Mouse-2 (selection): Mouse References. (line 6) * Mouse-3: Mouse Commands. (line 6) * Mouse-3 (mode line): Mode Line Mouse. (line 26) * n (Gnus): Summary of Gnus. (line 72) * n (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 55) * next: Scrolling. (line 81) * o (Calendar mode): Specified Dates. (line 34) * O (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 85) * o (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 21) * o (Occur mode): Other Repeating Search. (line 32) * o (Rmail): Rmail Output. (line 20) * p (Calendar mode): To Other Calendar. (line 11) * P (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 99) * p (Gnus): Summary of Gnus. (line 76) * p (Rmail): Rmail Motion. (line 55) * p d (Calendar mode): General Calendar. (line 21) * PageDown: Scrolling. (line 81) * PageUp: Scrolling. (line 81) * prior: Scrolling. (line 81) * q (Calendar mode): General Calendar. (line 36) * Q (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 127) * q (Gnus Group mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 18) * q (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit. (line 102) * Q (Rmail summary): Rmail Summary Edit. (line 102) * q (Rmail): Rmail Basics. (line 35) * R (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 55) * r (Rmail): Rmail Reply. (line 33) * RET: Inserting Text. (line 11) * RET (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 18) * RET (GDB breakpoints buffer): Breakpoints Buffer. (line 22) * RET (GDB speedbar): Watch Expressions. (line 28) * RET (Occur mode): Other Repeating Search. (line 32) * RET (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 13) * RIGHT: Moving Point. (line 16) * s (Calendar mode): Displaying the Diary. (line 62) * S (Calendar mode): Sunrise/Sunset. (line 25) * s (Dired): Dired Updating. (line 67) * S (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 70) * s (Gnus Summary mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 85) * s (Rmail): Rmail Basics. (line 28) * S- (Help mode): Help Mode. (line 42) * S-Mouse-2: Hideshow. (line 16) * S-Mouse-3 (FFAP): FFAP. (line 64) * S-TAB (customization buffer): Changing a Variable. (line 103) * SPC: Completion Commands. (line 56) * SPC (Calendar mode): General Calendar. (line 31) * SPC (Dired): Dired Navigation. (line 11) * SPC (GDB breakpoints buffer): Breakpoints Buffer. (line 12) * SPC (Gnus): Summary of Gnus. (line 49) * SPC (Rmail): Rmail Scrolling. (line 23) * t (Calendar mode): Writing Calendar Files. (line 23) * T (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 94) * t (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 76) * t (Rmail): Rmail Display. (line 27) * TAB: Completion Commands. (line 29) * TAB (and major modes): Major Modes. (line 6) * TAB (completion): Completion Example. (line 6) * TAB (customization buffer): Changing a Variable. (line 103) * TAB (GUD): Commands of GUD. (line 113) * TAB (Message mode): Header Editing. (line 46) * TAB (programming modes): Basic Indent. (line 16) * TAB (Shell mode): Shell Mode. (line 20) * TAB (Text mode): Text Mode. (line 15) * u (Calendar mode): Holidays. (line 40) * u (Dired deletion): Dired Deletion. (line 28) * U (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 49) * u (Dired): Marks vs Flags. (line 40) * u (Gnus Group mode): Summary of Gnus. (line 33) * u (Rmail): Rmail Deletion. (line 44) * UP: Moving Point. (line 16) * v (Dired): Dired Visiting. (line 38) * v (Rmail): Rmail Display. (line 55) * w (Dired): Misc Dired Features. (line 18) * w (Rmail): Rmail Output. (line 32) * x (Calendar mode): Holidays. (line 40) * X (Dired): Shell Commands in Dired. (line 6) * x (Dired): Dired Deletion. (line 36) * x (Rmail): Rmail Deletion. (line 44) * Z (Dired): Operating on Files. (line 106) * ~ (Dired): Flagging Many Files. (line 34)  File: emacs, Node: Option Index, Next: Command Index, Prev: Key Index, Up: Top Command-Line Options Index ************************** [index] * Menu: * +LINENUM: Action Arguments. (line 30) * --background-color: Colors. (line 29) * --basic-display: Misc X. (line 20) * --batch: Initial Options. (line 36) * --border-color: Colors. (line 33) * --border-width: Borders X. (line 20) * --color: Colors. (line 51) * --cursor-color: Colors. (line 37) * --daemon: Initial Options. (line 100) * --debug-init: Initial Options. (line 118) * --directory: Action Arguments. (line 49) * --display: Initial Options. (line 25) * --eval: Action Arguments. (line 59) * --execute: Action Arguments. (line 60) * --file: Action Arguments. (line 9) * --find-file: Action Arguments. (line 10) * --font: Font X. (line 11) * --foreground-color: Colors. (line 23) * --fullheight: Window Size X. (line 28) * --fullscreen: Window Size X. (line 18) * --fullwidth: Window Size X. (line 32) * --funcall: Action Arguments. (line 53) * --geometry: Window Size X. (line 11) * --help: Action Arguments. (line 71) * --iconic: Icons X. (line 7) * --insert: Action Arguments. (line 63) * --internal-border: Borders X. (line 15) * --kill: Action Arguments. (line 68) * --line-spacing: Misc X. (line 12) * --load: Action Arguments. (line 38) * --maximized: Window Size X. (line 23) * --mouse-color: Colors. (line 42) * --name: Resources. (line 70) * --no-bitmap-icon: Icons X. (line 12) * --no-blinking-cursor: Misc X. (line 16) * --no-desktop: Initial Options. (line 111) * --no-init-file: Initial Options. (line 75) * --no-site-file: Initial Options. (line 82) * --no-splash: Initial Options. (line 87) * --no-window-system: Initial Options. (line 30) * --quick: Initial Options. (line 93) * --reverse-video: Colors. (line 48) * --script: Initial Options. (line 61) * --terminal: Initial Options. (line 20) * --title: Title X. (line 17) * --user: Initial Options. (line 115) * --version: Action Arguments. (line 75) * --vertical-scroll-bars: Misc X. (line 8) * --visit: Action Arguments. (line 11) * --xrm: Resources. (line 87) * -bd: Colors. (line 32) * -bg: Colors. (line 28) * -bw: Borders X. (line 19) * -cr: Colors. (line 36) * -D: Misc X. (line 19) * -d: Initial Options. (line 24) * -daemon: Initial Options. (line 99) * -f: Action Arguments. (line 52) * -fg: Colors. (line 22) * -fh: Window Size X. (line 27) * -fn: Font X. (line 10) * -fs: Window Size X. (line 17) * -fw: Window Size X. (line 31) * -g: Window Size X. (line 10) * -ib: Borders X. (line 14) * -L: Action Arguments. (line 48) * -l: Action Arguments. (line 37) * -lsp: Misc X. (line 11) * -mm: Window Size X. (line 22) * -ms: Colors. (line 41) * -nbc: Misc X. (line 15) * -nbi: Icons X. (line 11) * -nw: Initial Options. (line 29) * -Q: Initial Options. (line 92) * -q: Initial Options. (line 74) * -r: Colors. (line 46) * -rv: Colors. (line 47) * -T: Title X. (line 16) * -t: Initial Options. (line 19) * -u: Initial Options. (line 114) * -vb: Misc X. (line 7)  File: emacs, Node: Command Index, Next: Variable Index, Prev: Option Index, Up: Top Command and Function Index ************************** [index] * Menu: * 2C-associate-buffer: Two-Column. (line 35) * 2C-dissociate: Two-Column. (line 65) * 2C-merge: Two-Column. (line 60) * 2C-newline: Two-Column. (line 55) * 2C-split: Two-Column. (line 22) * 2C-two-columns: Two-Column. (line 12) * 5x5: Amusements. (line 13) * abbrev-mode: Abbrev Concepts. (line 13) * abbrev-prefix-mark: Expanding Abbrevs. (line 32) * abort-recursive-edit: Quitting. (line 70) * add-change-log-entry-other-window: Change Log Commands. (line 6) * add-change-log-entry-other-window, in Diff mode: Diff Mode. (line 106) * add-dir-local-variable: Directory Variables. (line 47) * add-file-local-variable: Specifying File Variables. (line 72) * add-file-local-variable-prop-line: Specifying File Variables. (line 18) * add-global-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. (line 31) * add-hook: Hooks. (line 37) * add-mode-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. (line 43) * add-name-to-file: Misc File Ops. (line 71) * add-untranslated-filesystem: Text and Binary. (line 50) * append-next-kill: Appending Kills. (line 38) * append-to-buffer: Accumulating Text. (line 6) * append-to-file: Accumulating Text. (line 6) * append-to-register: RegText. (line 31) * apply-macro-to-region-lines: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 82) * appt-activate: Appointments. (line 21) * appt-add: Appointments. (line 52) * appt-delete: Appointments. (line 52) * apropos: Apropos. (line 72) * apropos-command: Apropos. (line 31) * apropos-documentation: Apropos. (line 81) * apropos-value: Apropos. (line 84) * apropos-variable: Apropos. (line 77) * ask-user-about-lock: Interlocking. (line 18) * auto-compression-mode: Compressed Files. (line 17) * auto-fill-mode: Auto Fill. (line 17) * auto-lower-mode: Frame Parameters. (line 19) * auto-raise-mode: Frame Parameters. (line 9) * auto-revert-mode: Reverting. (line 34) * auto-revert-tail-mode: Reverting. (line 34) * auto-save-mode: Auto Save Control. (line 6) * back-to-indentation: Indentation Commands. (line 6) * backward-char: Moving Point. (line 16) * backward-kill-sentence: Sentences. (line 40) * backward-kill-word: Words. (line 50) * backward-list: Moving by Parens. (line 31) * backward-page: Pages. (line 28) * backward-paragraph: Paragraphs. (line 6) * backward-sentence: Sentences. (line 22) * backward-sexp: Expressions. (line 37) * backward-text-line: Nroff Mode. (line 14) * backward-up-list: Moving by Parens. (line 35) * backward-word: Words. (line 32) * balance-windows: Change Window. (line 70) * beginning-of-buffer: Moving Point. (line 16) * beginning-of-defun: Moving by Defuns. (line 19) * beginning-of-visual-line: Visual Line Mode. (line 23) * bibtex-mode: TeX Mode. (line 6) * binary-overwrite-mode: Minor Modes. (line 75) * blackbox: Amusements. (line 13) * blink-cursor-mode: Cursor Display. (line 6) * bookmark-delete: Bookmarks. (line 69) * bookmark-insert: Bookmarks. (line 76) * bookmark-insert-location: Bookmarks. (line 72) * bookmark-jump: Bookmarks. (line 19) * bookmark-load: Bookmarks. (line 60) * bookmark-save: Bookmarks. (line 25) * bookmark-set: Bookmarks. (line 16) * bookmark-write: Bookmarks. (line 66) * browse-url <1>: Browse-URL. (line 6) * browse-url: Help Mode. (line 38) * browse-url-at-mouse: Browse-URL. (line 6) * browse-url-at-point: Browse-URL. (line 6) * bs-show: Buffer Menus. (line 6) * buffer-menu: Several Buffers. (line 18) * buffer-menu-other-window: Several Buffers. (line 18) * c-backslash-region: Other C Commands. (line 57) * c-backward-conditional: Motion in C. (line 30) * c-beginning-of-defun: Motion in C. (line 11) * c-beginning-of-statement: Motion in C. (line 40) * c-context-line-break: Other C Commands. (line 19) * c-electric-backspace: Program Modes. (line 33) * c-end-of-defun: Motion in C. (line 11) * c-end-of-statement: Motion in C. (line 49) * c-fill-paragraph: Other C Commands. (line 39) * c-forward-conditional: Motion in C. (line 35) * c-hungry-delete-backwards: Hungry Delete. (line 14) * c-hungry-delete-forward: Hungry Delete. (line 20) * c-indent-command <1>: C Indent. (line 18) * c-indent-command: Basic Indent. (line 16) * c-indent-defun: C Indent. (line 9) * c-indent-exp: C Indent. (line 13) * c-macro-expand: Other C Commands. (line 45) * c-mark-function: Moving by Defuns. (line 32) * c-set-style: Custom C Indent. (line 26) * c-show-syntactic-information: Other C Commands. (line 76) * c-toggle-auto-newline: Electric C. (line 29) * c-toggle-electric-state: Electric C. (line 19) * c-toggle-hungry-state: Hungry Delete. (line 30) * c-up-conditional: Motion in C. (line 20) * calendar: Calendar/Diary. (line 6) * calendar-astro-goto-day-number: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-astro-print-day-number: To Other Calendar. (line 23) * calendar-backward-day: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * calendar-backward-month: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * calendar-backward-week: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * calendar-bahai-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-bahai-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 39) * calendar-beginning-of-month: Move to Beginning or End. (line 15) * calendar-beginning-of-week: Move to Beginning or End. (line 11) * calendar-beginning-of-year: Move to Beginning or End. (line 21) * calendar-chinese-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-chinese-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 42) * calendar-coptic-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-coptic-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 46) * calendar-count-days-region: Counting Days. (line 10) * calendar-cursor-holidays: Holidays. (line 33) * calendar-end-of-month: Move to Beginning or End. (line 18) * calendar-end-of-week: Move to Beginning or End. (line 12) * calendar-end-of-year: Move to Beginning or End. (line 24) * calendar-ethiopic-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-ethiopic-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 50) * calendar-forward-day: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * calendar-forward-month: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * calendar-forward-week: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 34) * calendar-forward-year: Calendar Unit Motion. (line 43) * calendar-french-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-french-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 35) * calendar-goto-date: Specified Dates. (line 24) * calendar-goto-day-of-year: Specified Dates. (line 29) * calendar-goto-today: Specified Dates. (line 37) * calendar-hebrew-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-hebrew-list-yahrzeits: From Other Calendar. (line 65) * calendar-hebrew-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 27) * calendar-islamic-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-islamic-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 31) * calendar-iso-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-iso-goto-week <1>: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-iso-goto-week: Specified Dates. (line 29) * calendar-iso-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 15) * calendar-julian-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-julian-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 19) * calendar-list-holidays: Holidays. (line 50) * calendar-lunar-phases: Lunar Phases. (line 19) * calendar-mark-holidays: Holidays. (line 40) * calendar-mark-today: Calendar Customizing. (line 39) * calendar-mayan-goto-long-count-date: Mayan Calendar. (line 42) * calendar-mayan-next-calendar-round-date: Mayan Calendar. (line 64) * calendar-mayan-next-haab-date: Mayan Calendar. (line 56) * calendar-mayan-next-tzolkin-date: Mayan Calendar. (line 48) * calendar-mayan-previous-haab-date: Mayan Calendar. (line 56) * calendar-mayan-previous-tzolkin-date: Mayan Calendar. (line 48) * calendar-mayan-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 58) * calendar-other-month: Specified Dates. (line 34) * calendar-persian-goto-date: From Other Calendar. (line 10) * calendar-persian-print-date: To Other Calendar. (line 54) * calendar-print-day-of-year: General Calendar. (line 21) * calendar-print-other-dates: To Other Calendar. (line 11) * calendar-redraw: General Calendar. (line 27) * calendar-scroll-left: Scroll Calendar. (line 28) * calendar-scroll-left-three-months: Scroll Calendar. (line 34) * calendar-scroll-right: Scroll Calendar. (line 28) * calendar-scroll-right-three-months: Scroll Calendar. (line 34) * calendar-set-date-style: Date Formats. (line 43) * calendar-star-date: Calendar Customizing. (line 33) * calendar-sunrise-sunset: Sunrise/Sunset. (line 25) * calendar-unmark: Holidays. (line 40) * capitalize-word: Case. (line 24) * cd: File Names. (line 42) * center-line: Fill Commands. (line 46) * change-log-merge: Change Log Commands. (line 43) * change-log-mode: Change Log Commands. (line 31) * check-parens: Parentheses. (line 6) * choose-completion: Completion Commands. (line 79) * clean-buffer-list: Kill Buffer. (line 49) * clear-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 91) * clipboard-kill-region: Clipboard. (line 13) * clipboard-kill-ring-save: Clipboard. (line 16) * clipboard-yank: Clipboard. (line 20) * clone-indirect-buffer: Indirect Buffers. (line 12) * clone-indirect-buffer-other-window: Indirect Buffers. (line 19) * column-number-mode: Optional Mode Line. (line 23) * comint-bol-or-process-mark: Shell Mode. (line 43) * comint-continue-subjob: Shell Mode. (line 131) * comint-copy-old-input: Shell History Copying. (line 12) * comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof: Shell Mode. (line 37) * comint-delete-output: Shell Mode. (line 83) * comint-dynamic-complete: Shell Mode. (line 20) * comint-dynamic-list-filename...: Shell Mode. (line 32) * comint-dynamic-list-input-ring: Shell Ring. (line 24) * comint-get-next-from-history: Shell Ring. (line 18) * comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp: Shell Ring. (line 14) * comint-input-previous-argument: Shell Ring. (line 21) * comint-interrupt-subjob: Shell Mode. (line 68) * comint-kill-input: Shell Mode. (line 60) * comint-magic-space: History References. (line 17) * comint-next-input: Shell Ring. (line 10) * comint-next-prompt: Shell History Copying. (line 9) * comint-previous-input: Shell Ring. (line 6) * comint-previous-prompt: Shell History Copying. (line 6) * comint-quit-subjob: Shell Mode. (line 78) * comint-run: Shell Mode. (line 161) * comint-send-input: Shell Mode. (line 13) * comint-show-maximum-output: Shell Mode. (line 101) * comint-show-output: Shell Mode. (line 96) * comint-stop-subjob: Shell Mode. (line 73) * comint-strip-ctrl-m: Shell Mode. (line 135) * comint-truncate-buffer: Shell Mode. (line 144) * comint-write-output: Shell Mode. (line 89) * comment-dwim: Comment Commands. (line 27) * comment-indent-new-line: Multi-Line Comments. (line 6) * comment-kill: Comment Commands. (line 59) * comment-region: Multi-Line Comments. (line 14) * comment-set-column: Options for Comments. (line 6) * compare-windows: Comparing Files. (line 26) * compilation-next-error: Compilation Mode. (line 103) * compilation-next-file: Compilation Mode. (line 103) * compilation-previous-error: Compilation Mode. (line 103) * compilation-previous-file: Compilation Mode. (line 103) * compile: Compilation. (line 22) * compile (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Processes. (line 6) * compile-goto-error: Compilation Mode. (line 48) * complete-symbol: Symbol Completion. (line 25) * compose-mail: Sending Mail. (line 6) * compose-mail-other-frame: Sending Mail. (line 27) * compose-mail-other-window: Sending Mail. (line 27) * copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals: Specifying File Variables. (line 72) * copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals-prop-line: Specifying File Variables. (line 18) * copy-directory: Misc File Ops. (line 78) * copy-file: Misc File Ops. (line 78) * copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals: Directory Variables. (line 47) * copy-rectangle-to-register: RegRect. (line 10) * copy-to-buffer: Accumulating Text. (line 6) * copy-to-register: RegText. (line 23) * count-lines-page: Pages. (line 49) * count-lines-region: Position Info. (line 50) * count-text-lines: Nroff Mode. (line 14) * cpp-highlight-buffer: Other C Commands. (line 67) * create-fontset-from-fontset-spec: Defining Fontsets. (line 104) * crisp-mode: Emulation. (line 10) * cua-mode: CUA Bindings. (line 6) * customize: Easy Customization. (line 12) * customize-apropos: Specific Customization. (line 56) * customize-browse: Browsing Custom. (line 6) * customize-changed: Specific Customization. (line 63) * customize-create-theme: Custom Themes. (line 11) * customize-face: Specific Customization. (line 46) * customize-group: Specific Customization. (line 50) * customize-option: Specific Customization. (line 36) * customize-saved: Specific Customization. (line 71) * customize-unsaved: Specific Customization. (line 71) * cwarn-mode: Other C Commands. (line 82) * dabbrev-completion: Dynamic Abbrevs. (line 12) * dabbrev-expand: Dynamic Abbrevs. (line 12) * dbx: Starting GUD. (line 20) * debug_print: Checklist. (line 220) * decipher: Amusements. (line 20) * default-value: Locals. (line 70) * define-abbrevs: Saving Abbrevs. (line 49) * define-global-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. (line 56) * define-key: Init Rebinding. (line 78) * define-mode-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. (line 56) * delete-backward-char: Deletion. (line 6) * delete-blank-lines: Blank Lines. (line 16) * delete-char: Deletion. (line 6) * delete-dir-local-variable: Directory Variables. (line 47) * delete-file: Misc File Ops. (line 40) * delete-file-local-variable: Specifying File Variables. (line 72) * delete-file-local-variable-prop-line: Specifying File Variables. (line 18) * delete-frame: Frame Commands. (line 13) * delete-horizontal-space: Deletion. (line 35) * delete-indentation: Indentation Commands. (line 24) * delete-other-frames: Frame Commands. (line 22) * delete-other-windows: Change Window. (line 46) * delete-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 61) * delete-selection-mode <1>: Mouse Commands. (line 97) * delete-selection-mode: Using Region. (line 43) * delete-trailing-whitespace: Useless Whitespace. (line 22) * delete-whitespace-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 97) * delete-window: Change Window. (line 35) * describe-bindings: Misc Help. (line 42) * describe-categories: Regexp Backslash. (line 140) * describe-character-set: Charsets. (line 24) * describe-coding-system: Coding Systems. (line 42) * describe-copying: Help Files. (line 13) * describe-distribution: Help Files. (line 13) * describe-function: Name Help. (line 6) * describe-gnu-project: Help Files. (line 13) * describe-input-method: Select Input Method. (line 14) * describe-key: Key Help. (line 12) * describe-key-briefly: Key Help. (line 6) * describe-language-environment: Language Environments. (line 76) * describe-mode: Misc Help. (line 37) * describe-no-warranty: Help Files. (line 13) * describe-syntax: Syntax. (line 18) * describe-text-properties: Editing Format Info. (line 25) * describe-variable: Name Help. (line 40) * desktop-change-dir: Saving Emacs Sessions. (line 20) * desktop-clear: Saving Emacs Sessions. (line 40) * desktop-revert: Saving Emacs Sessions. (line 20) * desktop-save: Saving Emacs Sessions. (line 11) * diary: Displaying the Diary. (line 65) * diary-anniversary <1>: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 16) * diary-anniversary: Special Diary Entries. (line 35) * diary-astro-day-number: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-bahai-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-bahai-insert-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-bahai-insert-monthly-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-bahai-insert-yearly-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-bahai-list-entries: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 13) * diary-bahai-mark-entries: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 13) * diary-block: Special Diary Entries. (line 47) * diary-chinese-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-coptic-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-cyclic <1>: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 35) * diary-cyclic: Special Diary Entries. (line 64) * diary-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 53) * diary-day-of-year: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-ethiopic-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-fancy-display: Diary Display. (line 6) * diary-float <1>: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 65) * diary-float: Special Diary Entries. (line 86) * diary-french-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-hebrew-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-hebrew-insert-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-hebrew-insert-monthly-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-hebrew-insert-yearly-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-hebrew-list-entries: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 13) * diary-hebrew-mark-entries: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 13) * diary-hebrew-omer: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 176) * diary-hebrew-parasha: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 176) * diary-hebrew-rosh-hodesh: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 176) * diary-hebrew-sabbath-candles: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 176) * diary-hebrew-yahrzeit: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 176) * diary-include-other-diary-files: Fancy Diary Display. (line 28) * diary-insert-anniversary-entry: Special Diary Entries. (line 29) * diary-insert-block-entry: Special Diary Entries. (line 54) * diary-insert-cyclic-entry: Special Diary Entries. (line 59) * diary-insert-entry: Adding to Diary. (line 27) * diary-insert-monthly-entry: Adding to Diary. (line 32) * diary-insert-weekly-entry: Adding to Diary. (line 32) * diary-insert-yearly-entry: Adding to Diary. (line 32) * diary-islamic-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-islamic-insert-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-islamic-insert-monthly-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-islamic-insert-yearly-entry: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 72) * diary-islamic-list-entries: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 13) * diary-islamic-mark-entries: Non-Gregorian Diary. (line 13) * diary-iso-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-julian-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-lunar-phases: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-mail-entries: Displaying the Diary. (line 73) * diary-mark-entries: Displaying the Diary. (line 51) * diary-mark-included-diary-files: Fancy Diary Display. (line 28) * diary-mayan-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-persian-date: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-print-entries: Diary Display. (line 37) * diary-remind: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 48) * diary-show-all-entries: Displaying the Diary. (line 62) * diary-simple-display: Diary Display. (line 6) * diary-sort-entries: Fancy Diary Display. (line 11) * diary-sunrise-sunset: Sexp Diary Entries. (line 116) * diary-view-entries: Displaying the Diary. (line 36) * diff: Comparing Files. (line 6) * diff-add-change-log-entries-other-window: Diff Mode. (line 106) * diff-apply-hunk: Diff Mode. (line 56) * diff-backup: Comparing Files. (line 17) * diff-buffer-with-file: Comparing Files. (line 22) * diff-context->unified: Diff Mode. (line 96) * diff-ediff-patch: Diff Mode. (line 69) * diff-file-kill: Diff Mode. (line 52) * diff-file-next: Diff Mode. (line 41) * diff-file-prev: Diff Mode. (line 45) * diff-goto-source: Diff Mode. (line 65) * diff-hunk-kill: Diff Mode. (line 49) * diff-hunk-next: Diff Mode. (line 35) * diff-hunk-prev: Diff Mode. (line 38) * diff-mode: Diff Mode. (line 6) * diff-refine-hunk: Diff Mode. (line 60) * diff-restrict-view: Diff Mode. (line 73) * diff-reverse-direction: Diff Mode. (line 79) * diff-show-trailing-whitespaces: Diff Mode. (line 116) * diff-split-hunk: Diff Mode. (line 83) * diff-unified->context: Diff Mode. (line 91) * digit-argument: Arguments. (line 15) * dir-locals-set-class-variables: Directory Variables. (line 54) * dir-locals-set-directory-class: Directory Variables. (line 54) * dired: Dired Enter. (line 6) * dired-at-point: FFAP. (line 6) * dired-backup-diff: Comparison in Dired. (line 18) * dired-change-marks: Marks vs Flags. (line 81) * dired-clean-directory: Flagging Many Files. (line 38) * dired-compare-directories: Misc Dired Features. (line 39) * dired-copy-filename-as-kill: Misc Dired Features. (line 18) * dired-create-directory: Misc Dired Features. (line 6) * dired-diff: Comparison in Dired. (line 11) * dired-display-file: Dired Visiting. (line 27) * dired-do-byte-compile: Operating on Files. (line 114) * dired-do-chgrp: Operating on Files. (line 81) * dired-do-chmod: Operating on Files. (line 76) * dired-do-chown: Operating on Files. (line 85) * dired-do-compress: Operating on Files. (line 106) * dired-do-copy: Operating on Files. (line 34) * dired-do-copy-regexp: Transforming File Names. (line 33) * dired-do-delete: Operating on Files. (line 48) * dired-do-flagged-delete: Dired Deletion. (line 36) * dired-do-hardlink: Operating on Files. (line 64) * dired-do-hardlink-regexp: Transforming File Names. (line 34) * dired-do-kill-lines: Dired Updating. (line 51) * dired-do-load: Operating on Files. (line 110) * dired-do-print: Operating on Files. (line 99) * dired-do-query-replace-regexp: Operating on Files. (line 127) * dired-do-redisplay: Dired Updating. (line 34) * dired-do-rename: Operating on Files. (line 55) * dired-do-rename-regexp: Transforming File Names. (line 32) * dired-do-search: Operating on Files. (line 119) * dired-do-shell-command: Shell Commands in Dired. (line 6) * dired-do-symlink: Operating on Files. (line 70) * dired-do-symlink-regexp: Transforming File Names. (line 35) * dired-do-touch: Operating on Files. (line 94) * dired-downcase: Transforming File Names. (line 27) * dired-find-file: Dired Visiting. (line 12) * dired-find-file-other-window: Dired Visiting. (line 21) * dired-flag-auto-save-files: Flagging Many Files. (line 30) * dired-flag-backup-files: Flagging Many Files. (line 34) * dired-flag-file-deletion: Dired Deletion. (line 22) * dired-flag-files-regexp: Flagging Many Files. (line 57) * dired-flag-garbage-files: Flagging Many Files. (line 51) * dired-goto-file: Dired Navigation. (line 16) * dired-hide-all: Hiding Subdirectories. (line 15) * dired-hide-subdir: Hiding Subdirectories. (line 10) * dired-mark: Marks vs Flags. (line 17) * dired-mark-directories: Marks vs Flags. (line 30) * dired-mark-executables: Marks vs Flags. (line 22) * dired-mark-files-containing-regexp: Marks vs Flags. (line 112) * dired-mark-files-regexp: Marks vs Flags. (line 103) * dired-mark-subdir-files: Marks vs Flags. (line 35) * dired-mark-symlinks: Marks vs Flags. (line 26) * dired-maybe-insert-subdir: Subdirectories in Dired. (line 18) * dired-mouse-find-file-other-window: Dired Visiting. (line 33) * dired-next-dirline: Subdirectory Motion. (line 35) * dired-next-marked-file: Marks vs Flags. (line 67) * dired-next-subdir: Subdirectory Motion. (line 15) * dired-other-frame: Dired Enter. (line 29) * dired-other-window: Dired Enter. (line 29) * dired-prev-dirline: Subdirectory Motion. (line 30) * dired-prev-marked-file: Marks vs Flags. (line 72) * dired-prev-subdir: Subdirectory Motion. (line 19) * dired-sort-toggle-or-edit: Dired Updating. (line 67) * dired-toggle-marks: Marks vs Flags. (line 76) * dired-tree-down: Subdirectory Motion. (line 26) * dired-tree-up: Subdirectory Motion. (line 23) * dired-undo: Marks vs Flags. (line 120) * dired-unmark: Marks vs Flags. (line 40) * dired-unmark-all-files: Marks vs Flags. (line 54) * dired-unmark-all-marks: Marks vs Flags. (line 49) * dired-unmark-backward: Marks vs Flags. (line 44) * dired-up-directory: Dired Visiting. (line 45) * dired-upcase: Transforming File Names. (line 21) * dired-view-file: Dired Visiting. (line 38) * dirs: Directory Tracking. (line 20) * dirtrack-mode: Directory Tracking. (line 25) * disable-command: Disabling. (line 33) * disable-theme: Custom Themes. (line 47) * display-battery-mode: Optional Mode Line. (line 72) * display-local-help: Help Echo. (line 14) * display-time: Optional Mode Line. (line 48) * dissociated-press: Dissociated Press. (line 6) * do-auto-save: Auto Save Control. (line 37) * doc-view-clear-cache: Conversion. (line 6) * doc-view-enlarge: Document View. (line 28) * doc-view-first-page: Navigation. (line 25) * doc-view-goto-page: Navigation. (line 25) * doc-view-kill-proc: Conversion. (line 10) * doc-view-kill-proc-and-buffer: Conversion. (line 10) * doc-view-last-page: Navigation. (line 25) * doc-view-mode: Document View. (line 6) * doc-view-next-page: Navigation. (line 16) * doc-view-previous-page: Navigation. (line 16) * doc-view-reset-slice: Slicing. (line 22) * doc-view-scroll-down-or-previous-page: Navigation. (line 20) * doc-view-scroll-up-or-next-page: Navigation. (line 20) * doc-view-search: Searching. (line 10) * doc-view-search-backward: Searching. (line 10) * doc-view-set-slice: Slicing. (line 10) * doc-view-set-slice-using-mouse: Slicing. (line 10) * doc-view-show-tooltip: Searching. (line 10) * doc-view-shrink: Document View. (line 28) * doc-view-toggle-display: Document View. (line 12) * doctex-mode: TeX Mode. (line 6) * doctor: Total Frustration. (line 13) * down-list: Moving by Parens. (line 42) * downcase-region: Case. (line 47) * downcase-word: Case. (line 24) * dunnet: Amusements. (line 23) * edit-abbrevs: Editing Abbrevs. (line 42) * edit-kbd-macro: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 22) * edit-tab-stops <1>: Tab Stops. (line 10) * edit-tab-stops: Indentation. (line 72) * edit-tab-stops-note-changes: Tab Stops. (line 10) * edt-emulation-off: Emulation. (line 18) * edt-emulation-on: Emulation. (line 18) * eldoc-mode: Lisp Doc. (line 16) * electric-nroff-mode: Nroff Mode. (line 25) * emacs-lisp-mode: Lisp Eval. (line 6) * emacs-version: Understanding Bug Reporting. (line 6) * emerge-auto-advance-mode: Submodes of Emerge. (line 31) * emerge-buffers: Overview of Emerge. (line 15) * emerge-buffers-with-ancestor: Overview of Emerge. (line 18) * emerge-files: Overview of Emerge. (line 9) * emerge-files-with-ancestor: Overview of Emerge. (line 12) * emerge-skip-prefers-mode: Submodes of Emerge. (line 31) * enable-command: Disabling. (line 33) * enable-theme: Custom Themes. (line 47) * end-of-buffer: Moving Point. (line 16) * end-of-defun: Moving by Defuns. (line 19) * end-of-visual-line: Visual Line Mode. (line 23) * enlarge-window: Change Window. (line 51) * enlarge-window-horizontally: Change Window. (line 51) * enriched-mode: Requesting Formatted Text. (line 11) * eval-buffer: Lisp Eval. (line 73) * eval-defun: Lisp Eval. (line 44) * eval-expression: Lisp Eval. (line 38) * eval-last-sexp: Lisp Eval. (line 58) * eval-print-last-sexp: Lisp Interaction. (line 10) * eval-region: Lisp Eval. (line 73) * exchange-point-and-mark: Setting Mark. (line 38) * execute-extended-command: M-x. (line 57) * exit-calendar: General Calendar. (line 36) * exit-recursive-edit: Recursive Edit. (line 12) * expand-abbrev: Expanding Abbrevs. (line 26) * expand-region-abbrevs: Expanding Abbrevs. (line 59) * f90-beginning-of-block: Fortran Motion. (line 44) * f90-end-of-block: Fortran Motion. (line 36) * f90-mode: Fortran. (line 6) * f90-next-block: Fortran Motion. (line 23) * f90-next-statement: Fortran Motion. (line 13) * f90-previous-block: Fortran Motion. (line 31) * f90-previous-statement: Fortran Motion. (line 17) * facemenu-remove-all: Editing Format Info. (line 21) * facemenu-remove-face-props: Editing Format Info. (line 17) * facemenu-set-background: Format Colors. (line 28) * facemenu-set-bold: Format Faces. (line 18) * facemenu-set-bold-italic: Format Faces. (line 26) * facemenu-set-default: Format Faces. (line 15) * facemenu-set-face: Format Faces. (line 34) * facemenu-set-foreground: Format Colors. (line 28) * facemenu-set-italic: Format Faces. (line 22) * facemenu-set-underline: Format Faces. (line 30) * ff-find-related-file: Other C Commands. (line 107) * ffap: FFAP. (line 6) * ffap-menu: FFAP. (line 6) * ffap-mode: FFAP. (line 18) * ffap-next: FFAP. (line 6) * file-cache-add-directory: File Name Cache. (line 17) * file-cache-minibuffer-complete: File Name Cache. (line 6) * file-name-shadow-mode: Minibuffer File. (line 32) * filesets-add-buffer: Filesets. (line 13) * filesets-init: Filesets. (line 6) * filesets-remove-buffer: Filesets. (line 13) * fill-individual-paragraphs: Fill Prefix. (line 63) * fill-nonuniform-paragraphs: Fill Prefix. (line 70) * fill-paragraph: Fill Commands. (line 21) * fill-region: Fill Commands. (line 28) * fill-region-as-paragraph: Fill Commands. (line 31) * find-alternate-file: Visiting. (line 123) * find-dired: Dired and Find. (line 27) * find-file: Visiting. (line 52) * find-file-at-point: FFAP. (line 6) * find-file-literally: Visiting. (line 178) * find-file-other-frame: Visiting. (line 161) * find-file-other-window: Visiting. (line 153) * find-file-read-only: Visiting. (line 149) * find-file-read-only-other-frame: Creating Frames. (line 43) * find-grep: Grep Searching. (line 53) * find-grep-dired: Dired and Find. (line 17) * find-name-dired: Dired and Find. (line 9) * find-tag: Find Tag. (line 35) * find-tag-other-frame: Find Tag. (line 56) * find-tag-other-window: Find Tag. (line 56) * find-tag-regexp: Find Tag. (line 76) * finder-by-keyword: Library Keywords. (line 6) * flush-lines: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * flyspell-mode: Spelling. (line 169) * flyspell-prog-mode: Spelling. (line 183) * foldout-exit-fold: Foldout. (line 39) * foldout-zoom-subtree: Foldout. (line 16) * follow-mode: Follow Mode. (line 6) * font-lock-add-keywords: Font Lock. (line 82) * font-lock-mode: Font Lock. (line 15) * font-lock-remove-keywords: Font Lock. (line 93) * format-find-file: Forcing Enriched Mode. (line 28) * fortran-beginning-of-block: Fortran Motion. (line 44) * fortran-column-ruler: Fortran Columns. (line 33) * fortran-comment-region: Fortran Comments. (line 80) * fortran-end-of-block: Fortran Motion. (line 36) * fortran-indent-subprogram: ForIndent Commands. (line 21) * fortran-join-line: ForIndent Commands. (line 30) * fortran-mode: Fortran. (line 6) * fortran-next-statement: Fortran Motion. (line 13) * fortran-previous-statement: Fortran Motion. (line 17) * fortran-split-line: ForIndent Commands. (line 25) * fortran-strip-sequence-nos: Fortran Columns. (line 62) * fortran-window-create: Fortran Columns. (line 57) * fortran-window-create-momentarily: Fortran Columns. (line 52) * fortune-to-signature: Mail Amusements. (line 19) * forward-char: Moving Point. (line 16) * forward-list: Moving by Parens. (line 31) * forward-page: Pages. (line 28) * forward-paragraph: Paragraphs. (line 6) * forward-sentence: Sentences. (line 22) * forward-sexp: Expressions. (line 37) * forward-text-line: Nroff Mode. (line 14) * forward-word: Words. (line 32) * frame-configuration-to-register: RegConfig. (line 6) * fringe-mode: Fringes. (line 24) * gdb: Starting GUD. (line 10) * gdb-delete-breakpoint: Breakpoints Buffer. (line 19) * gdb-edit-value: Watch Expressions. (line 28) * gdb-frames-select: Stack Buffer. (line 10) * gdb-goto-breakpoint: Breakpoints Buffer. (line 22) * gdb-many-windows: GDB-UI Layout. (line 31) * gdb-restore-windows: GDB-UI Layout. (line 27) * gdb-threads-select: Other GDB-UI Buffers. (line 46) * gdb-toggle-breakpoint: Breakpoints Buffer. (line 12) * gdb-var-delete: Watch Expressions. (line 25) * getenv: Environment. (line 19) * glasses-mode: Glasses. (line 6) * global-auto-revert-mode: Reverting. (line 34) * global-cwarn-mode: Other C Commands. (line 82) * global-font-lock-mode: Font Lock. (line 20) * global-hl-line-mode: Cursor Display. (line 34) * global-set-key: Rebinding. (line 16) * global-unset-key: Rebinding. (line 16) * global-visual-line-mode: Visual Line Mode. (line 13) * gnus: Gnus. (line 12) * gnus-group-exit: Summary of Gnus. (line 18) * gnus-group-kill-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 40) * gnus-group-list-all-groups: Summary of Gnus. (line 25) * gnus-group-list-groups: Summary of Gnus. (line 29) * gnus-group-next-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * gnus-group-next-unread-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 72) * gnus-group-prev-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * gnus-group-prev-unread-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 76) * gnus-group-read-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 49) * gnus-group-unsubscribe-current-group: Summary of Gnus. (line 33) * gnus-summary-isearch-article: Summary of Gnus. (line 85) * gnus-summary-next-subject: Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * gnus-summary-next-unread-article: Summary of Gnus. (line 72) * gnus-summary-prev-page: Summary of Gnus. (line 70) * gnus-summary-prev-subject: Summary of Gnus. (line 80) * gnus-summary-prev-unread-article: Summary of Gnus. (line 76) * gnus-summary-search-article-forward: Summary of Gnus. (line 90) * gomoku: Amusements. (line 6) * goto-address-mode: Goto Address mode. (line 6) * goto-char: Moving Point. (line 16) * goto-followup-to: Header Editing. (line 38) * goto-line <1>: Select Buffer. (line 91) * goto-line: Moving Point. (line 16) * goto-reply-to: Header Editing. (line 38) * gpm-mouse-mode: Text-Only Mouse. (line 16) * grep: Grep Searching. (line 29) * grep (MS-DOS): MS-DOS Processes. (line 6) * grep-find: Grep Searching. (line 53) * gud-cont: Commands of GUD. (line 63) * gud-def: GUD Customization. (line 18) * gud-down: Commands of GUD. (line 86) * gud-finish: Commands of GUD. (line 98) * gud-gdb: Starting GUD. (line 15) * gud-gdb-complete-command: Commands of GUD. (line 113) * gud-jump: Commands of GUD. (line 104) * gud-next: Commands of GUD. (line 48) * gud-print: Commands of GUD. (line 57) * gud-refresh: Commands of GUD. (line 36) * gud-remove: Commands of GUD. (line 69) * gud-step: Commands of GUD. (line 42) * gud-stepi: Commands of GUD. (line 53) * gud-tbreak: Commands of GUD. (line 75) * gud-until: Commands of GUD. (line 91) * gud-up: Commands of GUD. (line 81) * gud-watch: Watch Expressions. (line 6) * handwrite: PostScript. (line 82) * hanoi: Amusements. (line 6) * help-command: Help. (line 6) * help-for-help: Help. (line 13) * help-next-ref: Help Mode. (line 42) * help-previous-ref: Help Mode. (line 42) * help-with-tutorial: Basic. (line 6) * hi-lock-find-patterns: Highlight Interactively. (line 65) * hi-lock-mode: Highlight Interactively. (line 11) * hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns: Highlight Interactively. (line 54) * hide-body: Outline Visibility. (line 80) * hide-entry: Outline Visibility. (line 58) * hide-ifdef-mode: Other C Commands. (line 99) * hide-leaves: Outline Visibility. (line 70) * hide-other: Outline Visibility. (line 92) * hide-sublevels: Outline Visibility. (line 88) * hide-subtree: Outline Visibility. (line 63) * highlight-changes-mode: Highlight Interactively. (line 6) * highlight-lines-matching-regexp: Highlight Interactively. (line 50) * highlight-regexp: Highlight Interactively. (line 25) * hl-line-mode: Cursor Display. (line 34) * holidays: Holidays. (line 55) * how-many: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * hs-hide-all: Hideshow. (line 16) * hs-hide-block: Hideshow. (line 16) * hs-hide-level: Hideshow. (line 16) * hs-minor-mode: Hideshow. (line 6) * hs-show-all: Hideshow. (line 16) * hs-show-block: Hideshow. (line 16) * hs-show-region: Hideshow. (line 16) * html-mode: HTML Mode. (line 6) * htmlfontify-buffer: Printing. (line 11) * icalendar-export-file, icalendar-export-region: Importing Diary. (line 37) * icalendar-import-buffer: Importing Diary. (line 20) * icalendar-import-file: Importing Diary. (line 27) * icomplete-mode: Completion Options. (line 49) * ielm: Lisp Interaction. (line 27) * image-dired-display-thumbs: Image-Dired. (line 10) * image-mode: File Conveniences. (line 20) * image-toggle-display: File Conveniences. (line 20) * imenu: Imenu. (line 11) * imenu-add-menubar-index: Imenu. (line 16) * increase-left-margin: Format Indentation. (line 15) * increment-register: RegNumbers. (line 14) * indent-code-rigidly: Multi-line Indent. (line 49) * indent-for-tab-command: Basic Indent. (line 16) * indent-line-function: Basic Indent. (line 16) * indent-pp-sexp: Multi-line Indent. (line 26) * indent-region: Indentation Commands. (line 37) * indent-relative: Indentation Commands. (line 50) * indent-rigidly: Indentation Commands. (line 37) * info: Misc Help. (line 6) * Info-goto-emacs-command-node: Name Help. (line 55) * Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node: Key Help. (line 16) * info-lookup-file: Info Lookup. (line 6) * info-lookup-symbol <1>: Info Lookup. (line 6) * info-lookup-symbol: Misc Help. (line 22) * insert-abbrevs: Saving Abbrevs. (line 49) * insert-file: Misc File Ops. (line 22) * insert-file-literally: Misc File Ops. (line 28) * insert-kbd-macro: Save Keyboard Macro. (line 46) * insert-register: RegText. (line 38) * inverse-add-global-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. (line 49) * inverse-add-mode-abbrev: Defining Abbrevs. (line 49) * isearch-backward: Basic Isearch. (line 48) * isearch-backward-regexp: Regexp Search. (line 19) * isearch-forward: Basic Isearch. (line 12) * isearch-forward-regexp: Regexp Search. (line 19) * isearch-forward-word: Word Search. (line 26) * isearch-toggle-input-method: Special Isearch. (line 32) * isearch-toggle-specified-input-method: Special Isearch. (line 32) * iso-gtex2iso: TeX Misc. (line 11) * iso-iso2gtex: TeX Misc. (line 11) * iso-iso2tex: TeX Misc. (line 11) * iso-tex2iso: TeX Misc. (line 11) * ispell: Spelling. (line 56) * ispell-buffer: Spelling. (line 56) * ispell-complete-word: Spelling. (line 133) * ispell-kill-ispell: Spelling. (line 142) * ispell-message: Mail Misc. (line 30) * ispell-region: Spelling. (line 56) * ispell-word: Spelling. (line 49) * iswitchb-mode: Iswitchb. (line 6) * jdb: Starting GUD. (line 47) * jump-to-register: RegPos. (line 19) * just-one-space: Deletion. (line 35) * kbd: Init Rebinding. (line 10) * kbd-macro-query: Keyboard Macro Query. (line 14) * keep-lines: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * keyboard-escape-quit: Quitting. (line 78) * keyboard-quit: Quitting. (line 50) * kill-all-abbrevs: Defining Abbrevs. (line 65) * kill-buffer: Kill Buffer. (line 21) * kill-buffer-and-window: Change Window. (line 43) * kill-compilation: Compilation. (line 72) * kill-emacs: Exiting. (line 38) * kill-line: Killing by Lines. (line 12) * kill-local-variable: Locals. (line 51) * kill-matching-buffers: Kill Buffer. (line 34) * kill-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 61) * kill-region: Other Kill Commands. (line 6) * kill-ring-save: Other Kill Commands. (line 39) * kill-sentence: Sentences. (line 33) * kill-sexp: Expressions. (line 54) * kill-some-buffers: Kill Buffer. (line 29) * kill-whole-line: Killing by Lines. (line 35) * kill-word: Words. (line 41) * kmacro-add-counter: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 65) * kmacro-bind-to-key: Save Keyboard Macro. (line 28) * kmacro-cycle-ring-next: Keyboard Macro Ring. (line 43) * kmacro-cycle-ring-previous: Keyboard Macro Ring. (line 43) * kmacro-edit-lossage: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 27) * kmacro-edit-macro: Edit Keyboard Macro. (line 16) * kmacro-end-and-call-macro: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 25) * kmacro-end-macro: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 87) * kmacro-end-or-call-macro: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 25) * kmacro-end-or-call-macro-repeat: Keyboard Macro Ring. (line 33) * kmacro-insert-counter: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 31) * kmacro-name-last-macro: Save Keyboard Macro. (line 17) * kmacro-set-counter: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 57) * kmacro-set-format: Keyboard Macro Counter. (line 71) * kmacro-start-macro: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 87) * kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter: Basic Keyboard Macro. (line 25) * kmacro-step-edit-macro: Keyboard Macro Step-Edit. (line 6) * latex-mode: TeX Mode. (line 6) * lgrep: Grep Searching. (line 59) * life: Amusements. (line 30) * line-number-mode: Optional Mode Line. (line 18) * linum-mode: Minor Modes. (line 59) * lisp-complete-symbol: Symbol Completion. (line 36) * lisp-eval-defun: External Lisp. (line 31) * lisp-interaction-mode: Lisp Interaction. (line 23) * lisp-mode: External Lisp. (line 27) * list-abbrevs: Editing Abbrevs. (line 13) * list-bookmarks: Bookmarks. (line 22) * list-buffers: List Buffers. (line 9) * list-character-sets: Charsets. (line 31) * list-charset-chars: Charsets. (line 24) * list-coding-systems: Coding Systems. (line 50) * list-colors-display: Colors. (line 6) * list-command-history: Repetition. (line 12) * list-directory: Directories. (line 26) * list-faces-display: Standard Faces. (line 6) * list-holidays: Holidays. (line 67) * list-input-methods: Select Input Method. (line 85) * list-matching-lines: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * list-tags: List Tags. (line 12) * lm: Amusements. (line 26) * load: Lisp Libraries. (line 22) * load-file: Lisp Libraries. (line 16) * load-library: Lisp Libraries. (line 22) * load-theme: Custom Themes. (line 47) * local-set-key: Rebinding. (line 16) * local-unset-key: Rebinding. (line 16) * locate: Dired and Find. (line 38) * locate-with-filter: Dired and Find. (line 38) * log-edit-insert-changelog: Log Buffer. (line 19) * log-edit-show-diff: Log Buffer. (line 12) * log-edit-show-files: Log Buffer. (line 12) * longlines-auto-wrap: Longlines. (line 29) * longlines-mode: Longlines. (line 19) * longlines-show-hard-newlines: Longlines. (line 42) * lpr-buffer: Printing. (line 31) * lpr-region: Printing. (line 31) * lunar-phases: Lunar Phases. (line 23) * mail-abbrev-insert-alias: Mail Aliases. (line 44) * mail-attach-file: Mail Misc. (line 6) * mail-fill-yanked-message: Citing Mail. (line 24) * mail-text: Header Editing. (line 43) * make-frame-command: Creating Frames. (line 18) * make-frame-on-display: Multiple Displays. (line 11) * make-indirect-buffer: Indirect Buffers. (line 10) * make-local-variable: Locals. (line 22) * make-symbolic-link: Misc File Ops. (line 82) * make-variable-buffer-local: Locals. (line 27) * Man-fontify-manpage: Man Page. (line 42) * manual-entry: Man Page. (line 12) * mark-defun: Moving by Defuns. (line 19) * mark-page: Pages. (line 34) * mark-paragraph: Paragraphs. (line 36) * mark-sexp <1>: Expressions. (line 68) * mark-sexp: Marking Objects. (line 33) * mark-whole-buffer: Marking Objects. (line 38) * mark-word <1>: Words. (line 61) * mark-word: Marking Objects. (line 33) * menu-bar-mode: Menu Bars. (line 6) * menu-bar-open: Menu Bar. (line 10) * message-goto-bcc: Header Editing. (line 38) * message-goto-cc: Header Editing. (line 38) * message-goto-fcc: Header Editing. (line 38) * message-goto-subject: Header Editing. (line 38) * message-goto-to: Header Editing. (line 38) * message-insert-signature: Mail Signature. (line 20) * message-send: Mail Sending. (line 16) * message-send-and-exit: Mail Sending. (line 22) * message-tab: Header Editing. (line 46) * message-yank-original: Citing Mail. (line 13) * message-yank-prefix: Citing Mail. (line 13) * minibuffer-complete: Completion Commands. (line 10) * minibuffer-complete-word: Completion Commands. (line 56) * mode, thumbs: File Conveniences. (line 28) * mode25: MS-DOS Display. (line 43) * mode4350: MS-DOS Display. (line 43) * modify-face: Face Customization. (line 55) * morse-region: Amusements. (line 32) * mouse-avoidance-mode: Mouse Avoidance. (line 39) * mouse-buffer-menu: Buffer Menus. (line 16) * mouse-choose-completion: Completion Commands. (line 66) * mouse-save-then-kill: Mouse Commands. (line 61) * mouse-secondary-save-then-kill: Secondary Selection. (line 26) * mouse-set-point: Mouse Commands. (line 23) * mouse-set-region: Mouse Commands. (line 37) * mouse-set-secondary: Secondary Selection. (line 11) * mouse-start-secondary: Secondary Selection. (line 22) * mouse-wheel-mode: Wheeled Mice. (line 6) * mouse-yank-at-click: Mouse Commands. (line 52) * mouse-yank-secondary: Secondary Selection. (line 33) * move-beginning-of-line: Moving Point. (line 16) * move-end-of-line: Moving Point. (line 16) * move-to-window-line: Moving Point. (line 16) * mpuz: Amusements. (line 13) * msb-mode: Buffer Menus. (line 16) * msdos-set-mouse-buttons: MS-DOS Mouse. (line 18) * multi-occur: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * multi-occur-in-matching-buffers: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * narrow-to-defun: Narrowing. (line 41) * narrow-to-page: Narrowing. (line 41) * narrow-to-region: Narrowing. (line 36) * negative-argument: Arguments. (line 15) * newline-and-indent: Basic Indent. (line 30) * next-buffer: Select Buffer. (line 60) * next-completion: Completion Commands. (line 85) * next-error: Compilation Mode. (line 56) * next-error-follow-minor-mode: Compilation Mode. (line 110) * next-history-element: Minibuffer History. (line 29) * next-line: Moving Point. (line 16) * next-logical-line: Visual Line Mode. (line 23) * next-matching-history-element: Minibuffer History. (line 51) * normal-erase-is-backspace-mode: DEL Does Not Delete. (line 34) * normal-mode: Choosing Modes. (line 132) * not-modified: Save Commands. (line 78) * nroff-mode: Nroff Mode. (line 6) * number-to-register: RegNumbers. (line 11) * nxml-mode <1>: HTML Mode. (line 69) * nxml-mode: Text. (line 22) * occur: Other Repeating Search. (line 12) * open-dribble-file: Checklist. (line 78) * open-line: Blank Lines. (line 16) * open-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 91) * open-termscript: Checklist. (line 87) * other-frame: Frame Commands. (line 17) * other-window: Other Window. (line 20) * outline-backward-same-level: Outline Motion. (line 36) * outline-forward-same-level: Outline Motion. (line 36) * outline-minor-mode: Outline Mode. (line 6) * outline-mode: Outline Mode. (line 6) * outline-next-visible-heading: Outline Motion. (line 29) * outline-previous-visible-heading: Outline Motion. (line 29) * outline-up-heading: Outline Motion. (line 36) * overwrite-mode: Minor Modes. (line 65) * paragraph-indent-minor-mode: Text Mode. (line 26) * paragraph-indent-text-mode: Text Mode. (line 26) * pdb: Starting GUD. (line 50) * perldb: Starting GUD. (line 43) * picture-backward-clear-column: Basic Picture. (line 27) * picture-backward-column: Basic Picture. (line 6) * picture-clear-column: Basic Picture. (line 27) * picture-clear-line: Basic Picture. (line 27) * picture-clear-rectangle: Rectangles in Picture. (line 27) * picture-clear-rectangle-to-register: Rectangles in Picture. (line 27) * picture-forward-column: Basic Picture. (line 6) * picture-mode: Picture Mode. (line 6) * picture-motion: Insert in Picture. (line 48) * picture-motion-reverse: Insert in Picture. (line 48) * picture-move-down: Basic Picture. (line 6) * picture-move-up: Basic Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-down: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-left: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-ne: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-nw: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-right: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-se: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-sw: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-movement-up: Insert in Picture. (line 6) * picture-newline: Basic Picture. (line 20) * picture-open-line: Basic Picture. (line 37) * picture-set-tab-stops: Tabs in Picture. (line 25) * picture-tab: Tabs in Picture. (line 20) * picture-tab-search: Tabs in Picture. (line 6) * picture-yank-rectangle: Rectangles in Picture. (line 38) * picture-yank-rectangle-from-register: Rectangles in Picture. (line 38) * plain-tex-mode: TeX Mode. (line 6) * point-to-register: RegPos. (line 14) * pong: Amusements. (line 35) * pop-global-mark: Global Mark Ring. (line 11) * pop-tag-mark: Find Tag. (line 67) * pr-interface: Printing Package. (line 15) * prefer-coding-system: Recognize Coding. (line 31) * prepend-to-buffer: Accumulating Text. (line 6) * prepend-to-register: RegText. (line 31) * previous-buffer: Select Buffer. (line 60) * previous-completion: Completion Commands. (line 90) * previous-history-element: Minibuffer History. (line 29) * previous-line: Moving Point. (line 16) * previous-logical-line: Visual Line Mode. (line 23) * previous-matching-history-element: Minibuffer History. (line 51) * print-buffer: Printing. (line 31) * print-buffer (MS-DOS): Windows Printing. (line 66) * print-region: Printing. (line 31) * print-region (MS-DOS): Windows Printing. (line 66) * ps-despool: PostScript. (line 71) * ps-print-buffer: PostScript. (line 43) * ps-print-buffer (MS-DOS): Windows Printing. (line 86) * ps-print-buffer-with-faces: PostScript. (line 43) * ps-print-region: PostScript. (line 43) * ps-print-region-with-faces: PostScript. (line 43) * ps-spool-buffer: PostScript. (line 64) * ps-spool-buffer (MS-DOS): Windows Printing. (line 86) * ps-spool-buffer-with-faces: PostScript. (line 64) * ps-spool-region: PostScript. (line 64) * ps-spool-region-with-faces: PostScript. (line 64) * pwd: File Names. (line 42) * quail-set-keyboard-layout: Select Input Method. (line 73) * quail-show-key: Select Input Method. (line 79) * query-replace: Query Replace. (line 14) * query-replace-regexp: Query Replace. (line 24) * quietly-read-abbrev-file: Saving Abbrevs. (line 30) * quoted-insert: Inserting Text. (line 26) * re-search-backward: Regexp Search. (line 57) * re-search-forward: Regexp Search. (line 57) * read-abbrev-file: Saving Abbrevs. (line 30) * recenter-top-bottom: Scrolling. (line 40) * recentf-edit-list: File Conveniences. (line 10) * recentf-mode: File Conveniences. (line 10) * recentf-save-list: File Conveniences. (line 10) * recode-file-name: File Name Coding. (line 35) * recode-region: Text Coding. (line 71) * recompile: Compilation. (line 61) * recover-file: Recover. (line 6) * recover-session: Recover. (line 22) * remove-hook: Hooks. (line 69) * remove-untranslated-filesystem: Text and Binary. (line 71) * rename-buffer: Misc Buffer. (line 35) * rename-file: Misc File Ops. (line 57) * rename-uniquely: Misc Buffer. (line 40) * repeat: Repeating. (line 12) * repeat-complex-command: Repetition. (line 20) * replace-regexp: Regexp Replace. (line 6) * replace-string: Unconditional Replace. (line 6) * report-emacs-bug: Checklist. (line 25) * reposition-window: Scrolling. (line 117) * reveal-mode: Outline Visibility. (line 97) * revert-buffer: Reverting. (line 6) * revert-buffer (Dired): Dired Updating. (line 29) * revert-buffer-with-coding-system: Text Coding. (line 67) * rgrep: Grep Searching. (line 59) * rmail: Rmail. (line 6) * rmail-add-label: Rmail Labels. (line 34) * rmail-beginning-of-message: Rmail Scrolling. (line 27) * rmail-bury: Rmail Basics. (line 35) * rmail-continue: Rmail Reply. (line 106) * rmail-delete-backward: Rmail Deletion. (line 29) * rmail-delete-forward: Rmail Deletion. (line 29) * rmail-edit-current-message: Rmail Editing. (line 15) * rmail-end-of-message: Rmail Scrolling. (line 27) * rmail-expunge: Rmail Deletion. (line 44) * rmail-expunge-and-save: Rmail Basics. (line 28) * rmail-first-message: Rmail Motion. (line 90) * rmail-forward: Rmail Reply. (line 75) * rmail-get-new-mail: Rmail Files. (line 54) * rmail-input: Rmail Files. (line 25) * rmail-kill-label: Rmail Labels. (line 34) * rmail-last-message: Rmail Motion. (line 90) * rmail-mail: Rmail Reply. (line 100) * rmail-mime: Rmail Display. (line 55) * rmail-mode: Rmail. (line 6) * rmail-next-labeled-message: Rmail Labels. (line 43) * rmail-next-message: Rmail Motion. (line 55) * rmail-next-same-subject: Rmail Motion. (line 83) * rmail-next-undeleted-message: Rmail Motion. (line 55) * rmail-output: Rmail Output. (line 20) * rmail-output-as-seen: Rmail Output. (line 20) * rmail-output-body-to-file: Rmail Output. (line 32) * rmail-previous-labeled-message: Rmail Labels. (line 43) * rmail-previous-message: Rmail Motion. (line 55) * rmail-previous-same-subject: Rmail Motion. (line 83) * rmail-previous-undeleted-message: Rmail Motion. (line 55) * rmail-quit: Rmail Basics. (line 35) * rmail-redecode-body: Rmail Coding. (line 24) * rmail-reply: Rmail Reply. (line 33) * rmail-resend: Rmail Reply. (line 93) * rmail-retry-failure: Rmail Reply. (line 64) * rmail-search: Rmail Motion. (line 68) * rmail-show-message: Rmail Motion. (line 90) * rmail-sort-by-author: Rmail Sorting. (line 14) * rmail-sort-by-correspondent: Rmail Sorting. (line 22) * rmail-sort-by-date: Rmail Sorting. (line 6) * rmail-sort-by-labels: Rmail Sorting. (line 31) * rmail-sort-by-lines: Rmail Sorting. (line 27) * rmail-sort-by-recipient: Rmail Sorting. (line 18) * rmail-sort-by-subject: Rmail Sorting. (line 10) * rmail-summary: Rmail Make Summary. (line 36) * rmail-summary-bury: Rmail Summary Edit. (line 102) * rmail-summary-by-labels: Rmail Make Summary. (line 41) * rmail-summary-by-recipients: Rmail Make Summary. (line 45) * rmail-summary-by-regexp: Rmail Make Summary. (line 58) * rmail-summary-by-senders: Rmail Make Summary. (line 62) * rmail-summary-by-topic: Rmail Make Summary. (line 52) * rmail-summary-quit: Rmail Summary Edit. (line 102) * rmail-summary-undelete-many: Rmail Summary Edit. (line 28) * rmail-summary-wipe: Rmail Summary Edit. (line 102) * rmail-toggle-header: Rmail Display. (line 27) * rmail-undelete-previous-message: Rmail Deletion. (line 44) * rot13-other-window: Rmail Rot13. (line 12) * run-lisp: External Lisp. (line 12) * save-buffer: Save Commands. (line 26) * save-buffers-kill-terminal: Exiting. (line 13) * save-some-buffers: Save Commands. (line 42) * scroll-all-mode: Emulation. (line 10) * scroll-bar-mode: Scroll Bars. (line 30) * scroll-down: Scrolling. (line 81) * scroll-left: Horizontal Scrolling. (line 39) * scroll-other-window: Other Window. (line 34) * scroll-right: Horizontal Scrolling. (line 39) * scroll-up: Scrolling. (line 81) * sdb: Starting GUD. (line 31) * search-backward: Nonincremental Search. (line 26) * search-forward: Nonincremental Search. (line 26) * select-frame-by-name: Non-Window Terminals. (line 19) * send-invisible: Shell Mode. (line 119) * serial-term: Serial Terminal. (line 6) * server-edit: Invoking emacsclient. (line 31) * server-start: Emacs Server. (line 19) * set-buffer-file-coding-system: Text Coding. (line 23) * set-buffer-process-coding-system: Communication Coding. (line 44) * set-face-background: Faces. (line 34) * set-face-foreground: Faces. (line 34) * set-file-modes: Misc File Ops. (line 93) * set-file-name-coding-system: File Name Coding. (line 13) * set-fill-column: Fill Commands. (line 51) * set-fill-prefix: Fill Prefix. (line 27) * set-fontset-font: Modifying Fontsets. (line 6) * set-frame-name: Non-Window Terminals. (line 19) * set-fringe-style: Fringes. (line 24) * set-goal-column: Moving Point. (line 104) * set-input-method: Select Input Method. (line 22) * set-justification-center: Format Justification. (line 51) * set-justification-full: Format Justification. (line 48) * set-justification-left: Format Justification. (line 44) * set-justification-none: Format Justification. (line 55) * set-justification-right: Format Justification. (line 45) * set-keyboard-coding-system: Terminal Coding. (line 27) * set-language-environment: Language Environments. (line 20) * set-left-margin: Format Indentation. (line 52) * set-locale-environment: Language Environments. (line 47) * set-mark-command: Setting Mark. (line 28) * set-next-selection-coding-system: Communication Coding. (line 24) * set-right-margin: Format Indentation. (line 52) * set-selection-coding-system: Communication Coding. (line 24) * set-selective-display: Selective Display. (line 6) * set-terminal-coding-system: Terminal Coding. (line 12) * set-variable: Examining. (line 41) * set-visited-file-name: Save Commands. (line 91) * setenv: Environment. (line 19) * setq-default: Locals. (line 57) * sgml-attributes: HTML Mode. (line 27) * sgml-close-tag: HTML Mode. (line 52) * sgml-delete-tag: HTML Mode. (line 42) * sgml-mode: HTML Mode. (line 6) * sgml-name-8bit-mode: HTML Mode. (line 57) * sgml-name-char: HTML Mode. (line 11) * sgml-skip-tag-backward: HTML Mode. (line 36) * sgml-skip-tag-forward: HTML Mode. (line 31) * sgml-tag: HTML Mode. (line 15) * sgml-tag-help: HTML Mode. (line 48) * sgml-tags-invisible: HTML Mode. (line 66) * sgml-validate: HTML Mode. (line 62) * shadow-initialize: File Shadowing. (line 6) * shell: Interactive Shell. (line 6) * shell-backward-command: Shell Mode. (line 111) * shell-command: Single Shell. (line 6) * shell-command-on-region: Single Shell. (line 35) * shell-forward-command: Shell Mode. (line 105) * shell-pushd-dextract: Shell Options. (line 47) * shell-pushd-dunique: Shell Options. (line 47) * shell-pushd-tohome: Shell Options. (line 47) * show-all: Outline Visibility. (line 80) * show-branches: Outline Visibility. (line 70) * show-children: Outline Visibility. (line 76) * show-entry: Outline Visibility. (line 58) * show-paren-mode: Matching. (line 33) * show-subtree: Outline Visibility. (line 63) * shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer: Change Window. (line 65) * size-indication-mode: Optional Mode Line. (line 6) * slitex-mode: TeX Mode. (line 6) * smerge-mode: Comparing Files. (line 46) * snake: Amusements. (line 46) * solitaire: Amusements. (line 38) * sort-columns: Sorting. (line 96) * sort-fields: Sorting. (line 22) * sort-lines: Sorting. (line 22) * sort-numeric-fields: Sorting. (line 22) * sort-pages: Sorting. (line 22) * sort-paragraphs: Sorting. (line 22) * split-line: Indentation Commands. (line 17) * split-window-horizontally: Split Window. (line 23) * split-window-vertically: Split Window. (line 17) * spook: Mail Amusements. (line 6) * standard-display-8bit: Unibyte Mode. (line 39) * string-insert-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 109) * string-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 103) * studlify-region: Amusements. (line 41) * substitute-key-definition: Init Examples. (line 132) * subword-mode: Other C Commands. (line 8) * sunrise-sunset: Sunrise/Sunset. (line 25) * suspend-frame <1>: Frame Commands. (line 9) * suspend-frame: Exiting. (line 48) * switch-to-buffer: Select Buffer. (line 28) * switch-to-buffer-other-frame: Select Buffer. (line 74) * switch-to-buffer-other-window: Select Buffer. (line 66) * switch-to-completions: Completion Commands. (line 71) * tab-to-tab-stop <1>: Tab Stops. (line 6) * tab-to-tab-stop: Indentation. (line 72) * tabify: Just Spaces. (line 18) * table-backward-cell: Cell Commands. (line 6) * table-capture: Table Conversion. (line 6) * table-delete-row: Row Commands. (line 14) * table-fixed-width-mode: Fixed Width Mode. (line 6) * table-forward-cell: Cell Commands. (line 6) * table-generate-source: Table Misc. (line 10) * table-heighten-cell: Cell Commands. (line 40) * table-insert: Table Creation. (line 6) * table-insert-column: Column Commands. (line 6) * table-insert-row: Row Commands. (line 6) * table-insert-sequence: Table Misc. (line 6) * table-justify: Cell Justification. (line 10) * table-narrow-cell: Cell Commands. (line 47) * table-query-dimension: Measuring Tables. (line 6) * table-recognize: Table Recognition. (line 6) * table-recognize-cell: Table Recognition. (line 30) * table-recognize-region: Table Recognition. (line 20) * table-recognize-table: Table Recognition. (line 24) * table-release: Table Conversion. (line 34) * table-shorten-cell: Cell Commands. (line 41) * table-span-cell: Cell Commands. (line 13) * table-split-cell: Cell Commands. (line 18) * table-split-cell-horizontally: Cell Commands. (line 28) * table-split-cell-vertically: Cell Commands. (line 24) * table-unrecognize: Table Recognition. (line 6) * table-unrecognize-cell: Table Recognition. (line 33) * table-unrecognize-region: Table Recognition. (line 21) * table-unrecognize-table: Table Recognition. (line 27) * table-widen-cell: Cell Commands. (line 44) * tags-apropos: List Tags. (line 22) * tags-loop-continue: Tags Search. (line 31) * tags-query-replace: Tags Search. (line 36) * tags-search: Tags Search. (line 25) * term: Terminal emulator. (line 6) * term-char-mode: Term Mode. (line 13) * term-line-mode: Term Mode. (line 16) * term-pager-toggle: Paging in Term. (line 9) * tetris: Amusements. (line 46) * tex-bibtex-file: TeX Print. (line 138) * tex-buffer: TeX Print. (line 46) * tex-close-latex-block: LaTeX Editing. (line 28) * tex-compile: TeX Print. (line 148) * tex-file: TeX Print. (line 109) * tex-insert-braces: TeX Editing. (line 51) * tex-insert-quote: TeX Editing. (line 25) * tex-kill-job: TeX Print. (line 77) * tex-latex-block: LaTeX Editing. (line 17) * tex-mode: TeX Mode. (line 6) * tex-print: TeX Print. (line 46) * tex-recenter-output-buffer: TeX Print. (line 77) * tex-region: TeX Print. (line 87) * tex-show-print-queue: TeX Print. (line 46) * tex-terminate-paragraph: TeX Editing. (line 58) * tex-validate-region: TeX Editing. (line 58) * tex-view: TeX Print. (line 46) * text-mode: Text Mode. (line 6) * text-scale-adjust: Temporary Face Changes. (line 8) * text-scale-decrease: Temporary Face Changes. (line 20) * text-scale-increase: Temporary Face Changes. (line 20) * text-scale-mode: Temporary Face Changes. (line 29) * text-scale-set: Temporary Face Changes. (line 25) * thumbs-mode: File Conveniences. (line 28) * time-stamp: Time Stamps. (line 17) * timeclock-change: Time Intervals. (line 9) * timeclock-in: Time Intervals. (line 9) * timeclock-modeline-display: Time Intervals. (line 20) * timeclock-out: Time Intervals. (line 9) * timeclock-reread-log: Time Intervals. (line 32) * timeclock-when-to-leave: Time Intervals. (line 9) * timeclock-workday-remaining: Time Intervals. (line 9) * tmm-menubar: Menu Bar. (line 10) * toggle-debug-on-error: Checklist. (line 160) * toggle-enable-multibyte-characters: Enabling Multibyte. (line 48) * toggle-gdb-all-registers: Other GDB-UI Buffers. (line 31) * toggle-input-method: Select Input Method. (line 28) * toggle-read-only: Misc Buffer. (line 25) * toggle-scroll-bar: Scroll Bars. (line 41) * toggle-truncate-lines: Line Truncation. (line 15) * tool-bar-mode: Tool Bars. (line 19) * tooltip-mode: Tooltips. (line 15) * top-level: Quitting. (line 88) * tpu-edt-on: Emulation. (line 28) * transient-mark-mode: Persistent Mark. (line 19) * transpose-chars: Transpose. (line 18) * transpose-lines: Transpose. (line 31) * transpose-sexps: Expressions. (line 58) * transpose-words: Transpose. (line 31) * tty-suppress-bold-inverse-default-colors: Display Custom. (line 57) * turn-on-flyspell: Spelling. (line 174) * turn-on-font-lock: Font Lock. (line 30) * ucs-insert: Inserting Text. (line 59) * undigestify-rmail-message: Rmail Digest. (line 15) * undo: Undo. (line 21) * undo-only: Undo. (line 29) * unexpand-abbrev: Expanding Abbrevs. (line 50) * unforward-rmail-message: Rmail Reply. (line 83) * unhighlight-regexp: Highlight Interactively. (line 38) * universal-argument: Arguments. (line 41) * universal-coding-system-argument: Text Coding. (line 36) * unmorse-region: Amusements. (line 32) * untabify: Just Spaces. (line 18) * up-list: TeX Editing. (line 51) * upcase-region: Case. (line 47) * upcase-word: Case. (line 24) * variable-pitch-mode: Temporary Face Changes. (line 33) * vc-annotate: Old Revisions. (line 81) * vc-create-tag: Making Revision Tags. (line 9) * vc-diff: Old Revisions. (line 35) * vc-dir: VC Directory Mode. (line 6) * vc-insert-headers: Version Headers. (line 29) * vc-merge: Merging. (line 16) * vc-next-action: Basic VC Editing. (line 23) * vc-print-log: VC Change Log. (line 13) * vc-print-root-log: VC Change Log. (line 23) * vc-register: Registering. (line 6) * vc-rename-file: Renaming and VC. (line 6) * vc-retrieve-tag: Making Revision Tags. (line 13) * vc-revert-buffer: VC Undo. (line 14) * vc-revision-other-window: Old Revisions. (line 28) * vc-rollback: VC Undo. (line 25) * vc-switch-backend: Local Version Control. (line 74) * vc-update-change-log: Change Logs and VC. (line 11) * vi-mode: Emulation. (line 40) * view-buffer: Misc Buffer. (line 52) * view-echo-area-messages: Misc Help. (line 33) * view-emacs-debugging: Help Files. (line 13) * view-emacs-FAQ: Help Files. (line 13) * view-emacs-news: Help Files. (line 13) * view-emacs-problems: Help Files. (line 13) * view-emacs-todo: Help Files. (line 13) * view-external-packages: Help Files. (line 13) * view-file: Misc File Ops. (line 9) * view-hello-file: International Chars. (line 18) * view-lossage: Misc Help. (line 28) * view-order-manuals: Help Files. (line 13) * view-register: Registers. (line 16) * vip-mode: Emulation. (line 53) * viper-mode: Emulation. (line 32) * visit-tags-table: Select Tags Table. (line 6) * visual-line-mode: Visual Line Mode. (line 13) * w32-register-hot-key: Windows Keyboard. (line 26) * w32-shell-execute: Windows Processes. (line 57) * w32-unregister-hot-key: Windows Keyboard. (line 26) * wdired-change-to-wdired-mode: Wdired. (line 6) * wdired-finish-edit: Wdired. (line 12) * what-cursor-position <1>: International Chars. (line 35) * what-cursor-position: Position Info. (line 54) * what-line: Position Info. (line 38) * what-page: Position Info. (line 38) * where-is: Key Help. (line 25) * which-function-mode: Which Function. (line 9) * widen: Narrowing. (line 46) * widget-backward: Changing a Variable. (line 103) * widget-complete: Changing a Variable. (line 49) * widget-forward: Changing a Variable. (line 103) * windmove-default-keybindings: Window Convenience. (line 14) * windmove-right: Window Convenience. (line 14) * window-configuration-to-register: RegConfig. (line 6) * winner-mode: Window Convenience. (line 6) * woman: Man Page. (line 46) * word-search-backward: Word Search. (line 34) * word-search-forward: Word Search. (line 34) * wordstar-mode: Emulation. (line 68) * write-abbrev-file: Saving Abbrevs. (line 24) * write-file: Save Commands. (line 99) * write-region: Misc File Ops. (line 33) * xdb: Starting GUD. (line 26) * yank: Kill Ring. (line 15) * yank-pop: Earlier Kills. (line 6) * yank-rectangle: Rectangles. (line 75) * yow: Amusements. (line 6) * zap-to-char: Other Kill Commands. (line 49) * zone: Amusements. (line 54) * zrgrep: Grep Searching. (line 59)