Grid Grid Graphics absolute.size Absolute Size of a Grob arrow Describe arrows to add to a line. calcStringMetric Calculate Metric Information for Text convertUnit Convert Between Different grid Coordinate Systems current.viewport Get the Current Grid Viewport (Tree) dataViewport Create a Viewport with Scales based on Data depth Determine the number of levels in an object. drawDetails Customising grid Drawing editDetails Customising grid Editing explode Explode a path into its components. gEdit Create and Apply Edit Objects gPath Concatenate Grob Names getNames List the names of grobs on the display list gpar Handling Grid Graphical Parameters grid-package The Grid Graphics Package grid.DLapply Modify the Grid Display List grid.add Add a Grid Graphical Object grid.bezier Draw a Bezier Curve grid.cap Capture a raster image Draw a Circle grid.clip Set the Clipping Region grid.copy Make a Copy of a Grid Graphical Object grid.curve Draw a Curve Between Locations grid.delay Encapsulate calculations and generating a grob grid.display.list Control the Grid Display List grid.draw Draw a grid grob grid.edit Edit the Description of a Grid Graphical Object grid.force Force a grob into its components grid.frame Create a Frame for Packing Objects grid.function Draw a curve representing a function grid.get Get a Grid Graphical Object grid.grab Grab the current grid output grid.grep Search for grobs grid.grill Draw a Grill grid.layout Create a Grid Layout grid.lines Draw Lines in a Grid Viewport grid.locator Capture a Mouse Click List the names of grobs or viewports Move or Draw to a Specified Position grid.newpage Move to a New Page on a Grid Device grid.null Null Graphical Object grid.pack Pack an Object within a Frame grid.path Draw a Path Place an Object within a Frame grid.plot.and.legend A Simple Plot and Legend Demo grid.points Draw Data Symbols grid.polygon Draw a Polygon grid.pretty Generate a Sensible Set of Breakpoints grid.raster Render a raster object grid.record Encapsulate calculations and drawing grid.rect Draw rectangles grid.refresh Refresh the current grid scene grid.remove Remove a Grid Graphical Object grid.reorder Reorder the children of a gTree grid.segments Draw Line Segments grid.set Set a Grid Graphical Object Draw a Diagram of a Grid Layout Draw a Diagram of a Grid Viewport grid.text Draw Text grid.xaxis Draw an X-Axis grid.xspline Draw an Xspline grid.yaxis Draw a Y-Axis grob Create Grid Graphical Objects, aka "Grob"s grobName Generate a Name for a Grob grobWidth Create a Unit Describing the Width of a Grob grobX Create a Unit Describing a Grob Boundary Location legendGrob Constructing a Legend Grob makeContent Customised grid Grobs plotViewport Create a Viewport with a Standard Plot Layout pushViewport Maintaining and Navigating the Grid Viewport Tree resolveRasterSize Utility function to resolve the size of a raster grob roundrect Draw a rectangle with rounded corners showGrob Label grid grobs. showViewport Display grid viewports. stringWidth Create a Unit Describing the Width and Height of a String or Math Expression unit Function to Create a Unit Object unit.c Combine Unit Objects unit.length Length of a Unit Object unit.pmin Parallel Unit Minima and Maxima unit.rep Replicate Elements of Unit Objects valid.just Validate a Justification validDetails Customising grid grob Validation viewport Create a Grid Viewport vpPath Concatenate Viewport Names widthDetails Width and Height of a grid grob xDetails Boundary of a grid grob xsplinePoints Return the points that would be used to draw an Xspline (or a Bezier curve).