% File src/library/base/man/as.function.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{as.function} \title{Convert Object to Function} \usage{ as.function(x, \dots) \method{as.function}{default}(x, envir = parent.frame(), \dots) } \alias{as.function} \alias{as.function.default} \arguments{ \item{x}{object to convert, a list for the default method.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments, depending on object} \item{envir}{environment in which the function should be defined} } \description{ \code{as.function} is a generic function which is used to convert objects to functions. \code{as.function.default} works on a list \code{x}, which should contain the concatenation of a formal argument list and an expression or an object of mode \code{"\link{call}"} which will become the function body. The function will be defined in a specified environment, by default that of the caller. } \note{ For ancient historical reasons, \code{envir = NULL} uses the global environment rather than the base environment. Please use \code{envir = \link{globalenv}()} instead if this is what you want, as the special handling of \code{NULL} may change in a future release. } \value{ The desired function. } \author{Peter Dalgaard} \seealso{ \code{\link{function}}; \code{\link{alist}} which is handy for the construction of argument lists, etc. } \examples{ as.function(alist(a = , b = 2, a+b)) as.function(alist(a = , b = 2, a+b))(3) } \keyword{programming}