% File src/library/base/man/conflicts.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{conflicts} \title{Search for Masked Objects on the Search Path} \usage{ conflicts(where = search(), detail = FALSE) } \alias{conflicts} \arguments{ \item{where}{A subset of the search path, by default the whole search path.} \item{detail}{If \code{TRUE}, give the masked or masking functions for all members of the search path.} } \description{ \code{conflicts} reports on objects that exist with the same name in two or more places on the \code{\link{search}} path, usually because an object in the user's workspace or a package is masking a system object of the same name. This helps discover unintentional masking. } \value{ If \code{detail = FALSE}, a character vector of masked objects. If \code{detail = TRUE}, a list of character vectors giving the masked or masking objects in that member of the search path. Empty vectors are omitted. } \examples{ lm <- 1:3 conflicts(, TRUE) ## gives something like # $.GlobalEnv # [1] "lm" # # $package:base # [1] "lm" ## Remove things from your "workspace" that mask others: remove(list = conflicts(detail = TRUE)$.GlobalEnv) } \keyword{utilities}