% File src/library/base/man/funprog.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2008 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{funprog} \alias{Filter} \alias{Find} \alias{Map} \alias{Negate} \alias{Reduce} \alias{Position} \title{Common Higher-Order Functions in Functional Programming Languages} \description{ \code{Reduce} uses a binary function to successively combine the elements of a given vector and a possibly given initial value. \code{Filter} extracts the elements of a vector for which a predicate (logical) function gives true. \code{Find} and \code{Position} give the first or last such element and its position in the vector, respectively. \code{Map} applies a function to the corresponding elements of given vectors. \code{Negate} creates the negation of a given function. } \usage{ Reduce(f, x, init, right = FALSE, accumulate = FALSE) Filter(f, x) Find(f, x, right = FALSE, nomatch = NULL) Map(f, ...) Negate(f) Position(f, x, right = FALSE, nomatch = NA_integer_) } \arguments{ \item{f}{a function of the appropriate arity (binary for \code{Reduce}, unary for \code{Filter}, \code{Find} and \code{Position}, \eqn{k}-ary for \code{Map} if this is called with \eqn{k} arguments). An arbitrary predicate function for \code{Negate}.} \item{x}{a vector.} \item{init}{an \R object of the same kind as the elements of \code{x}.} \item{right}{a logical indicating whether to proceed from left to right (default) or from right to left.} \item{accumulate}{a logical indicating whether the successive reduce combinations should be accumulated. By default, only the final combination is used.} \item{nomatch}{the value to be returned in the case when \dQuote{no match} (no element satisfying the predicate) is found.} \item{\dots}{vectors.} } \details{ If \code{init} is given, \code{Reduce} logically adds it to the start (when proceeding left to right) or the end of \code{x}, respectively. If this possibly augmented vector \eqn{v} has \eqn{n > 1} elements, \code{Reduce} successively applies \eqn{f} to the elements of \eqn{v} from left to right or right to left, respectively. I.e., a left reduce computes \eqn{l_1 = f(v_1, v_2)}, \eqn{l_2 = f(l_1, v_3)}, etc., and returns \eqn{l_{n-1} = f(l_{n-2}, v_n)}, and a right reduce does \eqn{r_{n-1} = f(v_{n-1}, v_n)}, \eqn{r_{n-2} = f(v_{n-2}, r_{n-1})} and returns \eqn{r_1 = f(v_1, r_2)}. (E.g., if \eqn{v} is the sequence (2, 3, 4) and \eqn{f} is division, left and right reduce give \eqn{(2 / 3) / 4 = 1/6} and \eqn{2 / (3 / 4) = 8/3}, respectively.) If \eqn{v} has only a single element, this is returned; if there are no elements, \code{NULL} is returned. Thus, it is ensured that \code{f} is always called with 2 arguments. The current implementation is non-recursive to ensure stability and scalability. \code{Reduce} is patterned after Common Lisp's \code{reduce}. A reduce is also known as a fold (e.g., in Haskell) or an accumulate (e.g., in the C++ Standard Template Library). The accumulative version corresponds to Haskell's scan functions. \code{Filter} applies the unary predicate function \code{f} to each element of \code{x}, coercing to logical if necessary, and returns the subset of \code{x} for which this gives true. Note that possible \code{NA} values are currently always taken as false; control over \code{NA} handling may be added in the future. \code{Filter} corresponds to \code{filter} in Haskell or \code{remove-if-not} in Common Lisp. \code{Find} and \code{Position} are patterned after Common Lisp's \code{find-if} and \code{position-if}, respectively. If there is an element for which the predicate function gives true, then the first or last such element or its position is returned depending on whether \code{right} is false (default) or true, respectively. If there is no such element, the value specified by \code{nomatch} is returned. The current implementation is not optimized for performance. \code{Map} is a simple wrapper to \code{\link{mapply}} which does not attempt to simplify the result, similar to Common Lisp's \code{mapcar} (with arguments being recycled, however). Future versions may allow some control of the result type. \code{Negate} corresponds to Common Lisp's \code{complement}. Given a (predicate) function \code{f}, it creates a function which returns the logical negation of what \code{f} returns. } \seealso{ Function \code{\link{clusterMap}} and \code{\link{mcmapply}} (not Windows) in package \pkg{parallel} provide parallel versions of \code{Map}. } \examples{ ## A general-purpose adder: add <- function(x) Reduce("+", x) add(list(1, 2, 3)) ## Like sum(), but can also used for adding matrices etc., as it will ## use the appropriate '+' method in each reduction step. ## More generally, many generics meant to work on arbitrarily many ## arguments can be defined via reduction: FOO <- function(...) Reduce(FOO2, list(...)) FOO2 <- function(x, y) UseMethod("FOO2") ## FOO() methods can then be provided via FOO2() methods. ## A general-purpose cumulative adder: cadd <- function(x) Reduce("+", x, accumulate = TRUE) cadd(seq_len(7)) ## A simple function to compute continued fractions: cfrac <- function(x) Reduce(function(u, v) u + 1 / v, x, right = TRUE) ## Continued fraction approximation for pi: cfrac(c(3, 7, 15, 1, 292)) ## Continued fraction approximation for Euler's number (e): cfrac(c(2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 8)) ## Iterative function application: Funcall <- function(f, ...) f(...) ## Compute log(exp(acos(cos(0)) Reduce(Funcall, list(log, exp, acos, cos), 0, right = TRUE) ## n-fold iterate of a function, functional style: Iterate <- function(f, n = 1) function(x) Reduce(Funcall, rep.int(list(f), n), x, right = TRUE) ## Continued fraction approximation to the golden ratio: Iterate(function(x) 1 + 1 / x, 30)(1) ## which is the same as cfrac(rep.int(1, 31)) ## Computing square root approximations for x as fixed points of the ## function t |-> (t + x / t) / 2, as a function of the initial value: asqrt <- function(x, n) Iterate(function(t) (t + x / t) / 2, n) asqrt(2, 30)(10) # Starting from a positive value => +sqrt(2) asqrt(2, 30)(-1) # Starting from a negative value => -sqrt(2) ## A list of all functions in the base environment: funs <- Filter(is.function, sapply(ls(baseenv()), get, baseenv())) ## Functions in base with more than 10 arguments: names(Filter(function(f) length(formals(args(f))) > 10, funs)) ## Number of functions in base with a '...' argument: length(Filter(function(f) any(names(formals(args(f))) \%in\% "..."), funs)) \donttest{ ## Find all objects in the base environment which are *not* functions: Filter(Negate(is.function), sapply(ls(baseenv()), get, baseenv())) }} \keyword{programming}