% File src/library/base/man/message.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{message} \alias{message} \alias{suppressMessages} \alias{packageStartupMessage} \alias{.packageStartupMessage} \alias{suppressPackageStartupMessages} \alias{.makeMessage} \title{Diagnostic Messages} \description{ Generate a diagnostic message from its arguments. } \usage{ message(\dots, domain = NULL, appendLF = TRUE) suppressMessages(expr) packageStartupMessage(\dots, domain = NULL, appendLF = TRUE) suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr) .makeMessage(\dots, domain = NULL, appendLF = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together with no separator) or (for \code{message} only) a single condition object.} \item{domain}{see \code{\link{gettext}}. If \code{NA}, messages will not be translated, see also the note in \code{\link{stop}}.} \item{appendLF}{logical: should messages given as a character string have a newline appended?} \item{expr}{expression to evaluate.} } \details{ \code{message} is used for generating \sQuote{simple} diagnostic messages which are neither warnings nor errors, but nevertheless represented as conditions. Unlike warnings and errors, a final newline is regarded as part of the message, and is optional. The default handler sends the message to the \code{\link{stderr}()} \link{connection}. If a condition object is supplied to \code{message} it should be the only argument, and further arguments will be ignored, with a warning. While the message is being processed, a \code{muffleMessage} restart is available. \code{suppressMessages} evaluates its expression in a context that ignores all \sQuote{simple} diagnostic messages. \code{packageStartupMessage} is a variant whose messages can be suppressed separately by \code{suppressPackageStartupMessages}. (They are still messages, so can be suppressed by \code{suppressMessages}.) \code{.makeMessage} is a utility used by \code{message}, \code{warning} and \code{stop} to generate a text message from the \code{\dots} arguments by possible translation (see \code{\link{gettext}}) and concatenation (with no separator). } \seealso{ \code{\link{warning}} and \code{\link{stop}} for generating warnings and errors; \code{\link{conditions}} for condition handling and recovery. \code{\link{gettext}} for the mechanisms for the automated translation of text. } \examples{ message("ABC", "DEF") suppressMessages(message("ABC")) testit <- function() { message("testing package startup messages") packageStartupMessage("initializing ...", appendLF = FALSE) Sys.sleep(1) packageStartupMessage(" done") } testit() suppressPackageStartupMessages(testit()) suppressMessages(testit()) } \keyword{programming}