% File src/library/base/man/slice.index.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{slice.index} \alias{slice.index} \title{Slice Indexes in an Array} \description{ Returns a matrix of integers indicating the number of their slice in a given array. } \usage{ slice.index(x, MARGIN) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an array. If \code{x} has no dimension attribute, it is considered a one-dimensional array.} \item{MARGIN}{an integer giving the dimension number to slice by.} } \value{ An integer array \code{y} with dimensions corresponding to those of \code{x} such that all elements of slice number \code{i} with respect to dimension \code{MARGIN} have value \code{i}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{row}} and \code{\link{col}} for determining row and column indexes; in fact, these are special cases of \code{slice.index} corresponding to \code{MARGIN} equal to 1 and 2, respectively when \code{x} is a matrix. } \examples{ x <- array(1 : 24, c(2, 3, 4)) slice.index(x, 2) } \keyword{array}