% File src/library/base/man/sys.source.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{sys.source} \alias{sys.source} \title{Parse and Evaluate Expressions from a File} \description{ Parses expressions in the given file, and then successively evaluates them in the specified environment. } \usage{ sys.source(file, envir = baseenv(), chdir = FALSE, keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs")) } \arguments{ \item{file}{a character string naming the file to be read from} \item{envir}{an \R object specifying the environment in which the expressions are to be evaluated. May also be a list or an integer. The default value \code{NULL} corresponds to evaluation in the base environment. This is probably not what you want; you should typically supply an explicit \code{envir} argument.} \item{chdir}{logical; if \code{TRUE}, the \R working directory is changed to the directory containing \code{file} for evaluating.} \item{keep.source}{logical. If \code{TRUE}, functions keep their source including comments, see \code{\link{options}(keep.source = *)} for more details.} } \details{ For large files, \code{keep.source = FALSE} may save quite a bit of memory. %%FIXME: the following paragraph should be somewhere it's likely to be seen In order for the code being evaluated to use the correct environment (for example, in global assignments), source code in packages should call \code{\link{topenv}()}, which will return the namespace, if any, the environment set up by \code{sys.source}, or the global environment if a saved image is being used. } \seealso{\code{\link{source}}, and \code{\link{library}} which uses \code{sys.source}. } \examples{ ## a simple way to put some objects in an environment ## high on the search path tmp <- tempfile() writeLines("aaa <- pi", tmp) env <- attach(NULL, name = "myenv") sys.source(tmp, env) unlink(tmp) search() aaa detach("myenv") } \keyword{file} \keyword{utilities}