# File src/library/grDevices/R/device.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2014 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ .known_interactive.devices <- c("X11", "X11cairo", "quartz", "windows", "JavaGD", "CairoWin", "CairoX11") dev.interactive <- function(orNone = FALSE) { if(!interactive()) return(FALSE) if(.Device %in% .known_interactive.devices) return(TRUE) if(!(orNone && .Device == "null device")) return(FALSE) ## at this point we have mo active device. newdev <- getOption("device") if(is.character(newdev)) newdev %in% .known_interactive.devices else { # a function if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") identical(newdev, windows) else identical(newdev, X11) || identical(newdev, quartz) } } deviceIsInteractive <- function(name = NULL) { if(length(name)) { if(!is.character(name)) stop("'name' must be a character vector") unlockBinding(".known_interactive.devices", asNamespace("grDevices")) .known_interactive.devices <<- c(.known_interactive.devices, name) lockBinding(".known_interactive.devices", asNamespace("grDevices")) invisible(.known_interactive.devices) } else .known_interactive.devices } dev.list <- function() { n <- if(exists(".Devices")) get(".Devices") else list("null device") n <- unlist(n) i <- seq_along(n)[n != ""] names(i) <- n[i] i <- i[-1L] if(length(i) == 0L) NULL else i } dev.cur <- function() { if(!exists(".Devices")) .Devices <- list("null device") num.device <- .External(C_devcur) names(num.device) <- .Devices[[num.device]] num.device } dev.set <- function(which = dev.next()) { which <- .External(C_devset, as.integer(which)) names(which) <- .Devices[[which]] which } dev.next <- function(which = dev.cur()) { if(!exists(".Devices")) .Devices <- list("null.device") num.device <- .External(C_devnext, as.integer(which)) names(num.device) <- .Devices[[num.device]] num.device } dev.prev <- function(which = dev.cur()) { if(!exists(".Devices")) .Devices <- list("null device") num.device <- .External(C_devprev, as.integer(which)) names(num.device) <- .Devices[[num.device]] num.device } dev.off <- function(which = dev.cur()) { if(which == 1) stop("cannot shut down device 1 (the null device)") .External(C_devoff, as.integer(which)) dev.cur() } dev.copy <- function(device, ..., which = dev.next()) { if(!missing(which) & !missing(device)) stop("cannot supply 'which' and 'device' at the same time") old.device <- dev.cur() if(old.device == 1) stop("cannot copy from the null device") if(missing(device)) { if(which == 1) stop("cannot copy to the null device") else if(which == dev.cur()) stop("cannot copy device to itself") dev.set(which) } else { if(!is.function(device)) stop("'device' should be a function") else device(...) } ## protect against failure on.exit(dev.set(old.device)) .External(C_devcopy, old.device) on.exit() dev.cur() } dev.print <- function(device = postscript, ...) { current.device <- dev.cur() nm <- names(current.device)[1L] if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from") if(!dev.displaylist()) stop("can only print from a screen device") oc <- match.call() oc[[1L]] <- quote(grDevices::dev.copy) oc$device <- device din <- graphics::par("din"); w <- din[1L]; h <- din[2L] if(missing(device)) { ## safe way to recognize postscript if(is.null(oc$file)) oc$file <- "" hz0 <- oc$horizontal hz <- if(is.null(hz0)) ps.options()$horizontal else eval.parent(hz0) paper <- oc$paper if(is.null(paper)) paper <- ps.options()$paper if(paper == "default") paper <- getOption("papersize") paper <- tolower(paper) switch(paper, a4 = {wp <- 8.27; hp <- 11.69}, legal = {wp <- 8.5; hp <- 14.0}, executive={wp <- 7.25; hp <- 10.5}, { wp <- 8.5; hp <- 11}) ## default is "letter" wp <- wp - 0.5; hp <- hp - 0.5 # allow 0.25" margin on each side. if(!hz && is.null(hz0) && h < wp && wp < w && w < hp) { ## fits landscape but not portrait hz <- TRUE } else if (hz && is.null(hz0) && w < wp && wp < h && h < hp) { ## fits portrait but not landscape hz <- FALSE } else { h0 <- ifelse(hz, wp, hp) if(h > h0) { w <- w * h0/h; h <- h0 } w0 <- ifelse(hz, hp, wp) if(w > w0) { h <- h * w0/w; w <- w0 } } if(is.null(oc$pointsize)) { pt <- ps.options()$pointsize oc$pointsize <- pt * w/din[1L] } if(is.null(hz0)) oc$horizontal <- hz if(is.null(oc$width)) oc$width <- w if(is.null(oc$height)) oc$height <- h } else { devname <- deparse(substitute(device)) if(devname %in% c("png", "jpeg", "bmp") && is.null(oc$width) && is.null(oc$height)) warning("need to specify one of 'width' and 'height'") if(is.null(oc$width)) oc$width <- if(!is.null(oc$height)) w/h * eval.parent(oc$height) else w if(is.null(oc$height)) oc$height <- if(!is.null(oc$width)) h/w * eval.parent(oc$width) else h } ## protect against failure (PR#9801) on.exit(dev.set(current.device)) dev.off(eval.parent(oc)) } dev.copy2eps <- function(...) { current.device <- dev.cur() nm <- names(current.device)[1L] if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from") if(!dev.displaylist()) stop("can only print from a screen device") oc <- match.call() oc[[1L]] <- quote(grDevices::dev.copy) oc$device <- postscript oc$onefile <- FALSE oc$horizontal <- FALSE if(is.null(oc$paper)) oc$paper <- "special" din <- dev.size("in"); w <- din[1L]; h <- din[2L] if(is.null(oc$width)) oc$width <- if(!is.null(oc$height)) w/h * eval.parent(oc$height) else w if(is.null(oc$height)) oc$height <- if(!is.null(oc$width)) h/w * eval.parent(oc$width) else h if(is.null(oc$file)) oc$file <- "Rplot.eps" ## protect against failure (PR#9801) on.exit(dev.set(current.device)) dev.off(eval.parent(oc)) } dev.copy2pdf <- function(..., out.type = "pdf") { out.type <- match.arg(out.type, c("pdf", "quartz", "cairo")) current.device <- dev.cur() nm <- names(current.device)[1L] if(nm == "null device") stop("no device to print from") if(!dev.displaylist()) stop("can only print from a screen device") oc <- match.call() oc[[1L]] <- quote(grDevices::dev.copy) if(out.type == "quartz" && capabilities("aqua")) { oc$device <- quartz oc$type <- "pdf" } else if(out.type == "cairo" && capabilities("cairo")) { oc$device <- cairo_pdf oc$onefile <- FALSE # future-proofing } else { oc$device <- pdf ## the defaults in pdf() are all customizable, so we override ## even those which are the ultimate defaults. oc$onefile <- FALSE if(is.null(oc$paper)) oc$paper <- "special" } oc$out.type <- NULL din <- dev.size("in"); w <- din[1L]; h <- din[2L] if(is.null(oc$width)) oc$width <- if(!is.null(oc$height)) w/h * eval.parent(oc$height) else w if(is.null(oc$height)) oc$height <- if(!is.null(oc$width)) h/w * eval.parent(oc$width) else h if(is.null(oc$file)) oc$file <- "Rplot.pdf" ## protect against failure (PR#9801) on.exit(dev.set(current.device)) dev.off(eval.parent(oc)) } dev.control <- function(displaylist = c("inhibit", "enable")) { if(dev.cur() <= 1) stop("dev.control() called without an open graphics device") if(!missing(displaylist)) { displaylist <- match.arg(displaylist) .External(C_devcontrol, displaylist == "enable") } else stop("argument is missing with no default") invisible() } dev.displaylist <- function() { if(dev.cur() <= 1) stop("dev.displaylist() called without an open graphics device") .External(C_devdisplaylist) } ## This records graphics ops and manipulates visibility, so needs to stay .Internal recordGraphics <- function(expr, list, env) .Internal(recordGraphics(substitute(expr), list, env)) graphics.off <- function () { while ((which <- dev.cur()) != 1) dev.off(which) invisible() } dev.new <- function(..., noRStudioGD = FALSE) { dev <- getOption("device") if(!is.character(dev) && !is.function(dev)) stop("invalid setting for 'getOption(\"device\")'") if(is.character(dev) && noRStudioGD && dev == "RStudioGD") { ## copied from zzz.R if(!nzchar(defdev <- Sys.getenv("R_DEFAULT_DEVICE"))) defdev <- pdf dev <- if(interactive()) { if(nzchar(intdev <- Sys.getenv("R_INTERACTIVE_DEVICE"))) intdev else { dsp <- Sys.getenv("DISPLAY") if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") windows else if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA" || ((!nzchar(dsp) || grepl("^/tmp/launch-", dsp)) && .Call(C_makeQuartzDefault))) quartz else if (nzchar(dsp) && .Platform$GUI %in% c("X11", "Tk")) X11 else defdev } } else defdev } if(is.character(dev)) { ## this is documented to be searched for from workspace, ## then in graphics namespace. ## We could restrict the search to functions, but the C ## code in devices.c does not. dev <- if(exists(dev, .GlobalEnv)) get(dev, .GlobalEnv) else if(exists(dev, asNamespace("grDevices"))) get(dev, asNamespace("grDevices")) else stop(gettextf("device '%s' not found", dev), domain=NA) } ## only include named args in the devices's arglist a <- list(...) a2 <- names(formals(dev)) a <- a[names(a) %in% a2] if(identical(dev, pdf)) { ## Take care not to open device on top of another. if(is.null(a[["file"]]) && file.exists("Rplots.pdf")) { fe <- file.exists(tmp <- paste0("Rplots", 1L:999, ".pdf")) if(all(fe)) stop("no suitable unused file name for pdf()") message(gettextf("dev.new(): using pdf(file=\"%s\")", tmp[!fe][1L]), domain=NA) a$file <- tmp[!fe][1L] } } else if(identical(dev, postscript)) { ## Take care not to open device on top of another. if(is.null(a[["file"]]) && file.exists("Rplots.ps")) { fe <- file.exists(tmp <- paste0("Rplots", 1L:999, ".ps")) if(all(fe)) stop("no suitable unused file name for postscript()") message(gettextf("dev.new(): using postscript(file=\"%s\")", tmp[!fe][1L]), domain=NA) a$file <- tmp[!fe][1L] } } else if (!is.null(a[["width"]]) && !is.null(a[["height"]]) && (identical(dev, png) || identical(dev, jpeg) || identical(dev, bmp) || identical(dev, tiff))) { ## some people want dev.new(width=12, height=7) to be portable if(is.null(a[["units"]]) && is.null(a[["res"]])) { a$units <- "in" a$res <- 72 } } do.call(dev, a) } ### Check for a single valid integer format checkIntFormat <- function(s) { ## OK if no unescaped %, so first remove those s <- gsub("%%", "", s) if(length(grep("%", s)) == 0L) return(TRUE) ## now remove at most one valid(ish) integer format s <- sub("%[#0 ,+-]*[0-9.]*[diouxX]", "", s) length(grep("%", s)) == 0L } devAskNewPage <- function(ask=NULL) .External2(C_devAskNewPage, ask) dev.size <- function(units = c("in", "cm", "px")) { units <- match.arg(units) size <- .External(C_devsize) if(units == "px") size else size * graphics::par("cin")/graphics::par("cra") * if(units == "cm") 2.54 else 1 } dev.hold <- function(level = 1L) .External(C_devholdflush, max(0L, level)) dev.flush <- function(level = 1L) .External(C_devholdflush, -max(0L, level)) dev.capture <- function(native = FALSE) .External(C_devcapture, native) dev.capabilities <- function(what = NULL) { zz <- .External(C_devcap) z <- vector("list", 6L) names(z) <- c("semiTransparency", "transparentBackground", "rasterImage", "capture", "locator", "events") z[[1L]] <- c(NA, FALSE, TRUE)[zz[1L] + 1L] z[[2L]] <- c(NA, "no", "fully", "semi")[zz[2L] + 1L] z[[3L]] <- c(NA, "no", "yes", "non-missing")[zz[3L] + 1L] z[[4L]] <- c(NA, FALSE, TRUE)[zz[4L] + 1L] z[[5L]] <- c(NA, FALSE, TRUE)[zz[5L] + 1L] z[[6L]] <- c( "", if (zz[6L]) "MouseDown", if (zz[7L]) "MouseMove", if (zz[8L]) "MouseUp", if (zz[9L]) "Keybd" )[-1L] if (!is.null(what)) z[charmatch(what, names(z), 0L)] else z }