# File src/library/grDevices/R/postscript.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ ## An environment not exported from namespace:graphics used to pass ## .PostScript.Options and .PDF.options to the windows() device for ## use in its menus, and also to hide the variables. .PSenv <- new.env() check.options <- function(new, name.opt, reset = FALSE, assign.opt = FALSE, envir = .GlobalEnv, check.attributes = c("mode", "length"), override.check = FALSE) { lnew <- length(new) if(lnew != length(newnames <- names(new))) stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s' (need named args)", deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), domain = NA) if(!is.character(name.opt)) stop("'name.opt' must be character, name of an existing list") if(reset) { if(exists(name.opt, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE)) { if(length(utils::find(name.opt)) > 1) rm(list=name.opt, envir=envir) } else stop(gettextf("cannot reset non-existent '%s'", name.opt), domain = NA) } old <- get(name.opt, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE) if(!is.list(old)) stop(gettextf("invalid options in '%s'", name.opt), domain = NA) oldnames <- names(old) if(lnew > 0) { matches <- pmatch(newnames, oldnames) if(any(is.na(matches))) stop(sprintf(ngettext(as.integer(sum(is.na(matches))), "invalid argument name %s in '%s'", "invalid argument names %s in '%s'"), paste(sQuote(newnames[is.na(matches)]), collapse=", "), deparse(sys.call(sys.parent()))), domain = NA) else { #- match(es) found: substitute if appropriate i.match <- oldnames[matches] prev <- old[i.match] doubt <- rep.int(FALSE, length(prev)) for(fn in check.attributes) if(any(ii <- sapply(prev, fn) != sapply(new, fn))) { ## skip 'fonts'; ii <- ii & (names(prev) != "fonts") if(!any(ii)) next doubt <- doubt | ii do.keep <- ii & !override.check warning(paste(sQuote(paste0(fn, "(", names(prev[ii]), ")" )), collapse = " and "), " ", ngettext(as.integer(sum(ii)), "differs between new and previous", "differ between new and previous"), if(any(do.keep)) { paste("\n\t ==> ", gettextf("NOT changing %s", paste(sQuote(names(prev[do.keep])), collapse=" & ")), sep = "")} else "", domain = NA, call. = FALSE) } names(new) <- NULL if(any(doubt)) { ii <- !doubt | override.check old[i.match[ii]] <- new[ii] } else old[i.match] <- new } if(assign.opt) assign(name.opt, old, envir=envir) } old } ps.options <- function(..., reset = FALSE, override.check = FALSE) { ## do initialization if needed initPSandPDFfonts() old <- get(".PostScript.Options", envir = .PSenv) if(reset) { assign(".PostScript.Options", get(".PostScript.Options.default", envir = .PSenv), envir = .PSenv) } l... <- length(new <- list(...)) if(m <- match("append", names(new), 0L)) { warning("argument 'append' is for back-compatibility and will be ignored", immediate. = TRUE) new <- new[-m] } check.options(new, name.opt = ".PostScript.Options", envir = .PSenv, assign.opt = l... > 0, override.check = override.check) if(reset || l... > 0) invisible(old) else old } setEPS <- function(...) { dots <- list(...) args <- list(width = 7, height = 7) args[names(dots)] <- dots force <- list(onefile = FALSE, horizontal = FALSE, paper = "special") args[names(force)] <- force do.call("ps.options", args) } setPS <- function(...) { dots <- list(...) args <- list(width = 0, height = 0) args[names(dots)] <- dots force <- list(onefile = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, paper = "default") args[names(force)] <- force do.call("ps.options", args) } pdf.options <- function(..., reset=FALSE) { ## do initialization if needed initPSandPDFfonts() old <- get(".PDF.Options", envir = .PSenv) if(reset) { assign(".PDF.Options", get(".PDF.Options.default", envir = .PSenv), envir = .PSenv) } l... <- length(new <- list(...)) check.options(new, name.opt = ".PDF.Options", envir = .PSenv, assign.opt = l... > 0) if(reset || l... > 0) invisible(old) else old } guessEncoding <- function(family) { # Three special families have special encodings, regardless of locale if (!missing(family) && family %in% c("ComputerModern", "ComputerModernItalic")) { switch(family, "ComputerModern" = "TeXtext.enc", "ComputerModernItalic" = "TeXtext.enc") } else { switch(.Platform$OS.type, "windows" = { switch(utils::localeToCharset()[1L], "ISO8859-2" = "CP1250.enc", "ISO8859-7" = "CP1253.enc", # Greek "ISO8859-13" = "CP1257.enc", "CP1251" = "CP1251.enc", # Cyrillic "WinAnsi.enc") }, { lc <- utils::localeToCharset() if(length(lc) == 1L) switch(lc, "ISO8859-1" = "ISOLatin1.enc", "ISO8859-2" = "ISOLatin2.enc", "ISO8859-5" = "Cyrillic.enc", "ISO8859-7" = "Greek.enc", "ISO8859-13" = "ISOLatin7.enc", "ISO8859-15" = "ISOLatin9.enc", "KOI8-R" = "KOI8-R.enc", "KOI8-U" = "KOI8-U.enc", "ISOLatin1.enc") else if(lc[1L] == "UTF-8") switch(lc[2L], "ISO8859-1" = "ISOLatin1.enc", # what about Euro? "ISO8859-2" = "ISOLatin2.enc", "ISO8859-5" = "Cyrillic.enc", "ISO8859-7" = "Greek.enc", "ISO8859-13" = "ISOLatin7.enc", "ISOLatin1.enc") else "ISOLatin1.enc"}) } } ##--> source in devPS.c : postscript <- function(file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.ps", "Rplot%03d.ps"), onefile, family, title , fonts, encoding, bg, fg, width, height, horizontal, pointsize, paper, pagecentre, print.it, command, colormodel, useKerning, fillOddEven) { ## do initialization if needed initPSandPDFfonts() new <- list() if(!missing(onefile)) new$onefile <- onefile ## 'family' is handled separately if(!missing(title)) new$title <- title if(!missing(fonts)) new$fonts <- fonts if(!missing(encoding)) new$encoding <- encoding if(!missing(bg)) new$bg <- bg if(!missing(fg)) new$fg <- fg if(!missing(width)) new$width <- width if(!missing(height)) new$height <- height if(!missing(horizontal)) new$horizontal <- horizontal if(!missing(pointsize)) new$pointsize <- pointsize if(!missing(paper)) new$paper <- paper if(!missing(pagecentre)) new$pagecentre <- pagecentre if(!missing(print.it)) new$print.it <- print.it if(!missing(command)) new$command <- command if(!missing(colormodel)) new$colormodel <- colormodel if(!missing(useKerning)) new$useKerning <- useKerning if(!missing(fillOddEven)) new$fillOddEven <- fillOddEven old <- check.options(new, name.opt = ".PostScript.Options", envir = .PSenv) if(is.null(old$command) || old$command == "default") old$command <- if(!is.null(cmd <- getOption("printcmd"))) cmd else "" # need to handle this case before encoding if(!missing(family) && (inherits(family, "Type1Font") || inherits(family, "CIDFont"))) { enc <- family$encoding if(inherits(family, "Type1Font") &&!is.null(enc) && enc != "default" && (is.null(old$encoding) || old$encoding == "default")) old$encoding <- enc family <- family$metrics } if(is.null(old$encoding) || old$encoding == "default") old$encoding <- guessEncoding(family) ## handle family separately as length can be 1, 4, or 5 if(!missing(family)) { # Case where family is a set of AFMs if(length(family) == 4L) { family <- c(family, "Symbol.afm") } else if (length(family) == 5L) { ## nothing to do } else if (length(family) == 1L) { ## If family has been specified, match with a font in the ## font database (see postscriptFonts()) ## and pass in a device-independent font name. ## NOTE that in order to match, we need both family name ## and encoding to match. pf <- postscriptFonts(family)[[1L]] if(is.null(pf)) stop(gettextf("unknown family '%s'", family), domain = NA) matchFont(pf, old$encoding) } else stop("invalid 'family' argument") old$family <- family } onefile <- old$onefile # for 'file' if(!checkIntFormat(file)) stop(gettextf("invalid 'file' argument '%s'", file), domain = NA) .External(C_PostScript, file, old$paper, old$family, old$encoding, old$bg, old$fg, old$width, old$height, old$horizontal, old$pointsize, onefile, old$pagecentre, old$print.it, old$command, old$title, old$fonts, old$colormodel, old$useKerning, old$fillOddEven) # if .ps.prolog is searched for and fails, NULL got returned. invisible() } xfig <- function (file = ifelse(onefile,"Rplots.fig", "Rplot%03d.fig"), onefile = FALSE, encoding = "none", paper = "default", horizontal = TRUE, width = 0, height = 0, family = "Helvetica", pointsize = 12, bg = "transparent", fg = "black", pagecentre = TRUE, defaultfont = FALSE, textspecial = FALSE) { ## do initialization if needed initPSandPDFfonts() if(!checkIntFormat(file)) stop(gettextf("invalid 'file' argument '%s'", file), domain = NA) .External(C_XFig, file, paper, family, bg, fg, width, height, horizontal, pointsize, onefile, pagecentre, defaultfont, textspecial, encoding) invisible() } pdf <- function(file = ifelse(onefile, "Rplots.pdf", "Rplot%03d.pdf"), width, height, onefile, family, title, fonts, version, paper, encoding, bg, fg, pointsize, pagecentre, colormodel, useDingbats, useKerning, fillOddEven, compress) { ## do initialization if needed initPSandPDFfonts() new <- list() if(!missing(width)) new$width <- width if(!missing(height)) new$height <- height if(!missing(onefile)) new$onefile <- onefile ## 'family' is handled separately if(!missing(title)) new$title <- title if(!missing(fonts)) new$fonts <- fonts if(!missing(version)) new$version <- version if(!missing(paper)) new$paper <- paper if(!missing(encoding)) new$encoding <- encoding if(!missing(bg)) new$bg <- bg if(!missing(fg)) new$fg <- fg if(!missing(pointsize)) new$pointsize <- pointsize if(!missing(pagecentre)) new$pagecentre <- pagecentre if(!missing(colormodel)) new$colormodel <- colormodel if(!missing(useDingbats)) new$useDingbats <- useDingbats if(!missing(useKerning)) new$useKerning <- useKerning if(!missing(fillOddEven)) new$fillOddEven <- fillOddEven if(!missing(compress)) new$compress <- compress old <- check.options(new, name.opt = ".PDF.Options", envir = .PSenv) ## need to handle this before encoding if(!missing(family) && (inherits(family, "Type1Font") || inherits(family, "CIDFont"))) { enc <- family$encoding if(inherits(family, "Type1Font") &&!is.null(enc) && enc != "default" && (is.null(old$encoding) || old$encoding == "default")) old$encoding <- enc family <- family$metrics } if(is.null(old$encoding) || old$encoding == "default") old$encoding <- guessEncoding() ## handle family separately as length can be 1, 4, or 5 if(!missing(family)) { # Case where family is a set of AFMs if(length(family) == 4L) { family <- c(family, "Symbol.afm") } else if (length(family) == 5L) { ## nothing to do } else if (length(family) == 1L) { ## If family has been specified, match with a font in the ## font database (see postscriptFonts()) ## and pass in a device-independent font name. ## NOTE that in order to match, we need both family name ## and encoding to match. pf <- pdfFonts(family)[[1L]] if(is.null(pf)) stop(gettextf("unknown family '%s'", family), domain = NA) matchFont(pf, old$encoding) } else stop("invalid 'family' argument") old$family <- family } # Extract version version <- old$version versions <- c("1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "2.0") if (version %in% versions) version <- as.integer(strsplit(version, "[.]")[[1L]]) else stop("invalid PDF version") onefile <- old$onefile # needed to set 'file' if(!checkIntFormat(file)) stop(gettextf("invalid 'file' argument '%s'", file), domain = NA) .External(C_PDF, file, old$paper, old$family, old$encoding, old$bg, old$fg, old$width, old$height, old$pointsize, onefile, old$pagecentre, old$title, old$fonts, version[1L], version[2L], old$colormodel, old$useDingbats, old$useKerning, old$fillOddEven, old$compress) invisible() } .ps.prolog <- c( "/gs { gsave } bind def", "/gr { grestore } bind def", "/ep { showpage gr gr } bind def", "/m { moveto } bind def", "/l { rlineto } bind def", "/np { newpath } bind def", "/cp { closepath } bind def", "/f { fill } bind def", "/o { stroke } bind def", "/c { newpath 0 360 arc } bind def", "/r { 4 2 roll moveto 1 copy 3 -1 roll exch 0 exch rlineto 0 rlineto -1 mul 0 exch rlineto closepath } bind def", "/p1 { stroke } bind def", "/p2 { gsave bg fill grestore newpath } bind def", "/p3 { gsave bg fill grestore stroke } bind def", "/p6 { gsave bg eofill grestore newpath } bind def", "/p7 { gsave bg eofill grestore stroke } bind def", "/t { 5 -2 roll moveto gsave rotate", " 1 index stringwidth pop", " mul neg 0 rmoveto show grestore } bind def", "/ta { 4 -2 roll moveto gsave rotate show } bind def", "/tb { 2 -1 roll 0 rmoveto show } bind def", "/cl { grestore gsave newpath 3 index 3 index moveto 1 index", " 4 -1 roll lineto exch 1 index lineto lineto", " closepath clip newpath } bind def", "/rgb { setrgbcolor } bind def", "/s { scalefont setfont } bind def") .ps.prolog.srgb <- c(## From PLRM 3rd Ed pg 225 "/sRGB { [ /CIEBasedABC", " << /DecodeLMN", " [ { dup 0.03928 le", " {12.92321 div}", " {0.055 add 1.055 div 2.4 exp }", " ifelse", " } bind dup dup", " ]", " /MatrixLMN [0.412457 0.212673 0.019334", " 0.357576 0.715152 0.119192", " 0.180437 0.072175 0.950301]", " /WhitePoint [0.9505 1.0 1.0890]", " >>", " ] setcolorspace } bind def" ) #################### # PostScript font database # # PostScript fonts may be either Type1 or CID-keyed fonts # (the latter provides support for CJK fonts) #################### assign(".PostScript.Fonts", list(), envir = .PSenv) checkFont <- function(font) UseMethod("checkFont") checkFont.default <- function(font) stop("Invalid font type") # A Type1 font family has a name, plus a vector of 4 or 5 directories # for font metric afm files, plus an encoding file # Check that the font has the correct structure and information # Already checked that it had a name checkFont.Type1Font <- function(font) { if (is.null(font$family) || !is.character(font$family)) stop("invalid family name in font specification") if (is.null(font$metrics) || !is.character(font$metrics) || length(font$metrics) < 4L) stop("invalid metric information in font specification") ## Add default symbol font metric if none provided if (length(font$metrics) == 4L) font$metrics <- c(font$metrics, "Symbol.afm") if (is.null(font$encoding) || !is.character(font$encoding)) stop("invalid encoding in font specification") font } # A CID-keyed font family has a name, four afm files, # a CMap name, a CMap encoding, and (for now at least) a # PDF chunk # (I really hope we can dispense with the latter!) checkFont.CIDFont <- function(font) { if (!inherits(font, "CIDFont")) stop("Not a CID font") if (is.null(font$family) || !is.character(font$family)) stop("invalid family name in font specification") if (is.null(font$metrics) || !is.character(font$metrics) || length(font$metrics) < 4L) stop("invalid metric information in font specification") ## Add default symbol font metric if none provided if (length(font$metrics) == 4L) font$metrics <- c(font$metrics, "Symbol.afm") if (is.null(font$cmap) || !is.character(font$cmap)) stop("invalid CMap name in font specification") if (is.null(font$cmapEncoding) || !is.character(font$cmapEncoding)) stop("invalid 'cmapEncoding' in font specification") if (is.null(font$pdfresource) || !is.character(font$pdfresource)) stop("invalid PDF resource in font specification") font } isPDF <- function(fontDBname) { switch(fontDBname, .PostScript.Fonts=FALSE, .PDF.Fonts=TRUE, stop("Invalid font database name")) } checkFontInUse <- function(names, fontDBname) { for (i in names) if (.Call(C_Type1FontInUse, i, isPDF(fontDBname)) || .Call(C_CIDFontInUse, i, isPDF(fontDBname))) stop(gettextf("font %s already in use", i), domain = NA) invisible() } setFonts <- function(fonts, fontNames, fontDBname) { fonts <- lapply(fonts, checkFont) fontDB <- get(fontDBname, envir=.PSenv) existingFonts <- fontNames %in% names(fontDB) if (sum(existingFonts) > 0) { checkFontInUse(fontNames[existingFonts], fontDBname) fontDB[fontNames[existingFonts]] <- fonts[existingFonts] } if (sum(existingFonts) < length(fontNames)) fontDB <- c(fontDB, fonts[!existingFonts]) assign(fontDBname, fontDB, envir=.PSenv) } printFont <- function(font) UseMethod("printFont") printFont.Type1Font <- function(font) paste0(font$family, "\n (", paste(font$metrics, collapse = " "), "\n ", font$encoding, "\n") printFont.CIDFont <- function(font) paste0(font$family, "\n (", paste(font$metrics, collapse = " "), ")\n ", font$CMap, "\n ", font$encoding, "\n") printFonts <- function(fonts) cat(paste(names(fonts), ": ", unlist(lapply(fonts, printFont)), sep = "", collapse = "")) # If no arguments specified, return entire font database # If no named arguments specified, all args should be font names # on which to get info from the database # Else, must specify new fonts to enter into database (all # of which must be valid PostScript font descriptions and # all of which must be named args) postscriptFonts <- function(...) { ## do initialization if needed: not recursive initPSandPDFfonts() ndots <- length(fonts <- list(...)) if (ndots == 0L) get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv) else { fontNames <- names(fonts) nnames <- length(fontNames) if (nnames == 0L) { if (!all(sapply(fonts, is.character))) stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s' (must be font names)", "postscriptFonts"), domain = NA) else get(".PostScript.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)[unlist(fonts)] } else { if (ndots != nnames) stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s' (need named args)", "postscriptFonts"), domain = NA) setFonts(fonts, fontNames, ".PostScript.Fonts") } } } # Create a valid postscript font description Type1Font <- function(family, metrics, encoding="default") { font <- list(family=family, metrics=metrics, encoding=encoding) class(font) <- "Type1Font" checkFont(font) } CIDFont <- function(family, cmap, cmapEncoding, pdfresource="") { font <- list(family=family, metrics=c("", "", "", ""), cmap=cmap, cmapEncoding=cmapEncoding, pdfresource=pdfresource) class(font) <- "CIDFont" checkFont(font) } #################### # PDF font database # # PDF fonts may be either Type1 or CID-keyed fonts # (the latter provides support for CJK fonts) # # PDF font database separate from PostScript one because # some standard CID fonts are different #################### assign(".PDF.Fonts", list(), envir = .PSenv) pdfFonts <- function(...) { ## do initialization if needed: not recursive initPSandPDFfonts() ndots <- length(fonts <- list(...)) if (ndots == 0L) get(".PDF.Fonts", envir=.PSenv) else { fontNames <- names(fonts) nnames <- length(fontNames) if (nnames == 0L) { if (!all(sapply(fonts, is.character))) stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s' (must be font names)", "pdfFonts"), domain = NA) else get(".PDF.Fonts", envir=.PSenv)[unlist(fonts)] } else { if (ndots != nnames) stop(gettextf("invalid arguments in '%s' (need named args)", "pdfFonts"), domain = NA) setFonts(fonts, fontNames, ".PDF.Fonts") } } } # Match an encoding # NOTE that if encoding in font database is "default", that is a match matchEncoding <- function(font, encoding) UseMethod("matchEncoding") matchEncoding.Type1Font <- function(font, encoding) { ## the trailing .enc is optional font$encoding %in% c("default", encoding, paste0(encoding, ".enc")) } # Users should not be specifying a CID font AND an encoding # when starting a new device matchEncoding.CIDFont <- function(font, encoding) TRUE # Match a font name (and an encoding) matchFont <- function(font, encoding) { if (is.null(font)) stop("unknown font") if (!matchEncoding(font, encoding)) stop(gettextf("font encoding mismatch '%s'/'%s'", font$encoding, encoding), domain=NA) } # Function to initialise default PostScript and PDF fonts # Called at first use # a) because that's a sensible place to do initialisation of package globals # b) because it does not work to do it BEFORE then. In particular, # if the body of this function is evaluated when the R code of the # package is sourced, then the method dispatch on checkFont() does # not work because when the R code is sourced, the S3 methods in # this package have not yet been registered. # Also, we want the run-time locale not the install-time locale. initPSandPDFfonts <- function() { if(exists(".PostScript.Options", envir = .PSenv, inherits=FALSE)) return() assign(".PostScript.Options", list(onefile = TRUE, family = "Helvetica", title = "R Graphics Output", fonts = NULL, encoding = "default", bg = "transparent", fg = "black", width = 0, height = 0, horizontal = TRUE, pointsize = 12, paper = "default", pagecentre = TRUE, print.it = FALSE, command = "default", colormodel = "srgb", useKerning = TRUE, fillOddEven = FALSE), envir = .PSenv) assign(".PostScript.Options.default", get(".PostScript.Options", envir = .PSenv), envir = .PSenv) assign(".PDF.Options", list(width = 7, height = 7, onefile = TRUE, family = "Helvetica", title = "R Graphics Output", fonts = NULL, version = "1.4", paper = "special", encoding = "default", bg = "transparent", fg = "black", pointsize = 12, pagecentre = TRUE, colormodel = "srgb", useDingbats = TRUE, useKerning = TRUE, fillOddEven = FALSE, compress = TRUE), envir = .PSenv) assign(".PDF.Options.default", get(".PDF.Options", envir = .PSenv), envir = .PSenv) postscriptFonts(# Default Serif font is Times serif = Type1Font("Times", c("Times-Roman.afm", "Times-Bold.afm", "Times-Italic.afm", "Times-BoldItalic.afm", "Symbol.afm")), # Default Sans Serif font is Helvetica sans = Type1Font("Helvetica", c("Helvetica.afm", "Helvetica-Bold.afm", "Helvetica-Oblique.afm", "Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm", "Symbol.afm")), # Default Monospace font is Courier mono = Type1Font("Courier", c("Courier.afm", "Courier-Bold.afm", "Courier-Oblique.afm", "Courier-BoldOblique.afm", "Symbol.afm")), # Remainder are standard Adobe fonts that # should be present on PostScript devices AvantGarde = Type1Font("AvantGarde", c("agw_____.afm", "agd_____.afm", "agwo____.afm", "agdo____.afm", "Symbol.afm")), Bookman = Type1Font("Bookman", c("bkl_____.afm", "bkd_____.afm", "bkli____.afm", "bkdi____.afm", "Symbol.afm")), Courier = Type1Font("Courier", c("Courier.afm", "Courier-Bold.afm", "Courier-Oblique.afm", "Courier-BoldOblique.afm", "Symbol.afm")), Helvetica = Type1Font("Helvetica", c("Helvetica.afm", "Helvetica-Bold.afm", "Helvetica-Oblique.afm", "Helvetica-BoldOblique.afm", "Symbol.afm")), "Helvetica-Narrow" = Type1Font("Helvetica-Narrow", c("hvn_____.afm", "hvnb____.afm", "hvno____.afm", "hvnbo___.afm", "Symbol.afm")), NewCenturySchoolbook = Type1Font("NewCenturySchoolbook", c("ncr_____.afm", "ncb_____.afm", "nci_____.afm", "ncbi____.afm", "Symbol.afm")), Palatino = Type1Font("Palatino", c("por_____.afm", "pob_____.afm", "poi_____.afm", "pobi____.afm", "Symbol.afm")), Times = Type1Font("Times", c("Times-Roman.afm", "Times-Bold.afm", "Times-Italic.afm", "Times-BoldItalic.afm", "Symbol.afm")), # URW equivalents URWGothic = Type1Font("URWGothic", c("a010013l.afm", "a010015l.afm", "a010033l.afm", "a010035l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), URWBookman = Type1Font("URWBookman", c("b018012l.afm", "b018015l.afm", "b018032l.afm", "b018035l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), NimbusMon = Type1Font("NimbusMon", c("n022003l.afm", "n022004l.afm", "n022023l.afm", "n022024l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), NimbusSan = Type1Font("NimbusSan", c("n019003l.afm", "n019004l.afm", "n019023l.afm", "n019024l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), URWHelvetica = Type1Font("URWHelvetica", c("n019003l.afm", "n019004l.afm", "n019023l.afm", "n019024l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), NimbusSanCond = Type1Font("NimbusSanCond", c("n019043l.afm", "n019044l.afm", "n019063l.afm", "n019064l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), CenturySch = Type1Font("CenturySch", c("c059013l.afm", "c059016l.afm", "c059033l.afm", "c059036l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), URWPalladio = Type1Font("URWPalladio", c("p052003l.afm", "p052004l.afm", "p052023l.afm", "p052024l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), NimbusRom = Type1Font("NimbusRom", c("n021003l.afm", "n021004l.afm", "n021023l.afm", "n021024l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), URWTimes = Type1Font("URWTimes", c("n021003l.afm", "n021004l.afm", "n021023l.afm", "n021024l.afm", "s050000l.afm")), ## And Monotype Arial ArialMT = Type1Font("ArialMT", c("ArialMT.afm", "ArialMT-Bold.afm", "ArialMT-Italic.afm", "ArialMT-BoldItalic.afm", "Symbol.afm")) ) ## All of the above Type1 fonts are the same for PostScript and PDF do.call("pdfFonts", postscriptFonts()) ## add ComputerModern to postscript only postscriptFonts(# Computer Modern as recoded by Brian D'Urso ComputerModern = Type1Font("ComputerModern", c("CM_regular_10.afm", "CM_boldx_10.afm", "CM_italic_10.afm", "CM_boldx_italic_10.afm", "CM_symbol_10.afm"), encoding = "TeXtext.enc"), ComputerModernItalic = Type1Font("ComputerModernItalic", c("CM_regular_10.afm", "CM_boldx_10.afm", "cmti10.afm", "cmbxti10.afm", "CM_symbol_10.afm"), encoding = "TeXtext.enc") ) # CJK fonts postscriptFonts(Japan1 = CIDFont("HeiseiKakuGo-W5", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP"), Japan1HeiMin = CIDFont("HeiseiMin-W3", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP"), Japan1GothicBBB = CIDFont("GothicBBB-Medium", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP"), Japan1Ryumin = CIDFont("Ryumin-Light", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP"), Korea1 = CIDFont("Baekmuk-Batang", "KSCms-UHC-H", "CP949"), Korea1deb = CIDFont("Batang-Regular", "KSCms-UHC-H", "CP949"), CNS1 = CIDFont("MOESung-Regular", "B5pc-H", "CP950"), GB1 = CIDFont("BousungEG-Light-GB", "GBK-EUC-H", "GBK")) pdfFonts(Japan1 = CIDFont("KozMinPro-Regular-Acro", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 740 /Ascent 1075 /Descent -272 /StemV 72", " /FontBBox [-195 -272 1110 1075]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 6 /XHeight 502", " /Style << /Panose <000001000500000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(Japan1) /Supplement 2 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 632 500 ", " 8718 [500 500] ", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), Japan1HeiMin = CIDFont("HeiseiMin-W3-Acro", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 709 /Ascent 723 /Descent -241 /StemV 69", " /FontBBox [-123 -257 1001 910]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 6 /XHeight 450", " /Style << /Panose <000002020500000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(Japan1) /Supplement 2 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 632 500 ", " 8718 [500 500] ", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), Japan1GothicBBB = CIDFont("GothicBBB-Medium", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 737 /Ascent 752 /Descent -271 /StemV 99", " /FontBBox [-22 -252 1000 892]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 4", " /Style << /Panose <0801020b0500000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(Japan1) /Supplement 2 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 632 500", " 8718 [500 500]", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), Japan1Ryumin = CIDFont("Ryumin-Light", "EUC-H", "EUC-JP", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 709 /Ascent 723 /Descent -241 /StemV 69", " /FontBBox [-54 -305 1000 903]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 6", " /Style << /Panose <010502020300000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(Japan1) /Supplement 2 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 632 500", " 8718 [500 500]", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), Korea1 = CIDFont("HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro", "KSCms-UHC-H", "CP949", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 720 /Ascent 880 /Descent -148 /StemV 59", " /FontBBox [-28 -148 1001 880]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 6 /XHeight 468", " /Style << /Panose <000001000600000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(Korea1) /Supplement 1 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 94 500", " 97 [500] ", " 8094 8190 500", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), Korea1deb = CIDFont("HYGothic-Medium-Acro", "KSCms-UHC-H", "CP949", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 737 /Ascent 752 /Descent -271 /StemV 58", " /FontBBox [-6 -145 1003 880]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 4 /XHeight 553", " /Style << /Panose <000001000600000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(Korea1) /Supplement 1 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 94 500", " 97 [500] ", " 8094 8190 500", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), CNS1 = CIDFont("MSungStd-Light-Acro", "B5pc-H", "CP950", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 662 /Ascent 1071 /Descent -249 /StemV 66", " /FontBBox [-160 -249 1015 1071]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 6 /XHeight 400", " /Style << /Panose <000001000600000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(CNS1) /Supplement 0 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 33 500", " 34 [749 673 679 679 685 671 738 736 333 494 739 696 902 720 750 674 746 672 627 769 707 777 887 709 616]", " 60 65 500", " 66 [500 511 502 549 494 356 516 550 321 321 510 317 738 533 535 545 533 376 443 261 529 742 534 576 439]", " 92 95 500", " 13648 13742 500", " 17603 [500]", "]\n", sep = "\n ")), GB1 = CIDFont("STSong-Light-Acro", "GBK-EUC-H", "GBK", paste("/FontDescriptor", "<<", " /Type /FontDescriptor", " /CapHeight 626 /Ascent 905 /Descent -254 /StemV 48", " /FontBBox [-134 -254 1001 905]", " /ItalicAngle 0 /Flags 6 /XHeight 416", " /Style << /Panose <000000000400000000000000> >>", ">>", "/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry(Adobe) /Ordering(GB1) /Supplement 2 >>", "/DW 1000", "/W [", " 1 95 500", " 814 939 500", " 7712 7716 500", " 22127 22357 500", "]\n", sep = "\n "))) } # Call ghostscript to process postscript or pdf file to embed fonts # (could also be used to convert ps or pdf to any supported format) embedFonts <- function(file, # The ps or pdf file to convert format, # Default guessed from file suffix outfile = file, # By default overwrite file fontpaths = character(), options = "" # Additional options to ghostscript ) { if(!is.character(file) || length(file) != 1L || !nzchar(file)) stop("'file' must be a non-empty character string") gsexe <- tools::find_gs_cmd() if(!nzchar(gsexe)) stop("GhostScript was not found") if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") gsexe <- shortPathName(gsexe) suffix <- gsub(".+[.]", "", file) if (missing(format)) format <- switch(suffix, ps = , eps = "pswrite", pdf = "pdfwrite") if (!is.character(format)) stop("Invalid output format") tmpfile <- tempfile("Rembed") if (length(fontpaths)) fontpaths <- shQuote(paste0("-sFONTPATH=", paste(fontpaths, collapse =.Platform$path.sep))) cmd <- paste0(gsexe, " -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sDEVICE=", format, " -sOutputFile=", tmpfile, " ", fontpaths, " ", options, " ", shQuote(file)) ret <- system(cmd) if(ret != 0) stop(gettextf("status %d in running command '%s'", ret, cmd), domain = NA) file.copy(tmpfile, outfile, overwrite = TRUE) invisible(cmd) }