# File src/library/grDevices/R/windows/windows.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2014 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ .WindowsEnv <- new.env() assign(".Windows.Options", list(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, record = FALSE, rescale = "R", xpinch = NA_real_, ypinch = NA_real_, bg = "transparent", canvas = "white", gamma = 1, xpos = NA_integer_, ypos = NA_integer_, buffered = TRUE, restoreConsole = FALSE, clickToConfirm = TRUE, title = "", fillOddEven = TRUE, antialias = "default", bitmap.aa.win = "default"), envir = .WindowsEnv) assign(".Windows.Options.default", get(".Windows.Options", envir = .WindowsEnv), envir = .WindowsEnv) aa.win <- c("default", "none", "cleartype", "gray") aa.cairo <- c("default", "none", "gray", "subpixel") windows.options <- function(..., reset=FALSE) { old <- get(".Windows.Options", envir = .WindowsEnv) if(reset) { assign(".Windows.Options", get(".Windows.Options.default", envir = .WindowsEnv), envir = .WindowsEnv) } l... <- length(new <- list(...)) check.options(new = new, envir = .WindowsEnv, name.opt = ".Windows.Options", assign.opt = l... > 0) if(reset || l... > 0) invisible(old) else old } windows <- function(width, height, pointsize, record, rescale, xpinch, ypinch, bg, canvas, gamma, xpos, ypos, buffered, title, restoreConsole, clickToConfirm, fillOddEven, family = "", antialias) { check <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_SCREEN_DEVICE_", "") msg <- "screen devices should not be used in examples etc" if (identical(check, "stop")) stop(msg, domain = NA) else if (identical(check, "warn")) warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE, noBreaks. = TRUE, domain = NA) new <- list() if(!missing(width)) new$width <- as.double(width) if(!missing(height)) new$height <- as.double(height) if(!missing(pointsize)) new$pointsize <- as.double(pointsize) if(!missing(record)) new$record <- record if(!missing(rescale)) new$rescale <- rescale if(!missing(xpinch)) new$xpinch <- as.double(xpinch) if(!missing(ypinch)) new$ypinch <- as.double(ypinch) if(!missing(bg)) new$bg <- bg if(!missing(canvas)) new$canvas <- canvas if(!missing(gamma)) new$gamma <- gamma if(!missing(xpos)) new$xpos <- as.integer(xpos) if(!missing(ypos)) new$ypos <- as.integer(ypos) if(!missing(buffered)) new$buffered <- buffered if(!missing(title)) new$title <- title if(!missing(restoreConsole)) new$restoreConsole <- restoreConsole if(!missing(clickToConfirm)) new$clickToConfirm <- clickToConfirm if(!missing(fillOddEven)) new$fillOddEven <- fillOddEven if(!missing(antialias)) new$antialias <- match.arg(antialias, aa.win) d <- check.options(new = new, envir = .WindowsEnv, name.opt = ".Windows.Options", reset = FALSE, assign.opt = FALSE) rescale <- match(d$rescale, c("R", "fit", "fixed")) if(is.na(rescale)) stop("invalid value for 'rescale'") antialias <- pmatch(d$antialias, aa.win) invisible(.External(C_devga, "", d$width, d$height, d$pointsize, d$record, rescale, d$xpinch, d$ypinch, d$canvas, d$gamma, d$xpos, d$ypos, d$buffered, .PSenv, d$bg, d$restoreConsole, d$title, d$clickToConfirm, d$fillOddEven, family, antialias)) } ## historical wrappers win.graph <- function(width, height, pointsize) windows(width = width, height = height, pointsize = pointsize) x11 <- X11 <- function(width, height, pointsize, bg, gamma, xpos, ypos, title) windows(width = width, height = height, pointsize = pointsize, bg = bg, gamma = gamma, xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, title = title) win.print <- function(width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, printer = "", family = "", antialias = "default", restoreConsole = TRUE) { check <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_WINDOWS_DEVICE_", "") if (identical(check, "stop")) stop("windows devices should not be used in examples etc", domain = NA) antialias <- match(match.arg(antialias, aa.win), aa.win) invisible(.External(C_devga, paste("win.print:", printer, sep=""), width, height, pointsize, FALSE, 1L, NA_real_, NA_real_, "white", 1, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, FALSE, .PSenv, NA, restoreConsole, "", FALSE, TRUE, family, antialias)) } win.metafile <- function(filename = "", width = 7, height = 7, pointsize = 12, family = "", restoreConsole = TRUE) { check <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_WINDOWS_DEVICE_", "") if (identical(check, "stop")) stop("windows devices should not be used in examples etc", domain = NA) if(!checkIntFormat(filename)) stop("invalid 'filename'") filename <- path.expand(filename) invisible(.External(C_devga, paste("win.metafile:", filename, sep=""), width, height, pointsize, FALSE, 1L, NA_real_, NA_real_, "white", 1, NA_integer_, NA_integer_, FALSE, .PSenv, NA, restoreConsole, "", FALSE, TRUE, family, 1L)) } bringToTop <- function(which = dev.cur(), stay = FALSE) { if(!exists(".Devices")) { .Devices <- list("null device") } if(which > 0 && .Devices[[which]] != "windows") stop("can only bring windows devices to the front") .Call(C_bringToTop, as.integer(which), as.logical(stay)) invisible() } msgWindow <- function(type = c("minimize", "restore", "maximize", "hide", "recordOn", "recordOff"), which = dev.cur()) { itype <- match(match.arg(type), eval(formals()$type)) if(which == -1 && itype > 3L) stop("'type' not applicable to the R console") if(!exists(".Devices")) .Devices <- list("null device") if(which > 0 && .Devices[[which]] != "windows") stop("can only manipulate windows devices") .Call(C_msgWindow, as.integer(which), as.integer(itype)) invisible() } savePlot <- function(filename = "Rplot", type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "tif", "tiff", "ps", "eps", "pdf"), device = dev.cur(), restoreConsole = TRUE) { type <- match.arg(type) devlist <- dev.list() devcur <- match(device, devlist, NA) if(is.na(devcur)) stop("no such device") devname <- names(devlist)[devcur] if(devname != "windows") stop("can only copy from 'windows' devices") if(filename == "clipboard" && type == "wmf") filename <- "" else if(regexpr("\\.",filename) < 0) filename <- paste(filename, type, sep = ".") filename <- path.expand(filename) invisible(.External(C_savePlot, device, filename, type, restoreConsole)) } print.SavedPlots <- function(x, ...) { if(x[[1L]] != 31416) { cat("object is not of class `SavedPlots'\n") return() } cat("Saved Plots from R version 1.4.0 or later\n\n") cat(" Contains", x[[2L]], "out of a maximum", x[[3L]], "plots\n") lens <- sapply(x[[5L]], length)[1L:x[[2L]]] cat(" #plot calls are", paste(lens, collapse=", "), "\n") cat(" Current position is plot", 1L + x[[4L]], "\n") invisible(x) } `[.SavedPlots` <- function(x, i, ...) { numplots <- x[[2L]] if(i > numplots || i < 1) stop("subscript out of range") x[[5]][[i]] } ######### # WINDOWS font database # To map device-independent font to device-specific font ######### # Each font family has only a name assign(".Windows.Fonts", list(), envir = .WindowsEnv) # Check that the font has the correct structure and information checkWindowsFont <- function(font) { # For now just use the simple format that is used in Rdevga # i.e., just a font family name, possibly with "TT" as the first # two characters to indicate a TrueType font if (!is.character(font) || length(font) != 1) stop("invalid Windows font: must be a single font family name") font } setWindowsFonts <- function(fonts, fontNames) { fonts <- lapply(fonts, checkWindowsFont) fontDB <- get(".Windows.Fonts", envir=.WindowsEnv) existingFonts <- fontNames %in% names(fontDB) if (sum(existingFonts) > 0) fontDB[fontNames[existingFonts]] <- fonts[existingFonts] if (sum(existingFonts) < length(fontNames)) fontDB <- c(fontDB, fonts[!existingFonts]) assign(".Windows.Fonts", fontDB, envir=.WindowsEnv) } printFont <- function(font) paste(font, "\n", sep="") printFonts <- function(fonts) cat(paste(names(fonts), ": ", unlist(lapply(fonts, printFont)), sep="", collapse="")) # If no arguments spec'ed, return entire font database # If no named arguments spec'ed, all args should be font names # to get info on from the database # Else, must specify new fonts to enter into database (all # of which must be valid PostScript font descriptions and # all of which must be named args) windowsFonts <- function(...) { ndots <- length(fonts <- list(...)) if (ndots == 0) get(".Windows.Fonts", envir=.WindowsEnv) else { fontNames <- names(fonts) nnames <- length(fontNames) if (nnames == 0) { if (!all(sapply(fonts, is.character))) stop("invalid arguments in 'windowsFonts' (must be font names)") else get(".Windows.Fonts", envir=.WindowsEnv)[unlist(fonts)] } else { if (ndots != nnames) stop("invalid arguments in 'windowsFonts' (need named args)") setWindowsFonts(fonts, fontNames) } } } # Create a valid windows font description windowsFont <- function(family) checkWindowsFont(family) windowsFonts(# Default Serif font is Times-like serif = windowsFont("TT Times New Roman"), # Default Sans Serif font is Helvetica-like sans = windowsFont("TT Arial"), # Default Monospace font is Courier-like mono = windowsFont("TT Courier New"))