% File src/library/grDevices/man/convertColor.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{convertColor} \alias{convertColor} \alias{colorspaces} \title{Convert between Colour Spaces} \description{ Convert colours between their representations in standard colour spaces. } \usage{ convertColor(color, from, to, from.ref.white, to.ref.white, scale.in = 1, scale.out = 1, clip = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{color}{A matrix whose rows specify colors.} \item{from, to}{Input and output color spaces. See \sQuote{Details} below.} \item{from.ref.white, to.ref.white}{Reference whites or \code{NULL} if these are built in to the definition, as for RGB spaces. \code{D65} is the default, see \sQuote{Details} for others. } \item{scale.in, scale.out}{Input is divided by \code{scale.in}, output is multiplied by \code{scale.out}. Use \code{NULL} to suppress scaling when input or output is not numeric.} \item{clip}{If \code{TRUE}, truncate RGB output to [0,1], \code{FALSE} return out-of-range RGB, \code{NA} set out of range colors to \code{NaN}.} } \details{ Color spaces are specified by objects of class \code{colorConverter}, created by \code{\link{colorConverter}} or \code{\link{make.rgb}}. Built-in color spaces may be referenced by strings: \code{"XYZ"}, \code{"sRGB"}, \code{"Apple RGB"}, \code{"CIE RGB"}, \code{"Lab"}, \code{"Luv"}. The converters for these colour spaces are in the object \code{colorspaces}. The \code{"sRGB"} color space is that used by standard PC monitors. \code{"Apple RGB"} is used by Apple monitors. \code{"Lab"} and \code{"Luv"} are approximately perceptually uniform spaces standardized by the Commission Internationale d'Eclairage. \code{XYZ} is a 1931 CIE standard capable of representing all visible colors (and then some), but not in a perceptually uniform way. The \code{Lab} and \code{Luv} spaces describe colors of objects, and so require the specification of a reference \sQuote{white light} color. Illuminant \code{D65} is a standard indirect daylight, Illuminant \code{D50} is close to direct sunlight, and Illuminant \code{A} is the light from a standard incandescent bulb. Other standard CIE illuminants supported are \code{B}, \code{C}, \code{E} and \code{D55}. RGB colour spaces are defined relative to a particular reference white, and can be only approximately translated to other reference whites. The Bradford chromatic adaptation algorithm is used for this. The RGB color spaces are specific to a particular class of display. An RGB space cannot represent all colors, and the \code{clip} option controls what is done to out-of-range colors. For the named color spaces \code{color} must be a matrix of values in the \code{from} color space: in particular opaque colors. } \value{ A 3-column matrix whose rows specify the colors. } \references{ For all the conversion equations \url{http://www.brucelindbloom.com/}. For the white points \url{http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Graphics/Colors/Chromaticity.htm}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{col2rgb}} and \code{\link{colors}} for ways to specify colors in graphics. \code{\link{make.rgb}} for specifying other colour spaces. } \examples{ ## The displayable colors from four planes of Lab space ab <- expand.grid(a = (-10:15)*10, b = (-15:10)*10) require(graphics); require(stats) # for na.omit par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = .1+c(3, 3, 3, .5), mgp = c(2, .8, 0)) Lab <- cbind(L = 20, ab) srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA) clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action") srgb[clipped, ] <- 0 cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3]) image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols, xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=20") Lab <- cbind(L = 40, ab) srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA) clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action") srgb[clipped, ] <- 0 cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3]) image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols, xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=40") Lab <- cbind(L = 60, ab) srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA) clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action") srgb[clipped, ] <- 0 cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3]) image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols, xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=60") Lab <- cbind(L = 80, ab) srgb <- convertColor(Lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", clip = NA) clipped <- attr(na.omit(srgb), "na.action") srgb[clipped, ] <- 0 cols <- rgb(srgb[, 1], srgb[, 2], srgb[, 3]) image((-10:15)*10, (-15:10)*10, matrix(1:(26*26), ncol = 26), col = cols, xlab = "a", ylab = "b", main = "Lab: L=80") cols <- t(col2rgb(palette())); rownames(cols) <- palette(); cols zapsmall(lab <- convertColor(cols, from = "sRGB", to = "Lab", scale.in = 255)) stopifnot(all.equal(cols, # converting back.. getting the original: round(convertColor(lab, from = "Lab", to = "sRGB", scale.out = 255)), check.attributes = FALSE)) } \keyword{color}