% File src/library/grDevices/man/hsv.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2011 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{hsv} \alias{hsv} \title{HSV Color Specification} \description{ Create a vector of colors from vectors specifying hue, saturation and value. } \usage{ hsv(h = 1, s = 1, v = 1, alpha) } \arguments{ \item{h,s,v}{numeric vectors of values in the range \code{[0, 1]} for \sQuote{hue}, \sQuote{saturation} and \sQuote{value} to be combined to form a vector of colors. Values in shorter arguments are recycled.} \item{alpha}{numeric vector of values in the range \code{[0, 1]} for alpha transparency channel (0 means transparent and 1 means opaque).} } \details{ Semi-transparent colors (\code{0 < alpha < 1}) are supported only on some devices: see \code{\link{rgb}}. } \value{ This function creates a vector of colors corresponding to the given values in HSV space. The values returned by \code{hsv} can be used with a \code{col=} specification in graphics functions or in \code{par}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{hcl}} for a perceptually based version of \code{hsv()}, \code{\link{rgb}} and \code{\link{rgb2hsv}} for RGB to HSV conversion; \code{\link{rainbow}}, \code{\link{gray}}. } \examples{ require(graphics) hsv(.5,.5,.5) ## Red tones: n <- 20; y <- -sin(3*pi*((1:n)-1/2)/n) op <- par(mar = rep(1.5, 4)) plot(y, axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE, xlab = "", ylab = "", pch = 21, cex = 30, bg = rainbow(n, start = .85, end = .1), main = "Red tones") par(op) } \keyword{color} \keyword{dplot}