% File src/library/grDevices/man/ps.options.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2008 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{ps.options} \alias{ps.options} \alias{setEPS} \alias{setPS} \title{Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript} \description{ The auxiliary function \code{ps.options} can be used to set or view (if called without arguments) the default values for some of the arguments to \code{\link{postscript}}. \code{ps.options} needs to be called before calling \code{postscript}, and the default values it sets can be overridden by supplying arguments to \code{postscript}. } \usage{ ps.options(\dots, reset = FALSE, override.check = FALSE) setEPS(\dots) setPS(\dots) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{arguments \code{onefile}, \code{family}, \code{title}, \code{fonts}, \code{encoding}, \code{bg}, \code{fg}, \code{width}, \code{height}, \code{horizontal}, \code{pointsize}, \code{paper}, \code{pagecentre}, \code{print.it}, \code{command}, \code{colormodel} and \code{fillOddEven} can be supplied. \code{onefile}, \code{horizontal} and \code{paper} are \emph{ignored} for \code{setEPS} and \code{setPS}.} \item{reset}{logical: should the defaults be reset to their \sQuote{factory-fresh} values?} \item{override.check}{logical argument passed to \code{\link{check.options}}. See the Examples.} } \details{ If both \code{reset = TRUE} and \code{...} are supplied the defaults are first reset to the \sQuote{factory-fresh} values and then the new values are applied. For backwards compatibility argument \code{append} is accepted but ignored with a warning. \code{setEPS} and \code{setPS} are wrappers to set defaults appropriate for figures for inclusion in documents (the default size is 7 inches square unless \code{width} or \code{height} is supplied) and for spooling to a PostScript printer respectively. For historical reasons the latter is the ultimate default. } \value{ A named list of all the previous defaults. If \code{\dots} or \code{reset = TRUE} is supplied the result has the visibility flag turned off. } \seealso{ \code{\link{postscript}}, \code{\link{pdf.options}} } \examples{ ps.options(bg = "pink") utils::str(ps.options()) ### ---- error checking of arguments: ---- ps.options(width = 0:12, onefile = 0, bg = pi) # override the check for 'width', but not 'bg': ps.options(width = 0:12, bg = pi, override.check = c(TRUE,FALSE)) utils::str(ps.options()) ps.options(reset = TRUE) # back to factory-fresh } \keyword{device}