% File src/library/grDevices/man/windows/savePlot.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 2008-9 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{savePlot} \alias{savePlot} \title{Save Cairo X11 Plot to File} \description{ Save the current page of a cairo \code{\link{X11}()} device to a file. } \usage{ savePlot(filename = paste("Rplot", type, sep = "."), type = c("png", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp"), device = dev.cur()) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{filename to save to.} \item{type}{file type: only \code{"png"} will be accepted for cairo version 1.0.} \item{device}{the device to save from.} } \details{ Only cairo-based \code{X11} devices are supported. This works by copying the image surface to a file. For PNG will always be a 24-bit per pixel PNG \sQuote{DirectClass} file, for JPEG the quality is 75\% and for TIFF there is no compression. For devices with buffering this copies the buffer's image surface, so works even if \code{\link{dev.hold}} has been called. At present the plot is saved after rendering onto the canvas (default opaque white), so for the default \code{bg = "transparent"} the effective background colour is the canvas colour. } \value{ Invisible \code{NULL}. } \note{ There is a similar function of the same name but more types for \code{windows} devices on Windows. } \seealso{ \code{\link{X11}}, \code{\link{dev.copy}}, \code{\link{dev.print}} } \keyword{utilities}