% File src/library/grDevices/man/windows/savePlot.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2009 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{savePlot} \alias{savePlot} \title{Save Windows Plot to a File} \usage{ savePlot(filename = "Rplot", type = c("wmf", "emf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "tif", "tiff", "ps", "eps", "pdf"), device = dev.cur(), restoreConsole = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{The filename under which to save the plot. Tilde-expansion (see \code{\link{path.expand}} is supported.} \item{type}{The type of plot, Windows metafile, PNG, JPEG, BMP (Windows bitmap format), TIFF, PostScript or PDF.} \item{device}{A device number of a \code{windows} device, by default the current device.} \item{restoreConsole}{See the \sQuote{Details} section of \code{\link{windows}}.} } \description{ Saves the current plot on a \code{windows} device to a file. } \details{ This is equivalent to selecting the \sQuote{Save as} menu item on the \sQuote{File} menu of a \code{\link{windows}} device. If \code{filename} does not include a dot (\sQuote{.}), savePlot will add the file type as an extension; that is, the filename will be set to \code{paste(filename, type, sep = ".")}. If a dot is present in \code{filename}, the filename is assumed to include an extension and is used without change. Using \code{filename} as \code{"clipboard"} or \code{""} with \code{type = "wmf"} will copy to the clipboard. Types \code{"eps"} and \code{"ps"} are the same thing apart from the extension for the default \code{filename}. Similarly \code{"wmf"}/\code{"emf"}, \code{"jpeg"}/\code{"jpg"} and \code{"tiff"}/\code{"tif"}. JPEG quality is 75\%, and TIFF is saved without compression. } \value{ None, but a plot file will be created. } \note{ There is a similar function of the same name but fewer types for cairo-based \code{X11} devices on Unix-alikes } \seealso{ \code{\link{png}}, \code{\link{dev.print}} } \keyword{misc}