# File src/library/stats/R/ARMAtheory.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ ARMAacf <- function(ar = numeric(), ma = numeric(), lag.max = r, pacf = FALSE) { p <- length(ar) q <- length(ma) if(!p && !q) stop("empty model supplied") r <- max(p, q + 1) if(p > 0) { if(r > 1) { if(r > p) { ## pad with zeros so p >= q+1 ar <- c(ar, rep(0, r - p)) p <- r } A <- matrix(0, p + 1L, 2L * p + 1L) ind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1L:(p + 1), 1L:(p+1)))[, 2L:1L] ind[, 2] <- ind[, 1L] + ind[, 2L] - 1L A[ind] <- c(1, -ar) A[, 1L:p] <- A[, 1L:p] + A[, (2L * p + 1L):(p + 2L)] rhs <- c(1, rep(0, p)) if(q > 0) { psi <- c(1, ARMAtoMA(ar, ma, q)) theta <- c(1, ma, rep(0, q+1L)) for(k in 1 + 0:q) rhs[k] <- sum(psi * theta[k + 0:q]) } ind <- (p+1):1 Acf <- solve(A[ind, ind], rhs) Acf <- Acf[-1L]/Acf[1L] } else Acf <- ar if(lag.max > p) { xx <- rep(0, lag.max - p) Acf <- c(Acf, filter(xx, ar, "recursive", init = rev(Acf))) } Acf <- c(1, Acf[1L:lag.max]) } else if(q > 0) { x <- c(1, ma) Acf <- filter(c(x, rep(0, q)), rev(x), sides=1)[-(1L:q)] if(lag.max > q) Acf <- c(Acf, rep(0, lag.max - q)) Acf <- Acf/Acf[1L] } names(Acf) <- 0:lag.max if(pacf) drop(.Call(C_pacf1, Acf, lag.max)) else Acf } acf2AR <- function(acf) { r <- as.double(drop(acf)) order.max <- length(r) - 1 if(order.max <= 0) stop("'acf' must be of length two or more") z <- .Fortran(C_eureka, as.integer(order.max), r, r, coefs = double(order.max^2), vars = double(order.max), double(order.max)) nm <- paste0("ar(",1L:order.max, ")") matrix(z$coefs, order.max, order.max, dimnames=list(nm, 1L:order.max)) } ARMAtoMA <- function(ar = numeric(), ma = numeric(), lag.max) .Call(C_ARMAtoMA, as.double(ar), as.double(ma), as.integer(lag.max))