# File src/library/stats/R/cor.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ #### cor() , cov() and var() : Based on the same C code cor <- function(x, y = NULL, use = "everything", method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")) { na.method <- pmatch(use, c("all.obs", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs", "everything", "na.or.complete")) if(is.na(na.method)) stop("invalid 'use' argument") method <- match.arg(method) if(is.data.frame(y)) y <- as.matrix(y) if(is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) if(!is.matrix(x) && is.null(y)) stop("supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'") ## non-atomic x should not be 'numeric', but in case a method messes up ## allow logicals for back-compatibility (package mice). if(!(is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x))) stop("'x' must be numeric") stopifnot(is.atomic(x)) if(!is.null(y)) { if(!(is.numeric(y) || is.logical(y))) stop("'y' must be numeric") stopifnot(is.atomic(y)) } ## Rank transform Rank <- function(u) { ## take care not to drop dims on a 0- or 1-row matrix if(length(u) == 0L) u else if(is.matrix(u)) { if(nrow(u) > 1L) apply(u, 2L, rank, na.last="keep") else row(u) } else rank(u, na.last="keep") } if(method == "pearson") .Call(C_cor, x, y, na.method, FALSE) else if (na.method %in% c(2L, 5L)) { ## "complete.obs" / "na.or.complete" if (is.null(y)) { .Call(C_cor, Rank(na.omit(x)), NULL, na.method, method == "kendall") } else { nas <- attr(na.omit(cbind(x,y)), "na.action") dropNA <- function(x, nas) { if(length(nas)) { if (is.matrix(x)) x[-nas, , drop = FALSE] else x[-nas] } else x } .Call(C_cor, Rank(dropNA(x, nas)), Rank(dropNA(y, nas)), na.method, method == "kendall") } } else if (na.method != 3L) { ## i.e., 1 or 4, i.e. "all.obs" or "everything": x <- Rank(x) if(!is.null(y)) y <- Rank(y) .Call(C_cor, x, y, na.method, method == "kendall") } else { # rank correlations and "pairwise.complete.obs"; the hard case ## Based on contribution from Shigenobu Aoki. ## matrix if (is.null(y)) { ncy <- ncx <- ncol(x) if(ncx == 0) stop("'x' is empty") r <- matrix(0, nrow = ncx, ncol = ncy) ## 2.6.0 assumed the diagonal was 1, but not so for all NAs, ## nor single non-NA pairs. for (i in seq_len(ncx)) { for (j in seq_len(i)) { x2 <- x[,i] y2 <- x[,j] ok <- complete.cases(x2, y2) x2 <- rank(x2[ok]) y2 <- rank(y2[ok]) ## we've removed all NAs r[i, j] <- if(any(ok)) .Call(C_cor, x2, y2, 1L, method == "kendall") else NA } } r <- r + t(r) - diag(diag(r)) rownames(r) <- colnames(x) colnames(r) <- colnames(x) r } ## vector/matrix x vector/matrix else { if(length(x) == 0L || length(y) == 0L) stop("both 'x' and 'y' must be non-empty") matrix_result <- is.matrix(x) || is.matrix(y) if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- matrix(x, ncol=1L) if (!is.matrix(y)) y <- matrix(y, ncol=1L) ncx <- ncol(x) ncy <- ncol(y) r <- matrix(0, nrow = ncx, ncol = ncy) for (i in seq_len(ncx)) { for (j in seq_len(ncy)) { x2 <- x[,i] y2 <- y[,j] ok <- complete.cases(x2, y2) x2 <- rank(x2[ok]) y2 <- rank(y2[ok]) r[i, j] <- if(any(ok)) .Call(C_cor, x2, y2, 1L, method == "kendall") else NA } } rownames(r) <- colnames(x) colnames(r) <- colnames(y) if(matrix_result) r else drop(r) } } } cov <- function(x, y = NULL, use = "everything", method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")) { na.method <- pmatch(use, c("all.obs", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs", "everything", "na.or.complete")) if(is.na(na.method)) stop("invalid 'use' argument") method <- match.arg(method) if(is.data.frame(y)) y <- as.matrix(y) if(is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) if(!is.matrix(x) && is.null(y)) stop("supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'") ## non-atomic x should not be 'numeric', but in case a method messes up stopifnot(is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x), is.atomic(x)) if(!is.null(y)) stopifnot(is.numeric(y) || is.logical(y), is.atomic(y)) ## Rank transform Rank <- function(u) { ## take care not to drop dims on a 0- or 1-row matrix if(length(u) == 0L) u else if(is.matrix(u)) { if(nrow(u) > 1L) apply(u, 2L, rank, na.last="keep") else row(u) } else rank(u, na.last="keep") } if(method == "pearson") .Call(C_cov, x, y, na.method, method == "kendall") else if (na.method %in% c(2L, 5L)) { ## "complete.obs" or "na.or.complete" if (is.null(y)) { .Call(C_cov, Rank(na.omit(x)), NULL, na.method, method == "kendall") } else { nas <- attr(na.omit(cbind(x,y)), "na.action") dropNA <- function(x, nas) { if(length(nas)) { if (is.matrix(x)) x[-nas, , drop = FALSE] else x[-nas] } else x } .Call(C_cov, Rank(dropNA(x, nas)), Rank(dropNA(y, nas)), na.method, method == "kendall") } } else if (na.method != 3L) { ## 1 or 4: "all.obs" or "everything" x <- Rank(x) if(!is.null(y)) y <- Rank(y) .Call(C_cov, x, y, na.method, method == "kendall") } else ## "pairwise.complete.obs" stop("cannot handle 'pairwise.complete.obs'") } var <- function(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) { if(missing(use)) use <- if(na.rm) "na.or.complete" else "everything" na.method <- pmatch(use, c("all.obs", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs", "everything", "na.or.complete")) if(is.na(na.method)) stop("invalid 'use' argument") if (is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) else stopifnot(is.atomic(x)) if (is.data.frame(y)) y <- as.matrix(y) else stopifnot(is.atomic(y)) .Call(C_cov, x, y, na.method, FALSE) } cov2cor <- function(V) { ## Purpose: Covariance matrix |--> Correlation matrix -- efficiently ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: V: a covariance matrix (i.e. symmetric and positive definite) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 12 Jun 2003, 11L:50 p <- (d <- dim(V))[1L] if(!is.numeric(V) || length(d) != 2L || p != d[2L]) stop("'V' is not a square numeric matrix") Is <- sqrt(1/diag(V)) # diag( 1/sigma_i ) if(any(!is.finite(Is))) warning("diag(.) had 0 or NA entries; non-finite result is doubtful") r <- V # keep dimnames r[] <- Is * V * rep(Is, each = p) ## == D %*% V %*% D where D = diag(Is) r[cbind(1L:p,1L:p)] <- 1 # exact in diagonal r }