# File src/library/stats/R/stl.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2012 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ stl <- function(x, s.window, s.degree = 0, t.window = NULL, t.degree = 1, l.window = nextodd(period), l.degree = t.degree, s.jump = ceiling(s.window/10), t.jump = ceiling(t.window/10), l.jump = ceiling(l.window/10), robust = FALSE, inner = if(robust) 1 else 2, outer = if(robust) 15 else 0, na.action = na.fail) { nextodd <- function(x){ x <- round(x) if(x%%2==0) x <- x+1 as.integer(x) } deg.check <- function(deg) { degname <- deparse(substitute(deg)) deg <- as.integer(deg) if(deg < 0 || deg > 1) stop(degname, " must be 0 or 1") deg } x <- na.action(as.ts(x)) if(is.matrix(x)) stop("only univariate series are allowed") n <- as.integer(length(x)) if (is.na(n)) stop("invalid length(x)") period <- frequency(x) if(period < 2 || n <= 2 * period) stop("series is not periodic or has less than two periods") periodic <- FALSE if(is.character(s.window)) { if(is.na(pmatch(s.window, "periodic"))) stop("unknown string value for s.window") else { periodic <- TRUE s.window <- 10 * n + 1 s.degree <- 0 } } s.degree <- deg.check(s.degree) t.degree <- deg.check(t.degree) l.degree <- deg.check(l.degree) if(is.null(t.window)) t.window <- nextodd(ceiling( 1.5 * period / (1- 1.5/s.window))) storage.mode(x) <- "double" z <- .Fortran(C_stl, x, n, as.integer(period), as.integer(s.window), as.integer(t.window), as.integer(l.window), s.degree, t.degree, l.degree, nsjump = as.integer(s.jump), ntjump = as.integer(t.jump), nljump = as.integer(l.jump), ni = as.integer(inner), no = as.integer(outer), weights = double(n), seasonal = double(n), trend = double(n), double((n+2*period)*5)) if(periodic) { ## make seasonal part exactly periodic which.cycle <- cycle(x) z$seasonal <- tapply(z$seasonal, which.cycle, mean)[which.cycle] } remainder <- as.vector(x) - z$seasonal - z$trend y <- cbind(seasonal = z$seasonal, trend = z$trend, remainder = remainder) res <- list(time.series = ts(y, start = start(x), frequency = period), weights = z$weights, call = match.call(), win = c(s = s.window, t = t.window, l = l.window), deg = c(s = s.degree, t = t.degree, l = l.degree), jump = c(s = s.jump, t = t.jump, l = l.jump), inner = z$ni, outer = z$no) class(res) <- "stl" res } print.stl <- function(x, ...) { cat(" Call:\n ") dput(x$call, control=NULL) cat("\nComponents\n") print(x$time.series, ...) invisible(x) } summary.stl <- function(object, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) { cat(" Call:\n ") dput(object$call, control=NULL) cat("\n Time.series components:\n") print(summary(object$time.series, digits = digits, ...)) cat(" IQR:\n") iqr <- apply(cbind(STL = object$time.series, data = object$time.series %*% rep(1,3)), 2L, IQR) print(rbind(format(iqr, digits = max(2L, digits - 3L)), " %"= format(round(100 * iqr / iqr["data"], 1))), quote = FALSE) cat("\n Weights:") if(all(object$weights == 1)) cat(" all == 1\n") else { cat("\n"); print(summary(object$weights, digits = digits, ...)) } cat("\n Other components: ") str(object[-(1L:3)], give.attr = FALSE) invisible(object) } plot.stl <- function(x, labels = colnames(X), set.pars = list(mar = c(0, 6, 0, 6), oma = c(6, 0, 4, 0), tck = -0.01, mfrow = c(nplot, 1)), main = NULL, range.bars = TRUE, ..., col.range = "light gray") { sers <- x$time.series ncomp <- ncol(sers) data <- drop(sers %*% rep(1, ncomp)) X <- cbind(data, sers) colnames(X) <- c("data", colnames(sers)) nplot <- ncomp + 1 if(range.bars) mx <- min(apply(rx <- apply(X,2, range), 2, diff)) dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush()) if(length(set.pars)) { oldpar <- do.call("par", as.list(names(set.pars))) on.exit(par(oldpar), add = TRUE) do.call("par", set.pars) } for(i in 1L:nplot) { plot(X[, i], type = if(i < nplot) "l" else "h", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, ...) if(range.bars) { dx <- 1/64 * diff(ux <- par("usr")[1L:2]) y <- mean(rx[,i]) rect(ux[2L] - dx, y + mx/2, ux[2L] - 0.4*dx, y - mx/2, col = col.range, xpd = TRUE) } if(i == 1 && !is.null(main)) title(main, line = 2, outer = par("oma")[3L] > 0) if(i == nplot) abline(h=0) box() right <- i %% 2 == 0 axis(2, labels = !right) axis(4, labels = right) axis(1, labels = i == nplot) mtext(labels[i], side = 2, 3) } mtext("time", side = 1, line = 3) invisible() }