A first try at de-obfuscate the structure, mainly in ./loessf.f : ehg182(): warning(message) generator, defined in ./loessc.c called from almost any non-trivial function in loessf.f and hence *NOT* in the following calling structure loess() [R] ../R/loess.R | \-> simpleLoess() [R] | |-> loess_raw loessc.c | | | |--> lowess_workspace " | | | | | \--> lowesd | | | | | |--> lowesf | | | | | \--> ehg136 | | | | | \--> ehg127 {fit at one new x} | | | | | |--> ehg106 {partial sort (for median etc)} | | | | | |--> "Linpack" [QR,SVD..] | | | | | \--> ehg184 {warning} | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--> lowesb | | | | | |--> ehg183 {warning} | | | | | \--> ehg131 | | | | | \--> ehg139 | | | | | |--> ehg127 [see above] | | | | | \--> ehg137 | | | | | |-> loessp predict.loess() [R] ../R/loess.R | \-> predLoess() [R] | \-> loess_raw loessc.c