% File src/library/stats/man/power.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{power} \alias{power} \title{Create a Power Link Object} \usage{ power(lambda = 1) } \arguments{ \item{lambda}{a real number.} } \description{ Creates a link object based on the link function \eqn{\eta = \mu ^ \lambda}. } \details{ If \code{lambda} is non-positive, it is taken as zero, and the log link is obtained. The default \code{lambda = 1} gives the identity link. } \value{ A list with components \code{linkfun}, \code{linkinv}, \code{mu.eta}, and \code{valideta}. See \code{\link{make.link}} for information on their meaning. } \references{ Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. (1992) \emph{Statistical Models in S.} Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. } \seealso{ \code{\link{make.link}}, \code{\link{family}} To raise a number to a power, see \code{\link{Arithmetic}}. To calculate the power of a test, see various functions in the \pkg{stats} package, e.g., \code{\link{power.t.test}}. } \examples{ power() quasi(link = power(1/3))[c("linkfun", "linkinv")] } \keyword{models}