% File src/library/stats/man/spectrum.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2008 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{spectrum} \alias{spectrum} \alias{spec} \title{Spectral Density Estimation} \description{ The \code{spectrum} function estimates the spectral density of a time series. } \usage{ spectrum(x, \dots, method = c("pgram", "ar")) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A univariate or multivariate time series.} \item{method}{String specifying the method used to estimate the spectral density. Allowed methods are \code{"pgram"} (the default) and \code{"ar"}.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments to specific spec methods or \code{plot.spec}.} } \value{ An object of class \code{"spec"}, which is a list containing at least the following components: \item{freq}{vector of frequencies at which the spectral density is estimated. (Possibly approximate Fourier frequencies.) The units are the reciprocal of cycles per unit time (and not per observation spacing): see \sQuote{Details} below.} \item{spec}{Vector (for univariate series) or matrix (for multivariate series) of estimates of the spectral density at frequencies corresponding to \code{freq}.} \item{coh}{\code{NULL} for univariate series. For multivariate time series, a matrix containing the \emph{squared} coherency between different series. Column \eqn{ i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2} of \code{coh} contains the squared coherency between columns \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} of \code{x}, where \eqn{i < j}.} \item{phase}{\code{NULL} for univariate series. For multivariate time series a matrix containing the cross-spectrum phase between different series. The format is the same as \code{coh}.} \item{series}{The name of the time series.} \item{snames}{For multivariate input, the names of the component series.} \item{method}{The method used to calculate the spectrum.} The result is returned invisibly if \code{plot} is true. } \details{ \code{spectrum} is a wrapper function which calls the methods \code{\link{spec.pgram}} and \code{\link{spec.ar}}. The spectrum here is defined with scaling \code{1/\link{frequency}(x)}, following S-PLUS. This makes the spectral density a density over the range \code{(-frequency(x)/2, +frequency(x)/2]}, whereas a more common scaling is \eqn{2\pi}{2pi} and range \eqn{(-0.5, 0.5]} (e.g., Bloomfield) or 1 and range \eqn{(-\pi, \pi]}{(-pi, pi]}. If available, a confidence interval will be plotted by \code{plot.spec}: this is asymmetric, and the width of the centre mark indicates the equivalent bandwidth. } \note{ The default plot for objects of class \code{"spec"} is quite complex, including an error bar and default title, subtitle and axis labels. The defaults can all be overridden by supplying the appropriate graphical parameters. } \references{ Bloomfield, P. (1976) \emph{Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction.} Wiley. Brockwell, P. J. and Davis, R. A. (1991) \emph{Time Series: Theory and Methods.} Second edition. Springer. Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) \emph{Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS.} Fourth edition. Springer. (Especially pages 392--7.) } \author{Martyn Plummer, B.D. Ripley} \seealso{ \code{\link{spec.ar}}, \code{\link{spec.pgram}}; \code{\link{plot.spec}}. } \examples{ require(graphics) ## Examples from Venables & Ripley ## spec.pgram par(mfrow = c(2,2)) spectrum(lh) spectrum(lh, spans = 3) spectrum(lh, spans = c(3,3)) spectrum(lh, spans = c(3,5)) spectrum(ldeaths) spectrum(ldeaths, spans = c(3,3)) spectrum(ldeaths, spans = c(3,5)) spectrum(ldeaths, spans = c(5,7)) spectrum(ldeaths, spans = c(5,7), log = "dB", ci = 0.8) # for multivariate examples see the help for spec.pgram ## spec.ar spectrum(lh, method = "ar") spectrum(ldeaths, method = "ar") } \keyword{ts}