# File src/library/tools/R/dynamicHelp.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ ## This may be asked for ## R.css, favicon.ico ## searches with path = "/doc/html/Search" ## documentation with path = "/doc/....", possibly updated under tempdir()/.R ## demos with path "/demo/*" ## Running demos, using path "/Demo/*" ## html help, either by topic, /library//help/ (pkg=NULL means any) ## or by file, /library//html/.html httpd <- function(path, query, ...) { .HTMLdirListing <- function(dir, base, up) { files <- list.files(dir) # note, no hidden files are listed out <- HTMLheader(paste0("Listing of directory
", dir), headerTitle = paste("R:", dir), logo=FALSE, up = up) if(!length(files)) out <- c(out, gettext("No files in this directory")) else { urls <- paste0('', files, '') out <- c(out, "
", paste0("
", mono(iconv(urls, "", "UTF-8")), "
"), "
") } out <- c(out, "
\n") list(payload = paste(out, collapse="\n")) } .HTMLusermanuals <- function() { pkgs <- unlist(.get_standard_package_names()) out <- HTMLheader("R User Manuals") for (pkg in pkgs) { vinfo <- getVignetteInfo(pkg) if (nrow(vinfo)) out <- c(out, paste0('

Manuals in package', sQuote(pkg),'

'), makeVignetteTable(cbind(Package=pkg, vinfo[,c("File", "Title", "PDF", "R")]))) } out <- c(out, "
\n") list(payload = paste(out, collapse="\n")) } .HTMLsearch <- function(query) { bool <- function(x) as.logical(as.numeric(x)) res <- if(identical(names(query), "category")) help.search(keyword = query, verbose = 1L, use_UTF8 = TRUE) else { fields = c("alias", "concept", "title") args <- list(pattern = ".") for (i in seq_along(query)) switch(names(query)[i], pattern = args$pattern <- query[i], title = if (!bool(query[i])) fields <- setdiff(fields, "title"), keyword = if (bool(query[i])) fields <- union(fields, "keyword"), alias = if (!bool(query[i])) fields <- setdiff(fields, "alias"), concept = if (!bool(query[i])) fields <- setdiff(fields, "concept"), name = if (bool(query[i])) fields <- union(fields, "name"), agrep = { args$agrep <- as.logical(query[i]) if (is.na(args$agrep)) args$agrep <- as.numeric(query[i]) if (is.na(args$agrep)) args$agrep <- query[i] }, ignore.case = args$ignore.case <- bool(query[i]), types = args$types <- strsplit(query[i], ";")[[1L]], package = args$package <- strsplit(query[i], ";")[[1L]], lib.loc = args$lib.loc <- strsplit(query[i], ";")[[1L]], warning("Unrecognized search field: ", names(query)[i], domain = NA) ) args$fields <- fields args$use_UTF8 <- TRUE do.call(help.search, args) } types <- res$types res <- res$matches title <- "Search Results" out <- c(HTMLheader(title), if ("pattern" %in% names(query)) paste0('The search string was "', query["pattern"], '"'), '
\n') if(!NROW(res)) out <- c(out, gettext("No results found")) else { vigfile0 <- "" vigDB <- NULL for (type in types) { if(NROW(temp <- res[res[,"Type"] == type,,drop=FALSE]) > 0) switch(type, vignette = { out <- c(out, paste0("

", gettext("Vignettes:"), "

"), "
") n <- NROW(temp) vignettes <- matrix("", n, 5) colnames(vignettes) <- c("Package", "File", "Title", "PDF","R") for (i in seq_len(NROW(temp))) { topic <- temp[i, "topic"] pkg <- temp[i, "Package"] vigfile <- file.path(temp[i, "LibPath"], "Meta", "vignette.rds") if (!identical(vigfile, vigfile0)) { vigDB <- readRDS(vigfile) vigfile0 <- vigfile } vignette <- vigDB[topic == file_path_sans_ext(vigDB$PDF),] # There should be exactly one row in the result, but # bad packages might have more, e.g. vig.Snw and vig.Rnw vignettes[i,] <- c(pkg, unlist(vignette[1,c("File", "Title", "PDF", "R")])) } out <- c(out, makeVignetteTable(vignettes)) }, demo = { out <- c(out, paste0("

", gettext("Code demonstrations:"), "

")) out <- c(out, makeDemoTable(temp)) }, help = { out <- c(out, paste0("

", gettext("Help pages:"), "

")) out <- c(out, makeHelpTable(temp)) }) } } out <- c(out, "
\n") list(payload = paste(out, collapse="\n")) } unfix <- function(file) { ## we need to re-fix links altered by fixup.package.URLs ## in R < 2.10.0 fixedfile <- sub("/html/.*", "/fixedHTMLlinks", file) if(file.exists(fixedfile)) { top <- readLines(fixedfile) lines <- readLines(file) lines <- gsub(paste(top, "library", sep="/"), "../../", lines, fixed = TRUE) lines <- gsub(paste(top, "doc/", sep = "/"), "../../../doc/", lines, fixed = TRUE) return(list(payload=paste(lines, collapse="\n"))) } list(file = file) } mime_type <- function(path) { ext <- strsplit(path, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]] if(n <- length(ext)) ext <- ext[n] else "" switch(ext, "css" = "text/css", "gif" = "image/gif", # in R2HTML "jpg" = "image/jpeg", "png" = "image/png", "svg" = "image/svg+xml", "html" = "text/html", "pdf" = "application/pdf", "eps" =, "ps" = "application/postscript", # in GLMMGibbs, mclust "sgml" = "text/sgml", # in RGtk2 "xml" = "text/xml", # in RCurl "text/plain") } charsetSetting <- function(pkg) { encoding <-read.dcf(system.file("DESCRIPTION", package=pkg), "Encoding") if (is.na(encoding)) "" else paste0("; charset=", encoding) } sQuote <- function(text) paste0("‘", text, "’") mono <- function(text) paste0('', text, "") error_page <- function(msg) list(payload = paste0(HTMLheader("httpd error"), msg, "\n")) cssRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/html/R.css$" if (grepl("R\\.css$", path) && !grepl(cssRegexp, path)) return(list(file = file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "R.css"), "content-type" = "text/css")) else if(path == "/favicon.ico") return(list(file = file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "favicon.ico"))) else if(path == "/NEWS") return(list(file = file.path(R.home("doc"), "html", "NEWS.html"))) else if(grepl("^/NEWS[.][[:digit:]]$", path)) return(list(file = file.path(R.home("doc"), sub("/", "", path)), "content-type" = "text/plain; encoding=utf-8")) else if(!grepl("^/(doc|library|session)/", path)) return(error_page(paste("Only NEWS and URLs under", mono("/doc"), "and", mono("/library"), "are allowed"))) else if(path == "/doc/html/UserManuals.html") return(.HTMLusermanuals()) ## ----------------------- per-package documentation --------------------- ## seems we got ../..// in the past fileRegexp <- "^/library/+([^/]*)/html/([^/]*)\\.html$" topicRegexp <- "^/library/+([^/]*)/help/([^/]*)$" docRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/doc(.*)" demoRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/demo$" demosRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/demo/([^/]*)$" DemoRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/Demo/([^/]*)$" newsRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/NEWS$" figureRegexp <- "^/library/([^/]*)/(help|html)/figures/([^/]*)$" sessionRegexp <- "^/session/" file <- NULL if (grepl(topicRegexp, path)) { ## ----------------------- package help by topic --------------------- pkg <- sub(topicRegexp, "\\1", path) if (pkg == "NULL") pkg <- NULL # There were multiple hits in the console topic <- sub(topicRegexp, "\\2", path) ## if a package is specified, look there first, then everywhere if (!is.null(pkg)) # () avoids deparse here file <- help(topic, package = (pkg), help_type = "text") if (!length(file)) file <- help(topic, help_type = "text", try.all.packages = TRUE) if (!length(file)) { msg <- gettextf("No help found for topic %s in any package.", mono(topic)) return(list(payload = error_page(msg))) } else if (length(file) == 1L) { path <- dirname(dirname(file)) file <- paste0('../../', basename(path), '/html/', basename(file), '.html') ## cat("redirect to", file, "\n") ## We need to do this because there are static HTML pages ## with links to ".html" for topics in the same ## package, and if we served one of such a page as a link from ## a different package those links on the page would not work. return(list(payload = paste0('Redirect to "', basename(file), '"'), "content-type" = 'text/html', header = paste0('Location: ', file), "status code" = 302L)) # temporary redirect } else if (length(file) > 1L) { paths <- dirname(dirname(file)) fp <- file.path(paths, "Meta", "Rd.rds") tp <- basename(file) titles <- tp for (i in seq_along(fp)) { tmp <- try(readRDS(fp[i])) titles[i] <- if(inherits(tmp, "try-error")) "unknown title" else tmp[file_path_sans_ext(tmp$File) == tp[i], "Title"] } packages <- paste('
', titles, '
(in package ', basename(paths), ' in library ', dirname(paths), ")
", sep = "", collapse = "\n") return(list(payload = paste("

", ## for languages with multiple plurals .... sprintf(ngettext(length(paths), "Help on topic '%s' was found in the following package:", "Help on topic '%s' was found in the following packages:" ), topic), "

\n", packages, "
", sep = "", collapse = "\n") )) } } else if (grepl(fileRegexp, path)) { ## ----------------------- package help by file --------------------- pkg <- sub(fileRegexp, "\\1", path) h0 <- helpdoc <- sub(fileRegexp, "\\2", path) if (helpdoc == "00Index") { ## ------------------- package listing --------------------- file <- system.file("html", "00Index.html", package = pkg) if(!nzchar(file) || !file.exists(file)) { msg <- if(nzchar(system.file(package = pkg))) gettextf("No package index found for package %s", mono(pkg)) else gettextf("No package named %s could be found", mono(pkg)) return(error_page(msg)) } else { if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") return(unfix(file)) return(list(file = file)) } } ## ----------------------- package help file --------------------- path <- system.file("help", package = pkg) if (!nzchar(path)) { msg <- if(nzchar(system.file(package = pkg))) gettextf("No help found for package %s", mono(pkg) ) else gettextf("No package named %s could be found", mono(pkg)) return(error_page(msg)) } ## if 'topic' is not a help doc, try it as an alias in the package contents <- readRDS(sub("/help", "/Meta/Rd.rds", path, fixed = TRUE)) files <- sub("\\.[Rr]d$", "", contents$File) if(! helpdoc %in% files) { ## or call help() aliases <- contents$Aliases lens <- sapply(aliases, length) aliases <- structure(rep.int(contents$File, lens), names = unlist(aliases)) tmp <- sub("\\.[Rr]d$", "", aliases[helpdoc]) if(is.na(tmp)) { msg <- gettextf("Link %s in package %s could not be located", mono(helpdoc), mono(pkg)) files <- help(helpdoc, help_type = "text", try.all.packages = TRUE) if (length(files)) { path <- dirname(dirname(files)) files <- paste0('/library/', basename(path), '/html/', basename(files), '.html') msg <- c(msg, "
", "However, you might be looking for one of", "

", paste0('

', mono(files), "

") ) } return(error_page(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))) } helpdoc <- tmp } ## Now we know which document we want in which package dirpath <- dirname(path) pkgname <- basename(dirpath) RdDB <- file.path(path, pkgname) outfile <- tempfile("Rhttpd") Rd2HTML(utils:::.getHelpFile(file.path(path, helpdoc)), out = outfile, package = dirpath, dynamic = TRUE) on.exit(unlink(outfile)) return(list(payload = paste(readLines(outfile), collapse = "\n"))) } else if (grepl(docRegexp, path)) { ## ----------------------- package doc directory --------------------- pkg <- sub(docRegexp, "\\1", path) rest <- sub(docRegexp, "\\2", path) docdir <- system.file("doc", package = pkg) up <- paste0("/library/", pkg, "/html/00Index.html") if(!nzchar(docdir)) return(error_page(gettextf("No docs found for package %s", mono(pkg)))) if(nzchar(rest) && rest != "/") { ## FIXME should we check existence here? file <- paste0(docdir, rest) if(isTRUE(file.info(file)$isdir)) return(.HTMLdirListing(file, paste0("/library/", pkg, "/doc", rest), up)) else return(list(file = file, "content-type" = mime_type(rest))) } else { ## request to list /doc return(.HTMLdirListing(docdir, paste("/library", pkg, "doc", sep="/"), up)) } } else if (grepl(demoRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(demoRegexp, "\\1", path) url <- paste0("", httpdPort, "/doc/html/Search?package=", pkg, "&agrep=FALSE&types=demo") return(list(payload = paste0('Redirect to help.search()'), "content-type" = 'text/html', header = paste0('Location: ', url), "status code" = 302L)) # temporary redirect } else if (grepl(demosRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(demosRegexp, "\\1", path) demo <- sub(demosRegexp, "\\2", path) file <- system.file(file.path("demo", demo), package=pkg) return(list(file = file, "content-type" = mime_type(demo))) } else if (grepl(DemoRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(DemoRegexp, "\\1", path) demo <- sub(DemoRegexp, "\\2", path) demo(demo, package=pkg, character.only=TRUE, ask=FALSE) return( list(payload = paste0("Demo '", pkg, "::", demo, "' was run in the console.", " To repeat, type 'demo(", pkg, "::", demo, ")' in the console.")) ) } else if (grepl(newsRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(newsRegexp, "\\1", path) formatted <- toHTML(news(package = pkg), title=paste("NEWS in package", sQuote(pkg)), up="html/00Index.html") if (length(formatted)) return( list(payload = paste(formatted, collapse="\n")) ) else return( list(file = system.file("NEWS", package = pkg), "content-type" = paste0("text/plain", charsetSetting(pkg) ) ) ) } else if (grepl(figureRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(figureRegexp, "\\1", path) fig <- sub(figureRegexp, "\\3", path) file <- system.file("help", "figures", fig, package=pkg) return( list(file=file, "content-type" = mime_type(fig)) ) } else if (grepl(sessionRegexp, path)) { tail <- sub(sessionRegexp, "", path) file <- file.path(tempdir(), tail) return( list(file=file, "content-type" = mime_type(tail)) ) } else if (grepl(cssRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(cssRegexp, "\\1", path) return( list(file = system.file("html", "R.css", package = pkg), "content-type" = "text/css") ) } else if (grepl("^/library/", path)) { descRegexp <- "^/library/+([^/]+)/+DESCRIPTION$" if(grepl(descRegexp, path)) { pkg <- sub(descRegexp, "\\1", path) file <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = pkg) return(list(file = file, "content-type" = paste0("text/plain", charsetSetting(pkg)))) } else return(error_page(gettextf("Only help files, %s, %s and files under %s and %s in a package can be viewed", mono("NEWS"), mono("DESCRIPTION"), mono("doc/"), mono("demo/")))) } ## ----------------------- R docs --------------------- if(path == "/doc/html/Search.html") { ## redirect to the page that has search enabled list(file = file.path(R.home("doc"), "html/SearchOn.html")) } else if(path == "/doc/html/Search") { .HTMLsearch(query) } else if(path == "/doc/html/packages.html") { ## remake as needed utils::make.packages.html(temp = TRUE) list(file = file.path(tempdir(), ".R", path)) } else if(grepl("doc/html/.*html$" , path) && file.exists(tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), ".R", path))) { ## use updated version, e.g. of packages.html list(file = tmp) } else { if(grepl("^/doc/", path)) { ## /doc/AUTHORS and so on. file <- file.path(R.home("doc"), sub("^/doc", "", path)) } else return(error_page(gettextf("unsupported URL %s", mono(path)))) if(!file.exists(file)) error_page(gettextf("URL %s was not found", mono(path))) else list(file = file, "content-type" = mime_type(path)) } } ## 0 = untried, < 0 = failed to start, > 0 = actual port httpdPort <- 0L startDynamicHelp <- function(start=TRUE) { env <- environment(startDynamicHelp) if(nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_DISABLE_HTTPD"))) { unlockBinding("httpdPort", env) httpdPort <<- -1L lockBinding("httpdPort", env) warning("httpd server disabled by R_DISABLE_HTTPD", immediate. = TRUE) utils::flush.console() return(httpdPort) } if (start && httpdPort) { if(httpdPort > 0) stop("server already running") else stop("server could not be started on an earlier attempt") } if(!start && httpdPort <= 0L) stop("no running server to stop") unlockBinding("httpdPort", env) if (start) { message("starting httpd help server ...", appendLF = FALSE) utils::flush.console() OK <- FALSE ports <- getOption("help.ports") if (is.null(ports)) { ## Choose 10 random port numbers between 10000 and 32000. ## The random seed might match ## on multiple instances, so add the time as well. But the ## time may only be accurate to seconds, so rescale it to ## 5 minute units. ports <- 10000 + 22000*((stats::runif(10) + unclass(Sys.time())/300) %% 1) } ports <- as.integer(ports) for(i in seq_along(ports)) { ## the next can throw an R-level error, ## so do not assign port unless it succeeds. status <- .Call(startHTTPD, "", ports[i]) if (status == 0L) { OK <- TRUE httpdPort <<- ports[i] break } if (status != -2L) break ## so status was -2, which means port in use } if (OK) { message(" done") utils::flush.console() ## FIXME: actually test the server } else { warning("failed to start the httpd server", immediate. = TRUE) utils::flush.console() httpdPort <<- -1L } } else { ## Not really tested .Call(stopHTTPD) httpdPort <<- 0L } lockBinding("httpdPort", env) invisible(httpdPort) } ## environment holding potential custom httpd handlers .httpd.handlers.env <- new.env()