# File src/library/tools/R/license.R
# Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org
# Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
## We want *standardized* license specs so that we can compute on them.
## In particular, we want to know whether licenses are recognizable as
## FOSS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software)
## licenses.
## A license spec is standardized ("canonical") if it is an alternative
## of component specs which are one of the following:
## A. "Unlimited"
## B. "file LICENSE" or "file LICENCE"
## C. A specification based on the R license db
## * A standard short specification (SSS field)
## * The name or abbreviation of an unversioned license
## * The name of abbreviation of a versioned license, optionally
## followed by a version spec
## * The name of a versioned license followed by the version
## * The abbrevation of a versioned license combined with '-',
## optionally followed by an extension spec as in B (in principle,
## only if the base license is extensible).
## A license spec is standardizable if we know to transform it to
## standardized form.
## Note that the R license db also contains non-FOSS licenses, and hence
## information (FOSS field) on the FOSS status of the licenses.
## Ideally, a license taken as FOSS would be approved as free by the FSF
## and as open by the OSI: we also take licenses as FOSS when approved
## by the FSF (and not rejected by the OSI).
## See
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html
## http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical
## fot the FSF and OSI license lists, and also
## http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses
## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_FSF_approved_software_licences
## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_OSI_approved_software_licences
## for more information.
re_anchor <-
if(length(s)) paste0("^", s, "$") else character()
re_group <-
if(length(s)) paste0("(", s, ")") else character()
re_or <-
function(s, group = TRUE) {
else if(group)
re_group(paste(s, collapse = "|"))
paste(s, collapse = "|")
.make_R_license_db <-
function(paths = NULL)
paths <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LICENSE_DB_PATHS"),
.Platform$path.sep, fixed = TRUE))
paths <- c(paths,
file.path(R.home("share"), "licenses", "license.db"))
ldb <- Reduce(function(u, v) merge(u, v, all = TRUE),
lapply(unique(normalizePath(paths)), read.dcf))
## Merging matrices gives a data frame.
ldb <- as.matrix(ldb)
ldb[is.na(ldb)] <- ""
## (Could also keep NAs and filter on is.finite() in subsequent
## computations.)
## FOSS == "yes" implues Restricts_use = "no":
ldb[ldb[, "FOSS"] == "yes", "Restricts_use"] <- "no"
ldb <- data.frame(ldb, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ldb$Labels <- R_license_db_labels(ldb)
ldb[!duplicated(ldb$Labels), ]
R_license_db_labels <-
if(is.null(ldb)) return(NULL)
lab <- ldb$SSS
pos <- which(lab == "")
abbrevs <- ldb$Abbrev[pos]
versions <- ldb$Version[pos]
lab[pos] <- ifelse(abbrevs != "", abbrevs, ldb$Name[pos])
ind <- nzchar(versions)
pos <- pos[ind]
lab[pos] <- sprintf("%s version %s", lab[pos], versions[ind])
R_license_db <- local({
val <- NULL
function(new) {
val <<- new
.make_R_license_db_vars <-
## Build license regexps and tables according to the specs.
ldb <- R_license_db()
## Standard short specification (SSS field) from the R license db.
pos <- which(nzchar(ldb$SSS))
names(pos) <- ldb$SSS[pos]
tab_sss <- pos
has_version <- nzchar(ldb$Version)
has_abbrev <- nzchar(ldb$Abbrev)
## Name or abbreviation of an unversioned license from the R license
## db.
pos <- which(!has_version)
names(pos) <- ldb$Name[pos]
tab_unversioned <- pos
pos <- which(has_abbrev & !has_version)
tab_unversioned[ldb$Abbrev[pos]] <- pos
## Versioned licenses from the R license db.
## Style A: Name of abbreviation of a versioned license, optionally
## followed by a version spec
## Style B: Name of a versioned license followed by the version.
## Style C: Abbrevation of a versioned license combined with '-'.
pos <- which(has_version)
names(pos) <- ldb$Name[pos]
tab_versioned_style_A <- split(pos, names(pos))
tab_versioned_style_B <- pos
names(tab_versioned_style_B) <-
paste(names(pos), ldb$Version[pos])
pos <- which(has_version & has_abbrev)
tab_versioned_style_A <-
c(tab_versioned_style_A, split(pos, ldb$Abbrev[pos]))
tab_versioned_style_C <- pos
names(tab_versioned_style_C) <-
operators <- c("<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=")
re_numeric_version <- .standard_regexps()$valid_numeric_version
re_single_version_spec <-
re_version_spec <-
paste0("(", re_single_version_spec, ",)*"),
re_sss <- re_or(names(tab_sss))
re_unversioned <- re_or(names(tab_unversioned))
re_versioned_style_A <-
paste0("(", re_version_spec, ")*"))
## Let's be nice ...
re_versioned_style_B <-
re_versioned_style_C <- re_or(names(tab_versioned_style_C))
re_license_in_db <-
re_license_file <- "file LICEN[CS]E"
re_license_extension <-
sprintf("[[:space:]]*\\+[[:space:]]*%s", re_license_file)
## Many standard licenses actually do not allow extensions.
## Ideally, we would only allow the extension markup for extensible
## standard licenses, as identified via an Extensible: TRUE field in
## the license db. But version ranges make this tricky: e.g.,
## GPL (>= 2) + file LICENSE
## is not right as GPL-2 does not allow extensions ...
## Hence, for now allow the extension markup with all standard
## licenses.
re_component <-
list(re_component = re_component,
re_license_file = re_license_file,
re_license_extension = re_license_extension,
re_single_version_spec = re_single_version_spec,
re_sss = re_sss,
re_unversioned = re_unversioned,
re_versioned_style_A = re_versioned_style_A,
re_versioned_style_B = re_versioned_style_B,
re_versioned_style_C = re_versioned_style_C,
tab_sss = tab_sss,
tab_unversioned = tab_unversioned,
tab_versioned_style_A = tab_versioned_style_A,
tab_versioned_style_B = tab_versioned_style_B,
tab_versioned_style_C = tab_versioned_style_C)
R_license_db_vars <- local({
val <- NULL
function(new) {
val <<- new
R_license_db_refresh_cache <-
function(paths = NULL)
## Standardizable license specs:
## License specifications found on CRAN/BioC/Omegahat and manually
## classified as standardizable software licenses (even though not
## standardized/canonical), provided as a list of license specs named by
## the respective standardizations.
## With ongoing standardization this should gradually be eliminated.
## Last updated: 2009-02-19.
## Nasty issues.
## * There really is no GPL version 2.0.
## Unfortunately, the FSF uses 2.0 in URLs or links
## (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
## The text clearly says "Version 2, June 1991".
## * There really is no LGPL version 2.0.
## Unfortunately, the FSF uses 2.0 in URLs or links
## (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/).
## The text clearly says "Version 2, June 1991".
## * CeCILL is a bit of a mess: the current version is referred to as
## "version 2" (http://www.cecill.info/licences.en.html) but
## internally uses "Version 2.0 dated 2006-09-05"
## (http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt).
.standardizable_license_specs <-
list("Artistic-2.0" =
c("The Artistic License, Version 2.0",
"Artistic 2.0",
"Artistic-2.0, see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php"
"BSL" =
c("Boost Software License",
"Boost Software License 1.0",
"BSL 1.0"
"CeCILL-2" =
"GPL" =
c("GNU Public License",
"Gnu GPL",
"GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)"
"GPL-2" =
## There is no GPL 2.0, see above.
"GNU General Public License 2.0.",
"GPL 2.0",
"GPL version 2.0",
"GPL Version 2",
"GNU GPL Version 2",
"GNU GPL version 2",
"GNU GPL version 2.",
"GPL (version 2)",
"GPL 2",
"GPL 2.",
"GPL version 2",
"GPL version 2 (June, 1991)",
"GPL version 2.",
## BioC:
"GPL V2",
"GPL, version 2"
"GPL-3" =
c("GPL Version 3",
"GPL version 3",
"GNU General Public Licence (GPLv3)",
"GPL 3",
"GPL v3"
"GPL (>= 2)" =
## There is no GPL 2.0, see above.
"GNU GPL v2.0 or greater",
"GPL 2.0 or higher",
"GPL 2.0 or newer",
"GPL version 2.0 or later",
"GPL version 2.0 or newer",
"GNU GPL (version 2 or later)",
"GNU GPL (version 2 or later); see the file COPYING for details",
"GNU GPL version 2 or newer",
"GNU General Public License version 2 or newer",
"GPL version 2 or later",
"GPL ( version 2 or later)",
"GPL (Version 2 or above)",
"GPL (Version 2 or later)",
"GPL (version 2 or higher)",
"GPL (version 2 or later)",
"GPL (version 2 or later, see the included file GPL)",
"GPL (version 2 or newer)",
"GPL 2 or later",
"GPL 2 or newer",
"GPL version 2 or any later version",
"GPL Version 2 or later",
"GPL Version 2 or later.",
"GPL Version 2 or newer",
"GPL Version 2 or newer.",
"GPL version 2 (June, 1991) or later",
"GPL version 2 (or newer)",
"GPL version 2 or later.",
"GPL version 2 or newer",
"GPL version 2 or newer (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)",
"GPL version 2 or newer (see README).",
"GPL version 2 or newer.",
"GPL version 2 or newer. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html",
"GPL version 2, or, at your option, any newer version.",
"GPL Version 2 (or later)",
"GPL version 2 (or later)",
"GPL version 2 or higher",
"GPL2 or later",
"GNU General Public License (version 2 or later)"
"GPL (>= 3)" =
c("GPL (version 3 or later)",
"GPL >=3"
"GPL | LGPL" =
c("GPL or LGPL by your choice"
"GPL | BSD" =
c("GPL, BSD"
"GPL-2 | file LICENSE" =
c("use under GPL2, or see file LICENCE"
"LGPL" =
c("LGPL (see ).",
"GNU LGPL (same as wxWidgets)."
"LGPL-2" =
"LGPL-2.1" =
c("LGPL version 2.1"
"LGPL-3" =
"LGPL (>= 2.0)" =
## There is no LGPL-2.0, see above.
"LGPL >= 2.0",
"LGPL Version 2 or later.",
"LGPL version 2 or newer",
"LGPL (version 2 or later)",
"LGPL version 2 or later"
"LGPL (>= 2.1)" =
c("LGPL version 2.1 or later"
"LGPL (>= 3.0)" =
c("LGPL >=3"
"X11" =
c("X11 (http://www.x.org/Downloads_terms.html)"
"Unlimited" =
c("Unlimited use and distribution."
.standardizable_license_specs_db <-
data.frame(ispecs =
ospecs =
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
analyze_license <-
.make_results <- function(is_empty = FALSE,
is_canonical = FALSE,
bad_components = character(),
is_standardizable = FALSE,
is_verified = FALSE,
standardization = NA_character_,
components = NULL,
expansions = NULL,
extensions = NULL,
pointers = NULL,
is_FOSS = NA,
restricts_use = NA)
list(is_empty = is_empty,
is_canonical = is_canonical,
bad_components = bad_components,
is_standardizable = is_standardizable,
is_verified = is_verified,
standardization = standardization,
components = components,
expansions = expansions,
extensions = extensions,
pointers = pointers,
is_FOSS = is_FOSS,
restricts_use = restricts_use)
x <- .strip_whitespace(x)
if(is.na(x) || (x == "")) {
## Not really a lot to check ...
## (Note that non-standardizable license specs are dropped by
## writePACKAGES() and friends.)
return(.make_results(is_empty = TRUE))
pointers <- NULL
extensions <- NULL
expansions <- NULL
is_verified <- FALSE
is_FOSS <- NA
restricts_use <- NA
## Try splitting into the individual components.
components <-
.strip_whitespace(unlist(strsplit(x, "|", fixed = TRUE)))
## Now analyze the individual components.
ok <- grepl(R_license_db_vars()$re_component, components)
bad_components <- components[!ok]
is_canonical <- all(ok)
## Is the license specification standardizable?
standardizable <-
components %in% .standardizable_license_specs_db$ispecs
is_standardizable <- (is_canonical || all(standardizable))
standardization <- if(is_standardizable) {
## Standardize the ones which are standardizable but not yet
## standardized.
ind <- !ok & standardizable
components[ind] <-
## Canonicalize the standardized ones a bit more (as we are
## rather generous about using whitespace).
ind <- ok & grepl("\\(", components)
if(any(ind)) {
s <- sub("[[:space:]]*\\([[:space:]]*", " \\(",
s <- sub("[[:space:]]*\\)", "\\)", s)
s <- gsub("[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*", ", ", s)
## Really re_or(operators) ...
s <- gsub("[[:space:]]+(<=?|>=?|==|!=)", " \\1", s)
components[ind] <-
" \\1", s)
paste(components, collapse = " | ")
} else NA_character_
## Analyze components provided that we know we can standardize.
if(is_standardizable) {
verifiable <- function(x, v = "yes")
!is.null(x) && all(!is.na(x) & (x == v))
## (More generally we could test for positive length of x: but
## a length test is needed because all(NULL) |=> TRUE.)
expansions <- lapply(components,
## The license is FOSS if there is one component which is
## "Unlimited" or has a positive number of expansions all of
## which are FOSS.
## If all components have a positive number of expansions where
## at least one is not FOSS, the license is not FOSS.
## Otherwise we do not know.
is_FOSS <- if(any(components == "Unlimited")) {
} else if(any(sapply(expansions,
function(e) verifiable(e$FOSS)))) {
} else if(all(sapply(expansions,
function(e) any(e$FOSS == "no")))) {
} else
## The license is verified (as FOSS) if it was verified as FOSS.
is_verified <- !is.na(is_FOSS) && is_FOSS
## The license does not restrict use if it is verified as FOSS,
## or if there is one component with a positive number of
## expansions all of which do not restrict use.
## If all components have a positive number of expansions where
## at least one of which restricts use, the license restricts
## use.
## Otherwise, we do not know.
restricts_use <- if(is_verified) {
} else if(any(sapply(expansions,
(length(e) &&
all(e$Restricts_use == "no"))))) {
} else if(all(sapply(expansions,
any(e$Restricts_use == "yes")))) {
} else
re <- R_license_db_vars()$re_license_file
pos <- grep(sprintf("%s$", re), components)
if(length(pos)) {
elements <- components[pos]
## Components with license file pointers.
pointers <- sub(".*file ", "", elements)
## Components with license extensions.
ind <- grepl("+", elements, fixed = TRUE)
extensions <-
data.frame(components = elements[ind],
extensible =
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Replace expansions by their labels from the license db.
## (As these are unique, we can always easily get the full
## expansions back.)
expansions <- lapply(expansions, `[[`, "Labels")
## Components which are "Unlimited" or "file LICEN[CS]E" have
## empty expansions:
ind <- grepl(sprintf("^(Unlimited|%s)$", re), components)
if(any(ind)) expansions[ind] <- as.list(components[ind])
## Components with license extensions have this dropped in the
## expansion.
m <- regexpr(sprintf("\\+ *%s$", re), components)
ind <- (m > -1L)
expansions[ind] <-
Map(paste, expansions[ind], regmatches(components, m))
.make_results(is_canonical = is_canonical,
bad_components = bad_components,
is_standardizable = is_standardizable,
standardization = standardization,
is_verified = is_verified,
components = components,
expansions = expansions,
extensions = extensions,
pointers = pointers,
is_FOSS = is_FOSS,
restricts_use = restricts_use)
.standardize_license_components <-
ospecs[match(x, ispecs)])
analyze_licenses <-
function(x, db = NULL)
x <- as.character(x)
if(!length(x)) return(NULL)
## As analyzing licenses is costly, only analyze the unique specs.
v <- unique(x)
out <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(v, analyze_license)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pos <- match(c("is_empty", "is_canonical", "is_standardizable",
"is_verified", "standardization", "is_FOSS",
out[pos] <- lapply(out[pos], unlist)
## And re-match specs to the unique specs.
out <- out[match(x, v), ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
if(!is.null(db)) {
## db should be a package db (data frame or character matrix)
## with rows corresponding to the elements of x.
cnms <- colnames(db)
if(!is.na(pos <- match("License_is_FOSS", cnms))) {
lif <- db[, pos]
pos <- which(!is.na(lif))
out$is_FOSS[pos] <- out$is_verified[pos] <-
(lif[pos] == "yes")
## is_FOSS implies !restricts_use:
pos <- pos[lif[pos] == "yes"]
out$restricts_use[pos] <- FALSE
if(!is.na(pos <- match("License_restricts_use", cnms))) {
lru <- db[, pos]
pos <- which(!is.na(lru))
out$restricts_use[pos] <- (lru[pos] == "yes")
## restricts_use implies !is_FOSS:
pos <- pos[lru[pos] == "yes"]
out$is_FOSS[pos] <- out$is_verified[pos] <- FALSE
build_license_db <-
function(dir, unpacked = FALSE)
CRAN <- getOption("repos")["CRAN"]
if(missing(dir) && substring(CRAN, 1L, 7L) == "file://")
dir <- file.path(substring(CRAN, 8L), "src", "contrib")
fields <- c("License", "License_is_FOSS", "License_restricts_use",
db <- .build_repository_package_db(dir, fields, unpacked = unpacked)
## Actually, for Omegehat this is not a good idea as this retains
## old versions in the "main" src/contrib directory. But let's not
## worry about this for now ...
db <- do.call("rbind", db)
## Retain what is needed ...
data.frame(db[ , c("Package", "Version", fields)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
analyze_licenses_in_license_db <-
results <- cbind(db, analyze_licenses(db$License, db))
## Keep License_is_FOSS and License_restricts_use columns for now,
## so that we can identify the is_FOSS and restricts_use values
## obtained from these.
analyze_licenses_in_repository <-
function(dir, unpacked = FALSE, full = TRUE)
db <- build_license_db(dir, unpacked)
if(!full) {
## Only keep the highest available versions.
## Such an option might be useful for build_license_db()
## itself.
db <- .remove_stale_dups(db)
summarize_license_db <-
packages <- db$Package
packages <- sprintf("%s_%s", packages, db$Version)
packages <- split(packages, db$License)
licenses <- names(packages)
out <- data.frame(Licenses = licenses, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## To get the 'packages' list into a data frame without I() ...
out$Packages <- packages
function(p) paste(unique(p), collapse = " ")),
style = "list"),
sep = "\n\n")
expand_license_spec_component_from_db <-
## Determine the license from the db matching a license spec
## component.
ldb <- R_license_db()
ldb_vars <- R_license_db_vars()
.numeric_version_meets_constraints_p <-
function(version, constraints)
version <- as.numeric_version(version)
for(term in constraints) {
re <- ldb_vars$re_single_version_spec
op <- sub(re, "\\1", term)
target <- sub(re, "\\2", term)
if(!eval(parse(text = paste("version", op, "target"))))
if(x == "Unlimited" ||
grepl(x, ldb_vars$re_license_file))
## Drop possible license extension.
x <- sub(ldb_vars$re_license_extension, "", x)
if(grepl(re_anchor(ldb_vars$re_sss), x)) {
pos <- ldb_vars$tab_sss[x]
ldb[pos, ]
else if(grepl(re_anchor(ldb_vars$re_unversioned), x)) {
pos <- ldb_vars$tab_unversioned[x]
ldb[pos, ]
else if(grepl(re <-
x)) {
## Extract name/abbrev and version spec.
v <- sub(re, "\\2", x)
x <- sub(re, "\\1", x)
## First, find the matching entries matching the name/abbrev.
pos <- ldb_vars$tab_versioned_style_A[[x]]
entries <- ldb[pos, ]
## Now determine the entries satisfying the version spec.
v <- sub("[[:space:]]*\\((.*)\\)[[:space:]]*", "\\1", v)
if(v != "") {
constraints <-
unlist(strsplit(v, "[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*"))
entries <-
constraints), ]
else if(grepl(re_anchor(ldb_vars$re_versioned_style_B),
x)) {
re <- sprintf("[[:space:]]+([Vv]ersion[[:space:]]+)?(%s)",
x <- sub(re, " \\2", x)
pos <- ldb_vars$tab_versioned_style_B[x]
ldb[pos, ]
else if(grepl(re_anchor(ldb_vars$re_versioned_style_C),
x)) {
pos <- ldb_vars$tab_versioned_style_C[x]
ldb[pos, ]