# File src/library/tools/R/testing.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team # # NB: also copyright date in Usage. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ ## functions principally for testing R and packages massageExamples <- function(pkg, files, outFile = stdout(), use_gct = FALSE, addTiming = FALSE) { if(file_test("-d", files[1L])) { old <- Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C") files <- sort(Sys.glob(file.path(files, "*.R"))) Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", old) } if(is.character(outFile)) { out <- file(outFile, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } else out <- outFile lines <- c(paste0('pkgname <- "', pkg, '"'), 'source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))', if (use_gct) { gct_n <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_GCT_N_", 0)) if(!is.na(gct_n) && gct_n > 0L) sprintf("gctorture2(%s)", gct_n) else "gctorture(TRUE)" }, "options(warn = 1)") cat(lines, sep = "\n", file = out) if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") cat("options(pager = \"console\")\n", file = out) if(addTiming) { ## adding timings cat("base::assign(\".ExTimings\", \"", pkg, "-Ex.timings\", pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", sep="", file = out) cat("base::cat(\"name\\tuser\\tsystem\\telapsed\\n\", file=base::get(\".ExTimings\", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))\n", file = out) ## a package left OutDec = "," at the end of an example cat("base::assign(\".format_ptime\",", "function(x) {", " if(!is.na(x[4L])) x[1L] <- x[1L] + x[4L]", " if(!is.na(x[5L])) x[2L] <- x[2L] + x[5L]", " options(OutDec = '.')", " format(x[1L:3L], digits = 7L)", "},", "pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", sep = "\n", file = out) cat("### * \n", file = out) } if(pkg == "tcltk") { if(capabilities("tcltk")) cat("require('tcltk')\n\n", file = out) else cat("q()\n\n", file = out) } else if(pkg != "base") cat("library('", pkg, "')\n\n", sep = "", file = out) cat("base::assign(\".oldSearch\", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", file = out) ## cat("assign(\".oldNS\", loadedNamespaces(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", file = out) for(file in files) { nm <- sub("\\.R$", "", basename(file)) ## make a syntactic name out of the filename nm <- gsub("[^- .a-zA-Z0-9_]", ".", nm, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) if (pkg == "grDevices" && nm == "postscript") next ## Latin-1 examples are treated separat if (pkg == "graphics" && nm == "text") next if(!file.exists(file)) stop("file ", file, " cannot be opened", domain = NA) lines <- readLines(file) have_examples <- any(grepl("_ Examples _|### \\*+ Examples", lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) ## skip comment lines com <- grep("^#", lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) lines1 <- if(length(com)) lines[-com] else lines have_par <- any(grepl("[^a-zA-Z0-9.]par\\(|^par\\(", lines1, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) have_contrasts <- any(grepl("options\\(contrasts", lines1, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) if(have_examples) cat("cleanEx()\nnameEx(\"", nm, "\")\n", sep = "", file = out) cat("### * ", nm, "\n\n", sep = "", file = out) cat("flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())\n\n", file = out) dont_test <- FALSE if(addTiming) cat("base::assign(\".ptime\", proc.time(), pos = \"CheckExEnv\")\n", file = out) for (line in lines) { if(any(grepl("^[[:space:]]*## No test:", line, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))) dont_test <- TRUE if(!dont_test) cat(line, "\n", sep = "", file = out) if(any(grepl("^[[:space:]]*## End\\(No test\\)", line, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))) dont_test <- FALSE } if(addTiming) { cat("base::assign(\".dptime\", (proc.time() - get(\".ptime\", pos = \"CheckExEnv\")), pos = \"CheckExEnv\")\n", file = out) cat("base::cat(\"", nm, "\", base::get(\".format_ptime\", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(\".dptime\", pos = \"CheckExEnv\")), \"\\n\", file=base::get(\".ExTimings\", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep=\"\\t\")\n", sep = "", file = out) } if(have_par) cat("graphics::par(get(\"par.postscript\", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))\n", file = out) if(have_contrasts) cat("base::options(contrasts = c(unordered = \"contr.treatment\",", "ordered = \"contr.poly\"))\n", sep="", file = out) } cat(readLines(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-footer.R")), sep = "\n", file = out) } ## compares 2 files Rdiff <- function(from, to, useDiff = FALSE, forEx = FALSE, nullPointers=TRUE, Log = FALSE) { clean <- function(txt) { if(!length(txt)) return(txt) ## remove R header if(length(top <- grep("^(R version|R : Copyright|R Under development)", txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) && length(bot <- grep("quit R.$", txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))) txt <- txt[-(top[1L]:bot[1L])] ## for massageExamples() ll <- grep("", txt, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) if(length(ll)) txt <- txt[-seq_len(max(ll))] ll <- grep("