# File src/library/utils/R/databrowser.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ browseEnv <- function(envir = .GlobalEnv, pattern, excludepatt = "^last\\.warning", html = .Platform$GUI != "AQUA", expanded = TRUE, properties = NULL, main = NULL, debugMe = FALSE) { objlist <- ls(envir = envir, pattern = pattern)#, all.names = FALSE if(length(iX <- grep(excludepatt, objlist))) objlist <- objlist[ - iX] if(debugMe) { cat("envir= "); print(envir) cat("objlist =\n"); print(objlist) } n <- length(objlist) if(n == 0L) { cat("Empty environment, nothing to do!\n") return(invisible()) } str1 <- function(obj) { md <- mode(obj) lg <- length(obj) objdim <- dim(obj) if(length(objdim) == 0L) dim.field <- paste("length:", lg) else{ dim.field <- "dim:" for(i in seq_along(objdim)) dim.field <- paste(dim.field,objdim[i]) if(is.matrix(obj)) md <- "matrix" } obj.class <- oldClass(obj) if(!is.null(obj.class)) { md <- obj.class[1L] if(inherits(obj, "factor")) dim.field <- paste("levels:",length(levels(obj))) } list(type = md, dim.field = dim.field) } N <- 0L M <- n IDS <- rep.int(NA,n) NAMES <- rep.int(NA,n) TYPES <- rep.int(NA,n) DIMS <- rep.int(NA,n) IsRoot <- rep.int(TRUE,n) Container <- rep.int(FALSE,n) ItemsPerContainer <- rep.int(0,n) ParentID <- rep.int(-1,n) for( objNam in objlist ){ N <- N+1L if(debugMe) cat(" ", N,":", objNam) obj <- get(objNam, envir = envir) sOb <- str1(obj) if(debugMe) cat(", type=", sOb$type,",", sOb$dim.field,"\n") ## Fixme : put these 4 in a matrix or data.frame row: IDS[N] <- N NAMES[N] <- objNam TYPES[N] <- sOb$type DIMS[N] <- sOb$dim.field if(is.recursive(obj) && !is.function(obj) && !is.environment(obj) ## includes "list", "expression", also "data.frame", .. && (lg <- length(obj))) { Container[N] <- TRUE ItemsPerContainer[N] <- lg nm <- names(obj) if(is.null(nm)) nm <- paste0("[[", format(1L:lg), "]]") for(i in 1L:lg) { M <- M+1 ParentID[M] <- N if(nm[i] == "") nm[i] <- paste0("[[", i, "]]") s.l <- str1(obj[[i]]) ##cat(" objname:",nm[i],", type=",md.l,",",dim.field.l,"\n") IDS <- c(IDS,M) NAMES <- c(NAMES, nm[i]) TYPES <- c(TYPES, s.l$type) DIMS <- c(DIMS, s.l$dim.field) } }## recursive else if(!is.null(class(obj))) { ## treat some special __non-recursive__ classes: if(inherits(obj, "table")) { obj.nms <- attr(obj,"dimnames") lg <- length(obj.nms) if(length(names(obj.nms)) >0) nm <- names(obj.nms) else nm <- rep.int("", lg) Container[N] <- TRUE ItemsPerContainer[N] <- lg for(i in seq_len(lg)){ M <- M+1L ParentID[M] <- N if(nm[i] == "") nm[i] = paste0("[[",i,"]]") md.l <- mode(obj.nms[[i]]) objdim.l <- dim(obj.nms[[i]]) if(length(objdim.l) == 0L) dim.field.l <- paste("length:", length(obj.nms[[i]])) else{ dim.field.l <- "dim:" for(j in seq_along(objdim.l)) dim.field.l <- paste(dim.field.l,objdim.l[i]) } ##cat(" objname:",nm[i],", type=",md.l,",",dim.field.l,"\n") IDS <- c(IDS,M) NAMES <- c(NAMES, nm[i]) TYPES <- c(TYPES, md.l) DIMS <- c(DIMS,dim.field.l) } }## "table" else if(inherits(obj, "mts")) { nm <- dimnames(obj)[[2L]] lg <- length(nm) Container[N] <- TRUE ItemsPerContainer[N] <- lg for(i in seq_len(lg)){ M <- M+1L ParentID[M] <- N md.l <- mode(obj[[i]]) dim.field.l <- paste("length:",dim(obj)[1L]) md.l <- "ts" ##cat(" tseries:",nm[i],", type=",md.l,",",dim.field.l,"\n") IDS <- c(IDS,M) NAMES <- c(NAMES, nm[i]) TYPES <- c(TYPES, md.l) DIMS <- c(DIMS,dim.field.l) } }## "mts" } ## recursive or classed } ## "for each object" if(debugMe) cat(" __end {for}\n ")##; browser() Container <- c(Container, rep.int(FALSE, M-N)) IsRoot <- c(IsRoot, rep.int(FALSE, M-N)) ItemsPerContainer <- c(ItemsPerContainer, rep.int(0, M-N)) if(is.null(main)) main <- paste("R objects in", deparse(substitute(envir))) if(is.null(properties)) { properties <- as.list(c(date = format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%b-%d %H:%M"), local({ si <- Sys.info() si[c("user","nodename","sysname")]}))) } if(html) wsbrowser(IDS, IsRoot, Container, ItemsPerContainer, ParentID, NAMES, TYPES, DIMS, kind = "HTML", main = main, properties = properties, expanded) else if(.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") { awsbrowser <- get("wsbrowser", envir = as.environment("tools:RGUI")) awsbrowser(as.integer(IDS), IsRoot, Container, as.integer(ItemsPerContainer), as.integer(ParentID), NAMES, TYPES, DIMS) } else stop("only 'html = TRUE' is supported on this platform") } wsbrowser <- function(IDS, IsRoot, IsContainer, ItemsPerContainer, ParentID, NAMES, TYPES, DIMS, expanded=TRUE, kind = "HTML", main = "R Workspace", properties = list(), browser = getOption("browser")) { if(kind != "HTML") stop(gettextf("kind '%s' not yet implemented", kind), domain = NA) bold <- function(ch) paste0("",ch,"") ital <- function(ch) paste0("",ch,"") entry <- function(ch) paste0("",ch,"") Par <- function(ch) paste0("


") Trow <- function(N, ...) { if(length(list(...)) != N) stop("wrong number of table row entries") paste("", ..., "\n") } catRow <- function(...) cat(Trow(nCol, ...), file = Hfile) # n <- length(IDS) RootItems <- which(IsRoot) NumOfRoots <- length(RootItems) props <- properties if(length(props)) { ## translate named list into 2-column (vertical) table nms <- names(props) nms <- unlist(lapply(unlist(lapply(paste0(nms,":"), bold)), entry)) props <- unlist(lapply(props, entry)) props <- paste("", paste(Trow(1, paste(nms, props)), collapse=""), "
", sep = "\n") } fname <- file.path(tempdir(), "wsbrowser.html") Hfile <- file(fname,"w") cat("\n", main, "browser\n", "


\n", if(is.character(props)) Par(props), "\n", file = Hfile) nCol <- if(expanded) 4L else 3L catRow(entry(bold("Object")), if(expanded) entry(bold(ital("(components)"))), entry(bold("Type")), entry(bold("Property"))) for(i in seq_len(NumOfRoots)) { iid <- RootItems[i] catRow(entry(NAMES[iid]), if(expanded) entry(""), entry(ital(TYPES[iid])), entry(DIMS[iid])) if(IsContainer[i] && expanded) { items <- which(ParentID == i) for(j in seq_len(ItemsPerContainer[i])) { id <- IDS[items[j]] catRow(entry(""), entry(NAMES[id]),#was paste0("$",NAMES[id]) : ugly for [[i]] entry(ital(TYPES[id])), entry(DIMS[id])) } } } cat("
\n",file=Hfile) close(Hfile) switch(.Platform$OS.type, windows = , ## do we need anything here? unix = { url <- fname }, ) if(substr(url, 1L, 1L) != "/") url <- paste0("/", url) url <- paste0("file://", URLencode(url)) browseURL(url = url, browser = browser) cat(main, "environment is shown in browser", if(is.character(browser)) sQuote(browser),"\n") invisible(fname) }