# File src/library/utils/R/packageStatus.R # Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org # # Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at # http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ packageStatus <- function(lib.loc = NULL, repositories = NULL, method, type = getOption("pkgType")) { newestVersion <- function(x) { vers <- package_version(x) max <- vers[1L] for (i in seq_along(vers)) if (max < vers[i]) max <- vers[i] which.max(vers == max) } if(is.null(lib.loc)) lib.loc <- .libPaths() if(is.null(repositories)) repositories <- contrib.url(getOption("repos"), type = type) ## convert character matrices to dataframes char2df <- function(x) { y <- list() for(k in 1L:ncol(x)) y[[k]] <- x[,k] attr(y, "names") <- colnames(x) attr(y, "row.names") <- make.unique(y[[1L]]) class(y) <- "data.frame" y } y <- char2df(installed.packages(lib.loc = lib.loc)) y[, "Status"] <- "ok" z <- available.packages(repositories, method) ## only consider the newest version of each package ## in the first repository where it appears ztab <- table(z[,"Package"]) for(pkg in names(ztab)[ztab>1]){ zrow <- which(z[,"Package"]==pkg) znewest <- newestVersion(z[zrow,"Version"]) ## and now exclude everything but the newest z <- z[-zrow[-znewest],] } z <- cbind(z, Status = "not installed") z[z[,"Package"] %in% y$Package, "Status"] <- "installed" z <- char2df(z) attr(z, "row.names") <- z$Package for(k in 1L:nrow(y)){ pkg <- y[k, "Package"] if(pkg %in% z$Package) { if(package_version(y[k, "Version"]) < package_version(z[pkg, "Version"])) { y[k, "Status"] <- "upgrade" } } else { if(!(y[k, "Priority"] %in% "base")) y[k, "Status"] <- "unavailable" } } y$LibPath <- factor(y$LibPath, levels=lib.loc) y$Status <- factor(y$Status, levels=c("ok", "upgrade", "unavailable")) z$Repository <- factor(z$Repository, levels=repositories) z$Status <- factor(z$Status, levels=c("installed", "not installed")) retval <- list(inst=y, avail=z) class(retval) <- "packageStatus" retval } summary.packageStatus <- function(object, ...) { Libs <- levels(object$inst$LibPath) Repos <- levels(object$avail$Repository) byLib <- split(object$inst, object$inst$LibPath) Libs <- lapply(split(object$inst, object$inst$LibPath), function(x) tapply(x$Package, x$Status, function(x) sort(as.character(x)))) Repos <- lapply(split(object$avail, object$avail$Repository), function(x) tapply(x$Package, x$Status, function(x) sort(as.character(x)))) object$Libs <- Libs object$Repos <- Repos class(object) <- c("summary.packageStatus", "packageStatus") object } print.summary.packageStatus <- function(x, ...) { cat("\nInstalled packages:\n") cat( "-------------------\n") for(k in seq_along(x$Libs)) { cat("\n*** Library ", names(x$Libs)[k], "\n", sep = "") print(x$Libs[[k]], ...) } cat("\n\nAvailable packages:\n") cat( "-------------------\n") cat("(each package appears only once)\n") for(k in seq_along(x$Repos)){ cat("\n*** Repository ", names(x$Repos)[k], "\n", sep = "") print(x$Repos[[k]], ...) } invisible(x) } print.packageStatus <- function(x, ...) { cat("Number of installed packages:\n") print(table(x$inst$LibPath, x$inst$Status), ...) cat("\nNumber of available packages (each package counted only once):\n") print(table(x$avail$Repository, x$avail$Status), ...) invisible(x) } update.packageStatus <- function(object, lib.loc=levels(object$inst$LibPath), repositories=levels(object$avail$Repository), ...) { packageStatus(lib.loc=lib.loc, repositories=repositories) } upgrade <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("upgrade") upgrade.packageStatus <- function(object, ask=TRUE, ...) { update <- NULL old <- which(object$inst$Status == "upgrade") if(length(old) == 0L) { cat("Nothing to do!\n") return(invisible()) } askprint <- function(x) write.table(x, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = " at ") haveasked <- character() if(ask) { for(k in old) { pkg <- object$inst[k, "Package"] tmpstring <- paste(pkg, as.character(object$inst[k, "LibPath"])) if(tmpstring %in% haveasked) next haveasked <- c(haveasked, tmpstring) cat("\n") cat(pkg, ":\n") askprint(object$inst[k,c("Version", "LibPath")]) askprint(object$avail[pkg, c("Version", "Repository")]) answer <- substr(readline("Update (y/N/x)? "), 1L, 1L) if(answer == "c" | answer == "c") { cat("cancelled by user\n") return(invisible()) } if(answer == "y" | answer == "Y") update <- rbind(update, c(pkg, as.character(object$inst[k, "LibPath"]), as.character(object$avail[pkg, "Repository"]))) } } else { pkgs <- object$inst[ ,"Package"] update <- cbind(pkgs, as.character(object$inst[ , "LibPath"]), as.character(object$avail[pkgs, "Repository"])) update <- update[old, , drop=FALSE] } if(length(update)) { for(repo in unique(update[,3])) { ok <- update[, 3] == repo install.packages(update[ok, 1], update[ok, 2], contriburl = repo) } } }