% File src/library/utils/man/page.Rd % Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org % Copyright 1995-2007 R Core Team % Distributed under GPL 2 or later \name{page} \alias{page} \title{Invoke a Pager on an R Object} \description{ Displays a representation of the object named by \code{x} in a pager \emph{via} \code{\link{file.show}}. } \usage{ page(x, method = c("dput", "print"), \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \R object, or a character string naming an object.} \item{method}{The default method is to dump the object \emph{via} \code{\link{dput}}. An alternative is to use \code{print} and capture the output to be shown in the pager.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments for \code{\link{dput}}, \code{\link{print}} or \code{\link{file.show}} (such as \code{title}).} } \details{ If \code{x} is a length-one character vector, it is used as the name of an object to look up in the environment from which \code{page} is called. All other objects are displayed directly. A default value of \code{title} is passed to \code{file.show} if one is not supplied in \code{\dots}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{file.show}}, \code{\link{edit}}, \code{\link{fix}}. To go to a new page when graphing, see \code{\link{frame}}. } \examples{\dontrun{## four ways to look at the code of 'page' page(page) # as an object page("page") # a character string v <- "page"; page(v) # a length-one character vector page(utils::page) # a call }} \keyword{utilities}