/* * Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions * Copyright (C) 1998-2014 Ross Ihaka and the R Core team. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ */ /* DESCRIPTION --> see below */ /* From http://www.netlib.org/specfun/rjbesl Fortran translated by f2c,... * ------------------------------=#---- Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich * Additional code for nu == alpha < 0 MM */ #include "nmath.h" #include "bessel.h" #ifndef MATHLIB_STANDALONE #include #endif #define min0(x, y) (((x) <= (y)) ? (x) : (y)) static void J_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, int *nb, double *b, int *ncalc); double bessel_j(double x, double alpha) { int nb, ncalc; double na, *bj; #ifndef MATHLIB_STANDALONE const void *vmax; #endif #ifdef IEEE_754 /* NaNs propagated correctly */ if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(alpha)) return x + alpha; #endif if (x < 0) { ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "bessel_j"); return ML_NAN; } na = floor(alpha); if (alpha < 0) { /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun 9.1.2 * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */ return(bessel_j(x, -alpha) * cospi(alpha) + ((alpha == na) ? 0 : bessel_y(x, -alpha) * sinpi(alpha))); } nb = 1 + (int)na; /* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */ alpha -= (double)(nb-1); #ifdef MATHLIB_STANDALONE bj = (double *) calloc(nb, sizeof(double)); if (!bj) MATHLIB_ERROR("%s", _("bessel_j allocation error")); #else vmax = vmaxget(); bj = (double *) R_alloc((size_t) nb, sizeof(double)); #endif J_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, bj, &ncalc); if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */ if(ncalc < 0) MATHLIB_WARNING4(_("bessel_j(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Arg. out of range?\n"), x, ncalc, nb, alpha); else MATHLIB_WARNING2(_("bessel_j(%g,nu=%g): precision lost in result\n"), x, alpha+(double)nb-1); } x = bj[nb-1]; #ifdef MATHLIB_STANDALONE free(bj); #else vmaxset(vmax); #endif return x; } /* modified version of bessel_j that accepts a work array instead of allocating one. */ double bessel_j_ex(double x, double alpha, double *bj) { int nb, ncalc; double na; #ifdef IEEE_754 /* NaNs propagated correctly */ if (ISNAN(x) || ISNAN(alpha)) return x + alpha; #endif if (x < 0) { ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "bessel_j"); return ML_NAN; } na = floor(alpha); if (alpha < 0) { /* Using Abramowitz & Stegun 9.1.2 * this may not be quite optimal (CPU and accuracy wise) */ return(bessel_j_ex(x, -alpha, bj) * cospi(alpha) + ((alpha == na) ? 0 : bessel_y_ex(x, -alpha, bj) * sinpi(alpha))); } nb = 1 + (int)na; /* nb-1 <= alpha < nb */ alpha -= (double)(nb-1); J_bessel(&x, &alpha, &nb, bj, &ncalc); if(ncalc != nb) {/* error input */ if(ncalc < 0) MATHLIB_WARNING4(_("bessel_j(%g): ncalc (=%ld) != nb (=%ld); alpha=%g. Arg. out of range?\n"), x, ncalc, nb, alpha); else MATHLIB_WARNING2(_("bessel_j(%g,nu=%g): precision lost in result\n"), x, alpha+(double)nb-1); } x = bj[nb-1]; return x; } static void J_bessel(double *x, double *alpha, int *nb, double *b, int *ncalc) { /* Calculates Bessel functions J_{n+alpha} (x) for non-negative argument x, and non-negative order n+alpha, n = 0,1,..,nb-1. Explanation of variables in the calling sequence. X - Non-negative argument for which J's are to be calculated. ALPHA - Fractional part of order for which J's are to be calculated. 0 <= ALPHA < 1. NB - Number of functions to be calculated, NB >= 1. The first function calculated is of order ALPHA, and the last is of order (NB - 1 + ALPHA). B - Output vector of length NB. If RJBESL terminates normally (NCALC=NB), the vector B contains the functions J/ALPHA/(X) through J/NB-1+ALPHA/(X). NCALC - Output variable indicating possible errors. Before using the vector B, the user should check that NCALC=NB, i.e., all orders have been calculated to the desired accuracy. See the following **************************************************************** Error return codes In case of an error, NCALC != NB, and not all J's are calculated to the desired accuracy. NCALC < 0: An argument is out of range. For example, NBES <= 0, ALPHA < 0 or > 1, or X is too large. In this case, b[1] is set to zero, the remainder of the B-vector is not calculated, and NCALC is set to MIN(NB,0)-1 so that NCALC != NB. NB > NCALC > 0: Not all requested function values could be calculated accurately. This usually occurs because NB is much larger than ABS(X). In this case, b[N] is calculated to the desired accuracy for N <= NCALC, but precision is lost for NCALC < N <= NB. If b[N] does not vanish for N > NCALC (because it is too small to be represented), and b[N]/b[NCALC] = 10^(-K), then only the first NSIG - K significant figures of b[N] can be trusted. Acknowledgement This program is based on a program written by David J. Sookne (2) that computes values of the Bessel functions J or I of float argument and long order. Modifications include the restriction of the computation to the J Bessel function of non-negative float argument, the extension of the computation to arbitrary positive order, and the elimination of most underflow. References: Olver, F.W.J., and Sookne, D.J. (1972) "A Note on Backward Recurrence Algorithms"; Math. Comp. 26, 941-947. Sookne, D.J. (1973) "Bessel Functions of Real Argument and Integer Order"; NBS Jour. of Res. B. 77B, 125-132. Latest modification: March 19, 1990 Author: W. J. Cody Applied Mathematics Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439 ******************************************************************* */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical constants PI2 = 2 / PI TWOPI1 = first few significant digits of 2 * PI TWOPI2 = (2*PI - TWOPI1) to working precision, i.e., TWOPI1 + TWOPI2 = 2 * PI to extra precision. --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const static double pi2 = .636619772367581343075535; const static double twopi1 = 6.28125; const static double twopi2 = .001935307179586476925286767; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Factorial(N) *--------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const static double fact[25] = { 1.,1.,2.,6.,24.,120.,720.,5040.,40320., 362880.,3628800.,39916800.,479001600.,6227020800.,87178291200., 1.307674368e12,2.0922789888e13,3.55687428096e14,6.402373705728e15, 1.21645100408832e17,2.43290200817664e18,5.109094217170944e19, 1.12400072777760768e21,2.585201673888497664e22, 6.2044840173323943936e23 }; /* Local variables */ int nend, intx, nbmx, i, j, k, l, m, n, nstart; double nu, twonu, capp, capq, pold, vcos, test, vsin; double p, s, t, z, alpem, halfx, aa, bb, cc, psave, plast; double tover, t1, alp2em, em, en, xc, xk, xm, psavel, gnu, xin, sum; /* Parameter adjustment */ --b; nu = *alpha; twonu = nu + nu; /*------------------------------------------------------------------- Check for out of range arguments. -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (*nb > 0 && *x >= 0. && 0. <= nu && nu < 1.) { *ncalc = *nb; if(*x > xlrg_BESS_IJ) { ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "J_bessel"); /* indeed, the limit is 0, * but the cutoff happens too early */ for(i=1; i <= *nb; i++) b[i] = 0.; /*was ML_POSINF (really nonsense) */ return; } intx = (int) (*x); /* Initialize result array to zero. */ for (i = 1; i <= *nb; ++i) b[i] = 0.; /*=================================================================== Branch into 3 cases : 1) use 2-term ascending series for small X 2) use asymptotic form for large X when NB is not too large 3) use recursion otherwise ===================================================================*/ if (*x < rtnsig_BESS) { /* --------------------------------------------------------------- Two-term ascending series for small X. --------------------------------------------------------------- */ alpem = 1. + nu; halfx = (*x > enmten_BESS) ? .5 * *x : 0.; aa = (nu != 0.) ? pow(halfx, nu) / (nu * Rf_gamma_cody(nu)) : 1.; bb = (*x + 1. > 1.)? -halfx * halfx : 0.; b[1] = aa + aa * bb / alpem; if (*x != 0. && b[1] == 0.) *ncalc = 0; if (*nb != 1) { if (*x <= 0.) { for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) b[n] = 0.; } else { /* ---------------------------------------------- Calculate higher order functions. ---------------------------------------------- */ if (bb == 0.) tover = (enmten_BESS + enmten_BESS) / *x; else tover = enmten_BESS / bb; cc = halfx; for (n = 2; n <= *nb; ++n) { aa /= alpem; alpem += 1.; aa *= cc; if (aa <= tover * alpem) aa = 0.; b[n] = aa + aa * bb / alpem; if (b[n] == 0. && *ncalc > n) *ncalc = n - 1; } } } } else if (*x > 25. && *nb <= intx + 1) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Asymptotic series for X > 25 (and not too large nb) ------------------------------------------------------------ */ xc = sqrt(pi2 / *x); xin = 1 / (64 * *x * *x); if (*x >= 130.) m = 4; else if (*x >= 35.) m = 8; else m = 11; xm = 4. * (double) m; /* ------------------------------------------------ Argument reduction for SIN and COS routines. ------------------------------------------------ */ t = trunc(*x / (twopi1 + twopi2) + .5); z = (*x - t * twopi1) - t * twopi2 - (nu + .5) / pi2; vsin = sin(z); vcos = cos(z); gnu = twonu; for (i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) { s = (xm - 1. - gnu) * (xm - 1. + gnu) * xin * .5; t = (gnu - (xm - 3.)) * (gnu + (xm - 3.)); t1= (gnu - (xm + 1.)) * (gnu + (xm + 1.)); k = m + m; capp = s * t / fact[k]; capq = s * t1/ fact[k + 1]; xk = xm; for (; k >= 4; k -= 2) {/* k + 2(j-2) == 2m */ xk -= 4.; s = (xk - 1. - gnu) * (xk - 1. + gnu); t1 = t; t = (gnu - (xk - 3.)) * (gnu + (xk - 3.)); capp = (capp + 1. / fact[k - 2]) * s * t * xin; capq = (capq + 1. / fact[k - 1]) * s * t1 * xin; } capp += 1.; capq = (capq + 1.) * (gnu * gnu - 1.) * (.125 / *x); b[i] = xc * (capp * vcos - capq * vsin); if (*nb == 1) return; /* vsin <--> vcos */ t = vsin; vsin = -vcos; vcos = t; gnu += 2.; } /* ----------------------------------------------- If NB > 2, compute J(X,ORDER+I) for I = 2, NB-1 ----------------------------------------------- */ if (*nb > 2) for (gnu = twonu + 2., j = 3; j <= *nb; j++, gnu += 2.) b[j] = gnu * b[j - 1] / *x - b[j - 2]; } else { /* rtnsig_BESS <= x && ( x <= 25 || intx+1 < *nb ) : -------------------------------------------------------- Use recurrence to generate results. First initialize the calculation of P*S. -------------------------------------------------------- */ nbmx = *nb - intx; n = intx + 1; en = (double)(n + n) + twonu; plast = 1.; p = en / *x; /* --------------------------------------------------- Calculate general significance test. --------------------------------------------------- */ test = ensig_BESS + ensig_BESS; if (nbmx >= 3) { /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Calculate P*S until N = NB-1. Check for possible overflow. ---------------------------------------------------------- */ tover = enten_BESS / ensig_BESS; nstart = intx + 2; nend = *nb - 1; en = (double) (nstart + nstart) - 2. + twonu; for (k = nstart; k <= nend; ++k) { n = k; en += 2.; pold = plast; plast = p; p = en * plast / *x - pold; if (p > tover) { /* ------------------------------------------- To avoid overflow, divide P*S by TOVER. Calculate P*S until ABS(P) > 1. -------------------------------------------*/ tover = enten_BESS; p /= tover; plast /= tover; psave = p; psavel = plast; nstart = n + 1; do { ++n; en += 2.; pold = plast; plast = p; p = en * plast / *x - pold; } while (p <= 1.); bb = en / *x; /* ----------------------------------------------- Calculate backward test and find NCALC, the highest N such that the test is passed. ----------------------------------------------- */ test = pold * plast * (.5 - .5 / (bb * bb)); test /= ensig_BESS; p = plast * tover; --n; en -= 2.; nend = min0(*nb,n); for (l = nstart; l <= nend; ++l) { pold = psavel; psavel = psave; psave = en * psavel / *x - pold; if (psave * psavel > test) { *ncalc = l - 1; goto L190; } } *ncalc = nend; goto L190; } } n = nend; en = (double) (n + n) + twonu; /* ----------------------------------------------------- Calculate special significance test for NBMX > 2. -----------------------------------------------------*/ test = fmax2(test, sqrt(plast * ensig_BESS) * sqrt(p + p)); } /* ------------------------------------------------ Calculate P*S until significance test passes. */ do { ++n; en += 2.; pold = plast; plast = p; p = en * plast / *x - pold; } while (p < test); L190: /*--------------------------------------------------------------- Initialize the backward recursion and the normalization sum. --------------------------------------------------------------- */ ++n; en += 2.; bb = 0.; aa = 1. / p; m = n / 2; em = (double)m; m = (n << 1) - (m << 2);/* = 2 n - 4 (n/2) = 0 for even, 2 for odd n */ if (m == 0) sum = 0.; else { alpem = em - 1. + nu; alp2em = em + em + nu; sum = aa * alpem * alp2em / em; } nend = n - *nb; /* if (nend > 0) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------- Recur backward via difference equation, calculating (but not storing) b[N], until N = NB. -------------------------------------------------------- */ for (l = 1; l <= nend; ++l) { --n; en -= 2.; cc = bb; bb = aa; aa = en * bb / *x - cc; m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */ if (m != 0) { em -= 1.; alp2em = em + em + nu; if (n == 1) break; alpem = em - 1. + nu; if (alpem == 0.) alpem = 1.; sum = (sum + aa * alp2em) * alpem / em; } } /*-------------------------------------------------- Store b[NB]. --------------------------------------------------*/ b[n] = aa; if (nend >= 0) { if (*nb <= 1) { if (nu + 1. == 1.) alp2em = 1.; else alp2em = nu; sum += b[1] * alp2em; goto L250; } else {/*-- nb >= 2 : --------------------------- Calculate and store b[NB-1]. ----------------------------------------*/ --n; en -= 2.; b[n] = en * aa / *x - bb; if (n == 1) goto L240; m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */ if (m != 0) { em -= 1.; alp2em = em + em + nu; alpem = em - 1. + nu; if (alpem == 0.) alpem = 1.; sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em; } } } /* if (n - 2 != 0) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------- Calculate via difference equation and store b[N], until N = 2. -------------------------------------------------------- */ for (n = n-1; n >= 2; n--) { en -= 2.; b[n] = en * b[n + 1] / *x - b[n + 2]; m = m ? 0 : 2; /* m = 2 - m failed on gcc4-20041019 */ if (m != 0) { em -= 1.; alp2em = em + em + nu; alpem = em - 1. + nu; if (alpem == 0.) alpem = 1.; sum = (sum + b[n] * alp2em) * alpem / em; } } /* --------------------------------------- Calculate b[1]. -----------------------------------------*/ b[1] = 2. * (nu + 1.) * b[2] / *x - b[3]; L240: em -= 1.; alp2em = em + em + nu; if (alp2em == 0.) alp2em = 1.; sum += b[1] * alp2em; L250: /* --------------------------------------------------- Normalize. Divide all b[N] by sum. ---------------------------------------------------*/ /* if (nu + 1. != 1.) poor test */ if(fabs(nu) > 1e-15) sum *= (Rf_gamma_cody(nu) * pow(.5* *x, -nu)); aa = enmten_BESS; if (sum > 1.) aa *= sum; for (n = 1; n <= *nb; ++n) { if (fabs(b[n]) < aa) b[n] = 0.; else b[n] /= sum; } } } else { /* Error return -- X, NB, or ALPHA is out of range : */ b[1] = 0.; *ncalc = min0(*nb,0) - 1; } }