/* * Mathlib : A C Library of Special Functions * Copyright (C) 1998 Ross Ihaka * Copyright (C) 2000--2008 The R Core Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, a copy is available at * http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ * * SYNOPSIS * * #include * double rgamma(double a, double scale); * * DESCRIPTION * * Random variates from the gamma distribution. * * REFERENCES * * [1] Shape parameter a >= 1. Algorithm GD in: * * Ahrens, J.H. and Dieter, U. (1982). * Generating gamma variates by a modified * rejection technique. * Comm. ACM, 25, 47-54. * * * [2] Shape parameter 0 < a < 1. Algorithm GS in: * * Ahrens, J.H. and Dieter, U. (1974). * Computer methods for sampling from gamma, beta, * poisson and binomial distributions. * Computing, 12, 223-246. * * Input: a = parameter (mean) of the standard gamma distribution. * Output: a variate from the gamma(a)-distribution */ #include "nmath.h" #define repeat for(;;) double rgamma(double a, double scale) { /* Constants : */ const static double sqrt32 = 5.656854; const static double exp_m1 = 0.36787944117144232159;/* exp(-1) = 1/e */ /* Coefficients q[k] - for q0 = sum(q[k]*a^(-k)) * Coefficients a[k] - for q = q0+(t*t/2)*sum(a[k]*v^k) * Coefficients e[k] - for exp(q)-1 = sum(e[k]*q^k) */ const static double q1 = 0.04166669; const static double q2 = 0.02083148; const static double q3 = 0.00801191; const static double q4 = 0.00144121; const static double q5 = -7.388e-5; const static double q6 = 2.4511e-4; const static double q7 = 2.424e-4; const static double a1 = 0.3333333; const static double a2 = -0.250003; const static double a3 = 0.2000062; const static double a4 = -0.1662921; const static double a5 = 0.1423657; const static double a6 = -0.1367177; const static double a7 = 0.1233795; /* State variables [FIXME for threading!] :*/ static double aa = 0.; static double aaa = 0.; static double s, s2, d; /* no. 1 (step 1) */ static double q0, b, si, c;/* no. 2 (step 4) */ double e, p, q, r, t, u, v, w, x, ret_val; if (!R_FINITE(a) || !R_FINITE(scale) || a < 0.0 || scale <= 0.0) { if(scale == 0.) return 0.; ML_ERR_return_NAN; } if (a < 1.) { /* GS algorithm for parameters a < 1 */ if(a == 0) return 0.; e = 1.0 + exp_m1 * a; repeat { p = e * unif_rand(); if (p >= 1.0) { x = -log((e - p) / a); if (exp_rand() >= (1.0 - a) * log(x)) break; } else { x = exp(log(p) / a); if (exp_rand() >= x) break; } } return scale * x; } /* --- a >= 1 : GD algorithm --- */ /* Step 1: Recalculations of s2, s, d if a has changed */ if (a != aa) { aa = a; s2 = a - 0.5; s = sqrt(s2); d = sqrt32 - s * 12.0; } /* Step 2: t = standard normal deviate, x = (s,1/2) -normal deviate. */ /* immediate acceptance (i) */ t = norm_rand(); x = s + 0.5 * t; ret_val = x * x; if (t >= 0.0) return scale * ret_val; /* Step 3: u = 0,1 - uniform sample. squeeze acceptance (s) */ u = unif_rand(); if (d * u <= t * t * t) return scale * ret_val; /* Step 4: recalculations of q0, b, si, c if necessary */ if (a != aaa) { aaa = a; r = 1.0 / a; q0 = ((((((q7 * r + q6) * r + q5) * r + q4) * r + q3) * r + q2) * r + q1) * r; /* Approximation depending on size of parameter a */ /* The constants in the expressions for b, si and c */ /* were established by numerical experiments */ if (a <= 3.686) { b = 0.463 + s + 0.178 * s2; si = 1.235; c = 0.195 / s - 0.079 + 0.16 * s; } else if (a <= 13.022) { b = 1.654 + 0.0076 * s2; si = 1.68 / s + 0.275; c = 0.062 / s + 0.024; } else { b = 1.77; si = 0.75; c = 0.1515 / s; } } /* Step 5: no quotient test if x not positive */ if (x > 0.0) { /* Step 6: calculation of v and quotient q */ v = t / (s + s); if (fabs(v) <= 0.25) q = q0 + 0.5 * t * t * ((((((a7 * v + a6) * v + a5) * v + a4) * v + a3) * v + a2) * v + a1) * v; else q = q0 - s * t + 0.25 * t * t + (s2 + s2) * log(1.0 + v); /* Step 7: quotient acceptance (q) */ if (log(1.0 - u) <= q) return scale * ret_val; } repeat { /* Step 8: e = standard exponential deviate * u = 0,1 -uniform deviate * t = (b,si)-double exponential (laplace) sample */ e = exp_rand(); u = unif_rand(); u = u + u - 1.0; if (u < 0.0) t = b - si * e; else t = b + si * e; /* Step 9: rejection if t < tau(1) = -0.71874483771719 */ if (t >= -0.71874483771719) { /* Step 10: calculation of v and quotient q */ v = t / (s + s); if (fabs(v) <= 0.25) q = q0 + 0.5 * t * t * ((((((a7 * v + a6) * v + a5) * v + a4) * v + a3) * v + a2) * v + a1) * v; else q = q0 - s * t + 0.25 * t * t + (s2 + s2) * log(1.0 + v); /* Step 11: hat acceptance (h) */ /* (if q not positive go to step 8) */ if (q > 0.0) { w = expm1(q); /* ^^^^^ original code had approximation with rel.err < 2e-7 */ /* if t is rejected sample again at step 8 */ if (c * fabs(u) <= w * exp(e - 0.5 * t * t)) break; } } } /* repeat .. until `t' is accepted */ x = s + 0.5 * t; return scale * x * x; }