/***************************************************************************** intersectBed.h (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licenced under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef INTERSECTBED_H #define INTERSECTBED_H #include "bedFile.h" #include "chromsweep.h" #include "api/BamReader.h" #include "api/BamWriter.h" #include "api/BamAux.h" #include "BlockedIntervals.h" #include "BamAncillary.h" using namespace BamTools; #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class BedIntersect { public: // constructor BedIntersect(string bedAFile, string bedBFile, bool anyHit, bool writeA, bool writeB, bool writeOverlap, bool writeAllOverlap, float overlapFraction, bool noHit, bool leftJoin, bool writeCount, bool sameStrand, bool diffStrand, bool reciprocal, bool obeySplits, bool bamInput, bool bamOutput, bool isUncompressedBam, bool sortedInput, bool printHeader); // destructor ~BedIntersect(void); private: //------------------------------------------------ // private attributes //------------------------------------------------ string _bedAFile; string _bedBFile; bool _writeA; // should the original A feature be reported? bool _writeB; // should the original B feature be reported? bool _writeOverlap; bool _writeAllOverlap; bool _sameStrand; bool _diffStrand; bool _reciprocal; float _overlapFraction; bool _anyHit; bool _noHit; bool _leftJoin; bool _writeCount; // do we want a count of the number of overlaps in B? bool _obeySplits; bool _bamInput; bool _bamOutput; bool _isUncompressedBam; bool _sortedInput; bool _printable; bool _printHeader; // instance of a bed file class. BedFile *_bedA, *_bedB; //------------------------------------------------ // private methods //------------------------------------------------ void IntersectBed(istream &bedInput); void IntersectBed(); void IntersectBam(string bamFile); bool processHits(const BED &a, const vector &hits); bool FindOverlaps(const BED &a, vector &hits); bool FindBlockedOverlaps(const BED &a, const vector &a_blocks, const vector &hits, bool a_is_bam); void ReportOverlapDetail(int overlapBases, const BED &a, const BED &b, CHRPOS s, CHRPOS e); void ReportOverlapSummary(const BED &a, const int &numOverlapsFound); }; #endif /* INTERSECTBED_H */