/***************************************************************************** multiIntersectBed.h (c) 2010 - Aaron Quinlan, UVA - Assaf Gordon, CSHL Quinlan Laboratory Department of Public Health Sciences Center for Public Health Genomics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licenced under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef MULTIINTERSECTBED_H #define MULTIINTERSECTBED_H #include #include #include "bedFile.h" #include "genomeFile.h" #include "Point.h" class MultiIntersectBed { private: vector filenames; vector titles; vector input_files; vector current_depth; vector current_item; std::ostream &output; POINT_PQUEUE queue; std::string current_chrom; map files_with_coverage; int current_non_zero_inputs; bool print_empty_regions; bool haveTitles; GenomeFile* genome_sizes; std::string no_coverage_value; public: MultiIntersectBed(std::ostream& _output, const vector& _filenames, const vector& _titles, bool _print_empty_regions, const std::string& _genomeFileName, const std::string& _no_coverage_value); virtual ~MultiIntersectBed(); // Combines all interval files void MultiIntersect(); // void Cluster(); // Print the header line: chrom/start/end + name of each bedgraph file. void PrintHeader(); private: // Open all input files, initialize "current_XXX" vectors void OpenFiles(); // Close the input files. void CloseFiles(); /* Add an interval from BedGraph file 'index' into the queue. will only be added if it belongs to the current chromosome. If the interval was added (=consumed), the next interval will be read from the file using 'LoadNextItem' */ void AddInterval(int index); /* Loads the next interval from Bed file 'index'. Stores it in 'current_bed_item' vector. */ void LoadNextItem(int index); /* Scans the 'current_bedgraph_item' vector, find the 'first' chromosome to use (different BedGraph files can start with different chromosomes). */ std::string DetermineNextChrom(); /* Returns 'true' if ALL intervals from ALL BedGraph files were used */ bool AllFilesDone(); /* prints chrom/start/end and the current depth coverage values of all the files. */ void PrintCoverage(CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end); /* prints chrom/start/end and the ZERO depth coverage values of all the files. */ void PrintEmptyCoverage(CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end); void DebugPrintQueue(); }; #endif