/***************************************************************************** tagBam.cpp (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licenced under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include "lineFileUtilities.h" #include "tagBam.h" // build TagBam::TagBam(const string &bamFile, const vector &annoFileNames, const vector &annoLables, const string &tag, bool useNames, bool useScores, bool useIntervals, bool sameStrand, bool diffStrand, float overlapFraction): _bamFile(bamFile), _annoFileNames(annoFileNames), _annoLabels(annoLables), _tag(tag), _useNames(useNames), _useScores(useScores), _useIntervals(useIntervals), _sameStrand(sameStrand), _diffStrand(diffStrand), _overlapFraction(overlapFraction) {} // destroy and delete the open file pointers TagBam::~TagBam(void) { delete _bed; CloseAnnoFiles(); } void TagBam::OpenAnnoFiles() { for (size_t i=0; i < _annoFileNames.size(); ++i) { BedFile *file = new BedFile(_annoFileNames[i]); file->loadBedFileIntoMap(); _annoFiles.push_back(file); } } void TagBam::CloseAnnoFiles() { for (size_t i=0; i < _annoFiles.size(); ++i) { BedFile *file = _annoFiles[i]; delete file; _annoFiles[i] = NULL; } } void TagBam::Tag() { // open the annotations files for processing; OpenAnnoFiles(); // open the BAM file BamReader reader; BamWriter writer; if (!reader.Open(_bamFile)) { cerr << "Failed to open BAM file " << _bamFile << endl; exit(1); } // get header & reference information string bamHeader = reader.GetHeaderText(); RefVector refs = reader.GetReferenceData(); // set compression mode BamWriter::CompressionMode compressionMode = BamWriter::Compressed; // if ( _isUncompressedBam ) compressionMode = BamWriter::Uncompressed; writer.SetCompressionMode(compressionMode); // open our BAM writer writer.Open("stdout", bamHeader, refs); // rip through the BAM file and test for overlaps with each annotation file. BamAlignment al; vector hits; while (reader.GetNextAlignment(al)) { if (al.IsMapped() == true) { BED a; a.chrom = refs.at(al.RefID).RefName; a.start = al.Position; a.end = al.GetEndPosition(false, false); a.strand = "+"; if (al.IsReverseStrand()) a.strand = "-"; ostringstream annotations; // annotate the BAM file based on overlaps with the annotation files. for (size_t i = 0; i < _annoFiles.size(); ++i) { // grab the current annotation file. BedFile *anno = _annoFiles[i]; if (!_useNames && !_useScores && !_useIntervals) { // add the label for this annotation file to tag if there is overlap if (anno->anyHits(a.chrom, a.start, a.end, a.strand, _sameStrand, _diffStrand, _overlapFraction, false)) { annotations << _annoLabels[i] << ";"; } } // use the score field else if (!_useNames && _useScores && !_useIntervals) { anno->allHits(a.chrom, a.start, a.end, a.strand, hits, _sameStrand, _diffStrand, 0.0, false); for (size_t i = 0; i < hits.size(); ++i) { annotations << hits[i].score; if (i < hits.size() - 1) annotations << ","; } if (hits.size() > 0) annotations << ";"; hits.clear(); } // use the name field from the annotation files to populate tag else if (_useNames && !_useScores && !_useIntervals) { anno->allHits(a.chrom, a.start, a.end, a.strand, hits, _sameStrand, _diffStrand, 0.0, false); for (size_t j = 0; j < hits.size(); ++i) { annotations << hits[j].name; if (j < hits.size() - 1) annotations << ","; } if (hits.size() > 0) annotations << ";"; hits.clear(); } // use the full interval information annotation files to populate tag else if (!_useNames && !_useScores && _useIntervals) { anno->allHits(a.chrom, a.start, a.end, a.strand, hits, _sameStrand, _diffStrand, 0.0, false); for (size_t j = 0; j < hits.size(); ++j) { annotations << _annoLabels[i] << ":" << hits[j].chrom << ":" << hits[j].start << "-" << hits[j].end << "," << hits[j].name << "," << hits[j].score << "," << hits[j].strand; if (j < hits.size() - 1) annotations << ","; } if (hits.size() > 0) annotations << ";"; hits.clear(); } } // were there any overlaps with which to make a tag? if (annotations.str().size() > 0) { al.AddTag(_tag, "Z", annotations.str().substr(0, annotations.str().size() - 1)); // get rid of the last ";" } } writer.SaveAlignment(al); } reader.Close(); writer.Close(); // close the annotations files; CloseAnnoFiles(); }