/***************************************************************************** BlockedIntervals.h (c) 2009 - Aaron Quinlan Hall Laboratory Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics University of Virginia aaronquinlan@gmail.com Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0 license. ******************************************************************************/ #include "BlockedIntervals.h" void GetBamBlocks(const BamAlignment &bam, const string &chrom, bedVector &bedBlocks, bool breakOnDeletionOps, bool breakOnSkipOps) { vector starts; vector lengths; starts.push_back(0); string strand; bam.IsReverseStrand() ? strand = "-" : strand = "+"; CHRPOS currPosition = bam.Position; int blockLength = 0; // Rip through the CIGAR ops and figure out if there is more // than one block for this alignment vector::const_iterator cigItr = bam.CigarData.begin(); vector::const_iterator cigEnd = bam.CigarData.end(); for (; cigItr != cigEnd; ++cigItr) { switch (cigItr->Type) { case ('M') : blockLength += cigItr->Length; case ('I') : break; case ('S') : break; case ('D') : if (!breakOnDeletionOps) blockLength += cigItr->Length; else { bedBlocks.push_back( BED(chrom, currPosition, currPosition + blockLength, bam.Name, ToString(bam.MapQuality), strand) ); currPosition += cigItr->Length + blockLength; blockLength = 0; } case ('P') : break; case ('N') : if (!breakOnSkipOps) blockLength += cigItr->Length; else { bedBlocks.push_back( BED(chrom, currPosition, currPosition + blockLength, bam.Name, ToString(bam.MapQuality), strand) ); currPosition += cigItr->Length + blockLength; blockLength = 0; } case ('H') : break; // for 'H' - do nothing, move to next op default : printf("ERROR: Invalid Cigar op type\n"); // shouldn't get here exit(1); } } bedBlocks.push_back( BED(chrom, currPosition, currPosition + blockLength, bam.Name, ToString(bam.MapQuality), strand) ); } void GetBedBlocks(const BED &bed, bedVector &bedBlocks) { // nothing to do if it is not a BED12 intervals if (bed.fields.size() != 12) { bedBlocks.push_back(bed); return; } int blockCount = atoi(bed.fields[9].c_str()); if ( blockCount <= 0 ) { cerr << "Input error: found interval having <= 0 blocks." << endl; exit(1); } else if ( blockCount == 1 ) { //take a short-cut for single blocks bedBlocks.push_back(bed); } else { // get the comma-delimited strings for the BED12 block starts and block ends. string blockSizes(bed.fields[10]); string blockStarts(bed.fields[11]); vector sizes; vector starts; Tokenize(blockSizes, sizes, ','); Tokenize(blockStarts, starts, ','); if ( sizes.size() != (size_t) blockCount || starts.size() != (size_t) blockCount ) { cerr << "Input error: found interval with block-counts not matching starts/sizes on line." << endl; exit(1); } // add each BED block to the bedBlocks vector for (UINT i = 0; i < (UINT) blockCount; ++i) { CHRPOS blockStart = bed.start + starts[i]; CHRPOS blockEnd = bed.start + starts[i] + sizes[i]; BED currBedBlock(bed.chrom, blockStart, blockEnd, bed.name, bed.score, bed.strand, bed.fields, bed.other_idxs); bedBlocks.push_back(currBedBlock); } } } int GetTotalBlockLength(const bedVector &bedBlocks) { int total_size = 0; bedVector::const_iterator blockItr = bedBlocks.begin(); bedVector::const_iterator blockEnd = bedBlocks.end(); for (; blockItr != blockEnd; ++blockItr) { total_size += blockItr->end - blockItr->start; } return total_size; }